X-Git-Url: https://ncurses.scripts.mit.edu/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=doc%2Fhtml%2Fman%2Fcurs_mouse.3x.html;h=296d50fd699e8e8adc7c1ac0fe7aba672e183d89;hb=8d3ea9021573747ecd129228ba7782a03243f62c;hp=f8d2e9ca689df87745850bffa528a202e360e86e;hpb=e2d7d0028f4298dca2b0edaf2dc8ce30518d9218;p=ncurses.git diff --git a/doc/html/man/curs_mouse.3x.html b/doc/html/man/curs_mouse.3x.html index f8d2e9ca..296d50fd 100644 --- a/doc/html/man/curs_mouse.3x.html +++ b/doc/html/man/curs_mouse.3x.html @@ -1,8 +1,7 @@ - + + + curs_mouse 3x -

curs_mouse 3x


curs_mouse 3x

-curs_mouse(3x)                                           curs_mouse(3x)
+curs_mouse(3x)                                                  curs_mouse(3x)


-       has_mouse, getmouse, ungetmouse, mousemask, wenclose,
-       mouse_trafo, wmouse_trafo, mouseinterval - mouse interface
-       through curses


+       has_mouse, getmouse, ungetmouse, mousemask, wenclose, mouse_trafo,
+       wmouse_trafo, mouseinterval - mouse interface through curses




        #include <curses.h>
        typedef unsigned long mmask_t;
-       typedef struct
-       {
-           short id;         /* ID to distinguish multiple devices */
+       typedef struct {
+           short id;         /* ID to distinguish multiple devices */
            int x, y, z;      /* event coordinates */
            mmask_t bstate;   /* button state bits */
-       }
-       MEVENT;
+       } MEVENT;
        bool has_mouse(void);
-       int getmouse(MEVENT *event);
-       int ungetmouse(MEVENT *event);
-       mmask_t mousemask(mmask_t newmask, mmask_t *oldmask);
-       bool wenclose(const WINDOW *win, int y, int x);
-       bool mouse_trafo(int* pY, int* pX, bool to_screen);
-       bool wmouse_trafo(const WINDOW* win, int* pY, int* pX,
-            bool to_screen);
-       int mouseinterval(int erval);
+       int getmouse(MEVENT *event);
+       int ungetmouse(MEVENT *event);
+       mmask_t mousemask(mmask_t newmask, mmask_t *oldmask);
+       bool wenclose(const WINDOW *win, int y, int x);
+       bool mouse_trafo(int* pY, int* pX, bool to_screen);
+       bool wmouse_trafo(const WINDOW* win, int* pY, int* pX,
+            bool to_screen);
+       int mouseinterval(int erval);


-       These  functions provide an interface to mouse events from
-       ncurses(3x).  Mouse events are  represented  by  KEY_MOUSE
-       pseudo-key values in the wgetch input stream.
-       To  make mouse events visible, use the mousemask function.
-       This will set the mouse events to  be  reported.   By  de-
-       fault,  no  mouse  events are reported.  The function will
-       return a mask to indicate which  of  the  specified  mouse
-       events  can be reported; on complete failure it returns 0.
-       If oldmask is non-NULL, this function fills the  indicated
-       location  with  the  previous  value of the given window's
-       mouse event mask.
-       As a side effect, setting a zero mousemask  may  turn  off
-       the  mouse pointer; setting a nonzero mask may turn it on.
-       Whether this happens is device-dependent.


+       These functions provide an interface to mouse events from  ncurses(3x).
+       Mouse  events  are  represented  by  KEY_MOUSE pseudo-key values in the
+       wgetch(3x) input stream.


+       To make mouse events visible, use the mousemask  function.   This  will
+       set  the  mouse events to be reported.  By default, no mouse events are
+       reported.  The function will return a mask to  indicate  which  of  the
+       specified  mouse events can be reported; on complete failure it returns
+       0.  If oldmask is non-NULL, this function fills the indicated  location
+       with the previous value of the given window's mouse event mask.
+       As  a  side  effect,  setting  a  zero mousemask may turn off the mouse
+       pointer; setting a nonzero mask may turn it on.  Whether  this  happens
+       is device-dependent.

