X-Git-Url: https://ncurses.scripts.mit.edu/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=inline;f=doc%2Fhtml%2Fman%2Finfocmp.1m.html;h=afc9f887422c1034e1ff21a9d3fdc0142bab2cdd;hb=1f474475aab29bc166012819129d46c70320efdc;hp=21bc5a4df85ab76e22c5dc819af1496e26093128;hpb=2560bc3dae7f4919060c02c91a593566c908091c;p=ncurses.git diff --git a/doc/html/man/infocmp.1m.html b/doc/html/man/infocmp.1m.html index 21bc5a4d..afc9f887 100644 --- a/doc/html/man/infocmp.1m.html +++ b/doc/html/man/infocmp.1m.html @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ - - + infocmp 1m - + @@ -58,9 +59,9 @@


-       infocmp  can be used to compare a binary terminfo entry with other ter-
-       minfo entries, rewrite a terminfo description to take advantage of  the
-       use=  terminfo  field,  or  print  out  a terminfo description from the
+       infocmp  can  be  used  to  compare  a binary terminfo entry with other
+       terminfo entries, rewrite a terminfo description to take  advantage  of
+       the  use=  terminfo field, or print out a terminfo description from the
        binary file (term) in a variety of formats.  In all cases, the  boolean
        fields  will be printed first, followed by the numeric fields, followed
        by the string fields.
@@ -76,8 +77,8 @@
        infocmp  compares  the  terminfo  description  of  the  first  terminal
        termname  with  each  of  the descriptions given by the entries for the
        other terminal's termnames.  If a capability is defined for only one of
-       the  terminals,  the value returned depends on the type of the capabil-
-       ity:
+       the   terminals,  the  value  returned  depends  on  the  type  of  the
+       capability:
        o   F for missing boolean variables
@@ -95,12 +96,12 @@
        -c   produces a list of each capability that is common between  two  or
             more entries.  Missing capabilities are ignored.  Each item in the
-            list shows "=" after the capability name, followed by the capabil-
-            ity value.
+            list  shows  "="  after  the  capability  name,  followed  by  the
+            capability value.
-            The  -u option provides a related output, showing the first termi-
-            nal description rewritten to use the second as  a  building  block
-            via the "use=" clause.
+            The  -u  option  provides  a  related  output,  showing  the first
+            terminal description rewritten to use the  second  as  a  building
+            block via the "use=" clause.
        -n   produces  a  list  of each capability that is in none of the given
             entries.  Each item in the list shows "!"  before  the  capability
@@ -115,8 +116,8 @@

Source Listing Options [-I] [-L] [-C] [-r]

-       The -I, -L, and -C options will produce a source listing for each  ter-
-       minal named.
+       The -I, -L, and -C options will  produce  a  source  listing  for  each
+       terminal named.
             -I   use the terminfo names
             -L   use the long C variable name listed in <term.h>
@@ -142,27 +143,27 @@
        excess whitespace (use the -0 option for that).
        All padding information for strings  will  be  collected  together  and
-       placed at the beginning of the string where termcap expects it.  Manda-
-       tory padding (padding information with  a  trailing  "/")  will  become
+       placed  at  the  beginning  of  the  string  where  termcap expects it.
+       Mandatory padding (padding information with a trailing "/") will become
        All  termcap  variables  no longer supported by terminfo, but which are
-       derivable from other terminfo variables, will be output.  Not all  ter-
-       minfo  capabilities will be translated; only those variables which were
-       part of termcap will normally be output.  Specifying the -r option will
-       take  off  this  restriction, allowing all capabilities to be output in
-       termcap form.  Normally you would use both the -C and -r options.   The
-       actual  format  used incorporates some improvements for escaped charac-
-       ters from terminfo format.  For a stricter BSD-compatible  translation,
-       use the -K option rather than -C.
-       Note that because padding is collected to the beginning of the capabil-
-       ity, not all capabilities are output.  Mandatory padding  is  not  sup-
-       ported.   Because termcap strings are not as flexible, it is not always
-       possible to convert a terminfo string  capability  into  an  equivalent
-       termcap  format.  A subsequent conversion of the termcap file back into
-       terminfo format will not necessarily reproduce  the  original  terminfo
-       source.
+       derivable from other terminfo  variables,  will  be  output.   Not  all
+       terminfo  capabilities  will  be translated; only those variables which
+       were part of termcap will normally be output.  Specifying the -r option
+       will  take off this restriction, allowing all capabilities to be output
+       in termcap form.  Normally you would use both the -C  and  -r  options.
+       The  actual  format  used  incorporates  some  improvements for escaped
+       characters  from  terminfo  format.   For  a  stricter   BSD-compatible
+       translation, use the -K option rather than -C.
+       Note  that  because  padding  is  collected  to  the  beginning  of the
+       capability, not all capabilities are output.  Mandatory padding is  not
+       supported.   Because  termcap  strings  are  not as flexible, it is not
+       always possible  to  convert  a  terminfo  string  capability  into  an
+       equivalent termcap format.  A subsequent conversion of the termcap file
+       back into terminfo format will not necessarily reproduce  the  original
+       terminfo source.
        Some  common  terminfo  parameter sequences, their termcap equivalents,
        and some terminal types which commonly have such sequences, are:
@@ -178,10 +179,10 @@

