X-Git-Url: https://ncurses.scripts.mit.edu/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=doc%2Fhtml%2Fman%2Fcurs_pad.3x.html;h=4758d36b8a710b0c21dea0bc2329f565960ce206;hb=16fbf3f4f7d96b6ee6bf9159b22f26e05962aa3d;hp=77e534c17c071a3904865a46653a153b5007d72a;hpb=a8987e73ec254703634802b4f7ee30d3a485524d;p=ncurses.git diff --git a/doc/html/man/curs_pad.3x.html b/doc/html/man/curs_pad.3x.html index 77e534c1..4758d36b 100644 --- a/doc/html/man/curs_pad.3x.html +++ b/doc/html/man/curs_pad.3x.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - - + + + curs_pad 3x - - + + -

curs_pad 3x


curs_pad 3x

-curs_pad(3x)                                         curs_pad(3x)
+curs_pad(3x)                                                      curs_pad(3x)


-       newpad,   subpad,   prefresh,   pnoutrefresh,   pechochar,
-       pecho_wchar - create and display curses pads


+       newpad, subpad, prefresh, pnoutrefresh, pechochar, pecho_wchar - create
+       and display curses pads




        #include <curses.h>
-       WINDOW *newpad(int nlines, int ncols);
-       WINDOW *subpad(WINDOW *orig, int nlines, int ncols,
-             int begin_y, int begin_x);
-       int prefresh(WINDOW *pad, int pminrow, int pmincol,
-             int sminrow, int smincol, int smaxrow, int smaxcol);
-       int pnoutrefresh(WINDOW *pad, int pminrow, int pmincol,
-             int sminrow, int smincol, int smaxrow, int smaxcol);
-       int pechochar(WINDOW *pad, chtype ch);
-       int pecho_wchar(WINDOW *pad, const cchar_t *wch);
+       WINDOW *newpad(int nlines, int ncols);
+       WINDOW *subpad(WINDOW *orig, int nlines, int ncols,
+             int begin_y, int begin_x);
+       int prefresh(WINDOW *pad, int pminrow, int pmincol,
+             int sminrow, int smincol, int smaxrow, int smaxcol);
+       int pnoutrefresh(WINDOW *pad, int pminrow, int pmincol,
+             int sminrow, int smincol, int smaxrow, int smaxcol);
+       int pechochar(WINDOW *pad, chtype ch);
+       int pecho_wchar(WINDOW *pad, const cchar_t *wch);


-       The newpad routine creates and returns a pointer to a  new
-       pad data structure with the given number of lines, nlines,
-       and columns, ncols.  A pad is like a window,  except  that
-       it is not restricted by the screen size, and is not neces-
-       sarily associated with a particular part  of  the  screen.
-       Pads can be used when a large window is needed, and only a
-       part of the window will be on  the  screen  at  one  time.
-       Automatic refreshes of pads (e.g., from scrolling or echo-
-       ing of input) do not occur.  It is not legal to call  wre-
-       fresh  with a pad as an argument; the routines prefresh or
-       pnoutrefresh should be called instead.   Note  that  these
-       routines require additional parameters to specify the part
-       of the pad to be displayed and the location on the  screen
-       to be used for the display.
-       The subpad routine creates and returns a pointer to a sub-
-       window within a  pad  with  the  given  number  of  lines,
-       nlines,  and  columns,  ncols.   Unlike subwin, which uses
-       screen coordinates, the window is  at  position  (begin_x,
-       begin_y)  on the pad.  The window is made in the middle of
-       the window orig, so that changes made to one window affect
-       both  windows.   During  the  use of this routine, it will
-       often be necessary to call touchwin or touchline  on  orig
-       before calling prefresh.
-       The  prefresh  and  pnoutrefresh routines are analogous to
-       wrefresh and wnoutrefresh except that they relate to  pads
-       instead  of windows.  The additional parameters are needed
-       to indicate what part of the pad and screen are  involved.
-       pminrow  and pmincol specify the upper left-hand corner of
-       the rectangle to be displayed in the pad.  sminrow,  smin-
-       col, smaxrow, and smaxcol specify the edges of the rectan-
-       gle to be displayed on the screen.  The  lower  right-hand
-       corner of the rectangle to be displayed in the pad is cal-
-       culated from the screen coordinates, since the  rectangles
-       must  be  the same size.  Both rectangles must be entirely
-       contained within their  respective  structures.   Negative
-       values  of  pminrow,  pmincol,  sminrow,  or  smincol  are
-       treated as if they were zero.
-       The pechochar routine is functionally equivalent to a call
-       to  addch  followed by a call to refresh, a call to waddch
-       followed by a call to wrefresh, or a call to  waddch  fol-
-       lowed  by  a  call to prefresh.  The knowledge that only a
-       single character is being output is taken into  considera-
-       tion  and, for non-control characters, a considerable per-
-       formance gain  might  be  seen  by  using  these  routines
-       instead  of  their equivalents.  In the case of pechochar,
-       the last location of the pad on the screen is  reused  for
-       the arguments to prefresh.
-       The  pecho_wchar  function is the analogous wide-character
-       form of pechochar.  It outputs one character to a pad  and
-       immediately  refreshes the pad.  It does this by a call to
-       wadd_wch followed by a call to prefresh.