Mouse events

        Here are the mouse event type masks which may be defined:
        Name                     Description
@@ -112,9 +109,9 @@
        BUTTON2_DOUBLE_CLICKED   mouse button 2 double clicked
        BUTTON2_TRIPLE_CLICKED   mouse button 2 triple clicked
        BUTTON3_PRESSED          mouse button 3 down
        BUTTON3_RELEASED         mouse button 3 up
        BUTTON3_CLICKED          mouse button 3 clicked
        BUTTON3_DOUBLE_CLICKED   mouse button 3 double clicked
        BUTTON3_TRIPLE_CLICKED   mouse button 3 triple clicked
@@ -138,179 +135,248 @@
        REPORT_MOUSE_POSITION    report mouse movement
-       Once a class of mouse events have been made visible  in  a
-       window, calling the wgetch function on that window may re-
-       turn KEY_MOUSE as an indicator that a mouse event has been
-       queued.   To read the event data and pop the event off the
-       queue, call getmouse.  This function will return OK  if  a
-       mouse  event  is actually visible in the given window, ERR
-       otherwise.  When getmouse returns OK, the  data  deposited
-       as  y  and  x  in  the event structure coordinates will be
-       screen-relative character-cell coordinates.  The  returned
-       state  mask  will have exactly one bit set to indicate the
-       event type.  The corresponding data in the queue is marked
-       invalid.   A subsequent call to getmouse will retrieve the
-       next older item from the queue.
-       The ungetmouse function behaves  analogously  to  ungetch.
-       It  pushes a KEY_MOUSE event onto the input queue, and as-
-       sociates with that event the given state data and  screen-
-       relative character-cell coordinates.
-       The  wenclose  function  tests  whether  a  given  pair of
-       screen-relative character-cell coordinates is enclosed  by
-       a  given  window, returning TRUE if it is and FALSE other-
-       wise.  It is useful for determining  what  subset  of  the
-       screen windows enclose the location of a mouse event.
-       The wmouse_trafo function transforms a given pair of coor-
-       dinates from stdscr-relative  coordinates  to  coordinates
-       relative to the given window or vice versa.  Please remem-
-       ber, that stdscr-relative coordinates are not always iden-
-       tical  to window-relative coordinates due to the mechanism
-       to reserve lines on top or bottom of the screen for  other
-       purposes (see the ripoffline() and slk_init calls, for ex-
-       ample).  If the parameter to_screen is TRUE, the  pointers
-       pY, pX must reference the coordinates of a location inside
-       the window win.  They are converted to window-relative co-
-       ordinates  and returned through the pointers.  If the con-
-       version was successful, the function returns TRUE.  If one
-       of  the  parameters was NULL or the location is not inside
-       the window, FALSE is returned.  If to_screen is FALSE, the
-       pointers  pY,  pX  must  reference window-relative coordi-
-       nates.  They are converted to stdscr-relative  coordinates
-       if  the  window win encloses this point.  In this case the
-       function returns TRUE.  If one of the parameters  is  NULL
-       or  the point is not inside the window, FALSE is returned.
-       Please notice, that the referenced  coordinates  are  only
-       replaced  by  the converted coordinates if the transforma-
-       tion was successful.
-       The mouse_trafo function performs the same translation  as
-       wmouse_trafo, using stdscr for win.
-       The mouseinterval function sets the maximum time (in thou-
-       sands of a second) that can elapse between press  and  re-
-       lease  events  for  them to be recognized as a click.  Use
-       mouseinterval(0) to disable click resolution.  This  func-
-       tion returns the previous interval value.  Use mouseinter-
-       val(-1) to obtain the interval without altering  it.   The
-       default is one sixth of a second.
-       The  has_mouse  function  returns TRUE if the mouse driver
-       has been successfully initialized.
-       Note that mouse events will be ignored when  input  is  in
-       cooked mode, and will cause an error beep when cooked mode
-       is being simulated in a window by a function such as  get-
-       str that expects a linefeed for input-loop termination.


