X-Git-Url: https://ncurses.scripts.mit.edu/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=sidebyside;f=doc%2Fhtml%2Fman%2Ftic.1m.html;h=c1ee89d7d1c83efc5b4dec414a3c1d85e65e0b19;hb=7503e8d82292a2a0a4d8bb55bdf3f8a203159f68;hp=1d2085fba86d4511305bdc521d392196dcd2bb5f;hpb=2e5d72d6396bb38a8d1d1b3534f62e28aebaa600;p=ncurses.git diff --git a/doc/html/man/tic.1m.html b/doc/html/man/tic.1m.html index 1d2085fb..c1ee89d7 100644 --- a/doc/html/man/tic.1m.html +++ b/doc/html/man/tic.1m.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - + + + tic 1m - + -

tic 1m


tic 1m

-tic(1m)                                                         tic(1m)
+tic(1m)                                                                tic(1m)




        tic - the terminfo entry-description compiler


-       tic  [-01CDGIKLNTUVacfgrstx]  [-e names] [-o dir] [-R sub-
-       set] [-v[n]] [-w[n]] file


+       tic  [-01CDGIKLNTUVWacfgqrstx]  [-e names] [-o dir] [-Q[n]] [-R subset]
+       [-v[n]] [-w[n]] file


-       The tic command translates a  terminfo  file  from  source
-       format  into compiled format.  The compiled format is nec-
-       essary for use with the library routines in ncurses(3x).
-       As described in term(5), the  database  may  be  either  a
-       directory  tree  (one file per terminal entry) or a hashed
-       database (one record per entry).  The tic  command  writes
-       only one type of entry, depending on how it was built:
-       o   For  directory  trees,  the top-level directory, e.g.,
-           /usr/share/terminfo, specifies  the  location  of  the
-           database.
-       o   For  hashed  databases,  a filename is needed.  If the
-           given file is not found by that name, but can be found
-           by adding the suffix ".db", then that is used.
-           The  default  name for the hashed database is the same
-           as the default directory name  (only  adding  a  ".db"
-           suffix).
-       In  either  case  (directory or hashed database), tic will
-       create the container if it does not exist.  For  a  direc-
-       tory,  this  would  be the "terminfo" leaf, versus a "ter-
-       minfo.db" file.
-       The results are normally placed  in  the  system  terminfo
-       database   /usr/share/terminfo.    The  compiled  terminal
-       description can be placed in a  different  terminfo  data-
-       base.  There are two ways to achieve this:
-       o   First,  you  may override the system default either by
-           using the -o option, or by setting the  variable  TER-
-           MINFO  in  your  shell environment to a valid database
-           location.
-       o   Secondly, if tic cannot write  in  /usr/share/terminfo
-           or  the  location  specified using your TERMINFO vari-
-           able, it looks for the directory  $HOME/.terminfo  (or
-           hashed  database $HOME/.terminfo.db); if that location
-           exists, the entry is placed there.
-       Libraries that read terminfo entries are expected to check
-       in succession
-       o   a  location  specified  with  the TERMINFO environment
-           variable,