+       The newpad routine creates and returns a pointer  to  a  new  pad  data
+       structure  with  the given number of lines, nlines, and columns, ncols.
+       A pad is like a window, except that it is not restricted by the  screen
+       size,  and  is not necessarily associated with a particular part of the
+       screen.  Pads can be used when a large window is  needed,  and  only  a
+       part  of  the  window will be on the screen at one time.  Automatic re-
+       freshes of pads (e.g., from scrolling or echoing of input) do  not  oc-
+       cur.


-       Routines that return an integer return  ERR  upon  failure
-       and  OK  (SVr4 only specifies "an integer value other than
-       ERR") upon successful completion.
+       It  is  not  legal to call wrefresh with a pad as an argument; the rou-
+       tines prefresh or pnoutrefresh should be  called  instead.   Note  that
+       these routines require additional parameters to specify the part of the
+       pad to be displayed and the location on the screen to be used  for  the
+       display.
-       Routines that return pointers return NULL  on  error,  and
-       set errno to ENOMEM.


+       The  subpad routine creates and returns a pointer to a subwindow within
+       a pad with the given number of lines, nlines, and columns, ncols.   Un-
+       like  subwin,  which uses screen coordinates, the window is at position
+       (begin_x, begin_y) on the pad.  The window is made in the middle of the
+       window  orig,  so  that changes made to one window affect both windows.
+       During the use of this routine, it will  often  be  necessary  to  call
+       touchwin or touchline on orig before calling prefresh.



prefresh, pnoutrefresh

+       The  prefresh  and  pnoutrefresh routines are analogous to wrefresh and
+       wnoutrefresh except that they relate to pads instead of  windows.   The
+       additional  parameters  are needed to indicate what part of the pad and
+       screen are involved.
+       o   The pminrow and pmincol parameters specify the upper left-hand cor-
+           ner of the rectangle to be displayed in the pad.
+       o   The  sminrow,  smincol, smaxrow, and smaxcol parameters specify the
+           edges of the rectangle to be displayed on the screen.
+       The lower right-hand corner of the rectangle to be displayed in the pad
+       is calculated from the screen coordinates, since the rectangles must be
+       the same size.  Both rectangles must be entirely contained within their
+       respective  structures.   Negative values of pminrow, pmincol, sminrow,
+       or smincol are treated as if they were zero.


+       The pechochar routine is functionally equivalent to  a  call  to  addch
+       followed  by a call to refresh(3x), a call to waddch followed by a call
+       to wrefresh, or a call to waddch followed by a call to  prefresh.   The
+       knowledge  that  only  a single character is being output is taken into
+       consideration and, for non-control characters, a  considerable  perfor-
+       mance  gain  might  be  seen  by  using these routines instead of their
+       equivalents.  In the case of pechochar, the last location of the pad on
+       the screen is reused for the arguments to prefresh.


