X-Git-Url: https://ncurses.scripts.mit.edu/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=doc%2Fhtml%2Fman%2Fcurs_trace.3x.html;h=658be0e542d9f478490f4bc77f0a3b0d2d6fbb18;hb=91d451ffc473b358d8d74506d2da8871e44fbd7b;hp=1880c8e93d2d24ff6c64fe89fb0d4418cf053f4e;hpb=77afe78361875f531dc2bf8d73f2e781c8e76176;p=ncurses.git diff --git a/doc/html/man/curs_trace.3x.html b/doc/html/man/curs_trace.3x.html index 1880c8e9..658be0e5 100644 --- a/doc/html/man/curs_trace.3x.html +++ b/doc/html/man/curs_trace.3x.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - - + + + curs_trace 3x - + -

curs_trace 3x


curs_trace 3x

-curs_trace(3x)                                           curs_trace(3x)
+curs_trace(3x)                                                  curs_trace(3x)


-       _tracef, _tracedump, _traceattr, _traceattr2,
-       _nc_tracebits, _tracecchar_t, _tracecchar_t2, _tracechar,
-       _tracechtype, _tracechtype2, _tracemouse, trace - curses
-       debugging routines


+       curses_trace, trace, _tracef, _traceattr, _traceattr2, _tracecchar_t,
+       _tracecchar_t2, _tracechar, _tracechtype, _tracechtype2, _nc_tracebits,
+       _tracedump, _tracemouse - curses debugging routines




        #include <curses.h>
-       void _tracef(const char *format, ...);
-       void _tracedump(const char *label, WINDOW *win);
-       char *_traceattr(attr_t attr);
-       char *_traceattr2(int buffer, chtype ch);
+       unsigned curses_trace(const unsigned param);
+       void _tracef(const char *format, ...);
+       char *_traceattr(attr_t attr);
+       char *_traceattr2(int buffer, chtype ch);
+       char *_tracecchar_t(const cchar_t *string);
+       char *_tracecchar_t2(int buffer, const cchar_t *string);
+       char *_tracechar(int ch);
+       char *_tracechtype(chtype ch);
+       char *_tracechtype2(int buffer, chtype ch);
+       void _tracedump(const char *label, WINDOW *win);
        char *_nc_tracebits(void);
-       char * _tracecchar_t(const cchar_t *string);
-       char * _tracecchar_t2(int buffer, const cchar_t *string);
-       char *_tracechar(int ch);
-       char *_tracechtype(chtype ch);
-       char *_tracechtype2(int buffer, chtype ch);
-       char *_tracemouse(const MEVENT *event);
-       void trace(const unsigned int param);
+       char *_tracemouse(const MEVENT *event);
+       /* deprecated */
+       void trace(const unsigned int param);


-       The trace routines are used for debugging the ncurses  li-
-       braries, as well as applications which use the ncurses li-
-       braries.  These functions are normally available only with
-       the  debugging library libncurses_g.a, but may be compiled
-       into any model (shared, static, profile) by  defining  the
-       symbol  TRACE.   Additionally,  some  functions  are  only
-       available with the wide-character configuration of the li-
-       braries.
-       The  principal  parts of this interface are the trace rou-
-       tine which selectively enables different tracing features,
-       and the _tracef routine which writes formatted data to the
-       trace file.
-       Calling trace with a  nonzero  parameter  opens  the  file
-       trace  in the current directory for output.  The parameter
-       is formed by OR'ing values from the list of TRACE_xxx def-
-       initions in <curses.h>.  These include:
-            turn off tracing.


+       The curses trace routines are used for debugging the ncurses libraries,
+       as well as applications which use the ncurses libraries.  Some  limita-
+       tions apply:
+       o   Aside from curses_trace, the other functions are normally available
+           only with the debugging library e.g., libncurses_g.a.
+           All of the trace functions may be compiled into any model  (shared,
+           static, profile) by defining the symbol TRACE.
+       o   Additionally,  the  functions  which use cchar_t are only available
+           with the wide-character configuration of the libraries.


+       The principal parts of this interface are
+       o   curses_trace, which selectively enables different tracing features,
+           and
+       o   _tracef, which writes formatted data to the trace file.
+           The other functions either return a pointer to a string-area (allo-
+           cated by the corresponding function), or return no value  (such  as
+           _tracedump,  which  implements  the  screen dump for TRACE_UPDATE).
+           The caller should not free these strings, since the  allocation  is
+           reused on successive calls.  To work around the problem of a single
+           string-area per  function,  some  use  a  buffer-number  parameter,
+           telling the library to allocate additional string-areas.
+       The curses_trace function is always available, whether or not the other
+       trace functions are available:
+       o   If tracing is available, calling curses_trace with a nonzero param-
+           eter updates the trace mask, and returns the previous trace mask.
+           When the trace mask is nonzero, ncurses creates the file "trace" in
+           the current directory for output.  If the file already  exists,  no
+           tracing is done.
+       o   If tracing is not available, curses_trace returns zero (0).

