]> ncurses.scripts.mit.edu Git - ncurses.git/blob - man/man_db.renames.in
ncurses 6.5 - patch 20240622
[ncurses.git] / man / man_db.renames.in
1 ##############################################################################
2 # Copyright 2019-2023,2024 Thomas E. Dickey                                  #
3 # Copyright 1998-2015,2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.                    #
4 #                                                                            #
5 # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a    #
6 # copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), #
7 # to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation  #
8 # the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, distribute    #
9 # with modifications, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to #
10 # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the  #
11 # following conditions:                                                      #
12 #                                                                            #
13 # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in #
14 # all copies or substantial portions of the Software.                        #
15 #                                                                            #
22 # DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.                                                  #
23 #                                                                            #
24 # Except as contained in this notice, the name(s) of the above copyright     #
25 # holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, #
26 # use or other dealings in this Software without prior written               #
27 # authorization.                                                             #
28 ##############################################################################
29 # $Id: man_db.renames.in,v 1.77 2024/06/22 22:20:56 tom Exp $
30 # Manual-page renamings for the man_db program
31 #
32 # Files:
33 captoinfo.1m                    captoinfo.1
34 clear.1                         clear.1
35 curs_add_wch.3x                 add_wch.3ncurses
36 curs_add_wchstr.3x              add_wchstr.3ncurses
37 curs_addch.3x                   addch.3ncurses
38 curs_addchstr.3x                addchstr.3ncurses
39 curs_addstr.3x                  addstr.3ncurses
40 curs_addwstr.3x                 addwstr.3ncurses
41 curs_attr.3x                    attr.3ncurses
42 curs_beep.3x                    beep.3ncurses
43 curs_bkgd.3x                    bkgd.3ncurses
44 curs_bkgrnd.3x                  bkgrnd.3ncurses
45 curs_border.3x                  border.3ncurses
46 curs_border_set.3x              border_set.3ncurses
47 curs_clear.3x                   clear.3ncurses
48 curs_color.3x                   color.3ncurses
49 curs_delch.3x                   delch.3ncurses
50 curs_deleteln.3x                deleteln.3ncurses
51 curs_extend.3x                  extensions.3ncurses
52 curs_get_wch.3x                 get_wch.3ncurses
53 curs_get_wstr.3x                get_wstr.3ncurses
54 curs_getcchar.3x                getcchar.3ncurses
55 curs_getch.3x                   getch.3ncurses
56 curs_getstr.3x                  getstr.3ncurses
57 curs_getyx.3x                   getyx.3ncurses
58 curs_in_wch.3x                  in_wch.3ncurses
59 curs_in_wchstr.3x               in_wchstr.3ncurses
60 curs_inch.3x                    inch.3ncurses
61 curs_inchstr.3x                 inchstr.3ncurses
62 curs_initscr.3x                 initscr.3ncurses
63 curs_inopts.3x                  inopts.3ncurses
64 curs_ins_wch.3x                 ins_wch.3ncurses
65 curs_ins_wstr.3x                ins_wstr.3ncurses
66 curs_insch.3x                   insch.3ncurses
67 curs_insstr.3x                  insstr.3ncurses
68 curs_instr.3x                   instr.3ncurses
69 curs_inwstr.3x                  inwstr.3ncurses
70 curs_kernel.3x                  kernel.3ncurses
71 curs_legacy.3x                  legacy.3ncurses
72 curs_memleaks.3x                memleaks.3ncurses
73 curs_mouse.3x                   mouse.3ncurses
