X-Git-Url: https://ncurses.scripts.mit.edu/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=doc%2Fhtml%2Fman%2Fcurs_util.3x.html;h=6160a2cad552bffd401c3ed3752a8b6cc5fb732e;hb=610e9700ef6e0f95d03aa53242b12a8946bb62d7;hp=fcf95e1e2abcbd61e05d4237e3a5d86f3274c1f8;hpb=71c0306f0824ef2b10c4c5813fb003db48f3012e;p=ncurses.git diff --git a/doc/html/man/curs_util.3x.html b/doc/html/man/curs_util.3x.html index fcf95e1e..6160a2ca 100644 --- a/doc/html/man/curs_util.3x.html +++ b/doc/html/man/curs_util.3x.html @@ -1,7 +1,8 @@ - - + -curs_util 3x - - + + +curs_util 3x 2024-04-20 ncurses 6.5 Library calls + + -

curs_util 3x


curs_util 3x 2024-04-20 ncurses 6.5 Library calls

-curs_util(3x)                                             curs_util(3x)
+curs_util(3x)                    Library calls                   curs_util(3x)


-       delay_output, filter, flushinp, getwin, key_name, keyname,
-       nofilter, putwin, unctrl, use_env, wunctrl - miscellaneous
-       curses utility routines


+       delay_output,  filter,  flushinp,  getwin, key_name, keyname, nofilter,
+       putwin, unctrl, use_env, use_tioctl,  wunctrl  -  miscellaneous  curses
+       utility routines




        #include <curses.h>
-       char *unctrl(chtype c);
-       wchar_t *wunctrl(cchar_t *c);
-       char *keyname(int c);
-       char *key_name(wchar_t w);
+       const char *unctrl(chtype ch);
+       wchar_t *wunctrl(cchar_t *wch);
+       const char *keyname(int c);
+       const char *key_name(wchar_t wc);
        void filter(void);
-       void nofilter(void);
-       void use_env(bool f);
-       int putwin(WINDOW *win, FILE *filep);
-       WINDOW *getwin(FILE *filep);
-       int delay_output(int ms);
+       void use_env(bool f);
+       int putwin(WINDOW *win, FILE *filep);
+       WINDOW *getwin(FILE *filep);
+       int delay_output(int ms);
        int flushinp(void);
+       /* extensions */
+       void nofilter(void);
+       void use_tioctl(bool f);


-       The  unctrl  routine returns a character string which is a
-       printable representation of the character c, ignoring  at-
-       tributes.   Control characters are displayed in the ^X no-
-       tation.  Printing characters are  displayed  as  is.   The
-       corresponding  wunctrl  returns a printable representation
-       of a wide-character.
-       The keyname routine returns a character string correspond-
-       ing to the key c:
-          -  Printable  characters  are  displayed as themselves,
-             e.g., a one-character string containing the key.
-          -  Control characters are displayed in the ^X notation.
-          -  DEL (character 127) is displayed as ^?.
-          -  Values above 128 are either meta characters (if  the
-             screen has not been initialized, or if meta has been
-             called with a TRUE parameter), shown in the M-X  no-
-             tation, or are displayed as themselves.  In the lat-
-             ter case, the values may not be printable; this fol-
-             lows the X/Open specification.
-          -  Values  above  256  may be the names of the names of
-             function keys.
-          -  Otherwise (if there is no  corresponding  name)  the
-             function  returns  null, to denote an error.  X/Open
-             also lists an "UNKNOWN KEY" return value, which some
-             implementations return rather than null.
-       The corresponding key_name returns a character string cor-
-       responding to the wide-character value w.  The  two  func-
-       tions  do  not  return the same set of strings; the latter
-       returns null where the former would display a meta charac-
-       ter.
-       The filter routine, if used, must be called before initscr
-       or newterm are called.  The effect is that,  during  those
-       calls,  LINES  is  set  to 1; the capabilities clear, cup,
-       cud, cud1, cuu1, cuu,  vpa  are  disabled;  and  the  home
-       string is set to the value of cr.
-       The  nofilter  routine  cancels  the effect of a preceding
-       filter call.  That  allows  the  caller  to  initialize  a
-       screen  on  a different device, using a different value of
-       $TERM.  The limitation arises because the  filter  routine
-       modifies the in-memory copy of the terminal information.
-       The  use_env routine, if used, is called before initscr or
-       newterm are called.  When called with FALSE  as  an  argu-
-       ment,  the  values  of  lines and columns specified in the
-       terminfo database will be used, even if environment  vari-
-       ables  LINES  and COLUMNS (used by default) are set, or if
-       curses is running in a window (in which case  default  be-
-       havior  would  be to use the window size if LINES and COL-
-       UMNS are not set).  Note that  setting  LINES  or  COLUMNS
-       overrides  the  corresponding  size  which may be obtained
-       from the operating system.
-       The putwin routine writes all data associated with  window
-       win into the file to which filep points.  This information
-       can be later retrieved using the getwin function.
-       The getwin routine reads window related data stored in the
-       file  by putwin.  The routine then creates and initializes
-       a new window using that data.  It returns a pointer to the
-       new window.
-       The  delay_output  routine inserts an ms millisecond pause
-       in output.  This routine should not  be  used  extensively
-       because  padding  characters  are  used  rather than a CPU
-       pause.  If no padding character is  specified,  this  uses
-       napms to perform the delay.
-       The  flushinp  routine  throws away any typeahead that has
-       been typed by the user and has not yet been  read  by  the
-       program.




