X-Git-Url: https://ncurses.scripts.mit.edu/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=doc%2Fhtml%2Fman%2Fcurs_add_wch.3x.html;h=a7dee58c93d89beb36793260b181be5ccb51ef3c;hb=fc11bff62abb32a3e7724180a94c1068c148ea6c;hp=64c645d5ad022464fe8ca6b46cd448f04d758849;hpb=e607aef87171fae9359b0c43a04d8d932719bc71;p=ncurses.git diff --git a/doc/html/man/curs_add_wch.3x.html b/doc/html/man/curs_add_wch.3x.html index 64c645d5..a7dee58c 100644 --- a/doc/html/man/curs_add_wch.3x.html +++ b/doc/html/man/curs_add_wch.3x.html @@ -28,19 +28,19 @@ * sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written * * authorization. * **************************************************************************** - * @Id: curs_add_wch.3x,v 1.62 2024/04/20 21:20:07 tom Exp @ + * @Id: curs_add_wch.3x,v 1.63 2024/05/11 21:31:45 tom Exp @ --> -curs_add_wch 3x 2024-04-20 ncurses 6.5 Library calls +curs_add_wch 3x 2024-05-11 ncurses 6.5 Library calls -

curs_add_wch 3x 2024-04-20 ncurses 6.5 Library calls


curs_add_wch 3x 2024-05-11 ncurses 6.5 Library calls

 curs_add_wch(3x)                 Library calls                curs_add_wch(3x)
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@


        add_wch, wadd_wch, mvadd_wch, mvwadd_wch, echo_wchar, wecho_wchar - add
-       a curses complex character to a window and advance the cursor
+       a curses complex character to a window, possibly advancing the cursor


@@ -66,55 +66,85 @@




-       The add_wch, wadd_wch, mvadd_wch,  and  mvwadd_wch  functions  put  the
-       complex  character  wch  into the given window at its current position,
-       which is then advanced.  These functions perform wrapping and  special-
-       character processing as follows:
-       o   If  wch  refers to a spacing character, then any previous character
-           at that location is removed.  A new character specified by  wch  is
-           placed  at  that  location  with  rendition  specified by wch.  The
-           cursor then advances after this spacing character, to  prepare  for
-           writing the next character on the screen.
-           The newly added spacing character is the base of the active complex
-           character.  Subsequent non-spacing characters can be combined  with
-           this base until another spacing character is written to the screen,
-           or the cursor is moved, e.g., using wmove.
-       o   If wch refers to a non-spacing character, it  is  appended  to  the
-           active complex character, retaining the previous characters at that
-           location.  The rendition specified by wch is ignored.
-           The cursor is not advanced after adding  a  non-spacing  character.
-           Subsequent calls to add non-spacing characters will update the same
-           position.


+       wadd_wch writes the complex character wch to the window win,  then  may
+       advance  the  cursor  position, analogously to the standard C library's
+       putwchar(3).  ncurses(3x) describes the variants of this function.
+       Much behavior depends on whether the wide characters in wch are spacing
+       or non-spacing; see subsection "Complex Characters" below.
+       o   If  wch  contains  a  spacing  character, then any character at the
+           cursor is first removed.   The  complex  character  wch,  with  its
+           attributes  and  color  pair  identifier,  becomes  the base of the
+           active complex character.
+       o   If wch contains only non-spacing characters, they are combined with
+           the  active  complex  character.  curses ignores its attributes and
+           color pair identifier, and does not advance the cursor.
+       Further non-spacing characters added with wadd_wch are not  written  at
+       the  new  cursor position but combine with the active complex character
+       until another spacing character is written to the window or the  cursor
+       is moved.
+       If advancement occurs at the right margin,
+       o   the  cursor  automatically wraps to the beginning of the next line,
+           then,
+       o   if  it  was  at  the  bottom  of  the  scrolling  region,  and   if
+           scrollok(3x)  is  enabled  for win, the scrolling region scrolls up
+           one line.
-       o   If the character part of wch is a tab, newline, backspace or  other
-           control character, the window is updated and the cursor moves as if
-           addch were called.
+       If wch is a backspace, carriage return, line feed, or tab,  the  cursor
+       moves appropriately within the window.
+       o   Backspace  moves  the cursor one character left; at the left margin
+           of a window, it does nothing.