74 curs_move.3x                    move.3ncurses
75 curs_opaque.3x                  opaque.3ncurses
76 curs_outopts.3x                 outopts.3ncurses
77 curs_overlay.3x                 overlay.3ncurses
78 curs_pad.3x                     pad.3ncurses
79 curs_print.3x                   print.3ncurses
80 curs_printw.3x                  printw.3ncurses
81 curs_refresh.3x                 refresh.3ncurses
82 curs_scanw.3x                   scanw.3ncurses
83 curs_scr_dump.3x                scr_dump.3ncurses
84 curs_scroll.3x                  scroll.3ncurses
85 curs_slk.3x                     slk.3ncurses
86 curs_sp_funcs.3x                sp_funcs.3ncurses
87 curs_termattrs.3x               termattrs.3ncurses
88 curs_termcap.3x                 termcap.3ncurses
89 curs_terminfo.3x                terminfo.3ncurses
90 curs_threads.3x                 threads.3ncurses
91 curs_touch.3x                   touch.3ncurses
92 curs_trace.3x                   trace.3ncurses
93 curs_util.3x                    util.3ncurses
94 curs_variables.3x               curses_variables.3ncurses
95 curs_window.3x                  window.3ncurses
96 curses.3x                       ncurses.3ncurses
97 default_colors.3x               default_colors.3ncurses
98 define_key.3x                   define_key.3ncurses
99 form.3x                         form.3form
100 form_cursor.3x                  cursor.3form
101 form_data.3x                    data.3form
102 form_driver.3x                  driver.3form
103 form_field.3x                   field.3form
104 form_field_attributes.3x        field_attributes.3form
105 form_field_buffer.3x            field_buffer.3form
106 form_field_info.3x              field_info.3form
107 form_field_just.3x              field_just.3form
108 form_field_new.3x               field_new.3form
109 form_field_opts.3x              field_opts.3form
110 form_field_userptr.3x           field_userptr.3form
111 form_field_validation.3x        field_validation.3form
112 form_fieldtype.3x               fieldtype.3form
113 form_hook.3x                    hook.3form
114 form_new.3x                     new.3form
115 form_new_page.3x                new_page.3form
116 form_opts.3x                    opts.3form
117 form_page.3x                    page.3form
118 form_post.3x                    post.3form
119 form_requestname.3x             requestname.3form
120 form_userptr.3x                 userptr.3form
121 form_variables.3x               form_variables.3form
122 form_win.3x                     win.3form
123 infocmp.1m                      infocmp.1
124 infotocap.1m                    infotocap.1
125 key_defined.3x                  key_defined.3ncurses
126 keybound.3x                     keybound.3ncurses
127 keyok.3x                        keyok.3ncurses
128 legacy_coding.3x                legacy_coding.3ncurses
129 menu.3x                         menu.3menu
130 menu_attributes.3x              attributes.3menu
131 menu_cursor.3x                  cursor.3menu
132 menu_driver.3x                  driver.3menu
133 menu_format.3x                  format.3menu
134 menu_hook.3x                    hook.3menu
135 menu_items.3x                   items.3menu
136 menu_mark.3x                    mark.3menu
137 menu_new.3x                     new.3menu
138 menu_opts.3x                    opts.3menu
139 menu_pattern.3x                 pattern.3menu
140 menu_post.3x                    post.3menu
141 menu_requestname.3x             requestname.3menu
142 menu_spacing.3x                 spacing.3menu
143 menu_userptr.3x                 userptr.3menu
144 menu_win.3x                     win.3menu
145 mitem_current.3x                menu_current.3menu
146 mitem_name.3x                   menu_name.3menu
147 mitem_new.3x                    menu_new.3menu
148 mitem_opts.3x                   menu_opts.3menu
149 mitem_userptr.3x                menu_userptr.3menu
150 mitem_value.3x                  menu_value.3menu
151 mitem_visible.3x                menu_visible.3menu
152 ncurses.3x                      ncurses.3ncurses
153 new_pair.3x                     new_pair.3ncurses
154 panel.3x                        panel.3ncurses
