X-Git-Url: https://ncurses.scripts.mit.edu/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=doc%2Fhtml%2Fman%2Fcurs_slk.3x.html;h=1e4f954b474dc050e727d211e44b2a7ca0425b05;hb=a816c8dae437106bbf1661304240ff568ae3efef;hp=deeabf55cb6108caeea082ce6aae4940e9287c03;hpb=761e4f0825b330e970558e82a4bd638383914429;p=ncurses.git diff --git a/doc/html/man/curs_slk.3x.html b/doc/html/man/curs_slk.3x.html index deeabf55..1e4f954b 100644 --- a/doc/html/man/curs_slk.3x.html +++ b/doc/html/man/curs_slk.3x.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - - + + + curs_slk 3x - + -

curs_slk 3x


curs_slk 3x

-curs_slk(3x)                                               curs_slk(3x)
+curs_slk(3x)                                                      curs_slk(3x)


-       slk_init, slk_set, slk_wset, slk_refresh, slk_noutrefresh,
-       slk_label, slk_clear, slk_restore, slk_touch, slk_attron,
-       slk_attrset, slk_attroff, slk_attr_on, slk_attr_set,
-       slk_attr_off, slk_attr, slk_color - curses soft label
-       routines


+       slk_init, slk_set, slk_wset, slk_refresh, slk_noutrefresh, slk_label,
+       slk_clear, slk_restore, slk_touch, slk_attron, slk_attrset,
+       slk_attroff, slk_attr_on, slk_attr_set, slk_attr_off, slk_attr,
+       slk_color, extended_slk_color - curses soft label routines




        #include <curses.h>
-       int slk_init(int fmt);
-       int slk_set(int labnum, const char *label, int fmt);
+       int slk_init(int fmt);
+       int slk_set(int labnum, const char *label, int fmt);
+       /* extension */
+       int slk_wset(int labnum, const wchar_t *label, int fmt);
+       char *slk_label(int labnum);
        int slk_refresh(void);
        int slk_noutrefresh(void);
-       char *slk_label(int labnum);
        int slk_clear(void);
        int slk_restore(void);
        int slk_touch(void);
-       int slk_attron(const chtype attrs);
-       int slk_attroff(const chtype attrs);
-       int slk_attrset(const chtype attrs);
-       int slk_attr_on(attr_t attrs, void* opts);
-       int slk_attr_off(const attr_t attrs, void * opts);
-       int  slk_attr_set(const  attr_t  attrs,  short color_pair,
-       void* opts);
+       int slk_attron(const chtype attrs);
+       int slk_attroff(const chtype attrs);
+       int slk_attrset(const chtype attrs);
+       int slk_attr_on(attr_t attrs, void* opts);
+       int slk_attr_off(const attr_t attrs, void * opts);
+       int slk_attr_set(const attr_t attrs, short pair, void* opts);
        attr_t slk_attr(void);
-       int slk_color(short color_pair);
-       int slk_wset(int labnum, const wchar_t *label, int fmt);
+       int slk_color(short pair);
+       /* extension */
+       int extended_slk_color(int pair);


-       The slk* functions manipulate the set of soft function-key
-       labels  that exist on many terminals.  For those terminals
-       that do not have soft labels, curses takes over the bottom
-       line  of stdscr, reducing the size of stdscr and the vari-
-       able LINES.  curses standardizes on eight labels of up  to
-       eight  characters  each.  In addition to this, the ncurses
-       implementation supports a mode where it simulates  12  la-
-       bels  of  up  to five characters each.  This is useful for
-       today's PC-like enduser devices.  ncurses  simulates  this
-       mode  by  taking over up to two lines at the bottom of the
-       screen; it does not try to use any  hardware  support  for
-       this mode.
-       The  slk_init  routine  must  be  called before initscr or
-       newterm is called.  If initscr eventually uses a line from
-       stdscr to emulate the soft labels, then fmt determines how
-       the labels are arranged on the screen:


+       The slk* functions manipulate the set of soft function-key labels  that
+       exist on many terminals.  For those terminals that do not have soft la-
+       bels, curses takes over the bottom line of stdscr, reducing the size of
+       stdscr  and the variable LINES.  curses standardizes on eight labels of
+       up to eight characters each.  In addition to this, the  ncurses  imple-
+       mentation  supports  a  mode where it simulates 12 labels of up to five
+       characters each.  This is useful for PC-like enduser devices.   ncurses
+       simulates this mode by taking over up to two lines at the bottom of the
+       screen; it does not try to use any hardware support for this mode.
-              0  indicates a 3-2-3 arrangement of the labels.
-              1  indicates a 4-4 arrangement


