X-Git-Url: https://ncurses.scripts.mit.edu/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=doc%2Fhtml%2Fman%2Fncurses.3x.html;h=64590f9d9a4d0943d6a379397cd2f2ab7e5f2e1b;hb=a1c9e77bebcdf278d9c290a97c82961e159cd896;hp=c42513ab55f8ede63c33eaff164ccd50268a5634;hpb=027ae42953e3186daed8f3882da73de48291b606;p=ncurses.git diff --git a/doc/html/man/ncurses.3x.html b/doc/html/man/ncurses.3x.html index c42513ab..78ff4777 100644 --- a/doc/html/man/ncurses.3x.html +++ b/doc/html/man/ncurses.3x.html @@ -1,8 +1,8 @@ - - + -ncurses 3x - - + + +ncurses 3x 2024-01-13 ncurses 6.4 Library calls + + -

ncurses 3x


ncurses 3x 2024-01-13 ncurses 6.4 Library calls

-ncurses(3x)                                                 ncurses(3x)
+ncurses(3x)                      Library calls                     ncurses(3x)


-       ncurses - CRT screen handling and optimization package


+       ncurses - character-cell terminal interface with optimized output




        #include <curses.h>


-       The  ncurses  library  routines  give the user a terminal-
-       independent method of updating character screens with rea-
-       sonable   optimization.    This  implementation  is  ``new
-       curses'' (ncurses) and is  the  approved  replacement  for
-       4.4BSD  classic curses, which has been discontinued.  This
-       describes ncurses version 5.5 (patch 20061209).
-       The ncurses routines emulate  the  curses(3x)  library  of
-       System V Release 4 UNIX, and the XPG4 curses standard (XSI
-       curses) but the ncurses library is freely  redistributable
-       in source form.  Differences from the SVr4 curses are sum-
-       marized under  the  EXTENSIONS  and  PORTABILITY  sections
-       below  and  described  in  detail in the respective EXTEN-
-       SIONS, PORTABILITY and BUGS  sections  of  individual  man
-       pages.
-       A  program  using  these  routines must be linked with the
-       -lncurses option, or (if it has been generated)  with  the
-       debugging  library  -lncurses_g.   (Your system integrator
-       may also have installed these libraries  under  the  names
-       -lcurses and -lcurses_g.)  The ncurses_g library generates
-       trace logs (in a file called 'trace' in the current direc-
-       tory)  that describe curses actions.  See also the section
-       The ncurses package supports: overall screen,  window  and
-       pad manipulation; output to windows and pads; reading ter-
-       minal input; control over terminal and  curses  input  and
-       output  options; environment query routines; color manipu-
-       lation; use of soft label keys; terminfo capabilities; and
-       access to low-level terminal-manipulation routines.
-       To initialize the routines, the routine initscr or newterm
-       must be called before any of the other routines that  deal
-       with  windows  and  screens  are used.  The routine endwin
-       must be called before exiting.  To get character-at-a-time
-       input  without  echoing (most interactive, screen oriented
-       programs want this),  the  following  sequence  should  be


+       The  ncurses  library  routines  give  the  user a terminal-independent
+       method of updating  character  screens  with  reasonable  optimization.
+       This  implementation  is  "new  curses"  (ncurses)  and is the approved
+       replacement for 4.4BSD classic curses,  which  has  been  discontinued.
+       This describes ncurses version 6.4 (patch 20240217).
+       The  ncurses  library emulates the curses library of System V Release 4
+       Unix ("SVr4"), and XPG4 (X/Open Portability Guide) curses  (also  known
+       as  XSI  curses).   XSI  stands for X/Open System Interfaces Extension.
+       The ncurses library is freely redistributable in source form.
+       ncurses man pages employ several sections to clarify matters  of  usage
+       and interoperability with other curses implementations.
+       o   "NOTES"  describes  matters  and  caveats  of which any user of the
+           ncurses API should be aware, such as limitations on the size of  an
+           underlying  integral  type  or  the  availability of a preprocessor
+           macro exclusive  of  a  function  definition  (which  prevents  its
+           address   from   being   taken).    This   section  also  describes
+           implementation details that will be significant to  the  programmer
+           but which are not standardized.
+       o   "EXTENSIONS"  presents ncurses innovations beyond the X/Open Curses
+           standard and/or the SVr4 curses implementation.   They  are  termed
+           extensions  to  indicate  that they cannot be implemented solely by
+           using the library API, but require access to the library's internal
+           state.
+       o   "PORTABILITY" discusses matters (beyond the exercise of extensions)
+           that should be considered when writing to a curses standard, or  to
+           multiple implementations.
+       o   "HISTORY"  examines  points  of  detail in ncurses and other curses
+           implementations over the decades of their development, particularly
+           where precedent or inertia have frustrated better design (and, in a
+           few cases, where such inertia has been overcome).
+       A program using these  routines  must  be  linked  with  the  -lncurses
+       option,  or  (if  it  has  been  generated)  with the debugging library
+       -lncurses_g.  (Your system integrator may  also  have  installed  these
+       libraries  under  the  names  -lcurses  and -lcurses_g.)  The ncurses_g
+       library generates trace logs (in a file called "trace" in  the  current
+       directory)  that  describe  curses  actions.   See  section  "ALTERNATE
+       CONFIGURATIONS" below.
+       The  ncurses  package  supports:  overall  screen,   window   and   pad
+       manipulation;  output  to  windows  and  pads;  reading terminal input;
+       control over terminal and curses input and output options;  environment
+       query  routines;  color  manipulation; use of soft label keys; terminfo
+       capabilities; and access to low-level terminal-manipulation routines.


