X-Git-Url: https://ncurses.scripts.mit.edu/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=doc%2Fhtml%2Fman%2Fcurs_kernel.3x.html;h=b93fcbf443dc4c0a514bf477dfb5b7eddebbe7ea;hb=e2153a14ebfb90265151d608778aaf9f403b3d24;hp=f042412c8a4788de27385b1156889a00c21e25dd;hpb=81304798ee736c467839c779c9ca5dca48db7bea;p=ncurses.git diff --git a/doc/html/man/curs_kernel.3x.html b/doc/html/man/curs_kernel.3x.html index f042412c..b93fcbf4 100644 --- a/doc/html/man/curs_kernel.3x.html +++ b/doc/html/man/curs_kernel.3x.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ -curs_kernel 3x +curs_kernel 3x 2024-06-08 ncurses 6.5 Library calls - + -

curs_kernel 3x


curs_kernel 3x 2024-06-08 ncurses 6.5 Library calls

-curs_kernel(3x)                                                curs_kernel(3x)
+curs_kernel(3x)                  Library calls                 curs_kernel(3x)


-       def_prog_mode, def_shell_mode, reset_prog_mode, reset_shell_mode,
-       resetty, savetty, getsyx, setsyx, ripoffline, curs_set, napms - low-
-       level curses routines
+       def_prog_mode,   def_shell_mode,   reset_prog_mode,   reset_shell_mode,
+       resetty, savetty, getsyx, setsyx, curs_set, mvcur, napms, ripoffline  -
+       low-level curses routines


@@ -67,96 +67,115 @@
        void getsyx(int y, int x);
        void setsyx(int y, int x);
-       int ripoffline(int line, int (*init)(WINDOW *, int));
        int curs_set(int visibility);
+       int mvcur(int oldrow, int oldcol, int newrow, int newcol);
        int napms(int ms);
+       int ripoffline(int line, int (*init)(WINDOW *, int));


-       The following routines give low-level access to various curses capabil-
-       ities.  These routines typically are used inside library routines.
+       The   following  routines  give  low-level  access  to  various  curses
+       capabilities.   These  routines  typically  are  used  inside   library
+       routines.

def_prog_mode, def_shell_mode


def_prog_mode, def_shell_mode

        The def_prog_mode and def_shell_mode routines save the current terminal
        modes as the "program" (in curses) or "shell" (not in curses) state for
        use by the reset_prog_mode and reset_shell_mode routines.  This is done
-       automatically  by initscr.  There is one such save area for each screen
+       automatically by initscr.  There is one such save area for each  screen
        context allocated by newterm.

reset_prog_mode, reset_shell_mode

-       The reset_prog_mode and reset_shell_mode routines restore the  terminal
-       to  "program"  (in curses) or "shell" (out of curses) state.  These are
-       done automatically by endwin(3x) and, after an endwin, by doupdate,  so

reset_prog_mode, reset_shell_mode

+       The  reset_prog_mode and reset_shell_mode routines restore the terminal
+       to "program" (in curses) or "shell" (out of curses) state.   These  are
+       done  automatically by endwin(3x) and, after an endwin, by doupdate, so
        they normally are not called.

resetty, savetty

-       The resetty and savetty routines save and restore the state of the ter-
-       minal modes.  savetty saves the current state in a buffer  and  resetty
-       restores the state to what it was at the last call to savetty.

resetty, savetty

+       The resetty and savetty routines save and  restore  the  state  of  the
+       terminal  modes.   savetty  saves  the  current  state  in a buffer and
+       resetty restores the state to what it was at the last call to savetty.


-       The  getsyx  routine  returns  the  current  coordinates of the virtual
-       screen cursor in y and x.  If leaveok is currently TRUE, then -1,-1  is
-       returned.  If lines have been removed from the top of the screen, using
-       ripoffline, y and x include these lines; therefore, y and x  should  be
-       used only as arguments for setsyx.
+       getsyx stores the coordinates of virtual screen (newscr)  cursor  in  y
+       and x.  If newscr's leaveok(3x) output option is TRUE, getsyx stores -1
+       in both y and x.  If lines have been removed from the top of the screen
+       using  ripoffline, y includes these lines; therefore, y and x populated
+       by getsyx should be used only as arguments for setsyx.
-       Few applications will use this feature, most use getyx instead.
+       Few applications use this feature; most call getyx(3x) instead.


