X-Git-Url: https://ncurses.scripts.mit.edu/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=doc%2Fhtml%2Fman%2Fcurs_attr.3x.html;h=30086b6627c233dc8d9f5ff5a2d34d72d064130a;hb=51a395aaa20e4aa687310bb8cb1616ccf8e8fd0d;hp=d76dd9b79d9044a3de85673518f373239d79bbe6;hpb=a3725e39272393790e32a083fd7391aad607828d;p=ncurses.git diff --git a/doc/html/man/curs_attr.3x.html b/doc/html/man/curs_attr.3x.html index d76dd9b7..30086b66 100644 --- a/doc/html/man/curs_attr.3x.html +++ b/doc/html/man/curs_attr.3x.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - + curs_attr 3x - +

curs_attr 3x

-curs_attr(3x)                                             curs_attr(3x)
+curs_attr(3x)                                                    curs_attr(3x)


-       attroff, wattroff, attron, wattron, attrset, wattrset,
-       color_set, wcolor_set, standend, wstandend, standout,
-       wstandout, attr_get, wattr_get, attr_off, wattr_off,
-       attr_on, wattr_on, attr_set, wattr_set, chgat, wchgat,
-       mvchgat, mvwchgat, PAIR_NUMBER - curses character and
-       window attribute control routines


+       attr_get, wattr_get, attr_set, wattr_set, attr_off, wattr_off, attr_on,
+       wattr_on, attroff, wattroff, attron, wattron, attrset, wattrset, chgat,
+       wchgat, mvchgat, mvwchgat, color_set, wcolor_set, standend, wstandend,
+       standout, wstandout - curses character and window attribute control
+       routines




        #include <curses.h>
+       int attr_get(attr_t *attrs, short *pair, void *opts);
+       int wattr_get(WINDOW *win, attr_t *attrs, short *pair, void *opts);
+       int attr_set(attr_t attrs, short pair, void *opts);
+       int wattr_set(WINDOW *win, attr_t attrs, short pair, void *opts);
+       int attr_off(attr_t attrs, void *opts);
+       int wattr_off(WINDOW *win, attr_t attrs, void *opts);
+       int attr_on(attr_t attrs, void *opts);
+       int wattr_on(WINDOW *win, attr_t attrs, void *opts);
        int attroff(int attrs);
        int wattroff(WINDOW *win, int attrs);
        int attron(int attrs);
        int wattron(WINDOW *win, int attrs);
        int attrset(int attrs);
        int wattrset(WINDOW *win, int attrs);
-       int color_set(short color_pair_number, void* opts);
-       int wcolor_set(WINDOW *win, short color_pair_number,
-             void* opts);
+       int chgat(int n, attr_t attr, short pair, const void *opts);
+       int wchgat(WINDOW *win,
+             int n, attr_t attr, short pair, const void *opts);
+       int mvchgat(int y, int x,
+             int n, attr_t attr, short pair, const void *opts);
+       int mvwchgat(WINDOW *win, int y, int x,
+             int n, attr_t attr, short pair, const void *opts);
+       int color_set(short pair, void* opts);
+       int wcolor_set(WINDOW *win, short pair, void* opts);
        int standend(void);
        int wstandend(WINDOW *win);
        int standout(void);
        int wstandout(WINDOW *win);
-       int attr_get(attr_t *attrs, short *pair, void *opts);
-       int wattr_get(WINDOW *win, attr_t *attrs, short *pair,
-              void *opts);
-       int attr_off(attr_t attrs, void *opts);
-       int wattr_off(WINDOW *win, attr_t attrs, void *opts);
-       int attr_on(attr_t attrs, void *opts);
-       int wattr_on(WINDOW *win, attr_t attrs, void *opts);
-       int attr_set(attr_t attrs, short pair, void *opts);
-       int wattr_set(WINDOW *win, attr_t attrs, short pair,  void
-       *opts);
-       int chgat(int n, attr_t attr, short color,
-             const void *opts);
-       int wchgat(WINDOW *win, int n, attr_t attr,
-             short color, const void *opts);
-       int mvchgat(int y, int x, int n, attr_t attr,
-             short color, const void *opts);
-       int mvwchgat(WINDOW *win, int y, int x, int n,
-             attr_t attr, short color, const void *opts);