+       The library uses the locale which the calling program has  initialized.
+       That is normally done with setlocale(3):
+           setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
+       If  the  locale is not initialized, the library assumes that characters
+       are printable as in ISO-8859-1, to work with certain  legacy  programs.
+       You  should  initialize  the locale and not rely on specific details of
+       the library when the locale has not been setup.
+       The function initscr or  newterm  must  be  called  to  initialize  the
+       library  before  any  of  the other routines that deal with windows and
+       screens are  used.   The  routine  endwin(3x)  must  be  called  before
+       exiting.
+       To  get  character-at-a-time  input  without echoing (most interactive,
+       screen oriented programs want this), the following sequence  should  be
-             initscr(); cbreak(); noecho();
+           initscr(); cbreak(); noecho();
        Most programs would additionally use the sequence:
-             nonl();
-             intrflush(stdscr, FALSE);
-             keypad(stdscr, TRUE);
-       Before  a curses program is run, the tab stops of the ter-
-       minal should be set and  its  initialization  strings,  if
-       defined,  must  be  output.  This can be done by executing
-       the tput init command after the shell environment variable
-       TERM  has  been  exported.  tset(1) is usually responsible
-       for doing this.  [See terminfo(5) for further details.]
-       The ncurses library permits manipulation  of  data  struc-
-       tures,  called  windows,  which  can be thought of as two-
-       dimensional arrays of characters representing all or  part
-       of a CRT screen.  A default window called stdscr, which is
-       the size of the terminal screen, is supplied.  Others  may
-       be created with newwin.
-       Note  that  curses  does  not  handle overlapping windows,
-       that's done by the panel(3x) library. This means that  you
-       can either use stdscr or divide the screen into tiled win-
-       dows and not using stdscr at  all.  Mixing  the  two  will
-       result in unpredictable, and undesired, effects.
-       Windows are referred to by variables declared as WINDOW *.
-       These  data  structures  are  manipulated  with   routines
-       described  here and elsewhere in the ncurses manual pages.
-       Among those, the most basic routines are move  and  addch.
-       More  general versions of these routines are included with
-       names beginning with w, allowing the  user  to  specify  a
-       window.   The routines not beginning with w affect stdscr.
-       After using routines to manipulate a  window,  refresh  is
-       called,  telling curses to make the user's CRT screen look
-       like stdscr.  The characters in a window are  actually  of
-       type  chtype, (character and attribute data) so that other
-       information about the character may also  be  stored  with
-       each character.
-       Special  windows  called  pads  may  also  be manipulated.
-       These are windows which are not constrained to the size of
-       the  screen and whose contents need not be completely dis-
-       played.  See curs_pad(3x) for more information.
-       In addition to drawing characters  on  the  screen,  video
-       attributes  and colors may be supported, causing the char-
-       acters to show up in such modes as underlined, in  reverse
-       video,  or in color on terminals that support such display
-       enhancements.  Line drawing characters may be specified to
-       be  output.   On  input,  curses is also able to translate
-       arrow and function keys  that  transmit  escape  sequences
-       into  single  values.   The video attributes, line drawing
-       characters,  and  input  values  use  names,  defined   in
-       <curses.h>, such as A_REVERSE, ACS_HLINE, and KEY_LEFT.
-       If the environment variables LINES and COLUMNS are set, or
-       if the program is executing in a window environment,  line
-       and  column  information  in the environment will override
-       information read by terminfo.  This would effect a program
-       running  in an AT&T 630 layer, for example, where the size
-       of a screen is changeable (see ENVIRONMENT).
-       If the environment variable TERMINFO is defined, any  pro-
-       gram  using  curses checks for a local terminal definition
-       before checking in the standard place.   For  example,  if
-       TERM is set to att4424, then the compiled terminal defini-
-       tion is found in
-             /usr/share/terminfo/a/att4424.
-       (The a is copied from the first letter of att4424 to avoid
-       creation  of  huge  directories.)  However, if TERMINFO is
-       set to $HOME/myterms, curses first checks
-             $HOME/myterms/a/att4424,
-       and if that fails, it then checks
-             /usr/share/terminfo/a/att4424.
-       This is useful for developing experimental definitions  or
-       when write permission in /usr/share/terminfo is not avail-
-       able.
-       The integer  variables  LINES  and  COLS  are  defined  in
-       <curses.h>  and will be filled in by initscr with the size
-       of the screen.  The constants TRUE and FALSE have the val-
-       ues 1 and 0, respectively.
-       The  curses  routines  also  define  the WINDOW * variable
-       curscr which is used for certain low-level operations like
-       clearing  and  redrawing a screen containing garbage.  The
-       curscr can be used in only a few routines.
-   Routine and Argument Names
-       Many curses routines have two or more versions.  The  rou-
-       tines prefixed with w require a window argument.  The rou-
-       tines prefixed with p require a pad argument.  Those with-
-       out a prefix generally use stdscr.
-       The routines prefixed with mv require a y and x coordinate
-       to move to before performing the appropriate action.   The
-       mv  routines  imply  a call to move before the call to the
-       other routine.  The coordinate y always refers to the  row
-       (of  the  window), and x always refers to the column.  The
-       upper left-hand corner is always (0,0), not (1,1).
-       The routines prefixed with mvw take both a window argument
-       and  x  and  y coordinates.  The window argument is always
-       specified before the coordinates.
-       In each case, win is the window affected, and pad  is  the
-       pad affected; win and pad are always pointers to type WIN-
-       DOW.
-       Option setting routines require a Boolean flag bf with the
-       value TRUE or FALSE; bf is always of type bool.  The vari-
-       ables ch and attrs below are always of type  chtype.   The
-       types  WINDOW,  SCREEN,  bool,  and  chtype are defined in
-       <curses.h>.  The type TERMINAL  is  defined  in  <term.h>.
-       All other arguments are integers.
-   Routine Name Index
-       The following table lists each curses routine and the name
-       of the manual page on which  it  is  described.   Routines
-       flagged  with  `*'  are ncurses-specific, not described by
-       XPG4 or present in SVr4.
-              curses Routine Name     Manual Page Name
-              --------------------------------------------
-              COLOR_PAIR              curs_color(3x)
-              PAIR_NUMBER             curs_attr(3x)
-              _nc_tracebits           curs_trace(3x)*
-              _traceattr              curs_trace(3x)*
-              _traceattr2             curs_trace(3x)*
-              _tracechar              curs_trace(3x)*
-              _tracechtype            curs_trace(3x)*
-              _tracechtype2           curs_trace(3x)*
-              _tracedump              curs_trace(3x)*
-              _tracef                 curs_trace(3x)*
-              _tracemouse             curs_trace(3x)*
-              add_wch                 curs_add_wch(3x)
-              add_wchnstr             curs_add_wchstr(3x)
-              add_wchstr              curs_add_wchstr(3x)
-              addch                   curs_addch(3x)
-              addchnstr               curs_addchstr(3x)
-              addchstr                curs_addchstr(3x)
-              addnstr                 curs_addstr(3x)
-              addnwstr                curs_addwstr(3x)
-              addstr                  curs_addstr(3x)
-              addwstr                 curs_addwstr(3x)
-              assume_default_colors   default_colors(3x)*
-              attr_get                curs_attr(3x)
-              attr_off                curs_attr(3x)
-              attr_on                 curs_attr(3x)
-              attr_set                curs_attr(3x)
-              attroff                 curs_attr(3x)
-              attron                  curs_attr(3x)
-              attrset                 curs_attr(3x)
-              baudrate                curs_termattrs(3x)
-              beep                    curs_beep(3x)
-              bkgd                    curs_bkgd(3x)
-              bkgdset                 curs_bkgd(3x)
-              bkgrnd                  curs_bkgrnd(3x)
-              bkgrndset               curs_bkgrnd(3x)
-              border                  curs_border(3x)
-              border_set              curs_border_set(3x)
-              box                     curs_border(3x)
-              box_set                 curs_border_set(3x)
-              can_change_color        curs_color(3x)
-              cbreak                  curs_inopts(3x)
-              chgat                   curs_attr(3x)
-              clear                   curs_clear(3x)
-              clearok                 curs_outopts(3x)
-              clrtobot                curs_clear(3x)
-              clrtoeol                curs_clear(3x)
-              color_content           curs_color(3x)
-              color_set               curs_attr(3x)
-              copywin                 curs_overlay(3x)
-              curs_set                curs_kernel(3x)
-              curses_version          curs_extend(3x)*
-              def_prog_mode           curs_kernel(3x)
-              def_shell_mode          curs_kernel(3x)
-              define_key              define_key(3x)*
-              del_curterm             curs_terminfo(3x)
-              delay_output            curs_util(3x)
-              delch                   curs_delch(3x)
-              deleteln                curs_deleteln(3x)
-              delscreen               curs_initscr(3x)
-              delwin                  curs_window(3x)
-              derwin                  curs_window(3x)
-              doupdate                curs_refresh(3x)
-              dupwin                  curs_window(3x)
-              echo                    curs_inopts(3x)
-              echo_wchar              curs_add_wch(3x)
-              echochar                curs_addch(3x)
-              endwin                  curs_initscr(3x)
-              erase                   curs_clear(3x)
-              erasechar               curs_termattrs(3x)
-              erasewchar              curs_termattrs(3x)
-              filter                  curs_util(3x)
-              flash                   curs_beep(3x)
-              flushinp                curs_util(3x)
-              get_wch                 curs_get_wch(3x)
-              get_wstr                curs_get_wstr(3x)
-              getbegyx                curs_getyx(3x)
-              getbkgd                 curs_bkgd(3x)
-              getbkgrnd               curs_bkgrnd(3x)
-              getcchar                curs_getcchar(3x)
-              getch                   curs_getch(3x)
-              getmaxyx                curs_getyx(3x)
-              getmouse                curs_mouse(3x)*
-              getn_wstr               curs_get_wstr(3x)
-              getnstr                 curs_getstr(3x)
-              getparyx                curs_getyx(3x)
-              getstr                  curs_getstr(3x)
-              getsyx                  curs_kernel(3x)
-              getwin                  curs_util(3x)
-              getyx                   curs_getyx(3x)
-              halfdelay               curs_inopts(3x)
-              has_colors              curs_color(3x)
-              has_ic                  curs_termattrs(3x)
-              has_il                  curs_termattrs(3x)
-              has_key                 curs_getch(3x)*
-              hline                   curs_border(3x)
-              hline_set               curs_border_set(3x)
-              idcok                   curs_outopts(3x)
-              idlok                   curs_outopts(3x)
-              immedok                 curs_outopts(3x)
-              in_wch                  curs_in_wch(3x)
-              in_wchnstr              curs_in_wchstr(3x)
-              in_wchstr               curs_in_wchstr(3x)
-              inch                    curs_inch(3x)
-              inchnstr                curs_inchstr(3x)
-              inchstr                 curs_inchstr(3x)
-              init_color              curs_color(3x)
-              init_pair               curs_color(3x)
-              initscr                 curs_initscr(3x)
-              innstr                  curs_instr(3x)
-              innwstr                 curs_inwstr(3x)
-              ins_nwstr               curs_ins_wstr(3x)
-              ins_wch                 curs_ins_wch(3x)
-              ins_wstr                curs_ins_wstr(3x)
-              insch                   curs_insch(3x)
-              insdelln                curs_deleteln(3x)
-              insertln                curs_deleteln(3x)
-              insnstr                 curs_insstr(3x)
-              insstr                  curs_insstr(3x)
-              instr                   curs_instr(3x)
-              intrflush               curs_inopts(3x)
-              inwstr                  curs_inwstr(3x)
-              is_linetouched          curs_touch(3x)
-              is_wintouched           curs_touch(3x)
-              isendwin                curs_initscr(3x)
-              key_defined             key_defined(3x)*
-              key_name                curs_util(3x)
-              keybound                keybound(3x)*
-              keyname                 curs_util(3x)
-              keyok                   keyok(3x)*
-              keypad                  curs_inopts(3x)
-              killchar                curs_termattrs(3x)
-              killwchar               curs_termattrs(3x)
-              leaveok                 curs_outopts(3x)
-              longname                curs_termattrs(3x)
-              mcprint                 curs_print(3x)*
-              meta                    curs_inopts(3x)
-              mouse_trafo             curs_mouse(3x)*
-              mouseinterval           curs_mouse(3x)*
-              mousemask               curs_mouse(3x)*
-              move                    curs_move(3x)
-              mvadd_wch               curs_add_wch(3x)
-              mvadd_wchnstr           curs_add_wchstr(3x)
-              mvadd_wchstr            curs_add_wchstr(3x)
-              mvaddch                 curs_addch(3x)
-              mvaddchnstr             curs_addchstr(3x)
-              mvaddchstr              curs_addchstr(3x)
-              mvaddnstr               curs_addstr(3x)
-              mvaddnwstr              curs_addwstr(3x)
-              mvaddstr                curs_addstr(3x)
-              mvaddwstr               curs_addwstr(3x)
-              mvchgat                 curs_attr(3x)
-              mvcur                   curs_terminfo(3x)
-              mvdelch                 curs_delch(3x)
-              mvderwin                curs_window(3x)
-              mvget_wch               curs_get_wch(3x)
-              mvget_wstr              curs_get_wstr(3x)
-              mvgetch                 curs_getch(3x)
-              mvgetn_wstr             curs_get_wstr(3x)
-              mvgetnstr               curs_getstr(3x)
-              mvgetstr                curs_getstr(3x)
-              mvhline                 curs_border(3x)
-              mvhline_set             curs_border_set(3x)
-              mvin_wch                curs_in_wch(3x)
-              mvin_wchnstr            curs_in_wchstr(3x)
-              mvin_wchstr             curs_in_wchstr(3x)
-              mvinch                  curs_inch(3x)
-              mvinchnstr              curs_inchstr(3x)
-              mvinchstr               curs_inchstr(3x)
-              mvinnstr                curs_instr(3x)
-              mvinnwstr               curs_inwstr(3x)
-              mvins_nwstr             curs_ins_wstr(3x)
-              mvins_wch               curs_ins_wch(3x)
-              mvins_wstr              curs_ins_wstr(3x)
-              mvinsch                 curs_insch(3x)
-              mvinsnstr               curs_insstr(3x)
-              mvinsstr                curs_insstr(3x)
-              mvinstr                 curs_instr(3x)
-              mvinwstr                curs_inwstr(3x)
-              mvprintw                curs_printw(3x)
-              mvscanw                 curs_scanw(3x)
-              mvvline                 curs_border(3x)
-              mvvline_set             curs_border_set(3x)
-              mvwadd_wch              curs_add_wch(3x)
-              mvwadd_wchnstr          curs_add_wchstr(3x)
-              mvwadd_wchstr           curs_add_wchstr(3x)
-              mvwaddch                curs_addch(3x)
-              mvwaddchnstr            curs_addchstr(3x)
-              mvwaddchstr             curs_addchstr(3x)
-              mvwaddnstr              curs_addstr(3x)
-              mvwaddnwstr             curs_addwstr(3x)
-              mvwaddstr               curs_addstr(3x)
-              mvwaddwstr              curs_addwstr(3x)
-              mvwchgat                curs_attr(3x)
-              mvwdelch                curs_delch(3x)
-              mvwget_wch              curs_get_wch(3x)
-              mvwget_wstr             curs_get_wstr(3x)
-              mvwgetch                curs_getch(3x)
-              mvwgetn_wstr            curs_get_wstr(3x)
-              mvwgetnstr              curs_getstr(3x)
-              mvwgetstr               curs_getstr(3x)
-              mvwhline                curs_border(3x)
-              mvwhline_set            curs_border_set(3x)
-              mvwin                   curs_window(3x)
-              mvwin_wch               curs_in_wch(3x)
-              mvwin_wchnstr           curs_in_wchstr(3x)
-              mvwin_wchstr            curs_in_wchstr(3x)
-              mvwinch                 curs_inch(3x)
-              mvwinchnstr             curs_inchstr(3x)
-              mvwinchstr              curs_inchstr(3x)
-              mvwinnstr               curs_instr(3x)
-              mvwinnwstr              curs_inwstr(3x)
-              mvwins_nwstr            curs_ins_wstr(3x)
-              mvwins_wch              curs_ins_wch(3x)
-              mvwins_wstr             curs_ins_wstr(3x)
-              mvwinsch                curs_insch(3x)
-              mvwinsnstr              curs_insstr(3x)
-              mvwinsstr               curs_insstr(3x)
-              mvwinstr                curs_instr(3x)
-              mvwinwstr               curs_inwstr(3x)
-              mvwprintw               curs_printw(3x)
-              mvwscanw                curs_scanw(3x)
-              mvwvline                curs_border(3x)
-              mvwvline_set            curs_border_set(3x)
-              napms                   curs_kernel(3x)
-              newpad                  curs_pad(3x)
-              newterm                 curs_initscr(3x)
-              newwin                  curs_window(3x)
-              nl                      curs_outopts(3x)
-              nocbreak                curs_inopts(3x)
-              nodelay                 curs_inopts(3x)
-              noecho                  curs_inopts(3x)
-              nonl                    curs_outopts(3x)
-              noqiflush               curs_inopts(3x)
-              noraw                   curs_inopts(3x)
-              notimeout               curs_inopts(3x)
-              overlay                 curs_overlay(3x)
-              overwrite               curs_overlay(3x)
-              pair_content            curs_color(3x)
-              pechochar               curs_pad(3x)
-              pnoutrefresh            curs_pad(3x)
-              prefresh                curs_pad(3x)
-              printw                  curs_printw(3x)
-              putp                    curs_terminfo(3x)
-              putwin                  curs_util(3x)
-              qiflush                 curs_inopts(3x)
-              raw                     curs_inopts(3x)
-              redrawwin               curs_refresh(3x)
-              refresh                 curs_refresh(3x)
-              reset_prog_mode         curs_kernel(3x)
-              reset_shell_mode        curs_kernel(3x)
-              resetty                 curs_kernel(3x)
-              resizeterm              resizeterm(3x)*
-              restartterm             curs_terminfo(3x)
-              ripoffline              curs_kernel(3x)
-              savetty                 curs_kernel(3x)
-              scanw                   curs_scanw(3x)
-              scr_dump                curs_scr_dump(3x)
-              scr_init                curs_scr_dump(3x)
-              scr_restore             curs_scr_dump(3x)
-              scr_set                 curs_scr_dump(3x)
-              scrl                    curs_scroll(3x)
-              scroll                  curs_scroll(3x)
-              scrollok                curs_outopts(3x)
-              set_curterm             curs_terminfo(3x)
-              set_term                curs_initscr(3x)
-              setcchar                curs_getcchar(3x)
-              setscrreg               curs_outopts(3x)
-              setsyx                  curs_kernel(3x)
-              setterm                 curs_terminfo(3x)
-              setupterm               curs_terminfo(3x)
-              slk_attr                curs_slk(3x)*
-              slk_attr_off            curs_slk(3x)
-              slk_attr_on             curs_slk(3x)
-              slk_attr_set            curs_slk(3x)
-              slk_attroff             curs_slk(3x)
-              slk_attron              curs_slk(3x)
-              slk_attrset             curs_slk(3x)
-              slk_clear               curs_slk(3x)
-              slk_color               curs_slk(3x)
-              slk_init                curs_slk(3x)
-              slk_label               curs_slk(3x)
-              slk_noutrefresh         curs_slk(3x)
-              slk_refresh             curs_slk(3x)
-              slk_restore             curs_slk(3x)
-              slk_set                 curs_slk(3x)
-              slk_touch               curs_slk(3x)
-              standend                curs_attr(3x)
-              standout                curs_attr(3x)
-              start_color             curs_color(3x)
-              subpad                  curs_pad(3x)
-              subwin                  curs_window(3x)
-              syncok                  curs_window(3x)
-              term_attrs              curs_termattrs(3x)
-              termattrs               curs_termattrs(3x)
-              termname                curs_termattrs(3x)
-              tgetent                 curs_termcap(3x)
-              tgetflag                curs_termcap(3x)
-              tgetnum                 curs_termcap(3x)
-              tgetstr                 curs_termcap(3x)
-              tgoto                   curs_termcap(3x)
-              tigetflag               curs_terminfo(3x)
-              tigetnum                curs_terminfo(3x)
-              tigetstr                curs_terminfo(3x)
-              timeout                 curs_inopts(3x)
-              touchline               curs_touch(3x)
-              touchwin                curs_touch(3x)
-              tparm                   curs_terminfo(3x)
-              tputs                   curs_termcap(3x)
-              tputs                   curs_terminfo(3x)
-              trace                   curs_trace(3x)*
-              typeahead               curs_inopts(3x)
-              unctrl                  curs_util(3x)
-              unget_wch               curs_get_wch(3x)
-              ungetch                 curs_getch(3x)
-              ungetmouse              curs_mouse(3x)*
-              untouchwin              curs_touch(3x)
-              use_default_colors      default_colors(3x)*
-              use_env                 curs_util(3x)
-              use_extended_names      curs_extend(3x)*
-              vid_attr                curs_terminfo(3x)
-              vid_puts                curs_terminfo(3x)
-              vidattr                 curs_terminfo(3x)
-              vidputs                 curs_terminfo(3x)
-              vline                   curs_border(3x)
-              vline_set               curs_border_set(3x)
-              vw_printw               curs_printw(3x)
-              vw_scanw                curs_scanw(3x)
-              vwprintw                curs_printw(3x)
-              vwscanw                 curs_scanw(3x)
-              wadd_wch                curs_add_wch(3x)
-              wadd_wchnstr            curs_add_wchstr(3x)
-              wadd_wchstr             curs_add_wchstr(3x)
-              waddch                  curs_addch(3x)
-              waddchnstr              curs_addchstr(3x)
-              waddchstr               curs_addchstr(3x)
-              waddnstr                curs_addstr(3x)
-              waddnwstr               curs_addwstr(3x)
-              waddstr                 curs_addstr(3x)
-              waddwstr                curs_addwstr(3x)
-              wattr_get               curs_attr(3x)
-              wattr_off               curs_attr(3x)
-              wattr_on                curs_attr(3x)
-              wattr_set               curs_attr(3x)
-              wattroff                curs_attr(3x)
-              wattron                 curs_attr(3x)
-              wattrset                curs_attr(3x)
-              wbkgd                   curs_bkgd(3x)
-              wbkgdset                curs_bkgd(3x)
-              wbkgrnd                 curs_bkgrnd(3x)
-              wbkgrndset              curs_bkgrnd(3x)
-              wborder                 curs_border(3x)
-              wborder_set             curs_border_set(3x)
-              wchgat                  curs_attr(3x)
-              wclear                  curs_clear(3x)
-              wclrtobot               curs_clear(3x)
-              wclrtoeol               curs_clear(3x)
-              wcolor_set              curs_attr(3x)
-              wcursyncup              curs_window(3x)
-              wdelch                  curs_delch(3x)
-              wdeleteln               curs_deleteln(3x)
-              wecho_wchar             curs_add_wch(3x)
-              wechochar               curs_addch(3x)
-              wenclose                curs_mouse(3x)*
-              werase                  curs_clear(3x)
-              wget_wch                curs_get_wch(3x)
-              wget_wstr               curs_get_wstr(3x)
-              wgetbkgrnd              curs_bkgrnd(3x)
-              wgetch                  curs_getch(3x)
-              wgetn_wstr              curs_get_wstr(3x)
-              wgetnstr                curs_getstr(3x)
-              wgetstr                 curs_getstr(3x)
-              whline                  curs_border(3x)
-              whline_set              curs_border_set(3x)
-              win_wch                 curs_in_wch(3x)
-              win_wchnstr             curs_in_wchstr(3x)
-              win_wchstr              curs_in_wchstr(3x)
-              winch                   curs_inch(3x)
-              winchnstr               curs_inchstr(3x)
-              winchstr                curs_inchstr(3x)
-              winnstr                 curs_instr(3x)
-              winnwstr                curs_inwstr(3x)
-              wins_nwstr              curs_ins_wstr(3x)
-              wins_wch                curs_ins_wch(3x)
-              wins_wstr               curs_ins_wstr(3x)
-              winsch                  curs_insch(3x)
-              winsdelln               curs_deleteln(3x)
-              winsertln               curs_deleteln(3x)
-              winsnstr                curs_insstr(3x)
-              winsstr                 curs_insstr(3x)
-              winstr                  curs_instr(3x)
-              winwstr                 curs_inwstr(3x)
-              wmouse_trafo            curs_mouse(3x)*
-              wmove                   curs_move(3x)
-              wnoutrefresh            curs_refresh(3x)
-              wprintw                 curs_printw(3x)
-              wredrawln               curs_refresh(3x)
-              wrefresh                curs_refresh(3x)
-              wresize                 wresize(3x)*
-              wscanw                  curs_scanw(3x)
-              wscrl                   curs_scroll(3x)
-              wsetscrreg              curs_outopts(3x)
-              wstandend               curs_attr(3x)
-              wstandout               curs_attr(3x)
-              wsyncdown               curs_window(3x)
-              wsyncup                 curs_window(3x)
-              wtimeout                curs_inopts(3x)
-              wtouchln                curs_touch(3x)
-              wunctrl                 curs_util(3x)
-              wvline                  curs_border(3x)
-              wvline_set              curs_border_set(3x)
+           intrflush(stdscr, FALSE);
+           keypad(stdscr, TRUE);
+       Before a curses program is run, the tab stops of the terminal should be
+       set and its initialization strings, if defined, must be  output.   This
+       can  be  done  by  executing  the  tput  init  command  after the shell
+       environment variable TERM has been exported.   (The  BSD-style  tset(1)
+       utility  also  performs  this  function.)   See  subsection  "Tabs  and
+       Initialization" of terminfo(5).