Use= Option [-u]

-       The -u option produces a terminfo source description of the first  ter-
-       minal  termname  which is relative to the sum of the descriptions given
-       by the entries for the other terminals termnames.  It does this by ana-
-       lyzing  the  differences  between  the  first  termname  and  the other
+       The -u option produces a  terminfo  source  description  of  the  first
+       terminal  termname  which  is  relative  to the sum of the descriptions
+       given by the entries for the other terminals termnames.  It  does  this
+       by  analyzing  the differences between the first termname and the other
        termnames and producing a description with use= fields  for  the  other
        terminals.  In this manner, it is possible to retrofit generic terminfo
        entries into a terminal's description.  Or, if  two  similar  terminals
@@ -189,48 +190,47 @@
        each description is a full description, using infocmp  will  show  what
        can be done to change one description to be relative to the other.
-       A  capability  will  get  printed  with  an at-sign (@) if it no longer
-       exists in the first termname, but one of  the  other  termname  entries
-       contains  a  value  for  it.   A capability's value gets printed if the
-       value in the first termname is not found in any of the  other  termname
-       entries,  or  if  the first of the other termname entries that has this
-       capability gives a different value for the capability than that in  the
-       first termname.
-       The order of the other termname entries is significant.  Since the ter-
-       minfo compiler tic does a left-to-right scan of the capabilities, spec-
-       ifying  two  use=  entries  that contain differing entries for the same
+       A capability will be printed with an at-sign (@) if it no longer exists
+       in the first termname, but one of the other termname entries contains a
+       value for it.  A capability's value will be printed if the value in the
+       first termname is not found in any of the other termname entries, or if
+       the  first of the other termname entries that has this capability gives
+       a different value for the capability than that in the first termname.
+       The order of the other termname  entries  is  significant.   Since  the
+       terminfo  compiler  tic  does a left-to-right scan of the capabilities,
+       specifying two use= entries that contain differing entries for the same
        capabilities will produce different results depending on the order that
-       the  entries  are given in.  infocmp will flag any such inconsistencies
+       the entries are given in.  infocmp will flag any  such  inconsistencies
        between the other termname entries as they are found.
        Alternatively, specifying a capability after a use= entry that contains
-       that  capability  will  cause  the  second specification to be ignored.
-       Using infocmp to recreate a description can be a useful check  to  make
-       sure  that  everything  was  specified correctly in the original source
+       that capability will cause the  second  specification  to  be  ignored.
+       Using  infocmp  to recreate a description can be a useful check to make
+       sure that everything was specified correctly  in  the  original  source
-       Another error that does not cause incorrect compiled  files,  but  will
-       slow  down  the  compilation time, is specifying extra use= fields that
+       Another  error  that  does not cause incorrect compiled files, but will
+       slow down the compilation time, is specifying extra  use=  fields  that
        are superfluous.  infocmp will flag any other termname use= fields that
        were not needed.
    Changing Databases [-A directory] [-B directory]
-       Like  other  ncurses utilities, infocmp looks for the terminal descrip-
-       tions in several places.  You can use the  TERMINFO  and  TERMINFO_DIRS
-       environment  variables  to  override  the  compiled-in  default list of
-       places to search (see curses(3x) for details).
+       Like  other  ncurses  utilities,  infocmp  looks   for   the   terminal
+       descriptions   in  several  places.   You  can  use  the  TERMINFO  and
+       TERMINFO_DIRS environment variables to override the compiled-in default
+       list of places to search (see curses(3x) for details).
-       You can also use the options -A and -B to override the list  of  places
+       You  can  also use the options -A and -B to override the list of places
        to search when comparing terminal descriptions:
        o   The -A option sets the location for the first termname
        o   The -B option sets the location for the other termnames.
-       Using  these options, it is possible to compare descriptions for a ter-
-       minal with the same name  located  in  two  different  databases.   For
-       instance,  you  can use this feature for comparing descriptions for the
+       Using these options, it is  possible  to  compare  descriptions  for  a
+       terminal  with  the  same name located in two different databases.  For