+       The tic command translates a terminfo file from source format into com-
+       piled  format.   The  compiled  format  is  necessary  for use with the
+       library routines in ncurses(3x).
+       As described in term(5), the database may be either  a  directory  tree
+       (one  file  per  terminal  entry)  or a hashed database (one record per
+       entry).  The tic command writes only one type of  entry,  depending  on
+       how it was built:
+       o   For directory trees, the top-level directory, e.g., /usr/share/ter-
+           minfo, specifies the location of the database.
+       o   For hashed databases, a filename is needed.  If the given  file  is
+           not  found  by  that  name,  but  can be found by adding the suffix
+           ".db", then that is used.
+           The default name for the hashed database is the same as the default
+           directory name (only adding a ".db" suffix).
+       In either case (directory or hashed database), tic will create the con-
+       tainer if it does not exist.  For a directory, this would be the  "ter-
+       minfo" leaf, versus a "terminfo.db" file.
+       The  results  are  normally  placed  in  the  system  terminfo database
+       /usr/share/terminfo.  The compiled terminal description can  be  placed
+       in a different terminfo database.  There are two ways to achieve this:
+       o   First,  you  may override the system default either by using the -o
+           option, or by setting the variable TERMINFO in your shell  environ-
+           ment to a valid database location.
+       o   Secondly,  if  tic cannot write in /usr/share/terminfo or the loca-
+           tion specified using your  TERMINFO  variable,  it  looks  for  the
+           directory  $HOME/.terminfo (or hashed database $HOME/.terminfo.db);
+           if that location exists, the entry is placed there.
+       Libraries that read terminfo entries are expected to check  in  succes-
+       sion
+       o   a location specified with the TERMINFO environment variable,
        o   $HOME/.terminfo,
-       o   directories listed in  the  TERMINFO_DIRS  environment
-           variable,
+       o   directories listed in the TERMINFO_DIRS environment variable,
-       o   a       compiled-in      list      of      directories
-           (/usr/local/ncurses/share/terminfo:/usr/share/ter-
-           minfo), and
+       o   a  compiled-in  list  of directories (/usr/local/ncurses/share/ter-
+           minfo:/usr/share/terminfo), and
        o   the system terminfo database (/usr/share/terminfo).


+       This is the same program as infotocap and captoinfo; usually those  are
+       linked to, or copied from this program:
+       o   When invoked as infotocap, tic sets the -I option.
+       o   When invoked as captoinfo, tic sets the -C option.