+       Once a class of mouse events has been made visible in a window, calling
+       the wgetch function on that window may return KEY_MOUSE as an indicator
+       that a mouse event has been queued.  To read the event data and pop the
+       event off the queue, call getmouse.  This function will return OK if  a
+       mouse  event  is  actually  visible in the given window, ERR otherwise.
+       When getmouse returns OK, the data deposited as y and x  in  the  event
+       structure  coordinates  will  be screen-relative character-cell coordi-
+       nates.  The returned state mask will have exactly one bit set to  indi-
+       cate the event type.  The corresponding data in the queue is marked in-
+       valid.  A subsequent call to getmouse will retrieve the next older item
+       from the queue.


-       getmouse  and ungetmouse return the integer ERR upon fail-
-       ure or OK upon successful completion.
-              getmouse
-                   returns an error.  If no mouse driver was ini-
-                   tialized, or if the mask parameter is zero, it
-                   also returns an error if no more events remain
-                   in the queue.


+       The  ungetmouse  function  behaves analogously to ungetch.  It pushes a
+       KEY_MOUSE event onto the input queue, and associates  with  that  event
+       the given state data and screen-relative character-cell coordinates.


+       The  wenclose  function  tests  whether a given pair of screen-relative
+       character-cell coordinates is enclosed by  a  given  window,  returning
+       TRUE  if  it is and FALSE otherwise.  It is useful for determining what
+       subset of the screen windows enclose the location of a mouse event.


+       The wmouse_trafo function transforms a given pair of  coordinates  from
+       stdscr-relative coordinates to coordinates relative to the given window
+       or vice versa.  The resulting stdscr-relative coordinates are  not  al-
+       ways  identical  to window-relative coordinates due to the mechanism to
+       reserve lines on top or bottom of the screen for  other  purposes  (see
+       the ripoffline and slk_init(3x) calls, for example).
+       o   If the parameter to_screen is TRUE, the pointers pY, pX must refer-
+           ence the coordinates of a location inside the window win.  They are
+           converted  to  window-relative coordinates and returned through the
+           pointers.  If the conversion was successful, the  function  returns
+           TRUE.
+       o   If one of the parameters was NULL or the location is not inside the
+           window, FALSE is returned.
+       o   If to_screen is FALSE, the pointers pY, pX must  reference  window-
+           relative  coordinates.  They are converted to stdscr-relative coor-
+           dinates if the window win encloses this point.  In  this  case  the
+           function returns TRUE.
+       o   If  one  of  the  parameters is NULL or the point is not inside the
+           window, FALSE is returned.  The referenced coordinates are only re-
+           placed  by the converted coordinates if the transformation was suc-
+           cessful.


+       The mouse_trafo function performs the same translation as wmouse_trafo,
+       using stdscr for win.


+       The  mouseinterval  function  sets  the maximum time (in thousands of a
+       second) that can elapse between press and release events for them to be
+       recognized  as  a click.  Use mouseinterval(0) to disable click resolu-
+       tion.  This function returns the previous interval value.  Use mousein-
+       terval(-1)  to obtain the interval without altering it.  The default is
+       one sixth of a second.


+       The has_mouse function returns TRUE if the mouse driver has  been  suc-
+       cessfully initialized.
+       Note  that  mouse  events will be ignored when input is in cooked mode,
+       and will cause an error beep when cooked mode is being simulated  in  a
+       window  by a function such as getstr that expects a linefeed for input-
+       loop termination.


+       getmouse and ungetmouse return the integer ERR upon failure or OK  upon
+       successful completion:
+          getmouse
+               returns an error.
-              ungetmouse
-                   returns an error if the FIFO is full.
+          o   If  no mouse driver was initialized, or if the mask parameter is
+              zero,
+          o   It also returns an error if no more events remain in the queue.
+          ungetmouse
+               returns an error if the FIFO is full.
        mousemask returns the mask of reportable events.
-       mouseinterval  returns the previous interval value, unless
-       the terminal was not initialized.  In that  case,  it  re-
-       turns the maximum interval value (166).
+       mouseinterval returns the previous interval value, unless the  terminal
+       was  not  initialized.   In  that case, it returns the maximum interval
+       value (166).
-       wenclose  and wmouse_trafo are boolean functions returning
-       TRUE or FALSE depending on their test result.
+       wenclose and wmouse_trafo are boolean functions returning TRUE or FALSE
+       depending on their test result.