+       The  unctrl  routine  returns  a  character string which is a printable
+       representation of the character ch:
+       o   Printable characters are displayed  as  themselves,  e.g.,  a  one-
+           character string containing the key.
+       o   Control characters are displayed in the ^X notation.
+       o   Printing characters are displayed as is.
+       o   DEL (character 127) is displayed as ^?.
+       o   Values  above 128 are either meta characters (if the screen has not
+           been initialized, or if  meta(3x)  has  been  called  with  a  TRUE
+           parameter),  shown  in  the  M-X  notation,  or  are  displayed  as
+           themselves.  In the latter case, the values may not  be  printable;
+           this follows the X/Open specification.
+       The  corresponding  wunctrl  returns  a  printable  representation of a
+       complex character wch.
+       In both unctrl and wunctrl the attributes and color associated with the
+       character parameter are ignored.

keyname, key_name

+       The keyname routine returns a character string corresponding to the key
+       c.  Key codes are different from character codes.
+       o   Key codes below 256  are  characters.   They  are  displayed  using
+           unctrl.
+       o   Values  above 256 may be the codes for function keys.  The function
+           key name is displayed.
+       o   Otherwise (if there is no corresponding name and the key is  not  a
+           character)  the  function returns null, to denote an error.  X/Open
+           also  lists   an   "UNKNOWN   KEY"   return   value,   which   some
+           implementations return rather than null.
+       The   corresponding  key_name  returns  a  multibyte  character  string
+       corresponding  to  the  wide-character  value  w.   The  two  functions
+       (keyname and key_name) do not return the same set of strings:
+       o   keyname returns null where key_name would display a meta character.
+       o   key_name does not return the name of a function key.

filter, nofilter

+       The  filter  routine, if used, must be called before initscr or newterm
+       are called.  Calling filter causes these changes in initialization:
+       o   LINES is set to 1;
+       o   the  capabilities  clear,  cud1,  cud,  cup,  cuu1,  cuu,  vpa  are
+           disabled;
+       o   the capability ed is disabled if bce is set;
+       o   and the home string is set to the value of cr.
+       The  nofilter  routine  cancels  the effect of a preceding filter call.
+       That allows the caller to initialize a screen on  a  different  device,
+       using  a  different  value of $TERM.  The limitation arises because the
+       filter routine modifies the in-memory copy of the terminal information.


+       The use_env routine, if  used,  should  be  called  before  initscr  or
+       newterm  are  called  (because  those  compute  the  screen  size).  It
+       modifies the way ncurses treats environment variables when  determining
+       the screen size.
+       o   Normally  ncurses  looks  first  at  the  terminal database for the
+           screen size.
+           If use_env was called with  FALSE  for  parameter,  it  stops  here
+           unless use_tioctl was also called with TRUE for parameter.
+       o   Then  it  asks  for the screen size via operating system calls.  If
+           successful, it overrides the values from the terminal database.
+       o   Finally (unless use_env was called with FALSE  parameter),  ncurses
+           examines  the LINES or COLUMNS environment variables, using a value
+           in those to override the  results  from  the  operating  system  or
+           terminal database.
+           curses also updates the screen size in response to SIGWINCH, unless
+           overridden by the LINES or COLUMNS environment variables,


-       Except  for  flushinp, routines that return an integer re-
-       turn ERR upon failure and OK (SVr4 specifies only "an  in-
-       teger value other than ERR") upon successful completion.


