X-Git-Url: https://ncurses.scripts.mit.edu/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=doc%2Fhtml%2Fman%2Fcurs_color.3x.html;h=dadd9a1ad900f884c78ebdefa05d29a9554153df;hb=ed646e3f683083e787c6ba773364401dc9fa9d40;hp=8d0f00c6368ac4e1f5e80c8b0314d466bee0ddf1;hpb=db5f7f4f146a91ba8ec7f1df8e9d7f9d2d7c74fd;p=ncurses.git diff --git a/doc/html/man/curs_color.3x.html b/doc/html/man/curs_color.3x.html index 8d0f00c6..dadd9a1a 100644 --- a/doc/html/man/curs_color.3x.html +++ b/doc/html/man/curs_color.3x.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ @@ -40,65 +40,66 @@

curs_color 3x

-curs_color(3x)                                           curs_color(3x)
+curs_color(3x)                                                  curs_color(3x)


-       start_color, init_pair, init_color, has_colors,
-       can_change_color, color_content, pair_content, COLOR_PAIR
-       - curses color manipulation routines


+       start_color, has_colors, can_change_color, init_pair, init_color,
+       color_content, pair_content, COLOR_PAIR, PAIR_NUMBER - curses color
+       manipulation routines


-       # include <curses.h>


+       #include <curses.h>
        int start_color(void);
-       int init_pair(short pair, short f, short b);
-       int init_color(short color, short r, short g, short b);
        bool has_colors(void);
        bool can_change_color(void);
-       int  color_content(short  color, short *r, short *g, short
-       *b);
+       int init_pair(short pair, short f, short b);
+       int init_color(short color, short r, short g, short b);
+       /* extensions */
+       int init_extended_pair(int pair, int f, int b);
+       int init_extended_color(int color, int r, int g, int b);
+       int color_content(short color, short *r, short *g, short *b);
        int pair_content(short pair, short *f, short *b);
+       /* extensions */
+       int extended_color_content(int color, int *r, int *g, int *b);
+       int extended_pair_content(int pair, int *f, int *b);
+       int COLOR_PAIR(int n);
+       PAIR_NUMBER(attrs);




-       curses supports color attributes on  terminals  with  that
-       capability.   To  use  these  routines start_color must be
-       called, usually right after initscr.   Colors  are  always
-       used  in pairs (referred to as color-pairs).  A color-pair
-       consists of a foreground  color  (for  characters)  and  a
-       background color (for the blank field on which the charac-
-       ters are displayed).  A programmer  initializes  a  color-
-       pair  with  the routine init_pair.  After it has been ini-
-       tialized, COLOR_PAIR(n), a macro  defined  in  <curses.h>,
-       can be used as a new video attribute.
-       If  a  terminal  is capable of redefining colors, the pro-
-       grammer can use the routine init_color to change the defi-
-       nition   of   a   color.    The  routines  has_colors  and
-       can_change_color  return  TRUE  or  FALSE,  depending   on
-       whether  the  terminal  has color capabilities and whether
-       the programmer can change the colors.   The  routine  col-
-       or_content  allows  a programmer to extract the amounts of
-       red, green, and blue components in an  initialized  color.
-       The  routine  pair_content allows a programmer to find out
-       how a given color-pair is currently defined.




+       curses supports color attributes on terminals with that capability.  To
+       use these routines start_color must  be  called,  usually  right  after
+       initscr.  Colors are always used in pairs (referred to as color-pairs).
+       A color-pair consists of a foreground  color  (for  characters)  and  a
+       background  color (for the blank field on which the characters are dis-
+       played).  A  programmer  initializes  a  color-pair  with  the  routine
+       init_pair.  After it has been initialized, COLOR_PAIR(n) can be used to
+       convert the pair to a video attribute.

Color Rendering

-       The curses library combines these inputs  to  produce  the
-       actual  foreground  and  background  colors  shown  on the
-       screen:
+       If a terminal is capable of redefining colors, the programmer  can  use
+       the  routine  init_color to change the definition of a color.  The rou-
+       tines has_colors and can_change_color return TRUE or  FALSE,  depending
+       on whether the terminal has color capabilities and whether the program-
+       mer can change the colors.  The routine color_content allows a program-
+       mer  to  extract  the  amounts of red, green, and blue components in an
+       initialized color.  The routine pair_content  allows  a  programmer  to
+       find out how a given color-pair is currently defined.