+       The slk_init routine must  be  called  before  initscr  or  newterm  is
+       called.   If  initscr eventually uses a line from stdscr to emulate the
+       soft labels, then fmt determines how the labels  are  arranged  on  the
+       screen:
-              2  indicates the PC-like 4-4-4 mode.
+          0  indicates a 3-2-3 arrangement of the labels.
-              3  is again the PC-like 4-4-4 mode, but in addition
-                 an  index line is generated, helping the user to
-                 identify the key numbers easily.
+          1  indicates a 4-4 arrangement
-       The slk_set routine (and  the  slk_wset  routine  for  the
-       wide-character library) has three parameters:
+          2  indicates the PC-like 4-4-4 mode.
-              labnum
-                   is  the  label number, from 1 to 8 (12 for fmt
-                   in slk_init is 2 or 3);
+          3  is again the PC-like 4-4-4 mode, but in addition an index line is
+             generated, helping the user to identify the key numbers easily.
-              label
-                   is be the string to put on the  label,  up  to
-                   eight  (five  for  fmt  in slk_init is 2 or 3)
-                   characters in length.  A null string or a null
-                   pointer sets up a blank label.
-              fmt  is  either  0, 1, or 2, indicating whether the
-                   label is to be  left-justified,  centered,  or
-                   right-justified,  respectively, within the la-
-                   bel.


+       The slk_set routine (and the slk_wset routine  for  the  wide-character
+       library) has three parameters:
-       The slk_refresh and slk_noutrefresh routines correspond to
-       the wrefresh and wnoutrefresh routines.
+          labnum
+               is  the  label number, from 1 to 8 (12 for fmt in slk_init is 2
+               or 3);
-       The  slk_label routine returns the current label for label
-       number labnum, with leading and trailing blanks stripped.
+          label
+               is be the string to put on the label, up to eight (five for fmt
+               in  slk_init is 2 or 3) characters in length.  A null string or
+               a null pointer sets up a blank label.
-       The slk_clear routine clears  the  soft  labels  from  the
-       screen.
+          fmt  is either 0, 1, or 2, indicating whether the  label  is  to  be
+               left-justified,  centered,  or  right-justified,  respectively,
+               within the label.
-       The  slk_restore  routine  restores the soft labels to the
-       screen after a slk_clear has been performed.
+       The slk_label routine returns the current label for label  number  lab-
+       num, with leading and trailing blanks stripped.
-       The slk_touch routine forces all the  soft  labels  to  be
-       output the next time a slk_noutrefresh is performed.
-       The slk_attron, slk_attrset, slk_attroff and slk_attr rou-
-       tines correspond to attron, attrset, attroff and attr_get.
-       They  have  an effect only if soft labels are simulated on
-       the bottom line of the screen.  The default highlight  for
-       soft keys is A_STANDOUT (as in System V curses, which does
-       not document this fact).

Screen updates

+       The slk_refresh and slk_noutrefresh routines correspond to the wrefresh
+       and wnoutrefresh routines.
-       The slk_color routine corresponds to color_set.  It has an
-       effect  only  if  soft  labels are simulated on the bottom
-       line of the screen.
+       The slk_clear routine clears the soft labels from the screen.
+       The slk_restore routine restores the soft labels to the screen after  a
+       slk_clear has been performed.


-       These routines return ERR upon failure and OK (SVr4 speci-
-       fies only "an integer value other than ERR") upon success-
-       ful completion.
+       The  slk_touch routine forces all the soft labels to be output the next
+       time a slk_noutrefresh is performed.
-       X/Open defines no error conditions.  In  this  implementa-
-       tion
-              slk_attr
-                   returns the attribute used for the soft keys.

Video attributes

+       The slk_attron, slk_attrset, slk_attroff and slk_attr  routines  corre-
+       spond  to  attron,  attrset,  attroff and attr_get, respectively.  They
+       have an effect only if soft labels are simulated on the bottom line  of
+       the  screen.   The default highlight for soft keys is A_STANDOUT (as in
+       System V curses, which does not document this fact).
-              slk_attroff, slk_attron, slk_clear,
-              slk_noutrefresh, slk_refresh, slk_touch
-                   return an error if the terminal or  the  soft-
-                   keys were not initialized.
-              slk_attrset
-                   returns  an error if the terminal or the soft-
-                   keys were not initialized.


+       The slk_color routine corresponds to color_set.  It has an effect  only
+       if soft labels are simulated on the bottom line of the screen.
-              slk_attr_set
-                   returns an error if the terminal or the  soft-
-                   keys  were  not initialized, or the color pair
-                   is outside the range 0..COLOR_PAIRS-1, or opts
-                   is not null.
+       Because  slk_color  accepts  only short (signed 16-bit integer) values,
+       this implementation provides extended_slk_color which accepts an  inte-
+       ger value, e.g., 32-bits.
-              slk_color
-                   returns  an error if the terminal or the soft-
-                   keys were not initialized, or the  color  pair
-                   is outside the range 0..COLOR_PAIRS-1.
-              slk_init
-                   returns  an  error  if the format parameter is
-                   outside the range 0..3.