+       The  pecho_wchar  function  is the analogous wide-character form of pe-
+       chochar.  It outputs one character to a pad and  immediately  refreshes
+       the pad.  It does this by a call to wadd_wch followed by a call to pre-
+       fresh.


+       Routines that return an integer return ERR upon failure  and  OK  (SVr4
+       only  specifies "an integer value other than ERR") upon successful com-
+       pletion.
+       Routines that return pointers return NULL on error, and  set  errno  to
+       ENOMEM.
+       X/Open does not define any error conditions.  In this implementation
+          prefresh and pnoutrefresh
+               return an error if the window pointer is null, or if the window
+               is not really a pad or if the  area  to  refresh  extends  off-
+               screen or if the minimum coordinates are greater than the maxi-
+               mum.
+          pechochar
+               returns an error if the window is not really a pad, and the as-
+               sociated call to wechochar returns an error.
+          pecho_wchar
+               returns an error if the window is not really a pad, and the as-
+               sociated call to wecho_wchar returns an error.


        Note that pechochar may be a macro.


-       The  XSI  Curses  standard,  Issue 4 describes these func-
-       tions.


+       BSD curses has no pad feature.
+       SVr2 curses (1986) provided the newpad and related functions, document-
+       ing  them  in  a single line each.  SVr3 (1987) provided more extensive
+       documentation.


-       curses(3x),       curs_refresh(3x),        curs_touch(3x),
-       curs_addch(3x).
+       The documentation does not explain the term pad.  However,  the  Apollo
+       Aegis workstation operating system supported a graphical pad feature:
+       o   These  graphical pads could be much larger than the computer's dis-
+           play.
+       o   The read-only output from a command could be scrolled back  to  in-
+           spect, and select text from the pad.
+       The two uses may be related.
+       The  XSI  Curses  standard,  Issue 4 describes these functions, without
+       significant change from the SVr3 documentation.  It describes no  error
+       conditions.   The  behavior of subpad if the parent window is not a pad
+       is undocumented, and is not checked by the vendor Unix implementations:
+       o   SVr4 curses sets a flag in the WINDOW  structure  in  newpad  which
+           tells if the window is a pad.
+           However,  it  uses this information only in waddch (to decide if it
+           should call wrefresh) and wscrl (to avoid  scrolling  a  pad),  and
+           does  not  check  in  wrefresh  to ensure that the pad is refreshed
+           properly.
+       o   Solaris X/Open Curses checks if a window is a pad in  wnoutrefresh,
+           returning ERR in that case.
+           However,  it only sets the flag for subwindows if the parent window
+           is a pad.  Its newpad function does not set this information.  Con-
+           sequently, the check will never fail.
+           It  makes no comparable check in pnoutrefresh, though interestingly
+           enough, a comment in the source code states  that  the  lack  of  a
+           check was an MKS extension.
+       o   NetBSD  7 curses sets a flag in the WINDOW structure for newpad and
+           subpad, using this to help with the  distinction  between  wnoutre-
+           fresh and pnoutrefresh.
+           It  does  not  check for the case where a subwindow is created in a
+           pad using subwin or derwin.
+           The dupwin function returns a regular  window  when  duplicating  a
+           pad.   Likewise,  getwin always returns a window, even if the saved
+           data was from a pad.
+       This implementation
+       o   sets a flag in the WINDOW structure for newpad and subpad,
+       o   allows a subwin or derwin call to succeed having a  pad  parent  by
+           forcing the subwindow to be a pad,
+       o   checks  in  both  wnoutrefresh and pnoutrefresh to ensure that pads
+           and windows are handled distinctly, and
+       o   ensures that dupwin and getwin treat pads  versus  windows  consis-
+           tently.


+       curses(3x), curs_refresh(3x), curs_touch(3x), curs_addch(3x).
-                                                     curs_pad(3x)
+                                                                  curs_pad(3x)
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