Color Rendering

+       The  curses  library  combines these inputs to produce the actual fore-
+       ground and background colors shown on the screen:
        o   per-character video attributes (e.g., via waddch),
@@ -106,279 +107,305 @@
        o   the background character (e.g., wbkgdset).
-       Per-character and window attributes are usually set  by  a
-       parameter  containing  video  attributes  including a COL-
-       OR_PAIR value.  Some functions such  as  wattr_set  use  a
-       separate parameter which is the color pair number.
+       Per-character and window attributes are usually set by a parameter con-
+       taining  video attributes including a color pair value.  Some functions
+       such as wattr_set use a separate parameter which is the color pair num-
+       ber.
-       The  background character is a special case: it includes a
-       character value, just as if it were passed to waddch.
+       The  background  character  is  a special case: it includes a character
+       value, just as if it were passed to waddch.
-       The curses library does the actual work of combining these
-       color pairs in an internal function called from waddch:
+       The curses library does the actual work of combining these color  pairs
+       in an internal function called from waddch:
-       o   If the parameter passed to waddch is blank, and it us-
-           es the special color pair 0,
+       o   If the parameter passed to waddch is blank, and it uses the special
+           color pair 0,
            o   curses next checks the window attribute.
-           o   If the window attribute does not use color pair 0,
-               curses  uses  the  color  pair from the window at-
-               tribute.
+           o   If the window attribute does not use color pair 0, curses  uses
+               the color pair from the window attribute.
            o   Otherwise, curses uses the background character.
-       o   If the parameter passed to waddch is not blank, or  it
-           does  not use the special color pair 0, curses prefers
-           the color pair from the parameter, if it  is  nonzero.
-           Otherwise, it tries the window attribute next, and fi-
-           nally the background character.
+       o   If  the parameter passed to waddch is not blank, or it does not use
+           the special color pair 0, curses prefers the color  pair  from  the
+           parameter,  if  it  is nonzero.  Otherwise, it tries the window at-
+           tribute next, and finally the background character.
-       Some curses functions such as wprintw call waddch.   Those
-       do  not  combine  its parameter with a color pair.  Conse-
-       quently those calls use only the window attribute  or  the
-       background character.
+       Some curses functions such as wprintw call waddch.  Those do  not  com-
+       bine its parameter with a color pair.  Consequently those calls use on-
+       ly the window attribute or the background character.

Routine Descriptions

-       The start_color routine requires no arguments.  It must be
-       called if the programmer wants to use colors,  and  before
-       any  other  color  manipulation  routine is called.  It is
-       good practice to call this routine  right  after  initscr.
-       start_color does this:
-       o   It  initializes  two global variables, COLORS and COL-
-           OR_PAIRS (respectively defining the maximum number  of
-           colors and color-pairs the terminal can support).
-       o   It initializes the special color pair 0 to the default
-           foreground and  background  colors.   No  other  color
-           pairs are initialized.
-       o   It  restores  the colors on the terminal to the values
-           they had when the terminal was just turned on.
-       o   If the terminal supports the initc  (initialize_color)
-           capability, start_color initializes its internal table
-           representing the red, green and blue components of the
-           color palette.
-           The components depend on whether the terminal uses CGA
-           (aka "ANSI") or HLS (i.e., the hls (hue_lightness_sat-
-           uration) capability is set).  The table is initialized
-           first for eight basic colors (black, red, green,  yel-
-           low,  blue,  magenta, cyan, and white), and after that
-           (if the terminal supports more than eight colors)  the


+       In <curses.h> the following macros are defined.  These are the standard
+       colors (ISO-6429).  curses also assumes that COLOR_BLACK is the default
+       background color for all terminals.
+             COLOR_BLACK
+             COLOR_RED
+             COLOR_GREEN
+             COLOR_YELLOW
+             COLOR_BLUE
+             COLOR_MAGENTA
+             COLOR_CYAN
+             COLOR_WHITE
+       Some terminals support more than the eight (8)  "ANSI"  colors.   There
+       are no standard names for those additional colors.