-       The  setsyx routine sets the virtual screen cursor to y, x.  If y and x
-       are both -1, then leaveok is set.  The two routines getsyx  and  setsyx
-       are  designed to be used by a library routine, which manipulates curses
-       windows but does not want to change the current position  of  the  pro-
-       gram's cursor.  The library routine would call getsyx at the beginning,
-       do its manipulation of its own windows, do a wnoutrefresh on  its  win-
-       dows, call setsyx, and then call doupdate.
+       setsyx sets the virtual screen (newscr)  cursor  location  to  (y,  x).
+       setsyx(-1, -1) is equivalent to leaveok(newscr, TRUE).
+       getsyx  and  setsyx  are  designed  to  be  used  by  a  function  that
+       manipulates curses windows but  seeks  to  avoid  changing  the  cursor
+       position.  Such a function would first call getsyx, modify its windows'
+       content,  call  wnoutrefresh(3x)  on  them,  call  setsyx,  then   call
+       doupdate(3x).
+       Few applications use this feature; most call wmove(3x) instead.


+       The  curs_set  routine  sets  the cursor state to invisible, normal, or
+       very visible for visibility equal to 0, 1, or 2 respectively.   If  the
+       terminal  supports  the visibility requested, the previous cursor state
+       is returned; otherwise, ERR is returned.


+       mvcur provides low-level cursor motion.  It takes  effect  immediately,
+       rather  than  at  the  next refresh.  Unlike the other low-level output
+       functions, which either write to the  standard  output  stream  or  are
+       passed  a  function  pointer  to  perform  output,  mvcur  uses  a file
+       descriptor derived from the output stream parameter of newterm(3x).
-       Few applications will use this feature, most use wmove instead.
+       One application of mvcur  accompanies  the  temporary  use  of  another
+       program  to  write  to  the  terminal  screen.  For example, first call
+       refresh(3x) to ensure that the screen and the library's model of it  is
+       up  to  date;  then call reset_shell_mode; write to the screen with the
+       external application; call reset_prog_mode; and finally call  mvcur  to
+       set  the  cursor's  location  to  where  curses thinks it is, since the
+       library has no knowledge of how the external application moved it.


+       napms sleeps  for  ms  milliseconds.   If  ms  exceeds  30,000  (thirty
+       seconds), it is capped at that value.


-       The  ripoffline  routine  provides  access  to  the  same facility that
-       slk_init [see curs_slk(3x)] uses to reduce  the  size  of  the  screen.
-       ripoffline  must be called before initscr or newterm is called, to pre-
-       pare these initial actions:
+       ripoffline  provides access to the same facility that slk_init(3x) uses
+       to reduce the size of the screen.  ripoffline  must  be  called  before
+       initscr or newterm is called, to prepare these initial actions:
        o   If line is positive, a line is removed from the top of stdscr.
        o   if line is negative, a line is removed from the bottom.
-       When the resulting initialization is done inside initscr,  the  routine
+       When  the  resulting initialization is done inside initscr, the routine
        init (supplied by the user) is called with two arguments:
        o   a window pointer to the one-line window that has been allocated and
        o   an integer with the number of columns in the window.
-       Inside  this  initialization  routine,  the integer variables LINES and
-       COLS (defined in <curses.h>) are not guaranteed to be accurate and wre-
-       fresh or doupdate must not be called.  It is allowable to call wnoutre-
-       fresh during the initialization routine.
+       Inside this initialization routine, the  integer  variables  LINES  and
+       COLS  (defined  in  <curses.h>)  are  not guaranteed to be accurate and
+       wrefresh or doupdate must not be  called.   It  is  allowable  to  call
+       wnoutrefresh during the initialization routine.
-       ripoffline can be called up to five times  before  calling  initscr  or
+       ripoffline  can  be  called  up to five times before calling initscr or


-       The  curs_set  routine  sets  the cursor state to invisible, normal, or
-       very visible for visibility equal to 0, 1, or 2 respectively.   If  the
-       terminal  supports  the visibility requested, the previous cursor state
-       is returned; otherwise, ERR is returned.


