X-Git-Url: https://ncurses.scripts.mit.edu/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=doc%2Fhtml%2Fman%2Fdefault_colors.3x.html;h=d81eda1c720071bcf8a92eb0baa02afbd663a8ab;hb=d1a029866f6d84087781eaa81de19949d8533426;hp=f0e44e2fc60892bc36453de66f9d6aa04799161f;hpb=3a935d9991cdf43ebfa952073c9b555f73a3e011;p=ncurses.git diff --git a/doc/html/man/default_colors.3x.html b/doc/html/man/default_colors.3x.html index f0e44e2f..d81eda1c 100644 --- a/doc/html/man/default_colors.3x.html +++ b/doc/html/man/default_colors.3x.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - - + -default_colors 3x - - + + +default_colors 3x 2022-02-12 ncurses 6.4 Library calls + + -

default_colors 3x


default_colors 3x 2022-02-12 ncurses 6.4 Library calls

-default_colors(3x)                                   default_colors(3x)
+default_colors(3x)               Library calls              default_colors(3x)


-       use_default_colors, assume_default_colors - use terminal's
-       default colors


+       use_default_colors,  assume_default_colors  -  use  terminal's  default
+       colors




        #include <curses.h>
        int use_default_colors(void);
-       int assume_default_colors(int fg, int bg);


-       The use_default_colors() and assume_default_colors() func-
-       tions are extensions to the curses library.  They are used
-       with terminals that support ISO 6429 color, or equivalent.
-       These terminals allow the application to reset color to an
-       unspecified default value (e.g., with SGR 39 or SGR 49).
-       Applications that paint  a  colored  background  over  the
-       whole  screen  do not take advantage of SGR 39 and SGR 49.
-       Some applications are designed to work  with  the  default
-       background,  using  colors  only  for  text.  For example,
-       there are several implementations of the ls program  which
-       use  colors to denote different file types or permissions.
-       These "color ls" programs do not  necessarily  modify  the
-       background  color, typically using only the setaf terminfo
-       capability  to  set  the  foreground  color.   Full-screen
-       applications  that  use default colors can achieve similar
-       visual effects.
-       The first function, use_default_colors() tells the  curses
-       library  to  assign terminal default foreground/background
-       colors to color number  -1.  So  init_pair(x,COLOR_RED,-1)
-       will  initialize  pair  x as red on default background and
-       init_pair(x,-1,COLOR_BLUE)  will  initialize  pair  x   as
-       default foreground on blue.
-       The  other,  assume_default_colors() is a refinement which
-       tells which colors to paint for color pair 0.  This  func-
-       tion  recognizes  a special color number -1, which denotes
-       the default terminal color.
+       int assume_default_colors(int fg, int bg);


+       The  use_default_colors   and   assume_default_colors   functions   are
+       extensions  to  the  curses library.  They are used with terminals that
+       support ISO 6429 color,  or  equivalent.   These  terminals  allow  the
+       application  to reset color to an unspecified default value (e.g., with
+       SGR 39 or SGR 49).
+       Applications that paint a colored background over the whole  screen  do
+       not  take  advantage  of  SGR  39  and  SGR  49.  Some applications are
+       designed to work with the default background,  using  colors  only  for
+       text.  For example, there are several implementations of the ls program
+       which use colors to denote different file types or permissions.   These
+       "color  ls"  programs  do  not necessarily modify the background color,
+       typically  using  only  the  setaf  terminfo  capability  to  set   the
+       foreground color.  Full-screen applications that use default colors can
+       achieve similar visual effects.
+       The first function, use_default_colors  tells  the  curses  library  to
+       assign  terminal  default  foreground/background colors to color number
+       -1.  So init_pair(x,COLOR_RED,-1) will initialize  pair  x  as  red  on
+       default  background and init_pair(x,-1,COLOR_BLUE) will initialize pair
+       x as default foreground on blue.
+       The other, assume_default_colors is  a  refinement  which  tells  which
+       colors  to  paint for color pair 0.  This function recognizes a special
+       color number -1, which denotes the default terminal color.
        The following are equivalent:
-       These are ncurses extensions.  For other curses  implemen-
-       tations,  color  number -1 does not mean anything, just as
-       for ncurses before a successful call  of  use_default_col-
-       ors() or assume_default_colors().
-       Other  curses  implementations do not allow an application
-       to modify color pair 0.  They assume that  the  background
-       is COLOR_BLACK, but do not ensure that the color pair 0 is
-       painted to match the assumption.  If your application does
-       not use either use_default_colors() or assume_default_col-
-       ors() ncurses will paint a white  foreground  (text)  with
+       These are ncurses extensions.  For other curses implementations,  color
+       number  -1  does  not  mean  anything,  just  as  for  ncurses before a
+       successful call of use_default_colors or assume_default_colors.
+       Other curses implementations do not  allow  an  application  to  modify
+       color  pair  0.  They assume that the background is COLOR_BLACK, but do
+       not ensure that the color pair 0 is painted to  match  the  assumption.
+       If   your   application  does  not  use  either  use_default_colors  or
+       assume_default_colors ncurses will paint a white foreground (text) with
        black background for color pair 0.