Trace Parameter

+       The  trace  parameter  is  formed  by  OR'ing  values  from the list of
+       TRACE_xxx definitions in <curses.h>.  These include:
+            turn off tracing by passing a zero parameter.
+            The library flushes the output file, but retains an open  file-de-
+            scriptor  to the trace file so that it can resume tracing later if
+            a nonzero parameter is passed to the curses_trace function.
             trace user and system times of updates.
-            trace tputs calls.
+            trace tputs(3x) calls.
             trace update actions, old & new screens.
-       TRACE_MOVE
+       TRACE_MOVE
             trace cursor movement and scrolling.
             trace all character outputs.
-            trace  all  update  actions.   The old and new screen
-            contents are written to the trace file for  each  re-
-            fresh.
+            trace all update actions.  The old and  new  screen  contents  are
+            written to the trace file for each refresh.
-            trace all curses calls.  The parameters for each call
-            are traced, as well as return values.
+            trace  all curses calls.  The parameters for each call are traced,
+            as well as return values.
             trace virtual character puts, i.e., calls to addch.
             trace low-level input processing, including timeouts.
-       TRACE_BITS
+       TRACE_BITS
             trace state of TTY control bits.
             trace internal/nested calls.
             trace per-character calls.
             trace read/write of terminfo/termcap data.
             trace changes to video attributes and colors.
-            maximum trace level,  enables  all  of  the  separate
-            trace features.
+            maximum trace level, enables all of the separate trace features.
-       Some  tracing  features are enabled whenever the trace pa-
-       rameter is nonzero.  Some features overlap.  The  specific
-       names are used as a guideline.
+       Some tracing features are enabled whenever the  curses_trace  parameter
+       is  nonzero.   Some features overlap.  The specific names are used as a
+       guideline.
-       These  functions check the NCURSES_TRACE environment vari-
-       able, to set the tracing feature as if trace was called:
-              filter,  initscr,  new_prescr,  newterm,  nofilter,
-              ripoffline, setupterm, slk_init, tgetent


+       These functions check the NCURSES_TRACE environment  variable,  to  set
+       the tracing feature as if curses_trace was called:
+           filter, initscr, new_prescr, newterm, nofilter, restartterm,
+           ripoffline, setupterm, slk_init, tgetent, use_env,
+           use_extended_names, use_tioctl


-       Routines  which  return a value are designed to be used as
-       parameters to the _tracef routine.

Command-line Utilities

+       The  command-line  utilities  such  as  tic(1) provide a verbose option
+       which extends the set of messages written using the curses_trace  func-
+       tion.   Both  of  these  (-v  and  curses_trace)  use the same variable
+       (_nc_tracing), which determines the messages which are written.


-       These functions are not part of the XSI  interface.   Some
-       other  curses  implementations  are known to have similar,
-       undocumented features, but they are  not  compatible  with
-       ncurses.
+       Because the command-line utilities may  call  initialization  functions
+       such  as setupterm, tgetent or use_extended_names, some of their debug-
+       ging output may be directed to the trace file if the NCURSES_TRACE  en-
+       vironment variable is set:
+       o   messages produced in the utility are written to the standard error.


+       o   messages produced by the underlying library are written to trace.
+       If  ncurses  is built without tracing, none of the latter are produced,
+       and fewer diagnostics are provided by the command-line utilities.


+       Routines which return a value are designed to be used as parameters  to
+       the _tracef routine.


+       These  functions  are not part of the XSI interface.  Some other curses
+       implementations are known to have similar features, but  they  are  not
+       compatible with ncurses:
+       o   SVr4  provided  traceon  and traceoff, to control whether debugging
+           information was written to the "trace" file.  While  the  functions
+           were  always  available, this feature was only enabled if DEBUG was
+           defined when building the library.
+           The SVr4 tracing feature is undocumented.
+       o   PDCurses provides traceon and traceoff, which (like SVr4)  are  al-
+           ways  available, and enable tracing to the "trace" file only when a
+           debug-library is built.
+           PDCurses has a short description of these functions,  with  a  note
+           that  they are not present in X/Open Curses, ncurses or NetBSD.  It
+           does not mention SVr4, but the functions'  inclusion  in  a  header
+           file section labeled "Quasi-standard" hints at the origin.
+       o   NetBSD  does  not  provide functions for enabling/disabling traces.
+           It  uses  environment   variables   CURSES_TRACE_MASK   and   CURS-
+           ES_TRACE_FILE  to  determine  what is traced, and where the results
+           are written.  This is available only when a debug-library is built.
+           The NetBSD tracing feature is undocumented.
+       A few ncurses functions are not  provided  when  symbol  versioning  is
+       used:
+           _nc_tracebits, _tracedump, _tracemouse
+       The  original  trace routine was deprecated because it often conflicted
+       with application names.


-                                                         curs_trace(3x)
+                                                                curs_trace(3x)
-Man(1) output converted with -man2html -