-       The napms routine is used to sleep for ms milliseconds.


        Except for curs_set, these routines always return OK.
@@ -166,45 +185,71 @@
        X/Open defines no error conditions.  In this implementation
        def_prog_mode, def_shell_mode, reset_prog_mode, reset_shell_mode
-            return an error if the terminal was not initialized, or if the I/O
-            call to obtain the terminal settings fails.
+            return ERR if the terminal was not initialized, or if the I/O call
+            to obtain the terminal settings fails.
-            returns an error if the maximum number of ripped-off lines exceeds
-            the maximum (NRIPS = 5).
+            returns ERR if the maximum number of ripped-off lines exceeds  the
+            maximum (5).


        Note that getsyx is a macro, so & is not necessary before the variables
        y and x.
-       Older SVr4 man pages warn that the return value of  curs_set  "is  cur-
-       rently  incorrect".   This  implementation gets it right, but it may be
+       Older SVr4 man pages  warn  that  the  return  value  of  curs_set  "is
+       currently incorrect".  This implementation gets it right, but it may be
        unwise to count on the correctness of the return value anywhere else.
-       Both ncurses and SVr4 will call curs_set in endwin if curs_set has been
+       Both ncurses and SVr4 will call curs_set in endwin if curs_set has been
        called  to make the cursor other than normal, i.e., either invisible or
-       very visible.  There is no way for ncurses  to  determine  the  initial
+       very visible.  There is no way for ncurses  to  determine  the  initial
        cursor state to restore that.


+       In  ncurses, mvcur accepts -1 for either or both old coordinates.  This
+       value tells ncurses that the old location is unknown, and that it  must
+       use  only absolute motion, as with the cursor_address (cup) capability,
+       rather than the least  costly  combination  of  absolute  and  relative
+       motion.


-       The virtual screen functions setsyx and getsyx are not described in the
-       XSI Curses standard, Issue 4.  All other functions are as described  in
-       XSI Curses.
+       Applications employing ncurses extensions should condition their use on
+       the visibility of the NCURSES_VERSION preprocessor macro.
+       The virtual screen functions setsyx and getsyx  are  not  described  in
+       X/Open Curses, Issue 4.  All other functions are as described in X/Open
+       Curses.
-       The  SVr4  documentation  describes  setsyx and getsyx as having return
-       type int.  This is misleading, as they are macros  with  no  documented
+       The SVr4 documentation describes setsyx and  getsyx  as  having  return
+       type  int.   This  is misleading, as they are macros with no documented
        semantics for the return value.
+       X/Open Curses notes:
+              "After use of mvcur(), the model Curses maintains of  the  state
+              of  the  terminal  might  not  match  the  actual  state  of the
+              terminal.  An application should touch and  refresh  the  window
+              before resuming conventional use of Curses."
+       Both  ncurses  and  SVr4  curses  implement mvcur using the SCREEN data
+       allocated in either initscr(3x) or newterm(3x).  X/Open  Curses  states
+       that  the old location must be given for mvcur to accommodate terminals
+       that lack absolute cursor positioning.
+       If interrupted, ncurses restarts napms.  That, and the limitation to 30
+       seconds, are different from other implementations.


        curses(3x),   curs_initscr(3x),   curs_outopts(3x),   curs_refresh(3x),
-       curs_scr_dump(3x), curs_slk(3x), curs_variables(3x).
+       curs_scr_dump(3x), curs_slk(3x), curs_variables(3x)
-                                                               curs_kernel(3x)
+ncurses 6.5                       2024-06-08                   curs_kernel(3x)