+       A curses library abstracts the terminal screen by representing  all  or
+       part  of it as a WINDOW data structure.  A window is a rectangular grid
+       of character cells, addressed by row and  column  coordinates  (y,  x),
+       with the upper left corner as (0, 0).  A window called stdscr, the same
+       size as the terminal screen, is always available.  Create  others  with
+       newwin(3x).
+       A  curses  library does not manage overlapping windows.  (See panel(3x)
+       if you desire this.)  You can either use stdscr to manage  one  screen-
+       filling window, or tile the screen into non-overlapping windows and not
+       use  stdscr  at  all.   Mixing  the  two  approaches  will  result   in
+       unpredictable, and undesired, effects.
+       Functions  permit  manipulation  of a window and the cursor identifying
+       the cell within it at which  the  next  output  operation  will  occur.
+       Among those, the most basic are move(3x) and addch(3x): these place the
+       cursor and write a character  to  stdscr,  respectively.   As  a  rule,
+       window-addressing  functions  feature  names  prefixed (or infixed, see
+       below) with "w"; these allow the user to specify a pointer to a WINDOW.
+       Counterparts  not  thus  prefixed  (or infixed) affect stdscr.  Because
+       moving the cursor prior to  another  operation  is  so  common,  curses
+       generally  also provides functions with a "mv" prefix as a convenience.
+       Thus, the library defines all of addch, waddch, mvaddch, and  mvwaddch.
+       When  both  prefixes  are  present,  the order of arguments is a WINDOW
+       pointer first, then a y and x coordinate pair.
+       Updating  the  terminal  screen  with  every  curses  call  can   cause
+       unpleasant  flicker or inefficient use of the communications channel to
+       the device.  Therefore, after using curses functions  to  accumulate  a
+       set  of  desired  updates  that  make  sense  to present together, call
+       refresh(3x) to tell the library to make the  user's  screen  look  like
+       stdscr.   ncurses optimizes its output by computing a minimal number of
+       operations to mutate the screen from its state at the previous  refresh
+       to  the  new  one.  Effective optimization demands accurate information
+       about the terminal device: the management of such  information  is  the
+       province  of  the  terminfo(3x) API, a feature of every standard curses
+       implementation.
+       Special windows called pads may also be manipulated.  These are windows
+       that  are  not constrained to the size of the terminal screen and whose
+       contents need not be completely displayed.  See curs_pad(3x).
+       In addition to drawing characters on the screen,  rendering  attributes
+       and  colors may be supported, causing the characters to show up in such
+       modes as underlined, in reverse video, or in color  on  terminals  that
+       support such display enhancements.  See curs_attr(3x).
+       curses  predefines  constants for a small set of line-drawing and other
+       graphics corresponding to the DEC  Alternate  Character  Set  (ACS),  a
+       feature of VT100 and other terminals.  See waddch(3x) and wadd_wch(3x).
+       curses  is  implemented  using  the operating system's terminal driver;
+       keystroke events are received not as scan codes but as byte  sequences.
+       Graphical  keycaps  (alphanumeric  and punctuation keys, and the space)
+       appear  as-is.   Everything  else,  including  the  tab,  enter/return,
+       keypad,  arrow,  and function keys, appears as a control character or a
+       multibyte escape sequence.  curses translates  these  into  unique  key
+       codes.  See getch(3x).

Effects of GUIs and Environment Variables

+       The   selection  of  an  appropriate  value  of  TERM  in  the  process
+       environment  is  essential  to  correct  curses  and  terminfo  library
+       operation.   A  well-configured  system  selects  a  correct TERM value
+       automatically;  tset(1)  may   assist   with   troubleshooting   exotic
+       situations.
+       If  the  environment  variables  LINES  and  COLUMNS are set, or if the
+       curses program is executing in a graphical windowing  environment,  the
+       information  obtained  thence  overrides that obtained by terminfo.  An
+       ncurses extension supports resizable terminals; see wresize(3x).
+       If the environment variable  TERMINFO  is  defined,  a  curses  program
+       checks  first  for  a  terminal  type  description  in  the location it
+       identifies.   TERMINFO  is  useful  for  developing  experimental  type
+       descriptions  or  when  write  permission to /usr/share/terminfo is not
+       available.
+       See section "ENVIRONMENT" below.

Naming Conventions

+       Many curses functions have two or more versions.  Those  prefixed  with
+       "w"  require  a  window  argument.   Four  functions  prefixed with "p"
+       require a pad argument.  Those without a prefix  generally  operate  on
+       stdscr.
+       In  function  synopses,  ncurses man pages apply the following names to
+       parameters.
+                        bf    bool (TRUE or FALSE)
+                        win   pointer to WINDOW
+                        pad   pointer to WINDOW that is a pad

Wide and Non-wide Character Configurations

+       This manual page describes functions that appear in  any  configuration
+       of  the  library.   There  are  two  common configurations; see section
+       ncurses   is the library in its "non-wide" configuration, handling only
+                 eight-bit  characters.   It  stores a character combined with
+                 attributes in a chtype datum, which is often an alias of int.
+                 Attributes alone (with no  corresponding  character)  can  be
+                 stored  in  variables  of  chtype  or attr_t type.  In either
+                 case, they are represented as an integral bit mask.
+                 Each cell of a WINDOW is stored as a chtype.
+       ncursesw  is the library in its  "wide"  configuration,  which  handles
+                 character encodings requiring a larger data type than char (a
+                 byte-sized type) can represent.  It adds about one third more
+                 calls  using  additional  data  types  that  can  store  such
+                 multibyte characters.
+                 cchar_t  corresponds to the non-wide configuration's  chtype.
+                          It  always  a structure type, because it stores more
+                          data than fits into an integral type.   A  character
+                          code  may  not  be  representable  as  a  char,  and
+                          moreover more than one character may occupy  a  cell
+                          (as  with  accent marks and other diacritics).  Each
+                          character is of type wchar_t;  a  complex  character
+                          contains one spacing character and zero or more non-
+                          spacing  characters  (see  below).   Attributes  and
+                          color  data  are  stored  in  separate fields of the
+                          structure, not combined as in chtype.
+                 Each cell of a WINDOW is stored as a cchar_t.
+                 The  setcchar(3x)  and  getcchar(3x)  functions   store   and
+                 retrieve the data from a cchar_t structure.  The wide library
+                 API of ncurses depends on two data types standardized by  ISO
+                 C95.
+                 wchar_t  stores  a wide character.  Like chtype, it may be an
+                          alias of int.  Depending on the character  encoding,
+                          a  wide  character  may  be spacing, meaning that it
+                          occupies a character cell by  itself  and  typically
+                          accompanies   cursor  advancement,  or  non-spacing,
+                          meaning that it occupies the same cell as a  spacing
+                          character,  is often regarded as a "modifier" of the
+                          base glyph with which  it  combines,  and  typically
+                          does not advance the cursor.
+                 wint_t   can   store   a   wchar_t   or  the  constant  WEOF,
+                          analogously to the int-sized character  manipulation
+                          functions of ISO C and its constant EOF.
+                 The   wide   library   provides   additional  functions  that
+                 complement those in the non-wide library where  the  size  of
+                 the  underlying  character  type  is significant.  A somewhat
+                 regular naming convention relates many of the  wide  variants
+                 to  their  non-wide  counterparts;  where a non-wide function
+                 name contains "ch" or "str", prefix it with  "_w"  to  obtain
+                 the wide counterpart.  For example, waddch becomes wadd_wch.
+                 This  convention  is  inapplicable  to some non-wide function
+                 names,  so  other  transformations  are  used  for  the  wide
+                 configuration: in the window background management functions,
+                 "bkgd"  becomes  "bkgrnd";  the  window  border-drawing   and
+                 -clearing functions are suffixed with "_set".