+       is  initialized by start_color to the maximum number of colors the ter-
+       minal can support.


+       is initialized by start_color to the maximum number of color pairs  the
+       terminal can support.




+       The  start_color  routine  requires no arguments.  It must be called if
+       the programmer wants to use colors, and before any other color  manipu-
+       lation  routine  is  called.   It is good practice to call this routine
+       right after initscr.  start_color does this:
+       o   It initializes two global variables, COLORS  and  COLOR_PAIRS  (re-
+           spectively  defining  the  maximum number of colors and color-pairs
+           the terminal can support).
+       o   It initializes the special color pair 0 to the  default  foreground
+           and background colors.  No other color pairs are initialized.
+       o   It  restores the colors on the terminal to the values they had when
+           the terminal was just turned on.
+       o   If the terminal supports the initc  (initialize_color)  capability,
+           start_color  initializes  its  internal table representing the red,
+           green and blue components of the color palette.
+           The components depend on whether the terminal uses CGA (aka "ANSI")
+           or  HLS  (i.e.,  the  hls  (hue_lightness_saturation) capability is
+           set).  The table  is  initialized  first  for  eight  basic  colors
+           (black,  red,  green,  yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, and white), and
+           after that (if the terminal supports more than  eight  colors)  the
            components are initialized to 1000.
-           start_color  does  not  attempt  to set the terminal's
-           color palette to match its built-in table.  An  appli-
-           cation  may use init_color to alter the internal table
-           along with the terminal's color.
+           start_color does not attempt to set the terminal's color palette to
+           match its built-in table.  An application may use init_color to al-
+           ter the internal table along with the terminal's color.
-       These limits apply to color values and color pairs.   Val-
-       ues  outside these limits are not legal, and may result in
-       a runtime error:
+       These  limits  apply  to  color values and color pairs.  Values outside
+       these limits are not legal, and may result in a runtime error:
-       o   COLORS corresponds to the terminal database's max_col-
-           ors capability, which is typically a signed 16-bit in-
-           teger (see terminfo(5)).
+       o   COLORS corresponds to the terminal database's max_colors  capabili-
+           ty, (see terminfo(5)).
-       o   color values are expected to be in the range 0 to COL-
-           ORS-1, inclusive (including 0 and COLORS-1).
+       o   color  values are expected to be in the range 0 to COLORS-1, inclu-
+           sive (including 0 and COLORS-1).
-       o   a  special  color value -1 is used in certain extended
-           functions to denote the  default  color  (see  use_de-
-           fault_colors).
+       o   a special color value -1 is used in certain extended  functions  to
+           denote the default color (see use_default_colors).
-       o   COLOR_PAIRS  corresponds  to  the  terminal database's
-           max_pairs capability,  which  is  typically  a  signed
-           16-bit integer (see terminfo(5)).
+       o   COLOR_PAIRS  corresponds to the terminal database's max_pairs capa-
+           bility, (see terminfo(5)).
-       o   legal  color  pair  values  are in the range 1 to COL-
-           OR_PAIRS-1, inclusive.
+       o   legal color pair values are in the range 1 to COLOR_PAIRS-1, inclu-
+           sive.
        o   color pair 0 is special; it denotes "no color".
-           Color pair 0 is assumed to be white on black,  but  is
-           actually whatever the terminal implements before color
-           is initialized.  It cannot be modified by the applica-
-           tion.
-       The  init_pair  routine changes the definition of a color-
-       pair.  It takes three arguments: the number of the  color-
-       pair  to  be changed, the foreground color number, and the
-       background color number.  For portable applications:
-       o   The first argument must be a legal color  pair  value.
-           If  default  colors  are used (see use_default_colors)
-           the upper limit is adjusted to allow for  extra  pairs
-           which  use  a default color in foreground and/or back-
-           ground.
-       o   The second and third arguments  must  be  legal  color
-           values.
-       If  the  color-pair was previously initialized, the screen
-       is refreshed and all occurrences of  that  color-pair  are
-       changed to the new definition.
-       As  an  extension,  ncurses allows you to set color pair 0
-       via the assume_default_colors routine, or to  specify  the
-       use  of  default colors (color number -1) if you first in-
-       voke the use_default_colors routine.
-       The init_color routine changes the definition of a  color.
-       It  takes  four  arguments:  the number of the color to be
-       changed followed by three RGB values (for the  amounts  of
-       red, green, and blue components).  The first argument must
-       be a legal color value; default  colors  are  not  allowed
-       here.   (See  the section Colors for the default color in-
-       dex.)  Each of the last three arguments must be a value in
-       the  range  0  through 1000.  When init_color is used, all
-       occurrences of that color on the screen immediately change
-       to the new definition.
-       The  has_colors routine requires no arguments.  It returns
-       TRUE if the terminal can manipulate colors; otherwise,  it
-       returns FALSE.  This routine facilitates writing terminal-
-       independent programs.  For example, a programmer  can  use
-       it  to decide whether to use color or some other video at-
-       tribute.
-       The can_change_color routine requires  no  arguments.   It
-       returns  TRUE  if  the  terminal  supports  colors and can
-       change their definitions; other, it returns  FALSE.   This
-       routine facilitates writing terminal-independent programs.
-       The  color_content routine gives programmers a way to find
-       the intensity of the red, green, and blue (RGB) components
-       in a color.  It requires four arguments: the color number,
-       and three addresses of shorts for storing the  information
-       about  the  amounts  of red, green, and blue components in
-       the given color.  The first argument must be a legal color
-       value,  i.e.,  0  through COLORS-1, inclusive.  The values
-       that are stored at the addresses pointed to  by  the  last
-       three  arguments are in the range 0 (no component) through
-       1000 (maximum amount of component), inclusive.
-       The pair_content routine allows programmers  to  find  out
-       what  colors  a given color-pair consists of.  It requires
-       three arguments: the color-pair number, and two  addresses
-       of  shorts  for  storing the foreground and the background
-       color numbers.  The first argument must be a  legal  color
-       value,  i.e., in the range 1 through COLOR_PAIRS-1, inclu-
-       sive.  The values that are stored at the addresses pointed
-       to  by  the  second and third arguments are in the range 0
-       through COLORS, inclusive.
+           Color pair 0 is assumed to be white on black, but is actually what-
+           ever the terminal implements before color is initialized.  It  can-
+           not be modified by the application.