-       These calls were designed for  ncurses(3x),  and  are  not
-       found in SVr4 curses, 4.4BSD curses, or any other previous
-       version of curses.
-       The feature macro NCURSES_MOUSE_VERSION is provided so the
-       preprocessor  can  be  used to test whether these features
-       are present.  If the interface is changed,  the  value  of
-       NCURSES_MOUSE_VERSION  will  be incremented.  These values
-       for NCURSES_MOUSE_VERSION may be specified when  configur-
-       ing ncurses:
-              1  has  definitions  for reserved events.  The mask
-                 uses 28 bits.
-              2  adds definitions for button 5, removes the defi-
-                 nitions  for  reserved events.  The mask uses 29
-                 bits.
-       The order of the MEVENT structure members is  not  guaran-
-       teed.   Additional fields may be added to the structure in
-       the future.
-       Under ncurses(3x), these calls are implemented  using  ei-
-       ther  xterm's built-in mouse-tracking API or platform-spe-
-       cific drivers including
-              Alessandro Rubini's gpm server
-              FreeBSD sysmouse
-              OS/2 EMX
-       If you  are  using  an  unsupported  configuration,  mouse
-       events  will not be visible to ncurses(3x) (and the mouse-
-       mask function will always return 0).
-       If the terminfo entry contains a XM string, this  is  used
-       in  the xterm mouse driver to control the way the terminal
-       is initialized for mouse operation.  The default, if XM is
-       not found, corresponds to private mode 1000 of xterm:
-              \E[?1000%?%p1%{1}%=%th%el%;
-       The z member in the event structure is not presently used.
-       It is intended for use with touch screens  (which  may  be
-       pressure-sensitive)   or   with   3D-mice/trackballs/power
-       gloves.


+       These  calls  were  designed for ncurses(3x), and are not found in SVr4
+       curses, 4.4BSD curses, or any other previous version of curses.
+       SVr4 curses had support for the mouse in a variant  of  xterm.   It  is
+       mentioned in a few places, but with no supporting documentation:


-       Mouse events under xterm will not in fact be ignored  dur-
-       ing  cooked  mode, if they have been enabled by mousemask.
-       Instead, the xterm mouse report sequence  will  appear  in
-       the string read.
-       Mouse events under xterm will not be detected correctly in
-       a window with its keypad bit off, since  they  are  inter-
-       preted  as  a  variety of function key.  Your terminfo de-
-       scription should have kmous set to "\E[M"  (the  beginning
-       of  the response from xterm for mouse clicks).  Other val-
-       ues for kmous are permitted, but under  the  same  assump-
-       tion, i.e., it is the beginning of the response.
-       Because  there  are  no  standard  terminal responses that
-       would serve to identify terminals which support the  xterm
-       mouse  protocol,  ncurses assumes that if your $TERM envi-
-       ronment variable contains "xterm", or kmous is defined  in
-       the terminal description, then the terminal may send mouse
-       events.
+       o   the  "libcurses" manual page lists functions for this feature which
+           are prototyped in curses.h:
+               extern int mouse_set(long int);
+               extern int mouse_on(long int);
+               extern int mouse_off(long int);
+               extern int request_mouse_pos(void);
+               extern int map_button(unsigned long);
+               extern void wmouse_position(WINDOW *, int *, int *);
+               extern unsigned long getmouse(void), getbmap(void);