-       These  routines  manipulate  the current attributes of the
-       named window.  The current attributes of a window apply to
-       all characters that are written into the window with wadd-
-       ch, waddstr and wprintw.  Attributes are a property of the
-       character,   and  move  with  the  character  through  any
-       scrolling and insert/delete line/character operations.  To
-       the  extent  possible,  they  are displayed as appropriate
-       modifications to the graphic rendition of  characters  put
-       on the screen.


+       These  routines  manipulate the current attributes of the named window,
+       which then apply to all characters that are  written  into  the  window
+       with  waddch,  waddstr  and  wprintw.  Attributes are a property of the
+       character, and move with the character through any  scrolling  and  in-
+       sert/delete  line/character  operations.   To the extent possible, they
+       are displayed as appropriate modifications to the graphic rendition  of
+       characters put on the screen.
+       These  routines do not affect the attributes used when erasing portions
+       of the window.  See curs_bkgd(3x) for functions which  modify  the  at-
+       tributes used for erasing and clearing.


-       The  routine  attrset  sets  the current attributes of the
-       given window to attrs.  The routine attroff turns off  the
-       named  attributes  without turning any other attributes on
-       or off.  The routine attron turns on the named  attributes
-       without affecting any others.  The routine standout is the
-       same as attron(A_STANDOUT).  The routine standend  is  the
-       same as attrset(A_NORMAL) or attrset(0), that is, it turns
-       off all attributes.
-       The attrset and related routines do  not  affect  the  at-
-       tributes  used  when  erasing portions of the window.  See
-       curs_bkgd(3x) for functions which  modify  the  attributes
-       used for erasing and clearing.
+       Routines  which  do  not have a WINDOW* parameter apply to stdscr.  For
+       example, attr_set is the stdscr variant of wattr_set.


-       The attrset routine is actually a legacy feature predating
-       SVr4 curses but kept in X/Open Curses for the same  reason
-       that  SVr4  curses kept it: compatbility.  The routine at-
-       tr_set provides for passing a color-pair parameter.

Window attributes

+       There are two sets of functions:
-       The remaining attr_* functions operate  exactly  like  the
-       corresponding attr* functions, except that they take argu-
-       ments of type attr_t rather than int.
+       o   functions for manipulating the window attributes  and  color:  wat-
+           tr_set and wattr_get.
+       o   functions  for manipulating only the window attributes (not color):
+           wattr_on and wattr_off.


-       The routine color_set sets the current color of the  given
-       window  to the foreground/background combination described
-       by the color_pair_number.  The parameter opts is  reserved
-       for future use, applications must supply a null pointer.
+       The wattr_set function sets the current attributes of the given  window
+       to attrs, with color specified by pair.
+       Use wattr_get to retrieve attributes for the given window.


-       The  routine  wattr_get  returns the current attribute and
-       color pair for the given window; attr_get returns the cur-
-       rent attribute and color pair for stdscr.
+       Use  attr_on  and  wattr_on  to turn on window attributes, i.e., values
+       OR'd together in attr, without affecting  other  attributes.   Use  at-
+       tr_off  and  wattr_off to turn off window attributes, again values OR'd
+       together in attr, without affecting other attributes.
-       There  is  no  corresponding  attrget  function as such in
-       X/Open Curses, although  ncurses  provides  getattrs  (see
-       curs_legacy(3x)).