        -0     restricts the output to a single line
        -1     restricts the output to a single column
-       -a     tells  tic  to  retain  commented-out  capabilities
-              rather than discarding them.  Capabilities are com-
-              mented  by prefixing them with a period.  This sets
-              the -x option, because it treats the  commented-out
-              entries  as  user-defined  names.  If the source is
-              termcap, accept the 2-character names  required  by
-              version 6.  Otherwise these are ignored.
-       -C     Force  source translation to termcap format.  Note:
-              this differs from the -C option of  infocmp(1m)  in
-              that it does not merely translate capability names,
-              but also translates  terminfo  strings  to  termcap
-              format.  Capabilities that are not translatable are
-              left in the entry under their  terminfo  names  but
-              commented  out with two preceding dots.  The actual
-              format  used  incorporates  some  improvements  for
-              escaped  characters  from  terminfo  format.  For a
-              stricter BSD-compatible  translation,  add  the  -K
-              option.
-       -c     tells  tic to only check file for errors, including
-              syntax problems and bad use links.  If you  specify
-              -C (-I) with this option, the code will print warn-
-              ings about entries which, after use resolution, are
-              more  than  1023 (4096) bytes long.  Due to a fixed
-              buffer length in older termcap libraries,  as  well
-              as buggy checking for the buffer length (and a doc-
-              umented limit in terminfo), these entries may cause
-              core dumps with other implementations.
-       -D     tells  tic  to print the database locations that it
-              knows about, and exit.  The first location shown is
-              the  one  to which it would write compiled terminal
-              descriptions.   If  tic  is  not  able  to  find  a
-              writable  database  location according to the rules
-              summarized above, it will print  a  diagnostic  and
-              exit  with  an error rather than printing a list of
-              database locations.
+       -a     tells  tic to retain commented-out capabilities rather than dis-
+              carding them.  Capabilities are commented by prefixing them with
+              a  period.   This sets the -x option, because it treats the com-
+              mented-out entries as user-defined  names.   If  the  source  is
+              termcap,  accept  the  2-character  names required by version 6.
+              Otherwise these are ignored.
+       -C     Force source translation to termcap format.  Note: this  differs
+              from  the  -C  option  of infocmp(1m) in that it does not merely
+              translate capability names, but also translates terminfo strings
+              to  termcap  format.  Capabilities that are not translatable are
+              left in the entry under their terminfo names but  commented  out
+              with  two  preceding  dots.  The actual format used incorporates
+              some improvements for escaped characters from  terminfo  format.
+              For a stricter BSD-compatible translation, add the -K option.
+              If  this  is  combined  with  -c, tic makes additional checks to
+              report cases where the terminfo values  do  not  have  an  exact
+              equivalent in termcap form.  For example:
+              o   sgr  usually  will  not  convert,  because termcap lacks the
+                  ability to work with more than two parameters,  and  because
+                  termcap  lacks many of the arithmetic/logical operators used
+                  in terminfo.
+              o   capabilities with more than one delay or with delays  before
+                  the end of the string will not convert completely.
+       -c     tells  tic to only check file for errors, including syntax prob-
+              lems and bad use-links.   If  you  specify  -C  (-I)  with  this
+              option,  the code will print warnings about entries which, after
+              use resolution, are more than 1023 (4096) bytes long.  Due to  a
+              fixed buffer length in older termcap libraries, as well as buggy
+              checking for the buffer length (and a documented limit  in  ter-
+              minfo),  these entries may cause core dumps with other implemen-
+              tations.
+              tic checks string capabilities to ensure that those with parame-
+              ters will be valid expressions.  It does this check only for the
+              predefined string capabilities; those which are defined with the
+              -x option are ignored.
+       -D     tells  tic  to print the database locations that it knows about,
+              and exit.  The first location shown is the one to which it would
+              write  compiled  terminal  descriptions.   If tic is not able to
+              find a writable database location according to the rules  summa-
+              rized  above,  it will print a diagnostic and exit with an error
+              rather than printing a list of database locations.
        -e names
-              Limit writes  and  translations  to  the  following
-              comma-separated  list of terminals.  If any name or
-              alias of a terminal matches one of the names in the
-              list,  the  entry  will be written or translated as
-              normal.  Otherwise no output will be generated  for
-              it.  The option value is interpreted as a file con-
-              taining the list if  it  contains  a  '/'.   (Note:
-              depending  on how tic was compiled, this option may
-              require -I or -C.)
-       -f     Display  complex  terminfo  strings  which  contain
-              if/then/else/endif  expressions  indented for read-
-              ability.
-       -G     Display constant literals in  decimal  form  rather
-              than their character equivalents.
-       -g     Display  constant character literals in quoted form
-              rather than their decimal equivalents.
+              Limit writes and translations to the  following  comma-separated
+              list  of  terminals.  If any name or alias of a terminal matches
+              one of the names in the list,  the  entry  will  be  written  or
+              translated as normal.  Otherwise no output will be generated for
+              it.  The option value is interpreted as a  file  containing  the
+              list if it contains a '/'.  (Note: depending on how tic was com-
+              piled, this option may require -I or -C.)
+       -f     Display    complex    terminfo     strings     which     contain
+              if/then/else/endif expressions indented for readability.
+       -G     Display  constant  literals  in  decimal  form rather than their
+              character equivalents.
+       -g     Display constant character literals in quoted form  rather  than
+              their decimal equivalents.
        -I     Force source translation to terminfo format.
-       -K     Suppress some longstanding  ncurses  extensions  to
-              termcap format, e.g., "\s" for space.
-       -L     Force  source  translation to terminfo format using
-              the long C variable names listed in <term.h>
-       -N     Disable smart defaults.  Normally, when translating
-              from termcap to terminfo, the compiler makes a num-
-              ber of assumptions about  the  defaults  of  string
-              capabilities  reset1_string,  carriage_return, cur-
-              sor_left, cursor_down,  scroll_forward,  tab,  new-
-              line,  key_backspace,  key_left, and key_down, then
-              attempts to use obsolete  termcap  capabilities  to
-              deduce correct values.  It also normally suppresses
-              output of obsolete termcap capabilities such as bs.
-              This  option forces a more literal translation that
+       -K     Suppress some longstanding ncurses extensions to termcap format,
+              e.g., "\s" for space.
+       -L     Force source translation to terminfo format  using  the  long  C
+              variable names listed in <term.h>
+       -N     Disable smart defaults.  Normally, when translating from termcap