Function Name Index

+       The following table lists the curses functions provided in the non-wide
+       and wide APIs and the  corresponding  man  pages  that  describe  them.
+       Those  flagged  with  "*"  are  ncurses-specific,  neither described by
+       X/Open Curses nor present in SVr4.
+                    curses Function Name     Man Page
+                    ---------------------------------------------
+                    COLOR_PAIR               curs_color(3x)
+                    PAIR_NUMBER              curs_color(3x)
+                    add_wch                  curs_add_wch(3x)
+                    add_wchnstr              curs_add_wchstr(3x)
+                    add_wchstr               curs_add_wchstr(3x)
+                    addch                    curs_addch(3x)
+                    addchnstr                curs_addchstr(3x)
+                    addchstr                 curs_addchstr(3x)
+                    addnstr                  curs_addstr(3x)
+                    addnwstr                 curs_addwstr(3x)
+                    addstr                   curs_addstr(3x)
+                    addwstr                  curs_addwstr(3x)
+                    alloc_pair               new_pair(3x)*
+                    assume_default_colors    default_colors(3x)*
+                    attr_get                 curs_attr(3x)
+                    attr_off                 curs_attr(3x)
+                    attr_on                  curs_attr(3x)
+                    attr_set                 curs_attr(3x)
+                    attroff                  curs_attr(3x)
+                    attron                   curs_attr(3x)
+                    attrset                  curs_attr(3x)
+                    baudrate                 curs_termattrs(3x)
+                    beep                     curs_beep(3x)
+                    bkgd                     curs_bkgd(3x)
+                    bkgdset                  curs_bkgd(3x)
+                    bkgrnd                   curs_bkgrnd(3x)
+                    bkgrndset                curs_bkgrnd(3x)
+                    border                   curs_border(3x)
+                    border_set               curs_border_set(3x)
+                    box                      curs_border(3x)
+                    box_set                  curs_border_set(3x)
+                    can_change_color         curs_color(3x)
+                    cbreak                   curs_inopts(3x)
+                    chgat                    curs_attr(3x)
+                    clear                    curs_clear(3x)
+                    clearok                  curs_outopts(3x)
+                    clrtobot                 curs_clear(3x)
+                    clrtoeol                 curs_clear(3x)
+                    color_content            curs_color(3x)
+                    color_set                curs_attr(3x)
+                    copywin                  curs_overlay(3x)
+                    curs_set                 curs_kernel(3x)
+                    curses_trace             curs_trace(3x)*
+                    curses_version           curs_extend(3x)*
+                    def_prog_mode            curs_kernel(3x)
+                    def_shell_mode           curs_kernel(3x)
+                    define_key               define_key(3x)*
+                    del_curterm              curs_terminfo(3x)
+                    delay_output             curs_util(3x)
+                    delch                    curs_delch(3x)
+                    deleteln                 curs_deleteln(3x)
+                    delscreen                curs_initscr(3x)
+                    delwin                   curs_window(3x)
+                    derwin                   curs_window(3x)
+                    doupdate                 curs_refresh(3x)
+                    dupwin                   curs_window(3x)
+                    echo                     curs_inopts(3x)
+                    echo_wchar               curs_add_wch(3x)
+                    echochar                 curs_addch(3x)
+                    endwin                   curs_initscr(3x)
+                    erase                    curs_clear(3x)
+                    erasechar                curs_termattrs(3x)
+                    erasewchar               curs_termattrs(3x)
+                    exit_curses              curs_memleaks(3x)*
+                    exit_terminfo            curs_memleaks(3x)*
+                    extended_color_content   curs_color(3x)*
+                    extended_pair_content    curs_color(3x)*
+                    extended_slk_color       curs_slk(3x)*
+                    filter                   curs_util(3x)
+                    find_pair                new_pair(3x)*
+                    flash                    curs_beep(3x)
+                    flushinp                 curs_util(3x)
+                    free_pair                new_pair(3x)*
+                    get_wch                  curs_get_wch(3x)
+                    get_wstr                 curs_get_wstr(3x)
+                    getattrs                 curs_attr(3x)
+                    getbegx                  curs_legacy(3x)*
+                    getbegy                  curs_legacy(3x)*
+                    getbegyx                 curs_getyx(3x)
+                    getbkgd                  curs_bkgd(3x)
+                    getbkgrnd                curs_bkgrnd(3x)
+                    getcchar                 curs_getcchar(3x)
+                    getch                    curs_getch(3x)
+                    getcurx                  curs_legacy(3x)*
+                    getcury                  curs_legacy(3x)*
+                    getmaxx                  curs_legacy(3x)*
+                    getmaxy                  curs_legacy(3x)*
+                    getmaxyx                 curs_getyx(3x)
+                    getmouse                 curs_mouse(3x)*
+                    getn_wstr                curs_get_wstr(3x)
+                    getnstr                  curs_getstr(3x)
+                    getparx                  curs_legacy(3x)*
+                    getpary                  curs_legacy(3x)*
+                    getparyx                 curs_getyx(3x)
+                    getstr                   curs_getstr(3x)
+                    getsyx                   curs_kernel(3x)
+                    getwin                   curs_util(3x)
+                    getyx                    curs_getyx(3x)
+                    halfdelay                curs_inopts(3x)
+                    has_colors               curs_color(3x)
+                    has_ic                   curs_termattrs(3x)
+                    has_il                   curs_termattrs(3x)
+                    has_key                  curs_getch(3x)*
+                    has_mouse                curs_mouse(3x)*
+                    hline                    curs_border(3x)
+                    hline_set                curs_border_set(3x)
+                    idcok                    curs_outopts(3x)
+                    idlok                    curs_outopts(3x)
+                    immedok                  curs_outopts(3x)
+                    in_wch                   curs_in_wch(3x)
+                    in_wchnstr               curs_in_wchstr(3x)
+                    in_wchstr                curs_in_wchstr(3x)
+                    inch                     curs_inch(3x)
+                    inchnstr                 curs_inchstr(3x)
+                    inchstr                  curs_inchstr(3x)
+                    init_color               curs_color(3x)
+                    init_extended_color      curs_color(3x)*
+                    init_extended_pair       curs_color(3x)*
+                    init_pair                curs_color(3x)
+                    initscr                  curs_initscr(3x)
+                    innstr                   curs_instr(3x)
+                    innwstr                  curs_inwstr(3x)
+                    ins_nwstr                curs_ins_wstr(3x)
+                    ins_wch                  curs_ins_wch(3x)
+                    ins_wstr                 curs_ins_wstr(3x)
+                    insch                    curs_insch(3x)
+                    insdelln                 curs_deleteln(3x)
+                    insertln                 curs_deleteln(3x)
+                    insnstr                  curs_insstr(3x)
+                    insstr                   curs_insstr(3x)
+                    instr                    curs_instr(3x)
+                    intrflush                curs_inopts(3x)
+                    inwstr                   curs_inwstr(3x)
+                    is_cbreak                curs_inopts(3x)*
+                    is_cleared               curs_opaque(3x)*
+                    is_echo                  curs_inopts(3x)*
+                    is_idcok                 curs_opaque(3x)*
+                    is_idlok                 curs_opaque(3x)*
+                    is_immedok               curs_opaque(3x)*
+                    is_keypad                curs_opaque(3x)*
+                    is_leaveok               curs_opaque(3x)*
+                    is_linetouched           curs_touch(3x)
+                    is_nl                    curs_inopts(3x)*
+                    is_nodelay               curs_opaque(3x)*
+                    is_notimeout             curs_opaque(3x)*
+                    is_pad                   curs_opaque(3x)*
+                    is_raw                   curs_inopts(3x)*
+                    is_scrollok              curs_opaque(3x)*
+                    is_subwin                curs_opaque(3x)*
+                    is_syncok                curs_opaque(3x)*
+                    is_term_resized          resizeterm(3x)*
+                    is_wintouched            curs_touch(3x)
+                    isendwin                 curs_initscr(3x)
+                    key_defined              key_defined(3x)*
+                    key_name                 curs_util(3x)
+                    keybound                 keybound(3x)*
+                    keyname                  curs_util(3x)
+                    keyok                    keyok(3x)*
+                    keypad                   curs_inopts(3x)
+                    killchar                 curs_termattrs(3x)
+                    killwchar                curs_termattrs(3x)
+                    leaveok                  curs_outopts(3x)
+                    longname                 curs_termattrs(3x)
+                    mcprint                  curs_print(3x)*
+                    meta                     curs_inopts(3x)
+                    mouse_trafo              curs_mouse(3x)*
+                    mouseinterval            curs_mouse(3x)*
+                    mousemask                curs_mouse(3x)*
+                    move                     curs_move(3x)
+                    mvadd_wch                curs_add_wch(3x)
+                    mvadd_wchnstr            curs_add_wchstr(3x)
+                    mvadd_wchstr             curs_add_wchstr(3x)
+                    mvaddch                  curs_addch(3x)
+                    mvaddchnstr              curs_addchstr(3x)
+                    mvaddchstr               curs_addchstr(3x)
+                    mvaddnstr                curs_addstr(3x)
+                    mvaddnwstr               curs_addwstr(3x)
+                    mvaddstr                 curs_addstr(3x)
+                    mvaddwstr                curs_addwstr(3x)
+                    mvchgat                  curs_attr(3x)
+                    mvcur                    curs_terminfo(3x)
+                    mvdelch                  curs_delch(3x)
+                    mvderwin                 curs_window(3x)
+                    mvget_wch                curs_get_wch(3x)
+                    mvget_wstr               curs_get_wstr(3x)
+                    mvgetch                  curs_getch(3x)
+                    mvgetn_wstr              curs_get_wstr(3x)
+                    mvgetnstr                curs_getstr(3x)
+                    mvgetstr                 curs_getstr(3x)
+                    mvhline                  curs_border(3x)
+                    mvhline_set              curs_border_set(3x)
+                    mvin_wch                 curs_in_wch(3x)
+                    mvin_wchnstr             curs_in_wchstr(3x)
+                    mvin_wchstr              curs_in_wchstr(3x)
+                    mvinch                   curs_inch(3x)
+                    mvinchnstr               curs_inchstr(3x)
+                    mvinchstr                curs_inchstr(3x)
+                    mvinnstr                 curs_instr(3x)
+                    mvinnwstr                curs_inwstr(3x)
+                    mvins_nwstr              curs_ins_wstr(3x)
+                    mvins_wch                curs_ins_wch(3x)
+                    mvins_wstr               curs_ins_wstr(3x)
+                    mvinsch                  curs_insch(3x)
+                    mvinsnstr                curs_insstr(3x)
+                    mvinsstr                 curs_insstr(3x)
+                    mvinstr                  curs_instr(3x)
+                    mvinwstr                 curs_inwstr(3x)
+                    mvprintw                 curs_printw(3x)
+                    mvscanw                  curs_scanw(3x)
+                    mvvline                  curs_border(3x)
+                    mvvline_set              curs_border_set(3x)
+                    mvwadd_wch               curs_add_wch(3x)
+                    mvwadd_wchnstr           curs_add_wchstr(3x)
+                    mvwadd_wchstr            curs_add_wchstr(3x)
+                    mvwaddch                 curs_addch(3x)
+                    mvwaddchnstr             curs_addchstr(3x)
+                    mvwaddchstr              curs_addchstr(3x)
+                    mvwaddnstr               curs_addstr(3x)
+                    mvwaddnwstr              curs_addwstr(3x)
+                    mvwaddstr                curs_addstr(3x)
+                    mvwaddwstr               curs_addwstr(3x)
+                    mvwchgat                 curs_attr(3x)
+                    mvwdelch                 curs_delch(3x)
+                    mvwget_wch               curs_get_wch(3x)
+                    mvwget_wstr              curs_get_wstr(3x)
+                    mvwgetch                 curs_getch(3x)
+                    mvwgetn_wstr             curs_get_wstr(3x)
+                    mvwgetnstr               curs_getstr(3x)
+                    mvwgetstr                curs_getstr(3x)
+                    mvwhline                 curs_border(3x)
+                    mvwhline_set             curs_border_set(3x)
+                    mvwin                    curs_window(3x)
+                    mvwin_wch                curs_in_wch(3x)
+                    mvwin_wchnstr            curs_in_wchstr(3x)
+                    mvwin_wchstr             curs_in_wchstr(3x)
+                    mvwinch                  curs_inch(3x)
+                    mvwinchnstr              curs_inchstr(3x)
+                    mvwinchstr               curs_inchstr(3x)
+                    mvwinnstr                curs_instr(3x)
+                    mvwinnwstr               curs_inwstr(3x)
+                    mvwins_nwstr             curs_ins_wstr(3x)
+                    mvwins_wch               curs_ins_wch(3x)
+                    mvwins_wstr              curs_ins_wstr(3x)
+                    mvwinsch                 curs_insch(3x)
+                    mvwinsnstr               curs_insstr(3x)
+                    mvwinsstr                curs_insstr(3x)
+                    mvwinstr                 curs_instr(3x)
+                    mvwinwstr                curs_inwstr(3x)
+                    mvwprintw                curs_printw(3x)
+                    mvwscanw                 curs_scanw(3x)
+                    mvwvline                 curs_border(3x)
+                    mvwvline_set             curs_border_set(3x)
+                    napms                    curs_kernel(3x)
+                    newpad                   curs_pad(3x)
+                    newterm                  curs_initscr(3x)
+                    newwin                   curs_window(3x)
+                    nl                       curs_inopts(3x)
+                    nocbreak                 curs_inopts(3x)
+                    nodelay                  curs_inopts(3x)
+                    noecho                   curs_inopts(3x)
+                    nofilter                 curs_util(3x)*
+                    nonl                     curs_inopts(3x)
+                    noqiflush                curs_inopts(3x)
+                    noraw                    curs_inopts(3x)
+                    notimeout                curs_inopts(3x)
+                    overlay                  curs_overlay(3x)
+                    overwrite                curs_overlay(3x)
+                    pair_content             curs_color(3x)
+                    pecho_wchar              curs_pad(3x)
+                    pechochar                curs_pad(3x)
+                    pnoutrefresh             curs_pad(3x)
+                    prefresh                 curs_pad(3x)
+                    printw                   curs_printw(3x)
+                    putp                     curs_terminfo(3x)
+                    putwin                   curs_util(3x)
+                    qiflush                  curs_inopts(3x)
+                    raw                      curs_inopts(3x)
+                    redrawwin                curs_refresh(3x)
+                    refresh                  curs_refresh(3x)
+                    reset_color_pairs        curs_color(3x)*
+                    reset_prog_mode          curs_kernel(3x)
+                    reset_shell_mode         curs_kernel(3x)
+                    resetty                  curs_kernel(3x)
+                    resize_term              resizeterm(3x)*
+                    resizeterm               resizeterm(3x)*
+                    restartterm              curs_terminfo(3x)
+                    ripoffline               curs_kernel(3x)
+                    savetty                  curs_kernel(3x)
+                    scanw                    curs_scanw(3x)
+                    scr_dump                 curs_scr_dump(3x)
+                    scr_init                 curs_scr_dump(3x)
+                    scr_restore              curs_scr_dump(3x)
+                    scr_set                  curs_scr_dump(3x)
+                    scrl                     curs_scroll(3x)
+                    scroll                   curs_scroll(3x)
+                    scrollok                 curs_outopts(3x)
+                    set_curterm              curs_terminfo(3x)
+                    set_term                 curs_initscr(3x)
+                    setcchar                 curs_getcchar(3x)
+                    setscrreg                curs_outopts(3x)
+                    setsyx                   curs_kernel(3x)
+                    setupterm                curs_terminfo(3x)
+                    slk_attr                 curs_slk(3x)*
+                    slk_attr_off             curs_slk(3x)
+                    slk_attr_on              curs_slk(3x)
+                    slk_attr_set             curs_slk(3x)
+                    slk_attroff              curs_slk(3x)
+                    slk_attron               curs_slk(3x)
+                    slk_attrset              curs_slk(3x)
+                    slk_clear                curs_slk(3x)
+                    slk_color                curs_slk(3x)
+                    slk_init                 curs_slk(3x)
+                    slk_label                curs_slk(3x)
+                    slk_noutrefresh          curs_slk(3x)
+                    slk_refresh              curs_slk(3x)
+                    slk_restore              curs_slk(3x)
+                    slk_set                  curs_slk(3x)
+                    slk_touch                curs_slk(3x)
+                    slk_wset                 curs_slk(3x)
+                    standend                 curs_attr(3x)
+                    standout                 curs_attr(3x)
+                    start_color              curs_color(3x)
+                    subpad                   curs_pad(3x)
+                    subwin                   curs_window(3x)
+                    syncok                   curs_window(3x)
+                    term_attrs               curs_termattrs(3x)
+                    termattrs                curs_termattrs(3x)
+                    termname                 curs_termattrs(3x)
+                    tgetent                  curs_termcap(3x)
+                    tgetflag                 curs_termcap(3x)
+                    tgetnum                  curs_termcap(3x)
+                    tgetstr                  curs_termcap(3x)
+                    tgoto                    curs_termcap(3x)
+                    tigetflag                curs_terminfo(3x)
+                    tigetnum                 curs_terminfo(3x)
+                    tigetstr                 curs_terminfo(3x)
+                    timeout                  curs_inopts(3x)
+                    tiparm                   curs_terminfo(3x)
+                    tiparm_s                 curs_terminfo(3x)*
+                    tiscan_s                 curs_terminfo(3x)*
+                    touchline                curs_touch(3x)
+                    touchwin                 curs_touch(3x)
+                    tparm                    curs_terminfo(3x)
+                    tputs                    curs_termcap(3x)
+                    tputs                    curs_terminfo(3x)
+                    trace                    curs_trace(3x)*
+                    typeahead                curs_inopts(3x)
+                    unctrl                   curs_util(3x)
+                    unget_wch                curs_get_wch(3x)
+                    ungetch                  curs_getch(3x)
+                    ungetmouse               curs_mouse(3x)*
+                    untouchwin               curs_touch(3x)
+                    use_default_colors       default_colors(3x)*
+                    use_env                  curs_util(3x)
+                    use_extended_names       curs_extend(3x)*
+                    use_legacy_coding        legacy_coding(3x)*
+                    use_tioctl               curs_util(3x)*
+                    vid_attr                 curs_terminfo(3x)
+                    vid_puts                 curs_terminfo(3x)
+                    vidattr                  curs_terminfo(3x)
+                    vidputs                  curs_terminfo(3x)
+                    vline                    curs_border(3x)
+                    vline_set                curs_border_set(3x)
+                    vw_printw                curs_printw(3x)
+                    vw_scanw                 curs_scanw(3x)
+                    vwprintw                 curs_printw(3x)
+                    vwscanw                  curs_scanw(3x)
+                    wadd_wch                 curs_add_wch(3x)
+                    wadd_wchnstr             curs_add_wchstr(3x)
+                    wadd_wchstr              curs_add_wchstr(3x)
+                    waddch                   curs_addch(3x)
+                    waddchnstr               curs_addchstr(3x)
+                    waddchstr                curs_addchstr(3x)
+                    waddnstr                 curs_addstr(3x)
+                    waddnwstr                curs_addwstr(3x)
+                    waddstr                  curs_addstr(3x)
+                    waddwstr                 curs_addwstr(3x)
+                    wattr_get                curs_attr(3x)
+                    wattr_off                curs_attr(3x)
+                    wattr_on                 curs_attr(3x)
+                    wattr_set                curs_attr(3x)
+                    wattroff                 curs_attr(3x)
+                    wattron                  curs_attr(3x)
+                    wattrset                 curs_attr(3x)
+                    wbkgd                    curs_bkgd(3x)
+                    wbkgdset                 curs_bkgd(3x)
+                    wbkgrnd                  curs_bkgrnd(3x)
+                    wbkgrndset               curs_bkgrnd(3x)
+                    wborder                  curs_border(3x)
+                    wborder_set              curs_border_set(3x)
+                    wchgat                   curs_attr(3x)
+                    wclear                   curs_clear(3x)
+                    wclrtobot                curs_clear(3x)
+                    wclrtoeol                curs_clear(3x)
+                    wcolor_set               curs_attr(3x)
+                    wcursyncup               curs_window(3x)
+                    wdelch                   curs_delch(3x)
+                    wdeleteln                curs_deleteln(3x)
+                    wecho_wchar              curs_add_wch(3x)
+                    wechochar                curs_addch(3x)
+                    wenclose                 curs_mouse(3x)*
+                    werase                   curs_clear(3x)
+                    wget_wch                 curs_get_wch(3x)
+                    wget_wstr                curs_get_wstr(3x)
+                    wgetbkgrnd               curs_bkgrnd(3x)
+                    wgetch                   curs_getch(3x)
+                    wgetdelay                curs_opaque(3x)*
+                    wgetn_wstr               curs_get_wstr(3x)
+                    wgetnstr                 curs_getstr(3x)
+                    wgetparent               curs_opaque(3x)*
+                    wgetscrreg               curs_opaque(3x)*
+                    wgetstr                  curs_getstr(3x)
+                    whline                   curs_border(3x)
+                    whline_set               curs_border_set(3x)
+                    win_wch                  curs_in_wch(3x)
+                    win_wchnstr              curs_in_wchstr(3x)
+                    win_wchstr               curs_in_wchstr(3x)
+                    winch                    curs_inch(3x)
+                    winchnstr                curs_inchstr(3x)
+                    winchstr                 curs_inchstr(3x)
+                    winnstr                  curs_instr(3x)
+                    winnwstr                 curs_inwstr(3x)
+                    wins_nwstr               curs_ins_wstr(3x)
+                    wins_wch                 curs_ins_wch(3x)
+                    wins_wstr                curs_ins_wstr(3x)
+                    winsch                   curs_insch(3x)
+                    winsdelln                curs_deleteln(3x)
+                    winsertln                curs_deleteln(3x)
+                    winsnstr                 curs_insstr(3x)
+                    winsstr                  curs_insstr(3x)
+                    winstr                   curs_instr(3x)
+                    winwstr                  curs_inwstr(3x)
+                    wmouse_trafo             curs_mouse(3x)*
+                    wmove                    curs_move(3x)
+                    wnoutrefresh             curs_refresh(3x)
+                    wprintw                  curs_printw(3x)
+                    wredrawln                curs_refresh(3x)
+                    wrefresh                 curs_refresh(3x)
+                    wresize                  wresize(3x)*
+                    wscanw                   curs_scanw(3x)
+                    wscrl                    curs_scroll(3x)
+                    wsetscrreg               curs_outopts(3x)
+                    wstandend                curs_attr(3x)
+                    wstandout                curs_attr(3x)
+                    wsyncdown                curs_window(3x)
+                    wsyncup                  curs_window(3x)
+                    wtimeout                 curs_inopts(3x)
+                    wtouchln                 curs_touch(3x)
+                    wunctrl                  curs_util(3x)
+                    wvline                   curs_border(3x)
+                    wvline_set               curs_border_set(3x)
+       Depending on the configuration, additional sets  of  functions  may  be
+       available:
+          curs_memleaks(3x) - curses memory-leak checking
+          curs_sp_funcs(3x) - curses screen-pointer extension
+          curs_threads(3x) - curses thread support
+          curs_trace(3x) - curses debugging routines