+       The use_tioctl routine, if used, should be  called  before  initscr  or
+       newterm  are  called  (because  those  compute the screen size).  After
+       use_tioctl is called with TRUE as an  argument,  ncurses  modifies  the
+       last step in its computation of screen size as follows:
+       o   checks  if the LINES and COLUMNS environment variables are set to a
+           number greater than zero.
+       o   for each, ncurses updates the  corresponding  environment  variable
+           with  the  value  that it has obtained via operating system call or
+           from the terminal database.
+       o   ncurses re-fetches the value of the environment variables  so  that
+           it is still the environment variables which set the screen size.
+       The use_env and use_tioctl routines combine as follows.
+              use_env   use_tioctl   Summary
+              -----------------------------------------------------------------
+              TRUE      FALSE        This  is  the  default behavior.  ncurses
+                                     uses  operating   system   calls   unless
+                                     overridden    by    LINES    or   COLUMNS
+                                     environment variables; default.
+              TRUE      TRUE         ncurses updates LINES and  COLUMNS  based
+                                     on operating system calls.
+              FALSE     TRUE         ncurses  ignores LINES and COLUMNS, using
+                                     operating system calls to obtain size.

putwin, getwin

+       The putwin routine writes all data associated with window (or pad)  win
+       into  the  file  to  which filep points.  This information can be later
+       retrieved using the getwin function.
+       The getwin routine reads window related data  stored  in  the  file  by
+       putwin.   The  routine  then creates and initializes a new window using
+       that data.  It returns a pointer to the new window.  There  are  a  few
+       caveats:
+       o   the  data  written  is  a  copy  of  the  WINDOW structure, and its
+           associated character cells.  The format differs between  the  wide-
+           character  (ncursesw)  and  non-wide  (ncurses) libraries.  You can
+           transfer data between the two, however.
+       o   the retrieved window is always created as a  top-level  window  (or
+           pad), rather than a subwindow.
+       o   the  window's character cells contain the color pair value, but not
+           the actual color numbers.  If cells in  the  retrieved  window  use
+           color  pairs  which  have not been created in the application using
+           init_pair, they will not be colored when the window is refreshed.


+       The delay_output routine inserts an ms  millisecond  pause  in  output.
+       Employ  this  function  judiciously  when terminal output uses padding,
+       because ncurses  transmits  null  characters  (consuming  CPU  and  I/O
+       resources)  instead  of  sleeping  and  requesting  resumption from the
+       operating system.  Padding is used unless:
+       o   the terminal description has npc (no_pad_char) capability, or
+       o   the environment variable NCURSES_NO_PADDING is set.
+       If padding is not in use, ncurses uses napms to perform the delay.   If
+       the  value  of ms exceeds 30,000 (thirty seconds), it is capped at that
+       value.


+       The flushinp routine throws away any typeahead that has been  typed  by
+       the user and has not yet been read by the program.


+       Except  for  flushinp,  routines that return an integer return ERR upon
+       failure and OK (SVr4 specifies only "an integer value other than  ERR")
+       upon successful completion.
        Routines that return pointers return NULL on error.
-       X/Open  does not define any error conditions.  In this im-
-       plementation
+       X/Open   Curses  does  not  specify  any  error  conditions.   In  this
+       implementation
-               returns an error if the terminal was not  initial-
-               ized.
-          meta returns  an error if the terminal was not initial-
-               ized.
+               returns an error if the terminal was not initialized.
-               returns an error if the  associated  fwrite  calls
-               return an error.
+               returns an error if  the  associated  fwrite  calls  return  an
+               error.