+       instance, you can use this feature for comparing descriptions  for  the
        same terminal created by different people.
@@ -238,27 +238,28 @@
        -0   causes the fields to be printed on one line, without wrapping.
        -1   causes the fields to be printed out one to a line.  Otherwise, the
-            fields  will be printed several to a line to a maximum width of 60
+            fields will be printed several to a line to a maximum width of  60
-       -a   tells infocmp to retain  commented-out  capabilities  rather  than
-            discarding  them.   Capabilities  are  commented by prefixing them
+       -a   tells  infocmp  to  retain  commented-out capabilities rather than
+            discarding them.  Capabilities are  commented  by  prefixing  them
             with a period.
        -D   tells infocmp to print the database locations that it knows about,
             and exit.
-       -E   Dump  the  capabilities of the given terminal as tables, needed in
-            the C initializer for a TERMTYPE structure (the terminal  capabil-
-            ity structure in the <term.h>).  This option is useful for prepar-
-            ing versions of the curses library hardwired for a given  terminal
-            type.  The tables are all declared static, and are named according
-            to the type and the name of the corresponding terminal entry.
+       -E   Dump the capabilities of the given terminal as tables,  needed  in
+            the   C   initializer  for  a  TERMTYPE  structure  (the  terminal
+            capability structure in the <term.h>).  This option is useful  for
+            preparing  versions  of  the  curses library hardwired for a given
+            terminal type.  The tables are all declared static, and are  named
+            according  to  the type and the name of the corresponding terminal
+            entry.
             Before ncurses 5.0, the split between the -e and  -E  options  was
             not  needed;  but  support  for extended names required making the
-            arrays of terminal capabilities separate from the TERMTYPE  struc-
-            ture.
+            arrays  of  terminal  capabilities  separate  from  the   TERMTYPE
+            structure.
        -e   Dump the capabilities of the given terminal as a C initializer for
             a TERMTYPE structure (the terminal  capability  structure  in  the
@@ -278,16 +279,16 @@
        -f   Display complex terminfo strings which contain  if/then/else/endif
             expressions indented for readability.
-       -G   Display  constant literals in decimal form rather than their char-
-            acter equivalents.
+       -G   Display  constant  literals  in  decimal  form  rather  than their
+            character equivalents.
        -g   Display constant character literals in  quoted  form  rather  than
             their decimal equivalents.
        -i   Analyze  the  initialization (is1, is2, is3), and reset (rs1, rs2,
-            rs3), strings in the entry, as  well  as  those  used  for  start-
-            ing/stopping  cursor-positioning  mode  (smcup,  rmcup) as well as
-            starting/stopping keymap mode (smkx, rmkx).
+            rs3),  strings  in  the  entry,  as  well  as   those   used   for
+            starting/stopping  cursor-positioning  mode (smcup, rmcup) as well
+            as starting/stopping keymap mode (smkx, rmkx).
             For each string, the code tries to  analyze  it  into  actions  in
             terms  of  the  other capabilities in the entry, certain X3.64/ISO
@@ -354,9 +355,9 @@
        -p   Ignore padding specifications when comparing strings.
-       -Q n Rather than show source in terminfo (text) format, print the  com-
-            piled  (binary) format in hexadecimal or base64 form, depending on
-            the option's value:
+       -Q n Rather than show source  in  terminfo  (text)  format,  print  the
+            compiled  (binary) format in hexadecimal or base64 form, depending
+            on the option's value:
                1  hexadecimal
@@ -364,35 +365,46 @@
                3  hexadecimal and base64
+            For example, this prints the compiled terminfo value as  a  string
+            which could be assigned to the TERMINFO environment variable:
+                infocmp -0 -q -Q2
        -q   This makes the output a little shorter:
-            o   Make the comparison listing shorter by  omitting  subheadings,
+            o   Make  the  comparison listing shorter by omitting subheadings,
                 and using "-" for absent capabilities, "@" for canceled rather
                 than "NULL".
-            o   However, show differences between absent and  cancelled  capa-
-                bilities.
+            o   However,   show   differences  between  absent  and  cancelled
+                capabilities.
             o   Omit the "Reconstructed from" comment for source listings.
-            Restrict  output  to  a given subset.  This option is for use with
-            archaic versions of terminfo like those on SVr1, Ultrix, or  HP/UX
-            that  do not support the full set of SVR4/XSI Curses terminfo; and