+       Unless  otherwise  noted, functions that return an integer return OK on
+       success and ERR on failure.  Functions that return pointers return NULL
+       on  failure.   Typically,  ncurses  treats  a  null pointer passed as a
+       function parameter as a failure.
+       Functions with a "mv" prefix first perform cursor movement using  wmove
+       and  fail  if  the  position  is  outside  the  window,  or  (for "mvw"
+       functions) if the WINDOW pointer is null.


+       The following  environment  symbols  are  useful  for  customizing  the
+       runtime  behavior of the ncurses library.  The most important ones have
+       been already discussed in detail.

CC (command character)

+       When set, change the  command_character  (cmdch)  capability  value  of
+       loaded  terminfo entries to the value of this variable.  Very few term-
+       info entries provide this feature.
+       Because this name is also used in development environments to represent
+       the C compiler's name, ncurses ignores it if it does not happen to be a
+       single character.


+       The  debugging  library  checks  this  environment  variable  when  the
+       application  has  redirected  output to a file.  The variable's numeric
+       value is used for the baudrate.  If no value  is  found,  ncurses  uses
+       9600.  This allows testers to construct repeatable test-cases that take
+       into account costs that depend on baudrate.


+       Specify the width of the screen in characters.  Applications running in
+       a  windowing  environment  usually  are able to obtain the width of the
+       window in which they are executing.  If neither the COLUMNS  value  nor
+       the  terminal's  screen  size is available, ncurses uses the size which
+       may be specified in the terminfo database (i.e., the cols capability).
+       It is important that your  application  use  a  correct  size  for  the
+       screen.   This  is  not always possible because your application may be
+       running on a host which does not honor NAWS (Negotiations About  Window
+       Size),  or  because  you  are  temporarily  running  as  another  user.
+       However, setting COLUMNS and/or LINES overrides the  library's  use  of
+       the screen size obtained from the operating system.
+       Either  COLUMNS  or LINES symbols may be specified independently.  This
+       is  mainly  useful  to  circumvent  legacy  misfeatures   of   terminal
+       descriptions,  e.g.,  xterm  which commonly specifies a 65 line screen.
+       For best results, lines and cols should not be specified in a  terminal
+       description for terminals which are run as emulations.
+       Use  the  use_env  function  to disable all use of external environment
+       (but not including system calls) to determine the screen size.  Use the
+       use_tioctl function to update COLUMNS or LINES to match the screen size
+       obtained from system calls or the terminal database.


+       Specifies the total time, in milliseconds, for which ncurses will await
+       a  character  sequence,  e.g., a function key.  The default value, 1000
+       milliseconds, is enough for most uses.  However, it is made a  variable
+       to accommodate unusual applications.
+       The  most common instance where you may wish to change this value is to
+       work with slow hosts, e.g., running on a network.  If the  host  cannot
+       read  characters rapidly enough, it will have the same effect as if the
+       terminal did not send characters  rapidly  enough.   The  library  will
+       still see a timeout.
+       Note  that  xterm  mouse  events  are built up from character sequences
+       received from the xterm.   If  your  application  makes  heavy  use  of
+       multiple-clicking,  you may wish to lengthen this default value because
+       the timeout applies to the composed multi-click event as  well  as  the
+       individual clicks.
+       In addition to the environment variable, this implementation provides a
+       global variable with the same name.  Portable applications  should  not
+       rely  upon  the  presence  of  ESCDELAY in either form, but setting the
+       environment variable rather than the global variable  does  not  create
+       problems when compiling an application.