-       The  XSI  Curses  standard,  Issue 4 describes these func-
-       tions.  It states that unctrl and wunctrl  will  return  a
-       null  pointer if unsuccessful, but does not define any er-
-       ror conditions.  This implementation checks for three cas-
-       es:
-              -    the  parameter is a 7-bit US-ASCII code.  This
-                   is the case that X/Open Curses documented.
-              -    the parameter is in the range 128-159, i.e., a
-                   C1  control  code.   If  use_legacy_coding has
-                   been called with a 2 parameter, unctrl returns
-                   the  parameter,  i.e.,  a one-character string
-                   with the parameter  as  the  first  character.
-                   Otherwise,  it  returns  ``~@'', ``~A'', etc.,
-                   analogous to ``^@'', ``^A'', C0 controls.
-                   X/Open Curses does not document whether unctrl
-                   can  be  called  before  initializing  curses.
-                   This implementation permits that, and  returns
-                   the ``~@'', etc., values in that case.
-              -    parameter  values  outside the 0 to 255 range.
-                   unctrl returns a null pointer.
-       The SVr4 documentation describes the action of filter only
-       in  the  vaguest  terms.   The description here is adapted
-       from the XSI Curses standard (which erroneously  fails  to
-       describe the disabling of cuu).
-       The  strings returned by unctrl in this implementation are
-       determined at compile time, showing C1 controls  from  the
-       upper-128  codes with a `~' prefix rather than `^'.  Other
-       implementations have different conventions.  For  example,
-       they  may  show  both sets of control characters with `^',
-       and strip the parameter to 7 bits.  Or they may ignore  C1
-       controls  and  treat  all of the upper-128 codes as print-
-       able.  This implementation uses 8 bits but does not modify
-       the string to reflect locale.  The use_legacy_coding func-
-       tion allows the caller to change the output of unctrl.
-       Likewise, the meta function allows the  caller  to  change
-       the  output of keyname, i.e., it determines whether to use
-       the `M-' prefix for ``meta'' keys (codes in the range  128
-       to 255).  Both use_legacy_coding and meta succeed only af-
-       ter curses is initialized.  X/Open Curses does  not  docu-
-       ment  the  treatment  of  codes 128 to 159.  When treating
-       them as ``meta'' keys (or if keyname is called before ini-
-       tializing  curses),  this  implementation  returns strings
-       ``M-^@'', ``M-^A'', etc.
-       The keyname function may return the names of  user-defined
-       string  capabilities which are defined in the terminfo en-
-       try via the -x option of tic.  This  implementation  auto-
-       matically  assigns  at  run-time  keycodes to user-defined
-       strings which begin  with  "k".   The  keycodes  start  at
-       KEY_MAX,  but  are not guaranteed to be the same value for
-       different runs because user-defined codes are merged  from
-       all  terminal  descriptions  which  have been loaded.  The
-       use_extended_names function controls whether this data  is
-       loaded  when  the  terminal description is read by the li-
-       brary.
-       The nofilter routine is specific to ncurses.  It  was  not
-       supported  on  Version 7, BSD or System V implementations.
-       It is recommended that any code depending on  ncurses  ex-
-       tensions be conditioned using NCURSES_VERSION.




+       The  SVr4  documentation  describes  the  action  of filter only in the
+       vaguest terms.  The description here  is  adapted  from  X/Open  Curses
+       (which erroneously fails to describe the disabling of cuu).

delay_output padding

+       The  limitation  to  30  seconds and the use of napms differ from other
+       implementations.
+       o   SVr4 curses does not delay if no padding character is available.


-       legacy_coding(3x), curses(3x), curs_initscr(3x), curs_ker-
-       nel(3x), curs_scr_dump(3x), legacy_coding(3x).
+       o   NetBSD curses uses napms when no padding  character  is  available,
+           but  does  not  take  timing  into  account  when using the padding
+           character.
+       Neither limits the delay.


+       The keyname function  may  return  the  names  of  user-defined  string
+       capabilities  which are defined in the terminfo entry via the -x option
+       of tic.  This implementation automatically assigns at run-time keycodes
+       to  user-defined  strings  which begin with "k".  The keycodes start at
+       KEY_MAX, but are not guaranteed to be the same value for different runs
+       because  user-defined  codes  are merged from all terminal descriptions
+       which have been loaded.  The use_extended_names(3x)  function  controls
+       whether  this  data  is loaded when the terminal description is read by
+       the library.

nofilter, use_tioctl

+       The nofilter and use_tioctl routines are  specific  to  ncurses.   They
+       were  not  supported on Version 7, BSD or System V implementations.  It
+       is recommended  that  any  code  depending  on  ncurses  extensions  be
+       conditioned using NCURSES_VERSION.