-       These functions return the integer ERR upon failure and OK
-       on success.  They will fail if either  the  terminal  does
-       not  support  the orig_pair or orig_colors capability.  If
-       the initialize_pair capability is not found,  this  causes
-       an error as well.


+       These  functions return the integer ERR upon failure and OK on success.
+       They will fail if either the terminal does not support the orig_pair or
+       orig_colors  capability.   If  the  initialize_pair  capability  is not
+       found, this causes an error as well.


-       Associated  with  this  extension,  the init_pair function
-       accepts negative arguments to specify  default  foreground
-       or background colors.
-       The  use_default_colors()  function  was  added to support
-       ded.  This is a full-screen application which uses  curses
-       to  manage only part of the screen.  The bottom portion of
-       the screen, which is of adjustable size, is left uncolored
-       to  display the results from shell commands.  The top por-
-       tion of the screen colors filenames using  a  scheme  like
-       the  "color  ls" programs.  Attempting to manage the back-
-       ground color of the screen for this application would give
-       unsatisfactory  results  for  a  variety of reasons.  This
-       extension was devised after noting that color  xterm  (and
-       similar  programs)  provides a background color which does
-       not necessarily correspond to  any  of  the  ANSI  colors.
-       While  a special terminfo entry could be constructed using
-       nine colors, there was no mechanism provided within curses
-       to  account for the related orig_pair and back_color_erase
-       capabilities.
-       The assume_default_colors() function was added to solve  a
-       different  problem:  support  for applications which would
-       use  environment  variables  and  other  configuration  to
-       bypass  curses'  notion  of the terminal's default colors,
-       setting specific values.


+       Associated with this extension, the init_pair function accepts negative
+       arguments to specify default foreground or background colors.
+       The  use_default_colors  function  was added to support ded.  This is a
+       full-screen application which uses curses to manage only  part  of  the
+       screen.  The bottom portion of the screen, which is of adjustable size,
+       is left uncolored to display the results from shell commands.  The  top
+       portion  of  the screen colors filenames using a scheme like the "color
+       ls" programs.  Attempting to manage the background color of the  screen
+       for this application would give unsatisfactory results for a variety of
+       reasons.  This extension was devised after noting that color xterm (and
+       similar   programs)   provides   a  background  color  which  does  not
+       necessarily correspond to any of the  ANSI  colors.   While  a  special
+       terminfo  entry  could  be  constructed using nine colors, there was no
+       mechanism provided within curses to account for the  related  orig_pair
+       and back_color_erase capabilities.


-       These routines are specific to  ncurses.   They  were  not
-       supported  on  Version 7, BSD or System V implementations.
-       It is recommended that any code depending on them be  con-
-       ditioned using NCURSES_VERSION.
+       The  assume_default_colors  function  was  added  to  solve a different
+       problem: support for applications which would use environment variables
+       and  other  configuration  to  bypass  curses' notion of the terminal's
+       default colors, setting specific values.


-       curs_color(3x), ded(1).


+       These routines are specific to ncurses.  They  were  not  supported  on
+       Version 7, BSD or System V implementations.  It is recommended that any
+       code depending on them be conditioned using NCURSES_VERSION.


-       Thomas  Dickey  (from  an analysis of the requirements for
-       color xterm for XFree86 3.1.2C, February 1996).


+       ded(1), curs_color(3x).


+       Thomas Dickey (from an analysis of the requirements for color xterm for
+       XFree86 3.1.2C, February 1996).
-                                                     default_colors(3x)
+ncurses 6.4                       2022-02-12                default_colors(3x)
-Man(1) output converted with -man2html -