+              to terminfo, the compiler makes a number  of  assumptions  about
+              the   defaults   of   string  capabilities  reset1_string,  car-
+              riage_return,  cursor_left,  cursor_down,  scroll_forward,  tab,
+              newline, key_backspace, key_left, and key_down, then attempts to
+              use obsolete termcap capabilities to deduce correct values.   It
+              also normally suppresses output of obsolete termcap capabilities
+              such as bs.  This option forces a more literal translation  that
               also preserves the obsolete capabilities.
-       -odir  Write compiled entries to given database  location.
-              Overrides the TERMINFO environment variable.
+       -odir  Write  compiled  entries  to given database location.  Overrides
+              the TERMINFO environment variable.
+       -Qn    Rather than show source in terminfo  (text)  format,  print  the
+              compiled  (binary) format in hexadecimal or base64 form, depend-
+              ing on the option's value:
+               1  hexadecimal
+               2  base64
+               3  hexadecimal and base64
+       -q     Suppress  comments  and  blank  lines  when  showing  translated
+              source.
-              Restrict  output to a given subset.  This option is
-              for use with  archaic  versions  of  terminfo  like
-              those on SVr1, Ultrix, or HP/UX that do not support
-              the full set of SVR4/XSI Curses terminfo; and  out-
-              right broken ports like AIX 3.x that have their own
-              extensions incompatible with  SVr4/XSI.   Available
-              subsets  are  "SVr1",  "Ultrix",  "HP",  "BSD"  and
-              "AIX"; see terminfo(5) for details.
-       -r     Force entry resolution (so there are  no  remaining
-              tc  capabilities)  even  when  doing translation to
-              termcap format.  This may be needed if you are pre-
-              paring  a  termcap file for a termcap library (such
-              as GNU termcap through version 1.3 or  BSD  termcap
-              through  4.3BSD)  that  does not handle multiple tc
-              capabilities per entry.
-       -s     Summarize the compile by showing the database loca-
-              tion into which entries are written, and the number
-              of entries which are compiled.
-       -T     eliminates size-restrictions on the generated text.
-              This  is  mainly  useful  for testing and analysis,
-              since the compiled descriptions are limited  (e.g.,
-              1023 for termcap, 4096 for terminfo).
-       -t     tells  tic  to  discard commented-out capabilities.
-              Normally when translating from terminfo to termcap,
-              untranslatable capabilities are commented-out.
-       -U   tells  tic to not post-process the data after parsing
-            the source file.  Normally, it infers data  which  is
-            commonly  missing in older terminfo data, or in term-
-            caps.
-       -V   reports the version of ncurses which was used in this
-            program, and exits.
-       -vn  specifies  that  (verbose) output be written to stan-
-            dard error trace information showing tic's  progress.
-            The  optional  parameter  n is a number from 1 to 10,
-            inclusive, indicating the desired level of detail  of
-            information.   If  n is omitted, the default level is
-            1.  If n is specified and greater than 1,  the  level
-            of detail is increased.
+              Restrict  output to a given subset.  This option is for use with
+              archaic versions of terminfo like  those  on  SVr1,  Ultrix,  or
+              HP/UX  that  do not support the full set of SVR4/XSI Curses ter-
+              minfo; and outright broken ports like AIX 3.x  that  have  their
+              own  extensions  incompatible  with SVr4/XSI.  Available subsets
+              are "SVr1", "Ultrix", "HP", "BSD" and "AIX"; see terminfo(5) for
+              details.
+       -r     Force  entry  resolution (so there are no remaining tc capabili-
+              ties) even when doing translation to termcap format.   This  may
+              be  needed  if  you  are  preparing a termcap file for a termcap
+              library (such as GNU termcap through version 1.3 or BSD  termcap
+              through  4.3BSD)  that  does not handle multiple tc capabilities
+              per entry.
+       -s     Summarize the compile by  showing  the  database  location  into
+              which  entries  are written, and the number of entries which are
+              compiled.
+       -T     eliminates size-restrictions on the  generated  text.   This  is
+              mainly  useful  for  testing  and  analysis,  since the compiled
+              descriptions are limited (e.g., 1023 for termcap, 4096 for  ter-
+              minfo).
+       -t     tells  tic to discard commented-out capabilities.  Normally when
+              translating from terminfo to termcap,  untranslatable  capabili-
+              ties are commented-out.
+       -U   tells  tic  to  not post-process the data after parsing the source
+            file.  Normally, it infers data which is commonly missing in older
+            terminfo data, or in termcaps.
+       -V   reports the version of ncurses which was used in this program, and
+            exits.
+       -vn  specifies that (verbose) output be written to standard error trace
+            information showing tic's progress.
+            The  optional  parameter  n  is  a number from 1 to 10, inclusive,
+            indicating the desired level of detail of information.  If ncurses
+            is  built  without  tracing  support,  the  optional  parameter is
+            ignored.  If n is omitted, the default level is 1.  If n is speci-
+            fied and greater than 1, the level of detail is increased.
             The debug flag levels are as follows:
@@ -266,124 +281,220 @@
             8      List of tokens encountered by scanner
-            9      All  values  computed  in  construction of the
-                   hash table
-            If the debug level n is not given, it is taken to  be
-            one.
-       -wn  specifies  the width of the output.  The parameter is
-            optional.  If it is omitted, it defaults to 60.
-       -x   Treat unknown capabilities as user-defined.  That is,
-            if  you  supply  a capability name which tic does not
-            recognize, it will infer its type (boolean, number or
-            string)  from  the  syntax and make an extended table
-            entry  for  that.   User-defined  capability  strings
-            whose  name  begins  with "k" are treated as function
-            keys.
-       file   contains one or more terminfo terminal descriptions
-              in  source format [see terminfo(5)].  Each descrip-
-              tion in the file describes the  capabilities  of  a
-              particular terminal.
-              If  file  is  "-",  then  the data is read from the
-              standard input.  The file parameter may also be the
-              path of a character-device.
-       All but one of the capabilities recognized by tic are doc-
-       umented in terminfo(5).  The exception is the use capabil-
-       ity.
-       When  a  use=entry-name  field is discovered in a terminal
-       entry currently being compiled, tic reads  in  the  binary
-       from  /usr/share/terminfo to complete the entry.  (Entries
-       created from file will be used first.  tic duplicates  the
-       capabilities in entry-name for the current entry, with the
-       exception  of  those  capabilities  that  explicitly   are
-       defined in the current entry.
-       When    an   entry,   e.g.,   entry_name_1,   contains   a
-       use=entry_name_2  field,  any  canceled  capabilities   in
-       entry_name_2  must also appear in entry_name_1 before use=
-       for these capabilities to be canceled in entry_name_1.
-       Total compiled entries cannot exceed 4096 bytes.  The name
-       field  cannot  exceed 512 bytes.  Terminal names exceeding
-       the maximum alias length (32 characters  on  systems  with
-       long filenames, 14 characters otherwise) will be truncated
-       to the maximum alias length and a warning message will  be
-       printed.
+            9      All values computed in construction of the hash table
+            If the debug level n is not given, it is taken to be one.