155 printf.3s                       printf.3
156 putc.3s                         putc.3
157 resizeterm.3x                   resizeterm.3ncurses
158 scanf.3s                        scanf.3
159 scr_dump.5                      scr_dump.5
160 system.3s                       system.3
161 tabs.1                          tabs.1
162 term.5                          term.5
163 term.7                          term.7
164 term_variables.3x               terminfo_variables.3ncurses
165 terminfo.5                      terminfo.5
166 tic.1m                          tic.1
167 toe.1m                          toe.1
168 tput.1                          tput.1
169 tset.1                          tset.1
170 user_caps.5                     user_caps.5
171 wresize.3x                      wresize.3ncurses
172 #
173 # Supplementary topics in the foregoing pages:
174 add_wch.3x                      add_wch.3ncurses
175 addch.3x                        addch.3ncurses
176 assume_default_colors.3x        assume_default_colors.3ncurses
177 attr_get.3x                     attr_get.3ncurses
178 attr_on.3x                      attr_on.3ncurses
179 attron.3x                       attron.3ncurses
180 baudrate.3x                     baudrate.3ncurses
181 beep.3x                         beep.3ncurses
182 bkgd.3x                         bkgd.3ncurses
183 bkgrnd.3x                       bkgrnd.3ncurses
184 cbreak.3x                       cbreak.3ncurses
185 clearok.3x                      clearok.3ncurses
186 clrtoeol.3x                     clrtoeol.3ncurses
187 curs_set.3x                     curs_set.3ncurses
188 curscr.3x                       curscr.3ncurses
189 curses_trace.3x                 curses_trace.3ncurses
190 def_prog_mode.3x                def_prog_mode.3ncurses
191 def_shell_mode.3x               def_shell_mode.3ncurses
192 del_curterm.3x                  del_curterm.3ncurses
193 delay_output.3x                 delay_output.3ncurses
194 delscreen.3x                    delscreen.3ncurses
195 derwin.3x                       derwin.3ncurses
196 doupdate.3x                     doupdate.3ncurses
197 echo.3x                         echo.3ncurses
198 endwin.3x                       endwin.3ncurses
199 erasechar.3x                    erasechar.3ncurses
200 erasewchar.3x                   erasewchar.3ncurses
201 extended_slk_color.3x           extended_slk_color.3ncurses
202 filter.3x                       filter.3ncurses
203 flushinp.3x                     flushinp.3ncurses
204 get_wch.3x                      get_wch.3ncurses
205 getattr.3x                      getattr.3ncurses
206 getcchar.3x                     getcchar.3ncurses
207 getch.3x                        getch.3ncurses
208 getwin.3x                       getwin.3ncurses
209 getyx.3x                        getyx.3ncurses
210 halfdelay.3x                    halfdelay.3ncurses
211 has_key.3x                      has_key.3ncurses
212 idcok.3x                        idcok.3ncurses
213 idlok.3x                        idlok.3ncurses
214 immedok.3x                      immedok.3ncurses
215 in_wch.3x                       in_wch.3ncurses
216 inch.3x                         inch.3ncurses
217 initscr.3x                      initscr.3ncurses
218 is_scrollok.3x                  is_scrollok.3ncurses
219 keyname.3x                      keyname.3ncurses
220 keypad.3x                       keypad.3ncurses
221 killchar.3x                     killchar.3ncurses
222 leaveok.3x                      leaveok.3ncurses
223 longname.3x                     longname.3ncurses
224 meta.3x                         meta.3ncurses
225 move.3x                         move.3ncurses
226 mvcur.3x                        mvcur.3ncurses
227 mvwin.3x                        mvwin.3ncurses
228 newpad.3x                       newpad.3ncurses
229 newterm.3x                      newterm.3ncurses
230 newwin.3x                       newwin.3ncurses
231 nl.3x                           nl.3ncurses
232 nocbreak.3x                     nocbreak.3ncurses
233 nodelay.3x                      nodelay.3ncurses
234 nonl.3x                         nonl.3ncurses
235 noraw.3x                        noraw.3ncurses