Legacy window attributes

+       The X/Open window attribute routines which set or get, turn on  or  off
+       are extensions of older routines which assume that color pairs are OR'd
+       into the attribute parameter.  These newer routines use similar  names,
+       because X/Open simply added an underscore (_) for the newer names.


-       The routine chgat changes the attributes of a given number
-       of characters starting at the current cursor  location  of
-       stdscr.   It  does not update the cursor and does not per-
-       form wrapping.  A character count of -1  or  greater  than
-       the  remaining window width means to change attributes all
-       the way to the end of the current line.  The wchgat  func-
-       tion generalizes this to any window; the mvwchgat function
-       does a cursor move before acting.  In these functions, the
-       color  argument is a color-pair index (as in the first ar-
-       gument of init_pair, see curs_color(3x)).  The opts  argu-
-       ment is not presently used, but is reserved for the future
-       (leave it NULL).
+       The int datatype used in the legacy routines is treated as if it is the
+       same size as chtype (used by addch(3x)).  It holds the common video at-
+       tributes  (such  as  bold,  reverse),  as well as a few bits for color.
+       Those bits correspond to the A_COLOR symbol.  The COLOR_PAIR macro pro-
+       vides  a value which can be OR'd into the attribute parameter.  For ex-
+       ample, as long as that value fits into the  A_COLOR  mask,  then  these
+       calls produce similar results:
+           attrset(A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(pair));
+           attr_set(A_BOLD, pair, NULL);


-       The following video attributes, defined in <curses.h>, can
-       be passed to the routines attron, attroff, and attrset, or
-       OR'd with the characters passed to  addch  (see  curs_add-
-       ch(3x)).
+       However, if the value does not fit, then the COLOR_PAIR macro uses only
+       the bits that fit.  For example, because in ncurses A_COLOR  has  eight
+       (8) bits, then COLOR_PAIR(259) is 4 (i.e., 259 is 4 more than the limit
+       255).
+       The PAIR_NUMBER macro extracts a pair number from an int  (or  chtype).
+       For  example,  the input and output values in these statements would be
+       the same:
+           int value = A_BOLD | COLOR_PAIR(input);
+           int output = PAIR_NUMBER(value);
+       The attrset routine is a legacy feature predating SVr4 curses but  kept
+       in X/Open Curses for the same reason that SVr4 curses kept it: compati-
+       bility.
+       The remaining attr* functions operate exactly  like  the  corresponding
+       attr_*  functions,  except  that they take arguments of type int rather
+       than attr_t.
+       There is no corresponding attrget function as such  in  X/Open  Curses,
+       although ncurses provides getattrs (see curs_legacy(3x)).

Change character rendition

+       The  routine  chgat changes the attributes of a given number of charac-
+       ters starting at the current cursor location of stdscr.   It  does  not
+       update  the cursor and does not perform wrapping.  A character count of
+       -1 or greater than the remaining  window  width  means  to  change  at-
+       tributes  all the way to the end of the current line.  The wchgat func-
+       tion generalizes this to any window; the mvwchgat function does a  cur-
+       sor move before acting.
+       In  these  functions, the color pair argument is a color-pair index (as
+       in the first argument of init_pair, see curs_color(3x)).

Change window color

+       The routine color_set sets the current color of the given window to the
+       foreground/background  combination  described by the color pair parame-
+       ter.
-              Name            Description
-              ------------------------------------------------------------
-              A_NORMAL        Normal display (no highlight)
-              A_STANDOUT      Best highlighting mode of the terminal.
-              A_UNDERLINE     Underlining
-              A_REVERSE       Reverse video
-              A_BLINK         Blinking
-              A_DIM           Half bright
-              A_BOLD          Extra bright or bold
-              A_PROTECT       Protected mode
-              A_INVIS         Invisible or blank mode
-              A_ALTCHARSET    Alternate character set
-              A_ITALIC        Italics (non-X/Open extension)
-              A_CHARTEXT      Bit-mask to extract a character
-              COLOR_PAIR(n)   Color-pair number n
-       These video attributes are supported by attr_on and relat-
-       ed functions (which also support the attributes recognized
-       by attron, etc.):


+       The routine standout is the same as  attron(A_STANDOUT).   The  routine
+       standend  is  the  same as attrset(A_NORMAL) or attrset(0), that is, it
+       turns off all attributes.
+       X/Open does not mark these "restricted", because
+       o   they have well established legacy use, and
+       o   there is no ambiguity about the way the attributes  might  be  com-
+           bined with a color pair.