-            variants such as AIX that have their own  extensions  incompatible
+            Restrict output to a given subset.  This option is  for  use  with
+            archaic  versions of terminfo like those on SVr1, Ultrix, or HP-UX
+            that do not support the full set of SVR4/XSI Curses terminfo;  and
+            variants  such  as AIX that have their own extensions incompatible
             with SVr4/XSI.
-            Available  terminfo subsets are "SVr1", "Ultrix", "HP", and "AIX";
-            see terminfo(5) for details.  You can also choose the subset "BSD"
-            which  selects  only  capabilities with termcap equivalents recog-
-            nized by 4.4BSD.
+            o   Available terminfo subsets are  "SVr1",  "Ultrix",  "HP",  and
+                "AIX"; see terminfo(5) for details.
+            o   You  can  also  choose  the  subset  "BSD"  which selects only
+                capabilities with termcap equivalents  recognized  by  4.4BSD.
+                The -C option sets the "BSD" subset as a side-effect.
+            o   If  you  select  any  other value for -R, it is the same as no
+                subset, i.e.,  all  capabilities  are  used.   The  -I  option
+                likewise selects no subset as a side-effect.
        -s [d|i|l|c]
-            The -s option sorts the fields within each type according  to  the
+            The  -s  option sorts the fields within each type according to the
             argument below:
-            d    leave  fields  in  the order that they are stored in the ter-
-                 minfo database.
+            d    leave fields in  the  order  that  they  are  stored  in  the
+                 terminfo database.
             i    sort by terminfo name.
@@ -400,63 +412,95 @@
             c    sort by the termcap name.
-            If the -s option is not given, the  fields  printed  out  will  be
-            sorted  alphabetically  by  the  terminfo  name  within each type,
-            except in the case of the -C or the -L options,  which  cause  the
-            sorting  to  be  done  by  the termcap name or the long C variable
+            If  the  -s  option  is  not given, the fields printed out will be
+            sorted alphabetically by  the  terminfo  name  within  each  type,
+            except  in  the  case of the -C or the -L options, which cause the
+            sorting to be done by the termcap name  or  the  long  C  variable
             name, respectively.
-       -T   eliminates size-restrictions  on  the  generated  text.   This  is
+       -T   eliminates  size-restrictions  on  the  generated  text.   This is
             mainly  useful  for  testing  and  analysis,  since  the  compiled
-            descriptions are limited (e.g., 1023 for termcap,  4096  for  ter-
-            minfo).
+            descriptions  are  limited  (e.g.,  1023  for  termcap,  4096  for
+            terminfo).
-       -t   tells  tic  to  discard commented-out capabilities.  Normally when
-            translating from terminfo to termcap, untranslatable  capabilities
+       -t   tells tic to discard commented-out  capabilities.   Normally  when
+            translating  from terminfo to termcap, untranslatable capabilities
             are commented-out.
-       -U   tells  infocmp  to  not  post-process  the  data after parsing the
-            source file.  This feature helps when comparing  the  actual  con-
-            tents  of  two source files, since it excludes the inferences that
-            infocmp makes to fill in missing data.
+       -U   tells infocmp to not  post-process  the  data  after  parsing  the
+            source  file.   This  feature  helps  when  comparing  the  actual
+            contents of two source files, since  it  excludes  the  inferences
+            that infocmp makes to fill in missing data.
        -V   reports the version of ncurses which was used in this program, and
-       -v n prints  out  tracing  information on standard error as the program
+       -v n prints out tracing information on standard error  as  the  program
-            The optional parameter n is a number  from  1  to  10,  inclusive,
+            The  optional  parameter  n  is  a number from 1 to 10, inclusive,
             indicating the desired level of detail of information.  If ncurses
-            is built  without  tracing  support,  the  optional  parameter  is
+            is  built  without  tracing  support,  the  optional  parameter is
-       -W   By  itself,  the  -w  option  will  not  force  long strings to be
+       -W   By itself, the -w  option  will  not  force  long  strings  to  be
             wrapped.  Use the -W option to do this.
        -w width
             changes the output to width characters.
-       -x   print information for user-defined capabilities.  These are exten-
-            sions  to the terminfo repertoire which can be loaded using the -x
-            option of tic.
+       -x   print information for user-defined capabilities (see user_caps(5).
+            These are extensions to  the  terminfo  repertoire  which  can  be
+            loaded using the -x option of tic.