236 notimeout.3x                    notimeout.3ncurses
237 pnoutrefresh.3x                 pnoutrefresh.3ncurses
238 prefresh.3x                     prefresh.3ncurses
239 printw.3x                       printw.3ncurses
240 putp.3x                 putp.3ncurses
241 putwin.3x                       putwin.3ncurses
242 raw.3x                          raw.3ncurses
243 refresh.3x                      refresh.3ncurses
244 reset_shell_mode.3x             reset_shell_mode.3ncurses
245 restartterm.3x                  restartterm.3ncurses
246 ripoffline.3x                   ripoffline.3ncurses
247 scrollok.3x                     scrollok.3ncurses
248 set_curterm.3x                  set_curterm.3ncurses
249 set_term.3x                     set_term.3nses
250 setcchar.3x                     setcchar.3ncurses
251 setupterm.3x                    setupterm.3ncurses
252 slk_attr.3x                     slk_attr.3ncurses
253 slk_color.3x                    slk_color.3ncurses
254 slk_init.3x                     slk_init.3ncurses
255 slk_touch.3x                    slk_touch.3ncurses
256 start_color.3x                  start_color.3ncurses
257 subwin.3x                       subwin.3ncurses
258 syncok.3x                       syncok.3ncurses
259 terminfo.3x                     terminfo.3ncurses
260 tigetflag.3x                    tigetflag.3ncurses
261 tigetstr.3x                     tigetstr.3ncurses
262 touchline.3x                    touchline.3ncurses
263 touchwin.3x                     touchwin.3ncurses
264 tparm.3x                        tparm.3ncurses
265 tputs.3x                        tputs.3ncurses
266 trace.3x                        trace.3ncurses
267 unctrl.3x                       unctrl.3ncurses
268 use_default_colors.3x           use_default_colors.3ncurses
269 use_env.3x                      use_env.3ncurses
270 use_extended_names.3x           use_extended_names.3ncurses
271 use_legacy_coding.3x            use_legacy_coding.3ncurses
272 use_tioctl.3x                   use_tioctl.3ncurses
273 vidputs.3x                      vidputs.3ncurses
274 wadd_wch.3x                     wadd_wch.3ncurses
275 waddch.3x                       waddch.3ncurses
276 waddnstr.3x                     waddnstr.3ncurses
277 waddnwstr.3x                    waddnwstr.3ncurses
278 waddstr.3x                      waddstr.3ncurses
279 waddwstr.3x                     waddwstr.3ncurses
280 wattr_set.3x                    wattr_set.3ncurses
281 wattrset.3x                     wattrset.3ncurses
282 wbkgdset.3x                     wbkgdset.3ncurses
283 wbkgrndset.3x                   wbkgrndset.3ncurses
284 wdelch.3x                       wdelch.3ncurses
285 wecho_wchar.3x                  wecho_wchar.3ncurses
286 wechochar.3x                    wechochar.3ncurses
287 wget_wch.3x                     wget_wch.3ncurses
288 wget_wstr.3x                    wget_wstr.3ncurses
289 wgetch.3x                       wgetch.3ncurses
290 wgetstr.3x                      wgetstr.3ncurses
291 win_wch.3x                      win_wch.3ncurses
292 winch.3x                        winch.3ncurses
293 wins_wch.3x                     wins_wch.3ncurses
294 winsch.3x                       winsch.3ncurses
295 wmove.3x                        wmove.3ncurses
296 wnoutrefresh.3x                 wnoutrefresh.3ncurses
297 wrefresh.3x                     wrefresh.3ncurses
298 wsetscrreg.3x                   wsetscrreg.3ncurses
299 wtimeout.3x                     wtimeout.3ncurses
300 wunctrl.3x                      wunctrl.3ncurses
301 #
302 # Other:
303 getty.8                         getty.8
304 scanf.3                         scanf.3
305 ttys.5                          ttys.4
306 system.3                        system.3
307 regcomp.3x                      regcomp.3
308 regexec.3x                      regexec.3
309 vprintf.3                       vprintf.3
310 #
311 # The following are pages which may be generated depending on configuration:
312 adacurses@USE_CFG_SUFFIX@-config.1      adacurses@USE_CFG_SUFFIX@-config.1
313 ncurses@USE_CFG_SUFFIX@-config.1        ncurses@USE_CFG_SUFFIX@-config.1
314 #
315 # vile:cfgmode