+       The following video attributes, defined in <curses.h>, can be passed to
+       the routines attron, attroff, and attrset, or OR'd with the  characters
+       passed to addch (see curs_addch(3x)).
+              Name           Description
+              -----------------------------------------------------------------
+              A_NORMAL       Normal display (no highlight)
+              A_STANDOUT     Best highlighting mode of the terminal.
+              A_UNDERLINE    Underlining
+              A_REVERSE      Reverse video
+              A_BLINK        Blinking
+              A_DIM          Half bright
+              A_BOLD         Extra bright or bold
+              A_PROTECT      Protected mode
+              A_INVIS        Invisible or blank mode
+              A_ALTCHARSET   Alternate character set
+              A_ITALIC       Italics (non-X/Open extension)
+              A_CHARTEXT     Bit-mask to extract a character
+              A_COLOR        Bit-mask to extract a color (legacy routines)
+       These  video  attributes are supported by attr_on and related functions
+       (which also support the attributes recognized by attron, etc.):
               Name            Description
@@ -206,61 +255,199 @@
               WA_TOP          Top highlight
               WA_VERTICAL     Vertical highlight
-       For consistency
-       The following macro is the reverse of COLOR_PAIR(n):
+       The return values of many of these routines are  not  meaningful  (they
+       are  implemented  as macro-expanded assignments and simply return their
+       argument).  The SVr4 manual page claims (falsely) that  these  routines
+       always return 1.
-       PAIR_NUMBER(attrs) Returns the pair number associated
-                          with the COLOR_PAIR(n) attribute.
-       The  return values of many of these routines are not mean-
-       ingful (they are implemented as macro-expanded assignments
-       and  simply  return their argument).  The SVr4 manual page
-       claims (falsely) that these routines always return 1.


+       These functions may be macros:
+              attroff,  wattroff, attron, wattron, attrset, wattrset, standend
+              and standout.


-       Note that attroff,  wattroff,  attron,  wattron,  attrset,
-       wattrset, standend and standout may be macros.
-       COLOR_PAIR  values can only be OR'd with attributes if the
-       pair number is less than  256.   The  alternate  functions
-       such  as  color_set  can pass a color pair value directly.
-       However, ncurses ABI 4 and 5 simply OR this  value  within
-       the  alternate  functions.   You must use ncurses ABI 6 to
+       Color pair values can only be OR'd with attributes if the  pair  number
+       is less than 256.  The alternate functions such as color_set can pass a
+       color pair value directly.  However, ncurses ABI 4 and 5 simply OR this
+       value  within  the  alternate functions.  You must use ncurses ABI 6 to
        support more than 256 color pairs.