-       There  is  some evidence that historic tic implementations
-       treated description fields with no whitespace in  them  as
-       additional  aliases  or short names.  This tic does not do
-       that, but it does warn  when  description  fields  may  be
-       treated that way and check them for dangerous characters.
+       -W   By  itself,  the  -w  option  will  not  force  long strings to be
+            wrapped.  Use the -W option to do this.
+            If you specify both -f and -W options, the latter is ignored  when
+            -f has already split the line.


-       Unlike the SVr4 tic command, this implementation can actu-
-       ally compile termcap sources.  In fact,  entries  in  ter-
-       minfo  and  termcap syntax can be mixed in a single source
-       file.  See terminfo(5) for the list of termcap names taken
-       to be equivalent to terminfo names.
-       The  SVr4  manual  pages  are  not clear on the resolution
-       rules for use capabilities.  This  implementation  of  tic
-       will find use targets anywhere in the source file, or any-
-       where in the file tree rooted at TERMINFO (if TERMINFO  is
-       defined), or in the user's $HOME/.terminfo database (if it
-       exists), or (finally) anywhere in the system's  file  tree
-       of compiled entries.
-       The  error  messages from this tic have the same format as
-       GNU C error messages, and can be  parsed  by  GNU  Emacs's
-       compile facility.
-       The  -0,  -1,  -C, -G, -I, -N, -R, -T, -V, -a, -e, -f, -g,
-       -o, -r, -s, -t and -x  options  are  not  supported  under
-       SVr4.  The SVr4 -c mode does not report bad use links.
-       System  V does not compile entries to or read entries from
-       your $HOME/.terminfo database unless TERMINFO  is  explic-
-       itly set to it.
+       -wn  specifies the width of the output.  The parameter is optional.  If
+            it is omitted, it defaults to 60.
+       -x   Treat unknown capabilities  as  user-defined  (see  user_caps(5)).
+            That is, if you supply a capability name which tic does not recog-
+            nize, it will infer its type (boolean, number or string) from  the
+            syntax  and  make  an extended table entry for that.  User-defined
+            capability strings whose name begins with "k" are treated as func-
+            tion keys.




