------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT ncurses Binding Samples -- -- -- -- ncurses -- -- -- -- B O D Y -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright 2020 Thomas E. Dickey -- -- Copyright 2000-2006,2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a -- -- copy of this software and associated documentation files (the -- -- "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including -- -- without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, -- -- distribute, distribute with modifications, sublicense, and/or sell -- -- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -- -- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: -- -- -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included -- -- in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS -- -- OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF -- -- MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. -- -- IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, -- -- DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR -- -- OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR -- -- THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -- -- -- -- Except as contained in this notice, the name(s) of the above copyright -- -- holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the -- -- sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written -- -- authorization. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Author: Eugene V. Melaragno 2000 -- Version Control -- $Revision: 1.7 $ -- $Date: 2020/02/02 23:34:34 $ -- Binding Version 01.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with ncurses2.util; use ncurses2.util; with ncurses2.genericPuts; with Terminal_Interface.Curses; use Terminal_Interface.Curses; procedure ncurses2.color_edit is use Int_IO; type RGB_Enum is (Redx, Greenx, Bluex); procedure change_color (current : Color_Number; field : RGB_Enum; value : RGB_Value; usebase : Boolean); procedure change_color (current : Color_Number; field : RGB_Enum; value : RGB_Value; usebase : Boolean) is red, green, blue : RGB_Value; begin if usebase then Color_Content (current, red, green, blue); else red := 0; green := 0; blue := 0; end if; case field is when Redx => red := red + value; when Greenx => green := green + value; when Bluex => blue := blue + value; end case; declare begin Init_Color (current, red, green, blue); exception when Curses_Exception => Beep; end; end change_color; package x is new ncurses2.genericPuts (100); use x; tmpb : x.BS.Bounded_String; tmp4 : String (1 .. 4); tmp6 : String (1 .. 6); tmp8 : String (1 .. 8); -- This would be easier if Ada had a Bounded_String -- defined as a class instead of the inferior generic package, -- then I could define Put, Add, and Get for them. Blech. value : RGB_Value := 0; red, green, blue : RGB_Value; max_colors : constant Natural := Number_Of_Colors; current : Color_Number := 0; field : RGB_Enum := Redx; this_c : Key_Code := 0; begin Refresh; for i in Color_Number'(0) .. Color_Number (Number_Of_Colors) loop Init_Pair (Color_Pair (i), White, i); end loop; Move_Cursor (Line => Lines - 2, Column => 0); Add (Str => "Number: "); myPut (tmpb, Integer (value)); myAdd (Str => tmpb); loop Switch_Character_Attribute (On => False, Attr => (Bold_Character => True, others => False)); Add (Line => 0, Column => 20, Str => "Color RGB Value Editing"); Switch_Character_Attribute (On => False, Attr => (Bold_Character => True, others => False)); for i in Color_Number'(0) .. Color_Number (Number_Of_Colors) loop Move_Cursor (Line => 2 + Line_Position (i), Column => 0); if current = i then Add (Ch => '>'); else Add (Ch => ' '); end if; -- TODO if i <= color_names'Max then Put (tmp8, Integer (i)); Set_Character_Attributes (Color => Color_Pair (i)); Add (Str => " "); Set_Character_Attributes; Refresh; Color_Content (i, red, green, blue); Add (Str => " R = "); if current = i and field = Redx then Switch_Character_Attribute (On => True, Attr => (Stand_Out => True, others => False)); end if; Put (tmp4, Integer (red)); Add (Str => tmp4); if current = i and field = Redx then Set_Character_Attributes; end if; Add (Str => " G = "); if current = i and field = Greenx then Switch_Character_Attribute (On => True, Attr => (Stand_Out => True, others => False)); end if; Put (tmp4, Integer (green)); Add (Str => tmp4); if current = i and field = Greenx then Set_Character_Attributes; end if; Add (Str => " B = "); if current = i and field = Bluex then Switch_Character_Attribute (On => True, Attr => (Stand_Out => True, others => False)); end if; Put (tmp4, Integer (blue)); Add (Str => tmp4); if current = i and field = Bluex then Set_Character_Attributes; end if; Set_Character_Attributes; Add (Ch => ')'); end loop; Add (Line => Line_Position (Number_Of_Colors + 3), Column => 0, Str => "Use up/down to select a color, left/right to change " & "fields."); Add (Line => Line_Position (Number_Of_Colors + 4), Column => 0, Str => "Modify field by typing nnn=, nnn-, or nnn+. ? for help."); Move_Cursor (Line => 2 + Line_Position (current), Column => 0); this_c := Getchar; if Is_Digit (this_c) then value := 0; end if; case this_c is when KEY_UP => current := (current - 1) mod Color_Number (max_colors); when KEY_DOWN => current := (current + 1) mod Color_Number (max_colors); when KEY_RIGHT => field := RGB_Enum'Val ((RGB_Enum'Pos (field) + 1) mod 3); when KEY_LEFT => field := RGB_Enum'Val ((RGB_Enum'Pos (field) - 1) mod 3); when Character'Pos ('0') | Character'Pos ('1') | Character'Pos ('2') | Character'Pos ('3') | Character'Pos ('4') | Character'Pos ('5') | Character'Pos ('6') | Character'Pos ('7') | Character'Pos ('8') | Character'Pos ('9') => value := value * 10 + RGB_Value (ctoi (Code_To_Char (this_c))); when Character'Pos ('+') => change_color (current, field, value, True); when Character'Pos ('-') => change_color (current, field, -value, True); when Character'Pos ('=') => change_color (current, field, value, False); when Character'Pos ('?') => Erase; P (" RGB Value Editing Help"); P (""); P ("You are in the RGB value editor. Use the arrow keys to " & "select one of"); P ("the fields in one of the RGB triples of the current colors;" & " the one"); P ("currently selected will be reverse-video highlighted."); P (""); P ("To change a field, enter the digits of the new value; they" & " are echoed"); P ("as entered. Finish by typing `='. The change will take" & " effect instantly."); P ("To increment or decrement a value, use the same procedure," & " but finish"); P ("with a `+' or `-'."); P (""); P ("To quit, do `x' or 'q'"); Pause; Erase; when Character'Pos ('q') | Character'Pos ('x') => null; when others => Beep; end case; Move_Cursor (Line => Lines - 2, Column => 0); Put (tmp6, Integer (value)); Add (Str => "Number: " & tmp6); Clear_To_End_Of_Line; exit when this_c = Character'Pos ('x') or this_c = Character'Pos ('q'); end loop; Erase; End_Windows; end ncurses2.color_edit;