-       Routines that return an integer return  ERR  upon  failure
-       and  an  integer value other than ERR upon successful com-
-       pletion, unless otherwise noted in  the  routine  descrip-
-       tions.
-       All  macros  return  the  value  of  the w version, except
-       setscrreg, wsetscrreg, getyx, getbegyx, and getmaxyx.  The
-       return  values  of setscrreg, wsetscrreg, getyx, getbegyx,
-       and getmaxyx are undefined (i.e., these should not be used
-       as the right-hand side of assignment statements).


+       Tells  ncurses where your home directory is.  That is where it may read
+       and write auxiliary terminal descriptions:
-       Routines that return pointers return NULL on error.
+           $HOME/.termcap
+           $HOME/.terminfo


-       The following environment symbols are useful for customiz-
-       ing the runtime behavior of the ncurses library.  The most
-       important ones have been already discussed in detail.
-       BAUDRATE
-            The  debugging library checks this environment symbol
-            when the application has redirected output to a file.
-            The  symbol's numeric value is used for the baudrate.
-            If no value is found, ncurses uses 9600.  This allows
-            testers  to construct repeatable test-cases that take
-            into account costs that depend on baudrate.
-       CC   When set, change occurrences of the command_character
-            (i.e.,  the  cmdch capability) of the loaded terminfo
-            entries to the value of this symbol.  Very  few  ter-
-            minfo entries provide this feature.
-       COLUMNS
-            Specify  the  width  of  the  screen  in  characters.
-            Applications running in a windowing environment  usu-
-            ally  are  able  to obtain the width of the window in
-            which they are executing.   If  neither  the  COLUMNS
-            value  nor  the  terminal's screen size is available,
-            ncurses uses the size which may be specified  in  the
-            terminfo database (i.e., the cols capability).
-            It  is  important that your application use a correct
-            size for the screen.  This  is  not  always  possible
-            because  your  application  may  be running on a host
-            which does not honor NAWS (Negotiations About  Window
-            Size),  or  because  you  are  temporarily running as
-            another user.  However, setting COLUMNS and/or  LINES
-            overrides  the  library's  use  of  the  screen  size
-            obtained from the operating system.
-            Either COLUMNS or  LINES  symbols  may  be  specified
-            independently.   This  is mainly useful to circumvent
-            legacy misfeatures of  terminal  descriptions,  e.g.,
-            xterm which commonly specifies a 65 line screen.  For
-            best results, lines and cols should not be  specified
-            in a terminal description for terminals which are run
-            as emulations.
-            Use the use_env function to disable all use of exter-
-            nal environment (including system calls) to determine
-            the screen size.
-       ESCDELAY
-            Specifies the total time, in milliseconds, for  which
-            ncurses  will  await  a  character  sequence, e.g., a
-            function key.  The default value, 1000  milliseconds,
-            is enough for most uses.  However, it is made a vari-
-            able to accommodate unusual applications.
-            The most common instance where you may wish to change
-            this  value is to work with slow hosts, e.g., running
-            on a network.  If the  host  cannot  read  characters
-            rapidly  enough,  it  will have the same effect as if
-            the terminal did not send characters rapidly  enough.
-            The library will still see a timeout.
-            Note  that xterm mouse events are built up from char-
-            acter sequences received from  the  xterm.   If  your
-            application makes heavy use of multiple-clicking, you
-            may wish to lengthen this default value  because  the
-            timeout  applies to the composed multi-click event as
-            well as the individual clicks.
-            In addition to the environment variable, this  imple-
-            mentation  provides  a  global variable with the same
-            name.  Portable applications should not rely upon the
-            presence  of ESCDELAY in either form, but setting the
-            environment variable rather than the global  variable
-            does  not  create problems when compiling an applica-
-            tion.
-       HOME Tells ncurses where your home directory is.  That  is
-            where  it  may  read  and  write  auxiliary  terminal
-            descriptions:
-            $HOME/.termcap
-            $HOME/.terminfo
-       LINES
-            Like COLUMNS, specify the height  of  the  screen  in
-            characters.   See COLUMNS for a detailed description.
-       MOUSE_BUTTONS_123
-            This applies only to the OS/2 EMX port.  It specifies
-            the  order  of  buttons on the mouse.  OS/2 numbers a
-            3-button mouse inconsistently from other platforms:
-            1 = left
-            2 = right
-            3 = middle.
-            This symbol lets you customize the mouse.  The symbol
-            must  be three numeric digits 1-3 in any order, e.g.,
-            123 or 321.  If it is  not  specified,  ncurses  uses
-            132.
-            Override  the  compiled-in assumption that the termi-
-            nal's  default   colors   are   white-on-black   (see
-            assume_default_colors(3x)).   You  may  set the fore-
-            ground and background color values with this environ-
-            ment   variable   by   proving   a   2-element  list:
-            foreground,background.  For example, to tell  ncurses
-            to  not assume anything about the colors, set this to
-            "-1,-1".  To make it green-on-black, set it to "2,0".
-            Any positive value from zero to the terminfo max_col-
-            ors value is allowed.
-            Ncurses may use tabs as part of the  cursor  movement
-            optimization.   In  some  cases, your terminal driver
-            may not handle these properly.  Set this  environment
-            variable to disable the feature.  You can also adjust
-            your stty settings to avoid the problem.
-            Some  terminals  use  a  magic-cookie  feature  which
-            requires  special  handling  to make highlighting and
-            other video attributes  display  properly.   You  can
-            suppress  the  highlighting entirely for these termi-
-            nals by setting this environment variable.
-            Most of the terminal  descriptions  in  the  terminfo
-            database  are  written for real "hardware" terminals.
-            Many people use terminal emulators  which  run  in  a
-            windowing  environment  and use curses-based applica-
-            tions.  Terminal emulators can duplicate all  of  the
-            important aspects of a hardware terminal, but they do
-            not have the same limitations.  The chief  limitation
-            of  a  hardware  terminal from the standpoint of your
-            application is the management of dataflow, i.e., tim-
-            ing.  Unless a hardware terminal is interfaced into a
-            terminal concentrator (which does flow  control),  it
-            (or  your application) must manage dataflow, prevent-
-            ing overruns.  The  cheapest  solution  (no  hardware
-            cost) is for your program to do this by pausing after
-            operations that the terminal  does  slowly,  such  as
-            clearing the display.
-            As  a  result,  many terminal descriptions (including
-            the vt100) have delay times embedded.  You  may  wish
-            to  use  these  descriptions, but not want to pay the
-            performance penalty.
-            Set the NCURSES_NO_PADDING symbol to disable all  but
-            mandatory  padding.   Mandatory  padding is used as a
-            part of special control sequences such as flash.
-            Normally ncurses enables buffered output during  ter-
-            minal  initialization.   This  is  done  (as  in SVr4
-            curses) for performance reasons.   For  testing  pur-
-            poses, both of ncurses and certain applications, this
-            feature    is    made    optional.     Setting    the
-            NCURSES_NO_SETBUF variable disables output buffering,
-            leaving the output  in  the  original  (usually  line
-            buffered) mode.
-            During initialization, the ncurses library checks for
-            special cases where VT100 line-drawing (and the  cor-
-            responding   alternate  character  set  capabilities)
-            described in the terminfo are known  to  be  missing.
-            Specifically,  when  running  in  a UTF-8 locale, the
-            Linux console emulator and  the  GNU  screen  program
-            ignore  these.   Ncurses  checks the TERM environment
-            variable for these.  For  other  special  cases,  you
-            should  set  this  environment  variable.  Doing this
-            tells ncurses to use Unicode values which  correspond
-            to the VT100 line-drawing glyphs.  That works for the
-            special cases cited, and is likely to work for termi-
-            nal emulators.
-            When  setting  this  variable, you should set it to a
-            nonzero value.  Setting it to zero (or to  a  nonnum-
-            ber) disables the special check for Linux and screen.
-            During initialization, the ncurses debugging  library
-            checks  the  NCURSES_TRACE symbol.  If it is defined,
-            to a numeric value, ncurses calls the trace function,
-            using that value as the argument.
-            The  argument  values, which are defined in curses.h,
-            provide several types of information.   When  running
-            with  traces enabled, your application will write the
-            file trace to the current directory.
-       TERM Denotes your terminal type.  Each  terminal  type  is
-            distinct, though many are similar.
-       TERMCAP
-            If the ncurses library has been configured with term-
-            cap support, ncurses  will  check  for  a  terminal's
-            description in termcap form if it is not available in
-            the terminfo database.
-            The  TERMCAP  symbol  contains  either   a   terminal
-            description  (with  newlines stripped out), or a file
-            name telling where the  information  denoted  by  the
-            TERM  symbol  exists.   In  either  case,  setting it
-            directs ncurses to ignore the usual  place  for  this
-            information, e.g., /etc/termcap.
-       TERMINFO
-            Overrides the directory in which ncurses searches for
-            your terminal description.  This is the simplest, but
-            not  the  only way to change the list of directories.
-            The complete list of directories in order follows:
-            -  the last directory to which ncurses wrote, if any,
-               is searched first
-            -  the directory specified by the TERMINFO symbol
-            -  $HOME/.terminfo
-            -  directories listed in the TERMINFO_DIRS symbol
-            -  one or more directories whose names are configured
-               and  compiled  into  the  ncurses  library,  e.g.,
-               /usr/share/terminfo
-            Specifies  a list of directories to search for termi-
-            nal descriptions.  The list is  separated  by  colons
-            (i.e.,  ":") on Unix, semicolons on OS/2 EMX.  All of
-            the terminal descriptions are in terminfo form, which
-            makes  a  subdirectory  named for the first letter of
-            the terminal names therein.
-       TERMPATH
-            If TERMCAP does not hold a  file  name  then  ncurses
-            checks  the  TERMPATH  symbol.   This  is  a  list of
-            filenames separated by spaces or colons  (i.e.,  ":")
-            on  Unix,  semicolons  on  OS/2 EMX.  If the TERMPATH
-            symbol  is  not  set,  ncurses  looks  in  the  files
-            /etc/termcap,       /usr/share/misc/termcap       and
-            $HOME/.termcap, in that order.
-       The library may be configured to disregard  the  following
-       variables  when  the current user is the superuser (root),
-       or if the application uses setuid or  setgid  permissions:


+       Like COLUMNS, specify the height of  the  screen  in  characters.   See
+       COLUMNS for a detailed description.


-       Several  different  configurations are possible, depending
-       on  the  configure  script  options  used  when   building
-       ncurses.   There  are a few main options whose effects are
-       visible to the applications developer using ncurses:


+       This  applies  only  to  the  OS/2 EMX port.  It specifies the order of
+       buttons on the mouse.  OS/2 numbers  a  3-button  mouse  inconsistently
+       from other platforms:
+           1 = left
+           2 = right
+           3 = middle.
+       This variable lets you customize the mouse.  The variable must be three
+       numeric digits 1-3 in any order, e.g.,  123  or  321.   If  it  is  not
+       specified, ncurses uses 132.


+       Override  the compiled-in assumption that the terminal's default colors
+       are  white-on-black  (see  default_colors(3x)).   You   may   set   the
+       foreground  and  background color values with this environment variable
+       by proving a 2-element list: foreground,background.   For  example,  to
+       tell  ncurses  to  not  assume  anything  about the colors, set this to
+       "-1,-1".  To make it green-on-black, set it  to  "2,0".   Any  positive
+       value from zero to the terminfo max_colors value is allowed.


+       This applies only to the MinGW port of ncurses.
+       The  Console2  program's  handling  of  the  Microsoft Console API call
+       CreateConsoleScreenBuffer is defective.  Applications  which  use  this
+       will hang.  However, it is possible to simulate the action of this call
+       by mapping coordinates, explicitly saving and  restoring  the  original
+       screen  contents.   Setting the environment variable NCGDB has the same
+       effect.


+       This applies only to ncurses configured to use the GPM interface.
+       If present, the environment variable is a list of one or more  terminal
+       names  against which the TERM environment variable is matched.  Setting
+       it to an empty value disables the GPM  interface;  using  the  built-in
+       support for xterm, etc.
+       If the environment variable is absent, ncurses will attempt to open GPM
+       if TERM contains "linux".


+       ncurses may use tabs as part of cursor movement optimization.  In  some
+       cases,  your  terminal  driver may not handle these properly.  Set this
+       environment variable to any value to disable the feature.  You can also
+       adjust your stty(1) settings to avoid the problem.


+       Some  terminals  use  a  magic-cookie  feature  which  requires special
+       handling to  make  highlighting  and  other  video  attributes  display
+       properly.   You  can  suppress  the  highlighting  entirely  for  these
+       terminals by setting this environment variable to any value.