-       In <curses.h> the following macros are defined.  These are
-       the  standard colors (ISO-6429).  curses also assumes that
-       COLOR_BLACK is the default background color for all termi-
-       nals.


+       The  has_colors  routine requires no arguments.  It returns TRUE if the
+       terminal can manipulate colors; otherwise, it returns FALSE.  This rou-
+       tine facilitates writing terminal-independent programs.  For example, a
+       programmer can use it to decide whether to  use  color  or  some  other
+       video attribute.
-             COLOR_BLACK
-             COLOR_RED
-             COLOR_GREEN
-             COLOR_YELLOW
-             COLOR_BLUE
-             COLOR_MAGENTA
-             COLOR_CYAN
-             COLOR_WHITE


+       The can_change_color routine requires no arguments.  It returns TRUE if
+       the terminal supports colors and can change their  definitions;  other,
+       it  returns  FALSE.  This routine facilitates writing terminal-indepen-
+       dent programs.


-       The  routines  can_change_color()  and has_colors() return
-       TRUE or FALSE.
-       All other routines return the integer ERR upon failure and
-       an  OK  (SVr4  specifies only "an integer value other than
-       ERR") upon successful completion.
-       X/Open defines no error conditions.   This  implementation
-       will  return  ERR  on attempts to use color values outside
-       the range 0 to COLORS-1 (except for the default colors ex-
-       tension),  or  use color pairs outside the range 0 to COL-
-       OR_PAIRS-1.  Color values used in init_color  must  be  in
-       the  range 0 to 1000.  An error is returned from all func-
-       tions if the terminal has not been initialized.  An  error
-       is  returned from secondary functions such as init_pair if
-       start_color was not called.