-       The echo_wchar function is functionally equivalent to a call to add_wch
-       followed  by  a  call  to  refresh(3x).   Similarly, the wecho_wchar is
-       functionally equivalent to a call to wadd_wch followed  by  a  call  to
-       wrefresh.   The  knowledge that only a single character is being output
-       is  taken  into  consideration  and,  for  non-control  characters,   a
-       considerable  performance  gain  might  be  seen  by  using  the *echo*
-       functions instead of their equivalents.
+       o   Carriage return moves the cursor to the left margin on the  current
+           line of the window.
+       o   Line  feed  does a clrtoeol(3x), then advances as if from the right
+           margin.

Line Graphics

-       Like addch(3x), addch_wch accepts symbols which make it simple to  draw
-       lines  and  other  frequently  used  special characters.  These symbols
-       correspond to the same VT100 line-drawing set as addch(3x).
+       o   Tab advances the cursor to the next tab stop (possibly on the  next
+           line);  these  are placed at every eighth column by default.  Alter
+           the   tab   interval    with    the    TABSIZE    extension;    see
+           curs_variables(3x).
-                       Unicode   ASCII     acsc
+       If  wch  is  any other nonprintable character, it is drawn in printable
+       form using the same convention as wunctrl(3x).
+       Calling win_wch(3x) on the location of a  nonprintable  character  does
+       not return the character itself, but its wunctrl(3x) representation.
-       ACS Name        Default   Default   Char   Glyph Name


+       echo_wchar   and  wecho_wchar  are  equivalent  to  calling  (w)add_wch
+       followed by (w)refresh.  curses interprets these functions  as  a  hint
+       that only a single (complex) character is being output; for non-control
+       characters, a considerable performance gain may be enjoyed by employing
+       them.

Forms-Drawing Characters

+       curses  defines  macros  starting  with  WACS_  that  can  be used with
+       wadd_wch to write line-drawing and  other  special  characters  to  the
+       screen.  ncurses terms these forms-drawing characters.  The ACS default
+       listed below is used if the acs_chars (acsc) terminfo  capability  does
+       not  define  a terminal-specific replacement for it, or if the terminal
+       and locale configuration requires Unicode to  access  these  characters
+       but  the  library  is  unable  to  use Unicode.  The "acsc char" column
+       corresponds to how the characters are specified in the acs_chars (acsc)
+       string capability, and the characters in it may appear on the screen if
+       the terminal type's database entry incorrectly advertises ACS  support.
+       The name "ACS" originates in the Alternate Character Set feature of the
+       DEC VT100 terminal.
+                       Unicode   ACS       acsc
+       Symbol          Default   Default   char   Glyph Name
        WACS_BLOCK      0x25ae    #         0      solid square block
        WACS_BOARD      0x2592    #         h      board of squares
@@ -179,7 +209,6 @@
        WACS_D_LTEE       0x2560    +         F      double tee pointing right
        WACS_D_PLUS       0x256c    +         E      double large plus
        WACS_D_RTEE       0x2563    +         G      double tee pointing left
        WACS_D_TTEE       0x2566    +         I      double tee pointing down
        WACS_D_ULCORNER   0x2554    +         C      double upper left corner
        WACS_D_URCORNER   0x2557    +         B      double upper right corner
@@ -198,124 +227,122 @@


-       All routines return the integer ERR upon failure and OK on success.
+       These functions return OK on success and ERR on failure.   In  ncurses,
+       wadd_wch returns ERR if
-       X/Open  Curses  does  not   specify   any   error   conditions.    This
-       implementation returns an error
+       o   win is NULL,
-       o   if the window pointer is null or
+       o   wrapping  to  a new line is impossible because scrollok(3x) has not
+           been called on win when writing to its  bottom  right  location  is
+           attempted, or
-       o   if it is not possible to add a complete character in the window.
+       o   it  is  not  possible  to  add  a  complete character at the cursor
+           position.
-       The latter may be due to different causes:
+       Functions prefixed with "mv" first perform cursor movement and fail  if
+       the position (y, x) is outside the window boundaries.
-       o   If  scrollok(3x)  is  not enabled, writing a character at the lower
-           right margin succeeds.  However, an error is returned because it is
-           not possible to wrap to a new line.
-       o   If  an error is detected when converting a multibyte character to a
-           sequence of bytes, or if it is not  possible  to  add  all  of  the
-           resulting bytes in the window, an error is returned.