-       These functions are supported in the XSI Curses  standard,
-       Issue  4.   The  standard  defined  the dedicated type for
-       highlights, attr_t, which is not defined in  SVr4  curses.
-       The  functions  taking  attr_t arguments are not supported
-       under SVr4.
-       The XSI Curses standard states that whether the tradition-
-       al  functions  attron/attroff/attrset  can  manipulate at-
-       tributes other than  A_BLINK,  A_BOLD,  A_DIM,  A_REVERSE,
-       A_STANDOUT,  or  A_UNDERLINE is "unspecified".  Under this
-       implementation as well as  SVr4  curses,  these  functions
-       correctly  manipulate  all other highlights (specifically,
-       This implementation provides the  A_ITALIC  attribute  for
-       terminals which have the enter_italics_mode (sitm) and ex-
-       it_italics_mode (ritm) capabilities.  Italics are not men-
-       tioned  in  X/Open  Curses.   Unlike  the  other video at-
-       tributes, I_ITALIC is unrelated to the set_attributes  ca-
-       pabilities.  This implementation makes the assumption that
-       exit_attribute_mode may also reset italics.
-       XSI Curses added the new entry points, attr_get,  attr_on,
-       attr_off,  attr_set,  wattr_on, wattr_off, wattr_get, wat-
-       tr_set.  These are intended to work with a new  series  of
-       highlight macros prefixed with WA_.  The older macros have
-       direct counterparts in the newer set of names:


+       X/Open Curses is largely based  on  SVr4  curses,  adding  support  for
+       "wide-characters"  (not  specific to Unicode).  Some of the X/Open dif-
+       ferences from SVr4 curses address the way video attributes can  be  ap-
+       plied  to  wide-characters.   But aside from that, attrset and attr_set
+       are similar.  SVr4 curses provided the basic features for  manipulating
+       video  attributes.  However, earlier versions of curses provided a part
+       of these features.
+       As seen in 2.8BSD, curses assumed 7-bit characters,  using  the  eighth
+       bit  of  a byte to represent the standout feature (often implemented as
+       bold and/or reverse video).  The BSD curses library provided  functions
+       standout  and  standend which were carried along into X/Open Curses due
+       to their pervasive use in legacy applications.
+       Some terminals in the 1980s  could  support  a  variety  of  video  at-
+       tributes,  although the BSD curses library could do nothing with those.
+       System V (1983) provided an improved curses library.  It defined the A_
+       symbols  for  use  by  applications to manipulate the other attributes.
+       There are few useful references for the chronology.
+       Goodheart's book UNIX Curses Explained (1991)  describes  SVr3  (1987),
+       commenting on several functions:
+       o   the  attron,  attroff, attrset functions (and most of the functions
+           found in SVr4 but not in BSD curses) were introduced by System V,
+       o   the alternate character set feature with A_ALTCHARSET was added  in
+           SVr2 and improved in SVr3 (by adding acs_map[]),
+       o   start_color  and  related color-functions were introduced by System
+           V.3.2,
+       o   pads, soft-keys were added in SVr3, and
+       Goodheart did not mention the background character or the cchar_t type.
+       Those are respectively SVr4 and X/Open features.  He did mention the A_
+       constants, but did not indicate their values.  Those were not the  same
+       in different systems, even for those marked as System V.
+       Different  Unix  systems  used  different  sizes  for the bit-fields in
+       chtype for characters and colors, and took into account  the  different
+       integer sizes (32-bit versus 64-bit).
+       This  table  showing  the number of bits for A_COLOR and A_CHARTEXT was
+       gleaned from the curses header files for various operating systems  and
+       architectures.   The inferred architecture and notes reflect the format
+       and size of the defined constants as well as clues such as  the  alter-
+       nate  character  set implementation.  A 32-bit library can be used on a
+       64-bit system, but not necessarily the reverse.
+              Year   System        Arch    Color   Char   Notes
+              ----------------------------------------------------------------
+              1992   Solaris 5.2   32      6       17     SVr4 curses
+              1992   HPUX 9        32      no      8      SVr2 curses
+              1992   AIX 3.2       32      no      23     SVr2 curses
+              1994   OSF/1 r3      32      no      23     SVr2 curses
+              1995   HP-UX 10.00   32      6       16     SVr3 "curses_colr"
+              1995   HP-UX 10.00   32      6       8      SVr4, X/Open curses
+              1995   Solaris 5.4   32/64   7       16     X/Open curses
+              1996   AIX 4.2       32      7       16     X/Open curses
+              1996   OSF/1 r4      32      6       16     X/Open curses
+              1997   HP-UX 11.00   32      6       8      X/Open curses
+              2000   U/Win         32/64   7/31    16     uses chtype
+       Notes:
+          Regarding HP-UX,
+          o   HP-UX 10.20 (1996) added support for 64-bit  PA-RISC  processors
+              in 1996.
+          o   HP-UX  10.30 (1997) marked "curses_colr" obsolete.  That version
+              of curses was dropped with HP-UX 11.30 in 2006.
+          Regarding OSF/1 (and Tru64),
+          o   These used 64-bit hardware.  Like ncurses, the OSF/1 curses  in-
+              terface is not customized for 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
+          o   Unlike other systems which evolved from AT&T code, OSF/1 provid-
+              ed a new implementation for X/Open curses.
+          Regarding Solaris,
+          o   The initial release of Solaris was in 1992.
+          o   The xpg4 (X/Open) curses was developed by MKS from 1990 to 1995.
+              Sun's copyright began in 1996.
+          o   Sun updated the X/Open curses interface after 64-bit support was
+              introduced in 1997, but did not modify the  SVr4  curses  inter-
+              face.
+          Regarding U/Win,
+          o   Development  of  the  curses  library  began in 1991, stopped in
+              2000.
+          o   Color support was added in 1998.
+          o   The library uses only chtype (no cchar_t).
+       Once X/Open curses was adopted in the mid-1990s, the  constraint  of  a
+       32-bit interface with many colors and wide-characters for chtype became
+       a moot point.  The cchar_t structure (whose size and  members  are  not
+       specified in X/Open Curses) could be extended as needed.
+       Other interfaces are rarely used now:
+       o   BSD  curses was improved slightly in 1993/1994 using Keith Bostic's
+           modification to make the library 8-bit clean  for  nvi.   He  moved
+           standout attribute to a structure member.
+           The  resulting  4.4BSD curses was replaced by ncurses over the next
+           ten years.
+       o   U/Win is rarely used now.