+       Most of the terminal descriptions in the terminfo database are  written
+       for  real  "hardware"  terminals.   Many  people use terminal emulators
+       which run in a windowing environment and use curses-based applications.
+       Terminal  emulators  can  duplicate  all  of the important aspects of a
+       hardware terminal, but they do not  have  the  same  limitations.   The
+       chief  limitation  of  a  hardware terminal from the standpoint of your
+       application is the management of  dataflow,  i.e.,  timing.   Unless  a
+       hardware  terminal  is  interfaced  into a terminal concentrator (which
+       does flow control), it (or  your  application)  must  manage  dataflow,
+       preventing  overruns.   The cheapest solution (no hardware cost) is for
+       your program to do this by pausing after operations that  the  terminal
+       does slowly, such as clearing the display.
+       As  a  result,  many  terminal  descriptions (including the vt100) have
+       delay times embedded.  You may wish to use these descriptions, but  not
+       want to pay the performance penalty.
+       Set  the  NCURSES_NO_PADDING  environment  variable  to disable all but
+       mandatory padding.  Mandatory padding is used  as  a  part  of  special
+       control sequences such as flash.


+       This setting is obsolete.  Before changes
+          o   started with 5.9 patch 20120825 and
+          o   continued though 5.9 patch 20130126
+       ncurses  enabled  buffered output during terminal initialization.  This
+       was done (as in SVr4 curses)  for  performance  reasons.   For  testing
+       purposes,  both  of  ncurses and certain applications, this feature was
+       made optional.  Setting the NCURSES_NO_SETBUF variable disabled  output
+       buffering,  leaving  the output in the original (usually line buffered)
+       mode.
+       In the current implementation, ncurses performs its own  buffering  and
+       does  not require this workaround.  It does not modify the buffering of
+       the standard output.
+       The reason for the change was to make the behavior for  interrupts  and
+       other   signals   more   robust.    One   drawback   is   that  certain
+       nonconventional programs would mix ordinary stdio(3) calls with ncurses
+       calls  and (usually) work.  This is no longer possible since ncurses is
+       not using the buffered standard output but its own output (to the  same
+       file  descriptor).  As a special case, the low-level calls such as putp
+       still use the standard output.  But high-level curses calls do not.


+       During initialization, the ncurses library  checks  for  special  cases
+       where VT100 line-drawing (and the corresponding alternate character set
+       capabilities) described in  the  terminfo  are  known  to  be  missing.
+       Specifically,  when  running  in  a  UTF-8  locale,  the  Linux console
+       emulator and the GNU screen program ignore these.  ncurses  checks  the
+       TERM  environment  variable  for  these.   For other special cases, you
+       should set this environment variable.  Doing this tells ncurses to  use
+       Unicode values which correspond to the VT100 line-drawing glyphs.  That
+       works for the special cases cited, and is likely to work  for  terminal
+       emulators.
+       When  setting  this  variable,  you  should  set it to a nonzero value.
+       Setting it to zero (or to a nonnumber) disables the special  check  for
+       "linux" and "screen".
+       As  an  alternative  to the environment variable, ncurses checks for an
+       extended terminfo capability U8.  This is a  numeric  capability  which
+       can be compiled using tic -x.  For example
+          # linux console, if patched to provide working
+          # VT100 shift-in/shift-out, with corresponding font.
+          linux-vt100|linux console with VT100 line-graphics,
+                  U8#0, use=linux,
+          # uxterm with vt100Graphics resource set to false
+          xterm-utf8|xterm relying on UTF-8 line-graphics,
+                  U8#1, use=xterm,
+       The  name  "U8" is chosen to be two characters, to permit it to be used
+       by applications that use ncurses' termcap interface.


+       During  initialization,  the  ncurses  debugging  library  checks   the
+       NCURSES_TRACE  environment  variable.   If  it is defined, to a numeric
+       value, ncurses calls the  trace  function,  using  that  value  as  the
+       argument.
+       The  argument  values,  which  are defined in curses.h, provide several
+       types  of  information.   When  running  with  traces   enabled,   your
+       application will write the file trace to the current directory.
+       See curs_trace(3x) for more information.


+       Denotes  your  terminal  type.   Each terminal type is distinct, though
+       many are similar.
+       TERM is commonly set by terminal emulators to help applications find  a
+       workable   terminal  description.   Some  of  those  choose  a  popular
+       approximation, e.g., "ansi", "vt100", "xterm" rather than an exact fit.
+       Not  infrequently,  your  application  will  have  problems  with  that
+       approach, e.g., incorrect function-key definitions.
+       If you set TERM in your environment, it has no effect on the  operation
+       of  the  terminal  emulator.  It only affects the way applications work
+       within the terminal.  Likewise, as a general  rule  (xterm(1)  being  a
+       rare  exception), terminal emulators which allow you to specify TERM as
+       a parameter or configuration value do  not  change  their  behavior  to
+       match that setting.


+       If  the  ncurses  library  has  been  configured  with termcap support,
+       ncurses will check for a terminal's description in termcap form  if  it
+       is not available in the terminfo database.
+       The TERMCAP environment variable contains either a terminal description
+       (with newlines  stripped  out),  or  a  file  name  telling  where  the
+       information denoted by the TERM environment variable exists.  In either
+       case, setting it directs ncurses to ignore the  usual  place  for  this
+       information, e.g., /etc/termcap.


+       ncurses  can  be  configured  to read from multiple terminal databases.
+       The TERMINFO variable overrides the location for the  default  terminal
+       database.   Terminal  descriptions  (in  terminal format) are stored in
+       terminal databases:
+       o   Normally these are stored in a directory tree, using subdirectories
+           named by the first letter of the terminal names therein.
+           This is the scheme used in System V, which legacy Unix systems use,
+           and the TERMINFO variable is used by curses applications  on  those
+           systems to override the default location of the terminal database.
+       o   If  ncurses  is  built  to use hashed databases, then each entry in
+           this list may be the path of a hashed database file, e.g.,
+               /usr/share/terminfo.db
+           rather than
+               /usr/share/terminfo/
+           The hashed database uses less disk-space and  is  a  little  faster
+           than  the  directory  tree.   However, some applications assume the
+           existence of the directory tree, reading it  directly  rather  than
+           using the terminfo library calls.
+       o   If  ncurses  is  built  with  a  support  for reading termcap files
+           directly, then an entry in this list may be the path of  a  termcap
+           file.
+       o   If the TERMINFO variable begins with "hex:" or "b64:", ncurses uses
+           the remainder of that variable as a compiled terminal  description.
+           You might produce the base64 format using infocmp(1m):
+               TERMINFO="$(infocmp -0 -Q2 -q)"
+               export TERMINFO
+           The  compiled description is used if it corresponds to the terminal
+           identified by the TERM variable.
+       Setting TERMINFO is the simplest, but not the only way to set  location
+       of  the  default  terminal  database.   The  complete  list of database
+       locations in order follows:
+          o   the last terminal database to which ncurses wrote,  if  any,  is
+              searched first
+          o   the location specified by the TERMINFO environment variable
+          o   $HOME/.terminfo
+          o   locations listed in the TERMINFO_DIRS environment variable
+          o   one  or  more  locations whose names are configured and compiled
+              into the ncurses library, i.e.,
+             o   /usr/share/terminfo  (corresponding  to   the   TERMINFO_DIRS
+                 variable)
+             o   /usr/share/terminfo (corresponding to the TERMINFO variable)


+       Specifies  a  list  of  locations  to search for terminal descriptions.
+       Each location in the list is a terminal database as  described  in  the
+       section  on  the  TERMINFO  variable.   The list is separated by colons
+       (i.e., ":") on Unix, semicolons on OS/2 EMX.
+       There is no corresponding feature  in  System  V  terminfo;  it  is  an
+       extension developed for ncurses.


+       If  TERMCAP  does not hold a file name then ncurses checks the TERMPATH
+       environment variable.  This is a list of filenames separated by  spaces
+       or colons (i.e., ":") on Unix, semicolons on OS/2 EMX.
+       If  the  TERMPATH environment variable is not set, ncurses looks in the
+       files
+           /etc/termcap, /usr/share/misc/termcap and $HOME/.termcap,
+       in that order.
+       The library may be configured to disregard the following variables when
+       the  current  user  is the superuser (root), or if the application uses
+       setuid or setgid permissions:
+           $TERMINFO, $TERMINFO_DIRS, $TERMPATH, as well as $HOME.


+       Many different ncurses configurations are possible, determined  by  the
+       options  given  to the configure script when building the library.  Run
+       the script with the --help option to peruse them all.   A  few  are  of
+       particular significance to the application developer employing ncurses.
-            The standard include for ncurses is as noted in  SYN-
-            OPSIS:
+            The standard include for ncurses is as noted in SYNOPSIS:
-            #include <curses.h>
+                #include <curses.h>
-            This  option is used to avoid filename conflicts when
-            ncurses is not the main implementation of  curses  of
-            the  computer.   If  ncurses  is  installed disabling
-            overwrite, it puts its  headers  in  a  subdirectory,
-            e.g.,
+            This  option  is  used to avoid filename conflicts when ncurses is
+            not the main implementation of curses of the computer.  If ncurses
+            is  installed  disabling  overwrite,  it  puts  its  headers  in a
+            subdirectory, e.g.,
-            #include <ncurses/curses.h>
+                #include <ncurses/curses.h>
-            It  also  omits a symbolic link which would allow you
-            to use -lcurses to build executables.
+            It also omits a  symbolic  link  which  would  allow  you  to  use
+            -lcurses to build executables.
-            The configure script renames the library and (if  the
-            --disable-overwrite  option  is used) puts the header
-            files  in  a  different  subdirectory.   All  of  the
-            library  names  have  a  "w"  appended to them, i.e.,
-            instead of
+            The   configure   script   renames   the   library   and  (if  the
+            --disable-overwrite option is used) puts the  header  files  in  a
+            different  subdirectory.   All  of  the  library  names have a "w"
+            appended to them, i.e., instead of
-            -lncurses
+                -lncurses
             you link with
-            -lncursesw
-            You must also define _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED when com-
-            piling  for  the  wide-character  library  to use the
-            extended (wide-character)  functions.   The  curses.h
-            file   which  is  installed  for  the  wide-character
-            library is designed to be compatible with the  normal
-            library's header.  Only the size of the WINDOW struc-
-            ture differs, and very few applications require  more
-            than  a  pointer  to  WINDOWs.   If  the  headers are
-            installed  allowing  overwrite,  the   wide-character
-            library's  headers should be installed last, to allow
-            applications to be built using  either  library  from
-            the same set of headers.
+                -lncursesw
+            You must also enable the wide-character  features  in  the  header
+            file  when  compiling  for  the  wide-character library to use the
+            extended (wide-character) functions.   The  symbol  which  enables
+            these features has changed since XSI Curses, Issue 4:
+            o   Originally,  the  wide-character  feature  required the symbol
+                _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED  but  that  was  only  valid  for  XPG4
+                (1996).
+            o   Later,  that was deemed conflicting with _XOPEN_SOURCE defined
+                to 500.
+            o   As of mid-2018, none of the features  in  this  implementation
+                require  a  _XOPEN_SOURCE  feature greater than 600.  However,
+                X/Open Curses, Issue 7 (2009) recommends defining it to 700.
+            o   Alternatively,  you  can  enable  the  feature   by   defining
+                NCURSES_WIDECHAR  with  the caveat that some other header file
+                than curses.h may require a specific value  for  _XOPEN_SOURCE
+                (or a system-specific symbol).
+            The  curses.h header file installed for the wide-character library
+            is designed to be compatible with the non-wide  library's  header.
+            Only  the  size  of the WINDOW structure differs; few applications
+            require more than pointers to WINDOWs.
+            If  the  headers  are  installed  allowing  overwrite,  the  wide-
+            character  library's  headers  should  be installed last, to allow
+            applications to be built using either library from the same set of
+            headers.
+       --with-pthread
+            The  configure  script  renames  the  library.  All of the library
+            names have a "t"  appended  to  them  (before  any  "w"  added  by
+            --enable-widec).
+            The global variables such as LINES are replaced by macros to allow
+            read-only access.  At the same time, setter-functions are provided
+            to  set  these  values.   Some applications (very few) may require
+            changes to work with this convention.
@@ -979,138 +1245,316 @@
-            The  shared  and normal (static) library names differ
-            by   their   suffixes,   e.g.,   libncurses.so    and
-            libncurses.a.   The debug and profiling libraries add
-            a "_g" and a "_p" to  the  root  names  respectively,
-            e.g., libncurses_g.a and libncurses_p.a.
+            The shared and normal  (static)  library  names  differ  by  their
+            suffixes,  e.g.,  libncurses.so  and  libncurses.a.  The debug and
+            profiling libraries add a "_g"  and  a  "_p"  to  the  root  names
+            respectively, e.g., libncurses_g.a and libncurses_p.a.
+       --with-termlib
+            Low-level  functions  which do not depend upon whether the library
+            supports wide-characters, are provided in the tinfo library.
+            By doing this, it is possible to share the tinfo  library  between
+            wide/normal  configurations  as  well  as  reduce  the size of the
+            library when only low-level functions are needed.
+            Those functions are described in these pages:
+            o   curs_extend(3x) - miscellaneous curses extensions
+            o   curs_inopts(3x) - curses input options
+            o   curs_kernel(3x) - low-level curses routines
+            o   curs_termattrs(3x) - curses environment query routines
+            o   curs_termcap(3x) - curses emulation of termcap
+            o   curs_terminfo(3x) - curses interface to terminfo database
+            o   curs_util(3x) - miscellaneous curses utility routines
-            The  trace  function  normally  resides  in the debug
-            library, but it is sometimes useful to configure this
-            in  the  shared  library.   Configure  scripts should
-            check for the function's existence rather than assum-
-            ing it is always in the debug library.
+            The trace function normally resides in the debug library,  but  it
+            is  sometimes  useful  to  configure  this  in the shared library.
+            Configure scripts should check for the function's existence rather
+            than assuming it is always in the debug library.