        /usr/share/terminfo Compiled terminal description database.


+       Although  System  V  Release  2  provided a terminfo library, it had no
+       documented tool for decompiling the terminal descriptions.  Tony Hansen
+       (AT&T) wrote the first infocmp in early 1984, for System V Release 3.
+       Eric  Raymond  used  the  AT&T  documentation  in  1995  to  provide an
+       equivalent infocmp for ncurses.   In  addition,  he  added  a  few  new
+       features such as:
+       o   the   -e   option,   to  support  fallback  (compiled-in)  terminal
+           descriptions
+       o   the -i option, to help with analysis
+       Later, Thomas Dickey added the -x (user-defined  capabilities)  option,
+       and  the  -E  option  to  support  fallback  entries  with user-defined
+       capabilities.
+       For a complete list, see the EXTENSIONS section.
+       In 2010, Roy Marples provided an infocmp program  for  NetBSD.   It  is
+       less  capable  than  the  SVr4  or ncurses versions (e.g., it lacks the
+       sorting options documented in X/Open), but does include the  -x  option
+       adapted from ncurses.


+       X/Open  Curses,  Issue  7 (2009) provides a description of infocmp.  It
+       does not mention the options used for converting to termcap format.


        The -0, -1, -E, -F, -G, -Q, -R, -T, -V, -a, -e, -f, -g, -i, -l, -p,  -q
        and -t options are not supported in SVr4 curses.
-       SVr4 infocmp does not distinguish between absent and cancelled capabil-
-       ities.  Also, it shows missing integer capabilities as -1 (the internal
-       value  used  to represent missing integers).  This implementation shows
-       those as "NULL", for consistency with missing strings.
+       SVr4   infocmp  does  not  distinguish  between  absent  and  cancelled
+       capabilities.  Also, it shows missing integer capabilities as  -1  (the
+       internal   value   used   to   represent   missing   integers).    This
+       implementation shows those as  "NULL",  for  consistency  with  missing
+       strings.
-       The -r option's notion of "termcap" capabilities is  System  V  Release
-       4's.   Actual  BSD curses versions will have a more restricted set.  To
+       The  -r  option's  notion of "termcap" capabilities is System V Release
+       4's.  Actual BSD curses versions will have a more restricted  set.   To
        see only the 4.4BSD set, use -r -RBSD.
@@ -465,12 +509,12 @@


-       captoinfo(1m),  infotocap(1m),  tic(1m),  toe(1m),   curses(3x),   ter-
-       minfo(5).
+       captoinfo(1m),    infotocap(1m),    tic(1m),    toe(1m),    curses(3x),
+       terminfo(5).  user_caps(5).
-       http://invisible-island.net/ncurses/tctest.html
+       https://invisible-island.net/ncurses/tctest.html
-       This describes ncurses version 6.0 (patch 20170603).
+       This describes ncurses version 6.2 (patch 20211016).


@@ -495,6 +539,8 @@
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