+       This implementation provides the A_ITALIC attribute for terminals which
+       have  the  enter_italics_mode (sitm) and exit_italics_mode (ritm) capa-
+       bilities.  Italics are not mentioned in X/Open Curses.  Unlike the oth-
+       er  video attributes, A_ITALIC is unrelated to the set_attributes capa-
+       bilities.  This  implementation  makes  the  assumption  that  exit_at-
+       tribute_mode may also reset italics.
+       Each  of  the functions added by XSI Curses has a parameter opts, which
+       X/Open Curses still (after more than twenty  years)  documents  as  re-
+       served for future use, saying that it should be NULL.  This implementa-
+       tion uses that parameter in ABI 6 for the functions which have a color-
+       pair parameter to support extended color pairs:
+       o   For  functions  which modify the color, e.g., wattr_set, if opts is
+           set it is treated as a pointer to int, and used to  set  the  color
+           pair instead of the short pair parameter.
+       o   For functions which retrieve the color, e.g., wattr_get, if opts is
+           set it is treated as a pointer to int, and  used  to  retrieve  the
+           color pair as an int value, in addition retrieving it via the stan-
+           dard pointer to short parameter.
+       The remaining functions which have opts, but do not  manipulate  color,
+       e.g., wattr_on and wattr_off are not used by this implementation except
+       to check that they are NULL.


