curs_in_wchstr 3x 2024-05-25 ncurses 6.5 Library calls

curs_in_wchstr(3x)               Library calls              curs_in_wchstr(3x)


       in_wchstr,    in_wchnstr,    win_wchstr,    win_wchnstr,   mvin_wchstr,
       mvin_wchnstr,  mvwin_wchstr,  mvwin_wchnstr  -  get  a  curses  complex
       character string from a window


       #include <curses.h>

       int in_wchstr(cchar_t *wchstr);
       int win_wchstr(WINDOW *win, cchar_t *wchstr);
       int mvin_wchstr(int y, int x, cchar_t *wchstr);
       int mvwin_wchstr(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, cchar_t *wchstr);

       int in_wchnstr(cchar_t *wchstr, int n);
       int win_wchnstr(WINDOW *win, cchar_t *wchstr, int n);
       int mvin_wchnstr(int y, int x, cchar_t *wchstr, int n);
       int mvwin_wchnstr(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, cchar_t *wchstr, int n);


       These  functions  return  an  array  of  complex  characters in wchstr,
       starting  at  the  current  cursor  position  in  the   named   window.
       Attributes (rendition) are stored with the characters.

       The  four  functions  with  n  as  the  last  argument return a leading
       substring at most n characters long (exclusive of the  trailing  zeroed
       cchar_t.   Transfer  stops  at  the  end of the current line, or when n
       characters have been stored at the location referenced by wchstr.

       Constants defined in <curses.h> can be used with the  &  (logical  AND)
       operator  to  extract  the  character  or  the attribute alone from any
       position in the wchstr [see getcchar(3x)].


       Upon successful completion, these functions return OK.  Otherwise, they
       return ERR.

       X/Open Curses defines no error conditions.  This implementation returns

       o   if the win parameter is null or

       o   if the wchstr parameter is null.

       Functions prefixed with "mv" first perform cursor movement and fail  if
       the position (y, x) is outside the window boundaries.


       All routines except win_wchnstr may be macros.

       Reading  a  line  that  overflows  the  array pointed to by wchstr with
       in_wchstr, mvin_wchstr, mvwin_wchstr  or  win_wchstr  causes  undefined
       results.     Therefore,    the   use   of   in_wchnstr,   mvin_wchnstr,
       mvwin_wchnstr, or win_wchnstr is recommended.


       X/Open Curses defines no error conditions.  This implementation  checks
       for null pointers, returning ERR in that case.


       curs_inchstr(3x)  describes comparable functions of the ncurses library
       in its non-wide-character configuration.

       curses(3x), curs_inwstr(3x), curs_in_wch(3x)

ncurses 6.5                       2024-05-25                curs_in_wchstr(3x)