+       file   contains  one  or  more terminfo terminal descriptions in source
+              format  [see  terminfo(5)].   Each  description  in   the   file
+              describes the capabilities of a particular terminal.
+              If  file  is "-", then the data is read from the standard input.
+              The file parameter may also be the path of a character-device.


+       All but one of the capabilities recognized by  tic  are  documented  in
+       terminfo(5).  The exception is the use capability.
+       When a use=entry-name field is discovered in a terminal entry currently
+       being compiled, tic reads in the  binary  from  /usr/share/terminfo  to
+       complete  the  entry.   (Entries  created from file will be used first.
+       tic duplicates the capabilities in entry-name for  the  current  entry,
+       with the exception of those capabilities that explicitly are defined in
+       the current entry.
+       When an entry, e.g., entry_name_1, contains a  use=entry_name_2  field,
+       any   canceled   capabilities  in  entry_name_2  must  also  appear  in
+       entry_name_1 before use= for  these  capabilities  to  be  canceled  in
+       entry_name_1.
+       Total compiled entries cannot exceed 4096 bytes.  The name field cannot
+       exceed 512 bytes.  Terminal names exceeding the  maximum  alias  length
+       (32 characters on systems with long filenames, 14 characters otherwise)
+       will be truncated to the maximum alias length  and  a  warning  message
+       will be printed.


+       System  V  Release  2  provided  a  tic  utility.  It accepted a single
+       option: -v (optionally  followed  by  a  number).   According  to  Ross
+       Ridge's comment in mytinfo, this version of tic was unable to represent
+       cancelled capabilities.
+       System V Release 3 provided a different tic utility, written  by  Pavel
+       Curtis,  (originally named "compile" in pcurses).  This added an option
+       -c to check the file for errors, with the caveat that errors in  "use="
+       links would not be reported.  System V Release 3 documented a few warn-
+       ing messages which did not appear in pcurses.  While the program itself
+       was  changed  little  as development continued with System V Release 4,
+       the table of capabilities grew from 180 (pcurses) to 464 (Solaris).
+       In early development of ncurses (1993), Zeyd Ben-Halim used  the  table
+       from  mytinfo  to  extend  the  pcurses  table to 469 capabilities (456
+       matched SVr4, 8 were only in SVr4, 13 were not in SVr4).  Of those  13,
+       11  were  ultimately  discarded  (perhaps  to match the draft of X/Open
+       Curses).  The exceptions were memory_lock_above and memory_unlock  (see
+       user_caps(5)).
+       Eric  Raymond  incorporated  parts of mytinfo into ncurses to implement
+       the termcap-to-terminfo source conversion, and extended that  to  begin
+       development of the corresponding terminfo-to-termcap source conversion,
+       Thomas Dickey completed that development over  the  course  of  several
+       years.
+       In  1999,  Thomas  Dickey  added  the -x option to support user-defined
+       capabilities.
+       In 2010, Roy Marples provided a tic program and  terminfo  library  for
+       NetBSD.   That  implementation  adapts  several  features from ncurses,
+       including tic's -x option.
+       The -c option tells tic to check for problems in  the  terminfo  source
+       file.  Continued development provides additional checks:
+       o   pcurses had 8 warnings
+       o   ncurses in 1996 had 16 warnings
+       o   Solaris (SVr4) curses has 28 warnings
+       o   NetBSD tic in 2019 has 19 warnings.
+       o   ncurses in 2019 has 96 warnings
+       The checking done in ncurses' tic helps with the conversion to termcap,
+       as well as pointing out errors and inconsistencies.  It is also used to
+       ensure  consistency  with the user-defined capabilities.  There are 527
+       distinct capabilities in ncurses' terminal database; 128 of  those  are
+       user-defined.