+       add_wch,  mvadd_wch,  mvwadd_wch,  and echo_wchar may be implemented as
+       macros.
-       Functions  prefixed with "mv" first perform cursor movement and fail if
-       the position (y, x) is outside the window boundaries.




-       Note that add_wch, mvadd_wch, mvwadd_wch, and echo_wchar may be macros.


+       The TABSIZE variable is implemented  in  SVr4  and  other  versions  of
+       curses, but is not specified by X/Open Curses (see curs_variables(3x)).


-       These functions are described in X/Open Curses, Issue 4.  The  defaults
-       specified for line-drawing characters apply in the POSIX locale.
+       These  functions are described in X/Open Curses, Issue 4.  It specifies
+       no error conditions for them.
+       SVr4 curses describes a successful return value  only  as  "an  integer
+       value other than ERR".

WACS Symbols

-       X/Open  Curses  makes it clear that the WACS_ symbols should be defined
-       as a pointer to cchar_t data, e.g., in the discussion of border_set.  A
-       few implementations are problematic:
+       The  defaults specified for forms-drawing characters apply in the POSIX
+       locale.  X/Open Curses makes it clear that the WACS_ symbols should  be
+       defined  as  a  pointer  to  cchar_t  data,  e.g., in the discussion of
+       border_set.  A few implementations are problematic:
        o   NetBSD curses defines the symbols as a wchar_t within a cchar_t.
-       o   HP-UX  curses  equates  some  of  the ACS_ symbols to the analogous
-           WACS_ symbols as if the ACS_ symbols  were  wide  characters.   The
-           misdefined  symbols  are the arrows and other symbols which are not
+       o   HP-UX curses equates some of the  ACS_  symbols  to  the  analogous
+           WACS_  symbols  as  if  the ACS_ symbols were wide characters.  The
+           misdefined symbols are the arrows and other symbols which  are  not
            used for line-drawing.
-       X/Open Curses does not specify  symbols  for  thick-  or  double-lines.
+       X/Open  Curses  does  not  specify  symbols for thick- or double-lines.
        SVr4 curses implementations defined their line-drawing symbols in terms
-       of intermediate symbols.  This implementation  extends  those  symbols,
+       of  intermediate  symbols.   This implementation extends those symbols,
        providing new definitions which are not in the SVr4 implementations.
-       Not  all  Unicode-capable  terminals  provide  support  for VT100-style
-       alternate character  sets  (i.e.,  the  acsc  capability),  with  their
-       corresponding  line-drawing  characters.  X/Open Curses did not address
-       the  aspect  of  integrating  Unicode  with  line-drawing   characters.
-       Existing  implementations of Unix curses (AIX, HP-UX, Solaris) use only
+       Not all  Unicode-capable  terminals  provide  support  for  VT100-style
+       alternate  character  sets  (i.e.,  the  acsc  capability),  with their
+       corresponding line-drawing characters.  X/Open Curses did  not  address
+       the   aspect  of  integrating  Unicode  with  line-drawing  characters.
+       Existing implementations of Unix curses (AIX, HP-UX, Solaris) use  only
        the acsc character-mapping to provide this feature.  As a result, those
        implementations  can  only  use  single-byte  line-drawing  characters.
-       ncurses 5.3 (2002) provided a table of Unicode values  to  solve  these
+       ncurses  5.3  (2002)  provided a table of Unicode values to solve these
        problems.  NetBSD curses incorporated that table in 2010.
-       In  this  implementation,  the  Unicode  values are used instead of the
+       In this implementation, the Unicode values  are  used  instead  of  the
        terminal description's acsc mapping as discussed in ncurses(3x) for the
-       environment  variable  NCURSES_NO_UTF8_ACS.   In contrast, for the same
+       environment variable NCURSES_NO_UTF8_ACS.  In contrast,  for  the  same
        cases, the line-drawing characters described in addch(3x) will use only
        the ASCII default values.
-       Having  Unicode available does not solve all of the problems with line-
+       Having Unicode available does not solve all of the problems with  line-
        drawing for curses:
-       o   The closest Unicode equivalents to the VT100 graphics  S1,  S3,  S7
-           and  S9 frequently are not displayed at the regular intervals which
+       o   The  closest  Unicode  equivalents to the VT100 graphics S1, S3, S7
+           and S9 frequently are not displayed at the regular intervals  which
            the terminal used.
-       o   The lantern is a special case.  It originated with  the  AT&T  4410
-           terminal  in the early 1980s.  There is no accessible documentation
+       o   The  lantern  is  a special case.  It originated with the AT&T 4410
+           terminal in the early 1980s.  There is no accessible  documentation
            depicting the lantern symbol on the AT&T terminal.
            Lacking documentation, most readers assume that a storm lantern was
            intended.  But there are several possibilities, all with problems.
-           Unicode  6.0  (2010)  does provide two lantern symbols: U+1F383 and
-           U+1F3EE.  Those were not available  in  2002,  and  are  irrelevant
-           since  they  lie  outside the BMP and as a result are not generally
+           Unicode 6.0 (2010) does provide two lantern  symbols:  U+1F383  and
+           U+1F3EE.   Those  were  not  available  in 2002, and are irrelevant
+           since they lie outside the BMP and as a result  are  not  generally
            available in terminals.  They are not storm lanterns, in any case.
            Most storm lanterns have a tapering glass chimney (to guard against
            tipping); some have a wire grid protecting the chimney.
-           For  the  tapering  appearance,   U+2603 was adequate.  In use on a
+           For the tapering appearance,  U+2603 was adequate.   In  use  on  a
            terminal, no one can tell what the image represents.  Unicode calls
            it a snowman.
            Others have suggested these alternatives: <section> U+00A7 (section
-           mark), <Theta> U+0398 (theta), <Phi> U+03A6 (phi),  <delta>  U+03B4
+           mark),  <Theta>  U+0398 (theta), <Phi> U+03A6 (phi), <delta> U+03B4
            (delta),  U+2327 (x in a rectangle),  U+256C (forms double vertical
            and horizontal), and  U+2612 (ballot box with x).