+       These functions are supported in the XSI Curses standard, Issue 4.  The
+       standard  defined  the dedicated type for highlights, attr_t, which was
+       not defined in SVr4 curses.  The functions taking attr_t arguments were
+       not supported under SVr4.
+       Very old versions of this library did not force an update of the screen
+       when changing the attributes.  Use touchwin  to  force  the  screen  to
+       match the updated attributes.
+       The  XSI  Curses standard states that whether the traditional functions
+       attron/attroff/attrset can manipulate attributes  other  than  A_BLINK,
+       A_BOLD,  A_DIM, A_REVERSE, A_STANDOUT, or A_UNDERLINE is "unspecified".
+       Under this implementation as well as SVr4 curses, these functions  cor-
+       rectly  manipulate  all  other  highlights (specifically, A_ALTCHARSET,
+       A_PROTECT, and A_INVIS).
+       XSI Curses added these entry points:
+              attr_get, attr_on, attr_off, attr_set, wattr_on, wattr_off, wat-
+              tr_get, wattr_set
+       The  new  functions are intended to work with a new series of highlight
+       macros prefixed with WA_.  The older macros have direct counterparts in
+       the newer set of names:
               Name            Description
@@ -273,47 +460,59 @@
               WA_BOLD         Extra bright or bold
               WA_ALTCHARSET   Alternate character set
-       Very old versions of this library did not force an  update
-       of  the screen when changing the attributes.  Use touchwin
-       to force the screen to match the updated attributes.
+       XSI  curses  does not assign values to these symbols, nor does it state
+       whether or not they are related to the similarly-named A_NORMAL, etc.:
-       The XSI curses standard specifies that each pair of corre-
-       sponding  A_  and WA_-using functions operates on the same
-       current-highlight information.
+       o   The XSI curses standard specifies that each pair  of  corresponding
+           A_  and  WA_-using functions operates on the same current-highlight
+           information.
-       The XSI standard extended conformance level adds new high-
-       TICAL (and corresponding WA_ macros for each).  As of  Au-
-       gust  2013,  no  known  terminal provides these highlights
-       (i.e., via the sgr1 capability).
+       o   However, in some implementations, those symbols have unrelated val-
+           ues.
+           For example, the Solaris xpg4 (X/Open) curses declares attr_t to be
+           an unsigned short integer (16-bits), while chtype is a unsigned in-
+           teger  (32-bits).   The WA_ symbols in this case are different from
+           the A_ symbols because they are used for a smaller  datatype  which
+           does not represent A_CHARTEXT or A_COLOR.


-       All routines return the integer OK on success, or  ERR  on
-       failure.
+           In this implementation (as in many others), the values happen to be
+           the same because it simplifies copying information  between  chtype
+           and cchar_t variables.
+       The XSI standard extended conformance level adds new highlights A_HORI-
+       ZONTAL, A_LEFT, A_LOW, A_RIGHT, A_TOP,  A_VERTICAL  (and  corresponding
+       WA_  macros  for  each).  As of August 2013, no known terminal provides
+       these highlights (i.e., via the sgr1 capability).


+       All routines return the integer OK on success, or ERR on failure.
        X/Open does not define any error conditions.
-       This implementation returns an error if the window pointer
-       is null.  The wcolor_set function returns an error if  the
-       color   pair   parameter  is  outside  the  range  0..COL-
-       OR_PAIRS-1.  This implementation  also  provides  getattrs
-       for compatibility with older versions of curses.
+       This implementation
-       Functions  with a "mv" prefix first perform a cursor move-
-       ment using wmove, and return an error if the  position  is
-       outside the window, or if the window pointer is null.
+       o   returns an error if the window pointer is null.
+       o   returns an error if the color pair parameter for wcolor_set is out-
+           side the range 0..COLOR_PAIRS-1.


-       curses(3x), curs_addch(3x), curs_addstr(3x),
-       curs_bkgd(3x), curs_printw(3x), curs_variables(3x)
+       o   does  not  return an error if either of the parameters of wattr_get
+           used for retrieving attribute or color-pair values is NULL.
+       Functions with a "mv" prefix first  perform  a  cursor  movement  using
+       wmove, and return an error if the position is outside the window, or if
+       the window pointer is null.


+       curses(3x), curs_addch(3x), curs_addstr(3x), curs_bkgd(3x),
+       curs_printw(3x), curs_variables(3x)
-                                                          curs_attr(3x)
+                                                                 curs_attr(3x)