putwin/getwin file-format

+       The putwin and getwin functions have several issues with portability:
+       o   The   files   written   and   read   by   these  functions  use  an
+           implementation-specific format.  Although the format is an  obvious
+           target for standardization, it has been overlooked.
+           Interestingly  enough,  according to the copyright dates in Solaris
+           source, the functions (along with scr_init, etc.)  originated  with
+           the University of California, Berkeley (in 1982) and were later (in
+           1988) incorporated into SVr4.  Oddly, there are no  such  functions
+           in the 4.3BSD curses sources.
+       o   Most implementations simply dump the binary WINDOW structure to the
+           file.  These include SVr4 curses, NetBSD and PDCurses, as  well  as
+           older ncurses versions.  This implementation (as well as the X/Open
+           variant of Solaris curses, dated 1995) uses textual dumps.
+           The implementations which  use  binary  dumps  use  block-I/O  (the
+           fwrite  and  fread  functions).   Those  that use textual dumps use
+           buffered-I/O.  A few applications may happen to write extra data in
+           the  file  using these functions.  Doing that can run into problems
+           mixing block- and buffered-I/O.  This  implementation  reduces  the
+           problem  on writes by flushing the output.  However, reading from a
+           file written using mixed schemes may not be successful.

unctrl, wunctrl

+       X/Open Curses, Issue 4  describes  these  functions.   It  states  that
+       unctrl and wunctrl will return a null pointer if unsuccessful, but does
+       not define any error conditions.  This implementation checks for  three
+       cases:
+       o   the  parameter  is  a  7-bit  US-ASCII code.  This is the case that
+           X/Open Curses documented.
+       o   the parameter is in the range 128-159, i.e., a C1 control code.  If
+           use_legacy_coding(3x)  has  been  called with a 2 parameter, unctrl
+           returns the  parameter,  i.e.,  a  one-character  string  with  the
+           parameter  as  the  first  character.   Otherwise, it returns "~@",
+           "~A", etc., analogous to "^@", "^A", C0 controls.
+           X/Open Curses does not document whether unctrl can be called before
+           initializing curses.  This implementation permits that, and returns
+           the "~@", etc., values in that case.
+       o   parameter values outside the 0 to 255 range.  unctrl returns a null
+           pointer.
+       The strings returned by unctrl in this implementation are determined at
+       compile time, showing C1 controls from the upper-128 codes with  a  "~"
+       prefix   rather   than   "^".   Other  implementations  have  different
+       conventions.   For  example,  they  may  show  both  sets  of   control
+       characters  with  "^",  and strip the parameter to 7 bits.  Or they may
+       ignore C1 controls and treat all of the upper-128 codes  as  printable.
+       This  implementation  uses  8  bits  but  does not modify the string to
+       reflect locale.  The use_legacy_coding(3x) function allows  the  caller
+       to change the output of unctrl.
+       Likewise,  the meta(3x) function allows the caller to change the output
+       of keyname, i.e., it determines whether to  use  the  "M-"  prefix  for
+       "meta"    keys    (codes    in   the   range   128   to   255).    Both
+       use_legacy_coding(3x)  and  meta(3x)  succeed  only  after  curses   is
+       initialized.   X/Open  Curses  does not document the treatment of codes
+       128 to 159.  When treating them as "meta" keys (or if keyname is called
+       before   initializing  curses),  this  implementation  returns  strings
+       "M-^@", "M-^A", etc.
+       X/Open Curses documents unctrl as declared in <unctrl.h>, which ncurses
+       does.   However,  ncurses' <curses.h> includes <unctrl.h>, matching the
+       behavior of SVr4 curses.  Other implementations may not do that.
-                                                          curs_util(3x)

use_env, use_tioctl

+       If ncurses is configured to provide  the  sp-functions  extension,  the
+       state  of  use_env  and  use_tioctl may be updated before creating each
+       screen rather than once  only  (curs_sp_funcs(3x)).   This  feature  of
+       use_env is not provided by other implementations of curses.


+       curses(3x),    curs_initscr(3x),    curs_inopts(3x),   curs_kernel(3x),
+       curs_scr_dump(3x),        curs_sp_funcs(3x),        curs_variables(3x),
+       legacy_coding(3x)
+ncurses 6.5                       2024-04-20                     curs_util(3x)
-Man(1) output converted with -man2html -