Complex Characters

-       The complex character  type  cchar_t  can  store  more  than  one  wide
-       character  (wchar_t).   The  X/Open Curses description does not mention
-       this possibility, describing only the cases  where  wch  is  a  spacing
-       character or a non-spacing character.
+       The  complex  character  type  cchar_t  can  store  more  than one wide
+       character (wchar_t).  X/Open Curses does not mention this  possibility,
+       specifying  behavior  only  where  wch  is  a  single character, either
+       spacing or non-spacing.
-       This implementation assumes that wch is constructed using setcchar(3x),
-       and in turn that the result
+       ncurses assumes that wch is constructed using setcchar(3x), and in turn
+       that the result
-       o   contains at most one spacing character in the beginning of its list
-           of wide characters, and zero or more non-spacing characters or
+       o   contains at most one spacing character at the beginning of its list
+           of wide characters, and zero or more non-spacing characters, or
-       o   may hold one non-spacing character.
+       o   holds one non-spacing character.
-       In  the  latter  case,  ncurses  adds  the non-spacing character to the
-       active (base) spacing character.


-       The TABSIZE variable is implemented  in  SVr4  and  other  versions  of
-       curses, but is not specified by X/Open Curses (see curs_variables(3x)).
+       In the latter case, ncurses  adds  the  non-spacing  character  to  the
+       active complex character.


@@ -328,7 +355,7 @@
-ncurses 6.5                       2024-04-20                  curs_add_wch(3x)
+ncurses 6.5                       2024-05-11                  curs_add_wch(3x)