+       The init_pair routine changes the definition of a color-pair.  It takes
+       three  arguments: the number of the color-pair to be changed, the fore-
+       ground color number, and the background color number.  For portable ap-
+       plications:
+       o   The  first  argument  must be a legal color pair value.  If default
+           colors are used (see use_default_colors) the upper limit is adjust-
+           ed to allow for extra pairs which use a default color in foreground
+           and/or background.
+       o   The second and third arguments must be legal color values.
+       If the color-pair was previously initialized, the screen  is  refreshed
+       and  all  occurrences of that color-pair are changed to the new defini-
+       tion.
+       As an extension, ncurses allows you to set color pair  0  via  the  as-
+       sume_default_colors(3x)  routine, or to specify the use of default col-
+       ors (color number -1) if you first  invoke  the  use_default_colors(3x)
+       routine.


+       The  init_color  routine  changes  the definition of a color.  It takes
+       four arguments: the number of the color to be changed followed by three
+       RGB values (for the amounts of red, green, and blue components).
+       o   The  first argument must be a legal color value; default colors are
+           not allowed here.  (See the section Colors for  the  default  color
+           index.)
+       o   Each  of  the  last  three arguments must be a value in the range 0
+           through 1000.
+       When init_color is used, all occurrences of that color  on  the  screen
+       immediately change to the new definition.


+       The color_content routine gives programmers a way to find the intensity
+       of the red, green, and blue (RGB) components in a color.   It  requires
+       four  arguments:  the  color  number, and three addresses of shorts for
+       storing the information about the amounts of red, green, and blue  com-
+       ponents in the given color.
+       o   The  first  argument  must  be a legal color value, i.e., 0 through
+           COLORS-1, inclusive.
+       o   The values that are stored at the addresses pointed to by the  last
+           three  arguments  are  in  the  range 0 (no component) through 1000
+           (maximum amount of component), inclusive.


+       The pair_content routine allows programmers to find out what  colors  a
+       given  color-pair consists of.  It requires three arguments: the color-
+       pair number, and two addresses of shorts for storing the foreground and
+       the background color numbers.
+       o   The  first argument must be a legal color value, i.e., in the range
+           1 through COLOR_PAIRS-1, inclusive.
+       o   The values that are stored at the addresses pointed to by the  sec-
+           ond  and  third arguments are in the range 0 through COLORS, inclu-
+           sive.


+       PAIR_NUMBER(attrs) extracts the color value from  its  attrs  parameter
+       and returns it as a color pair number.


+       Its inverse COLOR_PAIR(n) converts a color pair number to an attribute.
+       Attributes can hold color pairs in the range 0 to 255.  If you  need  a
+       color  pair  larger  than that, you must use functions such as attr_set
+       (which pass the color pair as a separate  parameter)  rather  than  the
+       legacy functions such as attrset.


+       The routines can_change_color and has_colors return TRUE or FALSE.
+       All  other routines return the integer ERR upon failure and an OK (SVr4
+       specifies only "an integer value other than ERR") upon successful  com-
+       pletion.
+       X/Open  defines  no  error conditions.  This implementation will return
+       ERR on attempts to use color values outside the  range  0  to  COLORS-1
+       (except  for  the default colors extension), or use color pairs outside
+       the range 0 to COLOR_PAIRS-1.  Color values used in init_color must  be
+       in the range 0 to 1000.  An error is returned from all functions if the
+       terminal has not been initialized.  An error is returned from secondary
+       functions such as init_pair if start_color was not called.
-               returns an error if the terminal does not  support
-               this  feature, e.g., if the initialize_color capa-
-               bility is absent from the terminal description.
+               returns an error if the terminal does not support this feature,
+               e.g., if the initialize_color capability  is  absent  from  the
+               terminal description.
-               returns an error if the color table cannot be  al-
-               located.
+               returns an error if the color table cannot be allocated.