-       /usr/share/tabset
-            directory  containing  initialization  files  for the
-            terminal capability database /usr/share/terminfo ter-
-            minal capability database


+       /usr/share/tabset
+              tab stop initialization database
+       /usr/share/terminfo
+              compiled terminal capability database


-       terminfo(5)  and  related  pages whose names begin "curs_"
-       for detailed routine descriptions.


+       X/Open  Curses permits most functions it specifies to be made available
+       as macros as well.  ncurses does so


-       The  ncurses  library  can  be  compiled  with  an  option
-       (-DUSE_GETCAP) that falls back to the old-style /etc/term-
-       cap file if the terminal setup code cannot find a terminfo
-       entry  corresponding  to TERM.  Use of this feature is not
-       recommended, as it essentially includes an entire  termcap
-       compiler  in the ncurses startup code, at significant cost
-       in core and startup cycles.
-       The ncurses  library  includes  facilities  for  capturing
-       mouse  events  on certain terminals (including xterm). See
-       the curs_mouse(3x) manual page for details.
-       The ncurses library includes facilities for responding  to
-       window  resizing  events,  e.g., when running in an xterm.
-       See the resizeterm(3x) and wresize(3x)  manual  pages  for
-       details.   In addition, the library may be configured with
-       a SIGWINCH handler.
-       The ncurses library extends the fixed set of function  key
-       capabilities  of  terminals  by  allowing  the application
-       designer to define additional key  sequences  at  runtime.
-       See the define_key(3x) key_defined(3x), and keyok(3x) man-
-       ual pages for details.
-       The ncurses library can exploit the capabilities of termi-
-       nals  which  implement the ISO-6429 SGR 39 and SGR 49 con-
-       trols, which allow an application to reset the terminal to
-       its  original  foreground and background colors.  From the
-       users' perspective, the application is able to  draw  col-
-       ored  text  on  a  background  whose color is set indepen-
-       dently, providing better  control  over  color  contrasts.
-       See the default_colors(3x) manual page for details.
-       The  ncurses  library  includes  a  function for directing
-       application output to a printer attached to  the  terminal
-       device.  See the curs_print(3x) manual page for details.
+       o   for functions that return values via their parameters,
+       o   to support obsolete features,


-       The  ncurses  library is intended to be BASE-level confor-
-       mant with the  XSI  Curses  standard.   The  EXTENDED  XSI
-       Curses  functionality  (including  color  support) is sup-
-       ported.
-       A small number of local differences (that  is,  individual
-       differences  between the XSI Curses and ncurses calls) are
-       described in  PORTABILITY  sections  of  the  library  man
-       pages.
-       The routine has_key is not part of XPG4, nor is it present
-       in SVr4.  See the curs_getch(3x) manual page for  details.
-       The  routine  slk_attr  is  not  part  of  XPG4, nor is it
-       present in SVr4.  See the  curs_slk(3x)  manual  page  for
-       details.
-       The  routines getmouse, mousemask, ungetmouse, mouseinter-
-       val, and wenclose relating to mouse  interfacing  are  not
-       part  of  XPG4,  nor  are  they  present in SVr4.  See the
-       curs_mouse(3x) manual page for details.
-       The routine mcprint was not present in any previous curses
-       implementation.   See  the  curs_print(3x) manual page for
-       details.
-       The routine wresize is not part of XPG4, nor is it present
-       in SVr4.  See the wresize(3x) manual page for details.
-       In  historic curses versions, delays embedded in the capa-
-       bilities cr, ind, cub1, ff and tab activated corresponding
-       delay  bits  in  the UNIX tty driver.  In this implementa-
-       tion, all padding is done by NUL sends.   This  method  is
-       slightly  more expensive, but narrows the interface to the
-       UNIX kernel  significantly  and  increases  the  package's
+       o   to reuse functions (for example, those that move the cursor  before
+           another operation), and
+       o   a few special cases.
+       If  the  standard  output  file  descriptor  of  an  ncurses program is
+       redirected to something that is not  a  terminal  device,  the  library
+       writes  screen updates to the standard error file descriptor.  This was
+       an undocumented feature of SVr3.
+       See subsection  "Header  files"  below  regarding  symbols  exposed  by
+       inclusion of curses.h.


+       ncurses  enables  an  application  to  capture  mouse events on certain
+       terminals, including xterm; see curs_mouse(3x).
+       ncurses provides a means of responding to window  resizing  events,  as
+       when  running in a GUI terminal emulator application such as xterm; see
+       resizeterm(3x) and wresize(3x).
+       ncurses allows an application to query the terminal for the presence of
+       a wide variety of special keys; see has_key(3x).
+       ncurses extends the fixed set of function key capabilities specified by
+       X/Open  Curses  by  allowing  the  application  programmer  to   define
+       additional    key    sequences    at   runtime;   see   define_key(3x),
+       key_defined(3x), and keyok(3x).
+       ncurses  can  exploit  the  capabilities  of   terminals   implementing
+       ISO 6429/ECMA-48   SGR 39   and   SGR 49   sequences,  which  allow  an
+       application to reset  the  terminal  to  its  original  foreground  and
+       background  colors.  From a user's perspective, the application is able
+       to draw colored text on a background whose color is set  independently,
+       providing better control over color contrasts.  See default_colors(3x).
+       An  ncurses  application  can  choose  to  hide the internal details of
+       WINDOW  structures,  instead   using   accessor   functions   such   as
+       is_scrollok(3x).
+       ncurses  enables  an  application  to  direct  application  output to a
+       printer attached to the terminal device; see curs_print(3x).
+       ncurses offers slk_attr(3x) as a counterpart of attr_get(3x) for  soft-
+       label  key lines, and extended_slk_color(3x) as a form of slk_color(3x)
+       that can gather color  information  from  them  when  many  colors  are
+       supported.
+       Some  extensions  are  only available if ncurses is compiled to support
+       them; see section "ALTERNATE CONFIGURATIONS" above.
+       o   Rudimentary  support  for  multi-threaded   applications   may   be
+           available; see curs_threads(3x).
+       o   Functions  that  ease  the  management  of  multiple screens can be
+           exposed; see curs_sp_funcs(3x).
+       o   The compiler option -DUSE_GETCAP causes the library to fall back to
+           reading /etc/termcap if the terminal setup code cannot find a term-
+           info entry corresponding to TERM.   Use  of  this  feature  is  not
+           recommended,  as it essentially includes an entire termcap compiler
+           in the ncurses  startup  code,  at  a  cost  in  memory  usage  and
+           application launch latency.
+       PDCurses   and  NetBSD  curses  incorporate  some  ncurses  extensions.
+       Individual man pages indicate where this is the case.


+       X/Open Curses defines two levels of conformance, "base" and "enhanced".
+       The latter includes several additional features, such as wide-character
+       and color support.  ncurses intends base-level conformance with  X/Open
+       Curses, and supports nearly all its enhanced features.
+       Differences  between  X/Open  Curses  and ncurses are documented in the
+       "PORTABILITY" sections of applicable man pages.

Error Checking

+       In many cases, X/Open Curses is vague about error conditions,  omitting
+       some of the SVr4 documentation.
+       Unlike  other  implementations,  this  one  checks  parameters  such as
+       pointers to WINDOW structures to ensure they are not  null.   The  main
+       reason  for  providing  this  behavior  is  to guard against programmer
+       error.  The standard interface does not provide a way for  the  library
+       to  tell an application which of several possible errors were detected.
+       Relying on this (or some other) extension  will  adversely  affect  the
+       portability of curses applications.

Padding Differences

+       In  historic  curses  versions, delays embedded in the capabilities cr,
+       ind, cub1, ff and tab activated corresponding delay bits  in  the  Unix
+       tty driver.  In this implementation, all padding is done by sending NUL
+       bytes.  This  method  is  slightly  more  expensive,  but  narrows  the
+       interface  to the Unix kernel significantly and increases the package's
        portability correspondingly.


-       The  header  file  <curses.h>  automatically  includes the
-       header files <stdio.h> and <unctrl.h>.

Header Files

+       The header file curses.h itself includes the header files  stdio.h  and
+       unctrl.h.
-       If standard output from a ncurses program  is  re-directed
-       to  something  which  is not a tty, screen updates will be
-       directed to standard error.  This was an undocumented fea-
-       ture of AT&T System V Release 3 curses.
+       X/Open Curses has more to say, but does not finish the story:
+           The  inclusion  of <curses.h> may make visible all symbols from the
+           headers <stdio.h>, <term.h>, <termios.h>, and <wchar.h>.


-       Zeyd  M.  Ben-Halim,  Eric  S.  Raymond, Thomas E. Dickey.
-       Based on pcurses by Pavel Curtis.
+       Here is a more complete story:
+       o   Starting  with  BSD  curses,  all  implementations  have   included
+           <stdio.h>.
+           BSD  curses  included  <curses.h>  and  <unctrl.h> from an internal
+           header file curses.ext ("ext" abbreviated "externs").
+           BSD curses used <stdio.h> internally (for printw  and  scanw),  but
+           nothing in <curses.h> itself relied upon <stdio.h>.
+       o   SVr2  curses  added newterm(3x), which relies upon <stdio.h>.  That
+           is, the function prototype uses FILE.
+           SVr4 curses added putwin and getwin, which also use <stdio.h>.
+           X/Open Curses documents all three of these functions.
+           SVr4 curses and X/Open Curses  do  not  require  the  developer  to
+           include  <stdio.h>  before  including  <curses.h>.   Both  document
+           curses showing <curses.h> as the only required header.
+           As a result, standard <curses.h> will always include <stdio.h>.
+       o   X/Open Curses  is  inconsistent  with  respect  to  SVr4  regarding
+           <unctrl.h>.
+           As   noted  in  curs_util(3x),  ncurses  includes  <unctrl.h>  from
+           <curses.h> (like SVr4).
+       o   X/Open's comments about <term.h> and <termios.h> may refer to HP-UX
+           and AIX:
+           HP-UX curses includes <term.h> from <curses.h> to declare setupterm
+           in curses.h, but ncurses (and Solaris curses) do not.
+           AIX curses includes <term.h> and <termios.h>.  Again, ncurses  (and
+           Solaris curses) do not.
+       o   X/Open  says  that <curses.h> may include <term.h>, but there is no
+           requirement that it do that.
+           Some  programs  use  functions  declared  in  both  <curses.h>  and
+           <term.h>,  and  must include both headers in the same module.  Very
+           old versions of AIX curses  required  including  <curses.h>  before
+           including <term.h>.
+           Because  ncurses  header files include the headers needed to define
+           datatypes used in the headers, ncurses header files can be included
+           in  any  order.  But for portability, you should include <curses.h>
+           before <term.h>.
+       o   X/Open Curses says "may make visible" because  including  a  header
+           file does not necessarily make all symbols in it visible (there are
+           ifdef's to consider).
+           For instance, in ncurses <wchar.h> may be included  if  the  proper
+           symbol  is defined, and if ncurses is configured for wide-character
+           support.  If the header  is  included,  its  symbols  may  be  made
+           visible.   That depends on the value used for _XOPEN_SOURCE feature
+           test macro.
+       o   X/Open Curses documents one required header,  in  a  special  case:
+           <stdarg.h>   before  <curses.h>  to  prototype  the  vw_printw  and
+           vw_scanw functions (as  well  as  the  obsolete  the  vwprintw  and
+           vwscanw functions).  Each of those uses a va_list parameter.
+           The  two  obsolete  functions  were  introduced in SVr3.  The other
+           functions were introduced  in  X/Open  Curses.   In  between,  SVr4
+           curses  provided  for  the  possibility  that  an application might
+           include either <varargs.h> or <stdarg.h>.  Initially, that was done
+           by  using  void*  for the va_list parameter.  Later, a special type
+           (defined in <stdio.h>) was introduced, to allow for compiler  type-
+           checking.  That special type is always available, because <stdio.h>
+           is always included by <curses.h>.
+           None of the X/Open Curses implementations require an application to
+           include  <stdarg.h>  before  <curses.h>  because  they  either have
+           allowed for a special type, or (like  ncurses)  include  <stdarg.h>
+           directly to provide a portable interface.


+       Zeyd M. Ben-Halim, Eric S. Raymond, Thomas E. Dickey.  Based on pcurses
+       by Pavel Curtis.


+       curs_variables(3x), terminfo(5), user_caps(5)
-                                                            ncurses(3x)
+ncurses 6.4                       2024-01-13                       ncurses(3x)
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