-       curses(3x),  curs_kernel(3x),   curs_slk(3x),   curs_vari-
-       ables(3x).
+       o   the "terminfo" manual page lists capabilities for the feature
+               buttons           btns    BT       Number of buttons on the mouse
+               get_mouse         getm    Gm       Curses should get button events
+               key_mouse         kmous   Km       0631, Mouse event has occurred
+               mouse_info        minfo   Mi       Mouse status information
+               req_mouse_pos     reqmp   RQ       Request mouse position report
+       o   the interface made assumptions (as does ncurses) about  the  escape
+           sequences sent to and received from the terminal.
+           For  instance the SVr4 curses library used the get_mouse capability
+           to tell the terminal which mouse  button  events  it  should  send,
+           passing  the mouse-button bit-mask to the terminal.  Also, it could
+           ask the terminal where the mouse was using the req_mouse_pos  capa-
+           bility.
+           Those  features required a terminal which had been modified to work
+           with curses.  They were not part of the X Consortium's xterm.
+       When developing the xterm mouse support for ncurses in September  1995,
+       Eric  Raymond  was  uninterested in using the same interface due to its
+       lack of documentation.  Later, in 1998, Mark Hesseling provided support
+       in  PDCurses 2.3 using the SVr4 interface.  PDCurses, however, does not
+       use video terminals, making it unnecessary to be concerned  about  com-
+       patibility with the escape sequences.
+       The feature macro NCURSES_MOUSE_VERSION is provided so the preprocessor
+       can be used to test whether these features are present.  If the  inter-
+       face  is changed, the value of NCURSES_MOUSE_VERSION will be increment-
+       ed.  These values for NCURSES_MOUSE_VERSION may be specified when  con-
+       figuring ncurses:
+          1  has definitions for reserved events.  The mask uses 28 bits.
+          2  adds  definitions  for  button 5, removes the definitions for re-
+             served events.  The mask uses 29 bits.
+       The order of the MEVENT structure members is not guaranteed.  Addition-
+       al fields may be added to the structure in the future.
+       Under  ncurses(3x),  these  calls  are implemented using either xterm's
+       built-in mouse-tracking API or platform-specific drivers including
+          o   Alessandro Rubini's gpm server
+          o   FreeBSD sysmouse
+          o   OS/2 EMX
+       If you are using an unsupported configuration, mouse events will not be
+       visible  to  ncurses(3x) (and the mousemask function will always return
+       0).
+       If the terminfo entry contains a XM string, this is used in  the  xterm
+       mouse  driver  to control the way the terminal is initialized for mouse
+       operation.  The default, if XM is not  found,  corresponds  to  private
+       mode 1000 of xterm:
+          \E[?1000%?%p1%{1}%=%th%el%;
+       The  z  member in the event structure is not presently used.  It is in-
+       tended for use with touch screens (which may be pressure-sensitive)  or
+       with 3D-mice/trackballs/power gloves.
+       The  ALL_MOUSE_EVENTS  class  does  not  include REPORT_MOUSE_POSITION.
+       They are distinct.  For example, in xterm,  wheel/scrolling  mice  send
+       position  reports  as  a  sequence of presses of buttons 4 or 5 without
+       matching button-releases.


+       Mouse events under xterm will not in  fact  be  ignored  during  cooked
+       mode, if they have been enabled by mousemask.  Instead, the xterm mouse
+       report sequence will appear in the string read.
+       Mouse events under xterm will not be detected  correctly  in  a  window
+       with  its  keypad  bit  off, since they are interpreted as a variety of
+       function key.  Your terminfo  description  should  have  kmous  set  to
+       "\E[M"  (the  beginning  of  the response from xterm for mouse clicks).
+       Other values for kmous are permitted, but under  the  same  assumption,
+       i.e., it is the beginning of the response.
+       Because  there  are  no standard terminal responses that would serve to
+       identify terminals which support the xterm mouse protocol, ncurses  as-
+       sumes  that  if  your  $TERM  environment variable contains "xterm", or
+       kmous is defined in the terminal description,  then  the  terminal  may
+       send mouse events.


+       curses(3x), curs_kernel(3x), curs_slk(3x), curs_variables(3x).
-                                                         curs_mouse(3x)
+                                                                curs_mouse(3x)
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