+       X/Open  Curses, Issue 7 (2009) provides a brief description of tic.  It
+       lists one option: -c.  The omission of -v is  unexpected.   The  change
+       history  states  that  the  description  is  derived  from True64 UNIX.
+       According to its manual  pages,  that  system  also  supported  the  -v
+       option.
+       Shortly  after  Issue  7  was  released, Tru64 was discontinued.  As of
+       2019, the surviving implementations of tic are  SVr4  (AIX,  HP-UX  and
+       Solaris), ncurses and NetBSD curses.  The SVr4 tic programs all support
+       the -v option.  The NetBSD tic program follows X/Open's  documentation,
+       omitting the -v option.
+       The  X/Open rationale states that some implementations of tic read ter-
+       minal descriptions from the standard input if  the  file  parameter  is
+       omitted.   None of these implementations do that.  Further, it comments
+       that some may choose to read from "./terminfo.src" but that is obsoles-
+       cent  behavior from SVr2, and is not (for example) a documented feature
+       of SVr3.


+       There is  some  evidence  that  historic  tic  implementations  treated
+       description  fields with no whitespace in them as additional aliases or
+       short names.  This tic does not do that, but it does warn when descrip-
+       tion  fields may be treated that way and check them for dangerous char-
+       acters.


+       Unlike the SVr4 tic command, this implementation can  actually  compile
+       termcap  sources.   In fact, entries in terminfo and termcap syntax can
+       be mixed in a single source file.  See  terminfo(5)  for  the  list  of
+       termcap names taken to be equivalent to terminfo names.
+       The  SVr4  manual  pages  are not clear on the resolution rules for use
+       capabilities.  This implementation of tic will find  use  targets  any-
+       where  in  the source file, or anywhere in the file tree rooted at TER-
+       MINFO (if TERMINFO is defined), or in the user's $HOME/.terminfo  data-
+       base (if it exists), or (finally) anywhere in the system's file tree of
+       compiled entries.
+       The error messages from this tic have the same format as  GNU  C  error
+       messages, and can be parsed by GNU Emacs's compile facility.
+       Aside from -c and -v, options are not portable:
+       o   Most of tic's options are not supported by SVr4 tic:
+           -0 -1 -C -G -I -N -R -T -V -a -e -f -g -o -r -s -t -x
+       o   The NetBSD tic  supports a few of the ncurses options
+           -a -o -x
+           and  adds  -S  (a feature which does the same thing as infocmp's -e
+           and -E options).
+       The SVr4 -c mode does not report bad "use=" links.
+       System V does  not  compile  entries  to  or  read  entries  from  your
+       $HOME/.terminfo database unless TERMINFO is explicitly set to it.


             Compiled terminal description database.


-       infocmp(1m),    captoinfo(1m),   infotocap(1m),   toe(1m),
-       curses(3x), term(5).  terminfo(5).


+       infocmp(1m),   captoinfo(1m),   infotocap(1m),   toe(1m),   curses(3x),
+       term(5).  terminfo(5).  user_caps(5).
-       This describes ncurses version 5.9 (patch 20131221).
+       This describes ncurses version 6.2 (patch 20200613).




        Eric S. Raymond <esr@snark.thyrsus.com> and
        Thomas E. Dickey <dickey@invisible-island.net>
-                                                                tic(1m)
+                                                                       tic(1m)
-Man(1) output converted with -man2html -