// * this is for making emacs happy: -*-Mode: C++;-*- /* Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation written by Eric Newton (newton@rocky.oswego.edu) This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. modified by Ulrich Drepper (drepper@karlsruhe.gmd.de) and Anatoly Ivasyuk (anatoly@nick.csh.rit.edu) modified by Juergen Pfeifer (Juergen.Pfeifer@T-Online.de) */ #include "internal.h" MODULE_ID("$Id: cursesw.cc,v 1.5 1997/05/05 20:04:59 tom Exp $") #pragma implementation #include "cursesw.h" #define COLORS_NEED_INITIALIZATION -1 #define COLORS_NOT_INITIALIZED 0 #define COLORS_MONOCHROME 1 #define COLORS_ARE_REALLY_THERE 2 // declare static variables for the class int NCursesWindow::count = 0; int NCursesWindow::scanw(const char* fmt, ...) { #if defined(__GNUG__) va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); char buf[BUFSIZ]; int result = wgetstr(w, buf); if (result == OK) { strstreambuf ss(buf, BUFSIZ); result = ss.vscan(fmt, args); } va_end(args); return result; #else return ERR; #endif } int NCursesWindow::scanw(int y, int x, const char* fmt, ...) { #if defined(__GNUG__) va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); char buf[BUFSIZ]; int result = wmove(w, y, x); if (result == OK) { result = wgetstr(w, buf); if (result == OK) { strstreambuf ss(buf, BUFSIZ); result = ss.vscan(fmt, args); } } va_end(args); return result; #else return ERR; #endif } int NCursesWindow::printw(const char * fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); char buf[BUFSIZ]; vsprintf(buf, fmt, args); va_end(args); return waddstr(w, buf); } int NCursesWindow::printw(int y, int x, const char * fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); int result = wmove(w, y, x); if (result == OK) { char buf[BUFSIZ]; vsprintf(buf, fmt, args); result = waddstr(w, buf); } va_end(args); return result; } void NCursesWindow::init(void) { noecho(); cbreak(); leaveok(0); keypad(1); } void NCursesWindow::err_handler(const char *msg) const THROWS(NCursesException) { THROW(new NCursesException(msg)); } void NCursesWindow::initialize() { ::initscr(); if (colorInitialized==COLORS_NEED_INITIALIZATION) { colorInitialized=COLORS_NOT_INITIALIZED; count++; useColors(); count--; } } NCursesWindow::NCursesWindow(int lines, int cols, int begin_y, int begin_x) { if (count==0) initialize(); w = ::newwin(lines, cols, begin_y, begin_x); if (w == 0) { err_handler("Cannot construct window"); } init(); alloced = 1; subwins = par = sib = 0; count++; } NCursesWindow::NCursesWindow(WINDOW* &window) { if (count==0) initialize(); w = window; init(); alloced = 0; subwins = par = sib = 0; count++; } NCursesWindow::NCursesWindow(NCursesWindow& win, int l, int c, int by, int bx, char absrel) { if (absrel == 'r') { // relative origin by += win.begy(); bx += win.begx(); } // Even though we treat subwindows as a tree, the standard curses // library needs the `subwin' call to link to the root in // order to correctly perform refreshes, etc. NCursesWindow* root = &win; while (root->par != 0) root = root->par; w = subwin(root->w, l, c, by, bx); if (w == 0) { err_handler("Cannot construct subwindow"); } par = &win; sib = win.subwins; win.subwins = this; subwins = 0; alloced = 1; count++; } bool NCursesWindow::isDescendant(NCursesWindow& win) { for (NCursesWindow* p = subwins; p != NULL; p = p->sib) { if (p==&win) return TRUE; else { if (p->isDescendant(win)) return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } void NCursesWindow::kill_subwindows() { for (NCursesWindow* p = subwins; p != 0; p = p->sib) { p->kill_subwindows(); if (p->alloced) { if (p->w != 0) ::delwin(p->w); p->alloced = 0; } p->w = 0; // cause a run-time error if anyone attempts to use... } } NCursesWindow::~NCursesWindow() { kill_subwindows(); if (par != 0) { // Snip us from the parent's list of subwindows. NCursesWindow * win = par->subwins; NCursesWindow * trail = 0; for (;;) { if (win == 0) break; else if (win == this) { if (trail != 0) trail->sib = win->sib; else par->subwins = win->sib; break; } else { trail = win; win = win->sib; } } } if (alloced && w != 0) delwin(w); --count; if (count == 0) endwin(); else if (count < 0) { // cannot happen! err_handler("Too many windows destroyed"); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Color stuff // int NCursesWindow::colorInitialized = COLORS_NOT_INITIALIZED; void NCursesWindow::useColors(void) { if (colorInitialized == COLORS_NOT_INITIALIZED) { if (count>0) { if (has_colors()) { start_color(); colorInitialized = COLORS_ARE_REALLY_THERE; } else colorInitialized = COLORS_MONOCHROME; } else colorInitialized = COLORS_NEED_INITIALIZATION; } } short NCursesWindow::getcolor(int getback) const { short fore, back; if (colorInitialized==COLORS_ARE_REALLY_THERE) { if (pair_content(PAIR_NUMBER(w->_attrs), &fore, &back)) err_handler("Can't get color pair"); } else { // Monochrome means white on black back = COLOR_BLACK; fore = COLOR_WHITE; } return getback ? back : fore; } int NCursesWindow::NumberOfColors() { if (colorInitialized==COLORS_ARE_REALLY_THERE) return COLORS; else return 1; // monochrome (actually there are two ;-) } short NCursesWindow::getcolor() const { if (colorInitialized==COLORS_ARE_REALLY_THERE) return PAIR_NUMBER(w->_attrs); else return 0; // we only have pair zero } int NCursesWindow::setpalette(short fore, short back, short pair) { if (colorInitialized==COLORS_ARE_REALLY_THERE) return init_pair(pair, fore, back); else return OK; } int NCursesWindow::setpalette(short fore, short back) { if (colorInitialized==COLORS_ARE_REALLY_THERE) return setpalette(fore, back, PAIR_NUMBER(w->_attrs)); else return OK; } int NCursesWindow::setcolor(short pair) { if (colorInitialized==COLORS_ARE_REALLY_THERE) { if ((pair < 1) || (pair > COLOR_PAIRS)) err_handler("Can't set color pair"); attroff(A_COLOR); attrset(COLOR_PAIR(pair)); } return OK; }