+       These  routines return ERR upon failure and OK (SVr4 specifies only "an
+       integer value other than ERR") upon successful completion.
-              slk_label
-                   returns NULL on error.
+       X/Open defines no error conditions.  In this implementation
-              slk_set
-                   returns an error if the terminal or the  soft-
-                   keys  were  not initialized, or the labnum pa-
-                   rameter is outside the range of label  counts,
-                   or  if  the  format  parameter  is outside the
-                   range 0..2, or if memory for the labels cannot
-                   be allocated.
+          slk_attr
+               returns the attribute used for the soft keys.
+          slk_attroff, slk_attron, slk_clear, slk_noutrefresh, slk_refresh,
+          slk_touch
+               return  an  error if the terminal or the softkeys were not ini-
+               tialized.


-       Most applications would use slk_noutrefresh because a wre-
-       fresh is likely to follow soon.
+          slk_attrset
+               returns an error if the terminal or the softkeys were not  ini-
+               tialized.
+          slk_attr_set
+               returns  an error if the terminal or the softkeys were not ini-
+               tialized, or the  color  pair  is  outside  the  range  0..COL-
+               OR_PAIRS-1.


-       The XSI Curses standard, Issue 4,  describes  these  func-
-       tions.   It changes the argument type of the attribute-ma-
-       nipulation functions slk_attron, slk_attroff,  slk_attrset
-       to be attr_t, and adds const qualifiers.  The format codes
-       2 and 3 for slk_init() and the function slk_attr are  spe-
-       cific to ncurses.
+          slk_color
+               returns  an error if the terminal or the softkeys were not ini-
+               tialized, or the  color  pair  is  outside  the  range  0..COL-
+               OR_PAIRS-1.
+          slk_init
+               returns  an  error if the format parameter is outside the range
+               0..3.


-       curses(3x),   curs_attr(3x),   curs_initscr(3x),  curs_re-
-       fresh(3x), curs_variables(3x).
+          slk_label
+               returns NULL on error.
+          slk_set
+               returns an error if the terminal or the softkeys were not  ini-
+               tialized, or the labnum parameter is outside the range of label
+               counts, or if the format parameter is outside the  range  0..2,
+               or if memory for the labels cannot be allocated.


+       SVr3 introduced these functions:
+         slk_clear
+         slk_init
+         slk_label
+         slk_noutrefresh
+         slk_refresh
+         slk_restore
+         slk_set
+         slk_touch
+       SVr4 added these functions:
+         slk_attroff
+         slk_attron
+         slk_attrset
+         slk_start
+       X/Open Curses added these:
+         slk_attr_off
+         slk_attr_on
+         slk_attr_set
+         slk_color
+         slk_wset


+       X/Open  Curses  documents the opts argument as reserved for future use,
+       saying that it must be null.  This implementation uses  that  parameter
+       in ABI 6 for the functions which have a color-pair parameter to support
+       extended color pairs.
+       For  functions  which modify the color, e.g., slk_attr_set, if opts  is
+       set  it  is  treated  as a pointer to int, and used to  set  the  color
+       pair instead of the short pair parameter.


+       Most applications would use slk_noutrefresh because a wrefresh is like-
+       ly to follow soon.


+       The  XSI  Curses  standard,  Issue 4, described the soft-key functions,
+       with some differences from SVr4 curses:
+       o   It added functions like the SVr4  attribute-manipulation  functions
+           slk_attron,  slk_attroff, slk_attrset, but which use attr_t parame-
+           ters (rather than chtype), along with a reserved opts parameter.
+           Two of these new functions (unlike the SVr4 functions) have no pro-
+           vision for color: slk_attr_on and slk_attr_off.
+           The third function (slk_attr_set) has a color-pair parameter.
+       o   It added const qualifiers to parameters (unnecessarily), and
+       o   It added slk_color.
+       The  format  codes  2  and 3 for slk_init and the function slk_attr are
+       specific to ncurses.
+       X/Open Curses does not specify a limit for the  number  of  colors  and
+       color pairs which a terminal can support.  However, in its use of short
+       for the parameters, it carries over SVr4's  implementation  detail  for
+       the compiled terminfo database, which uses signed 16-bit numbers.  This
+       implementation provides extended versions of those functions which  use
+       short  parameters, allowing applications to use larger color- and pair-
+       numbers.


+       curses(3x),    curs_attr(3x),    curs_initscr(3x),    curs_refresh(3x),
+       curs_variables(3x).
-                                                           curs_slk(3x)
+                                                                  curs_slk(3x)
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