-       In  the  ncurses implementation, there is a separate color
-       activation flag, color palette, color pairs table, and as-
-       sociated  COLORS  and  COLOR_PAIRS counts for each screen;
-       the start_color function only affects the current  screen.
-       The SVr4/XSI interface is not really designed with this in
-       mind, and historical  implementations  may  use  a  single
-       shared color palette.
-       Note that setting an implicit background color via a color
-       pair affects only character cells that a  character  write
-       operation  explicitly  touches.   To change the background
-       color used when parts of a window are blanked  by  erasing
-       or scrolling operations, see curs_bkgd(3x).
-       Several  caveats  apply  on 386 and 486 machines with VGA-
-       compatible graphics:
-       o   COLOR_YELLOW is actually brown.  To  get  yellow,  use
-           COLOR_YELLOW combined with the A_BOLD attribute.
-       o   The A_BLINK attribute should in theory cause the back-
-           ground to go bright.  This often fails  to  work,  and
-           even some cards for which it mostly works (such as the
-           Paradise and compatibles) do the wrong thing when  you
-           try  to  set  a  bright "yellow" background (you get a


+       In  the  ncurses  implementation,  there is a separate color activation
+       flag, color palette, color pairs table, and associated COLORS and  COL-
+       OR_PAIRS  counts for each screen; the start_color function only affects
+       the current screen.  The SVr4/XSI interface is not really designed with
+       this  in  mind,  and historical implementations may use a single shared
+       color palette.
+       Setting an implicit background color via  a  color  pair  affects  only
+       character  cells  that  a character write operation explicitly touches.
+       To change the background color used when parts of a window are  blanked
+       by erasing or scrolling operations, see curs_bkgd(3x).
+       Several  caveats  apply  on  older x86 machines (e.g., i386, i486) with
+       VGA-compatible graphics:
+       o   COLOR_YELLOW is actually brown.  To get  yellow,  use  COLOR_YELLOW
+           combined with the A_BOLD attribute.
+       o   The  A_BLINK  attribute should in theory cause the background to go
+           bright.  This often fails to work, and even some cards for which it
+           mostly  works  (such  as the Paradise and compatibles) do the wrong
+           thing when you try to set a bright "yellow" background (you  get  a
            blinking yellow foreground instead).
        o   Color RGB values are not settable.


-       This implementation satisfies XSI Curses's  minimum  maxi-
-       mums for COLORS and COLOR_PAIRS.


+       This  implementation satisfies XSI Curses's minimum maximums for COLORS
+       and COLOR_PAIRS.
-       The  init_pair  routine  accepts  negative values of fore-
-       ground  and  background  color  to  support  the   use_de-
-       fault_colors  extension, but only if that routine has been
-       first invoked.
+       The init_pair routine accepts negative values of foreground  and  back-
+       ground  color to support the use_default_colors(3x) extension, but only
+       if that routine has been first invoked.
-       The assumption that COLOR_BLACK is the default  background
-       color  for  all  terminals  can  be modified using the as-
-       sume_default_colors extension.
+       The assumption that COLOR_BLACK is the default background color for all
+       terminals  can  be  modified using the assume_default_colors(3x) exten-
+       sion.
-       This implementation checks the  pointers,  e.g.,  for  the
-       values  returned  by  color_content  and pair_content, and
-       will treat those as optional parameters when null.
+       This implementation checks the pointers, e.g., for the values  returned
+       by color_content and pair_content, and will treat those as optional pa-
+       rameters when null.
+       X/Open Curses does not specify a limit for the  number  of  colors  and
+       color pairs which a terminal can support.  However, in its use of short
+       for the parameters, it carries over SVr4's  implementation  detail  for
+       the compiled terminfo database, which uses signed 16-bit numbers.  This
+       implementation provides extended versions of those functions which  use
+       short  parameters, allowing applications to use larger color- and pair-
+       numbers.


-       curses(3x),  curs_initscr(3x),  curs_attr(3x),  curs_vari-
-       ables(3x), default_colors(3x)


+       curses(3x), curs_initscr(3x),  curs_attr(3x),  curs_variables(3x),  de-
+       fault_colors(3x)
-                                                         curs_color(3x)
+                                                                curs_color(3x)