X-Git-Url: https://ncurses.scripts.mit.edu/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=doc%2Fhtml%2Fman%2Fform_driver.3x.html;h=3d7988baa120a465eb0f7f9a809def9d66c4571b;hb=b793748293cd1a764b1a858455399ad899b5a8a1;hp=ab9a263787d99994ce32ec3f271bf5e77fc0bf20;hpb=3a935d9991cdf43ebfa952073c9b555f73a3e011;p=ncurses.git diff --git a/doc/html/man/form_driver.3x.html b/doc/html/man/form_driver.3x.html index ab9a2637..3d7988ba 100644 --- a/doc/html/man/form_driver.3x.html +++ b/doc/html/man/form_driver.3x.html @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ - + + + form_driver 3x -

form_driver 3x


form_driver 3x

-form_driver(3x)                                         form_driver(3x)
+form_driver(3x)                                                form_driver(3x)


-       form_driver - command-processing loop of the form system


+       form_driver, form_driver_w - command-processing loop of the form system




        #include <form.h>
-       int form_driver(FORM *form, int c);


-       Once a form has been posted (displayed), you should funnel
-       input events to it through form_driver.  This routine  has
-       three major input cases:
-       o   The  input  is  a form navigation request.  Navigation
-           request codes are constants defined in <form.h>, which
-           are   distinct  from  the  key-  and  character  codes
-           returned by wgetch.
-       o   The input is a printable character.  Printable charac-
-           ters  (which  must  be  positive,  less  than 256) are
-           checked according to the program's locale settings.
-       o   The input is the KEY_MOUSE special key associated with
-           an mouse event.
-       The form driver requests are as follows:
-            Move to the next page.
-            Move to the previous page.
-            Move to the first page.
-            Move to the last field.
-            Move to the next field.
-            Move to the previous field.
-            Move to the first field.
-            Move to the last field.
-            Move to the sorted next field.
-            Move to the sorted previous field.
-            Move to the sorted first field.
-            Move to the sorted last field.
-            Move left to a field.
-            Move right to a field.
-       REQ_UP_FIELD
-            Move up to a field.
-            Move down to a field.
-            Move to the next char.
-            Move to the previous char.
-            Move to the next line.
-            Move to the previous line.
-            Move to the next word.
-            Move to the previous word.
-            Move to the beginning of the field.
-            Move to the end of the field.
+       int form_driver(FORM *form, int c);
+       int form_driver_w(FORM *form, int c, wchar_t wch);
-       REQ_BEG_LINE
-            Move to the beginning of the line.
-       REQ_END_LINE
-            Move to the end of the line.


-            Move left in the field.


+       Once a form has been posted (displayed), you should funnel input events
+       to it through form_driver.  This routine has three major input cases:
-            Move right in the field.
+       o   The input is a form navigation request.  Navigation  request  codes
+           are constants defined in <form.h>, which are distinct from the key-
+           and character codes returned by wgetch(3x).
-       REQ_UP_CHAR
-            Move up in the field.
+       o   The input is a printable character.   Printable  characters  (which
+           must  be positive, less than 256) are checked according to the pro-
+           gram's locale settings.
-            Move down in the field.
+       o   The input is the KEY_MOUSE special key  associated  with  an  mouse
+           event.
-       REQ_NEW_LINE
-            Insert or overlay a new line.


+       This extension simplifies the use of the forms library using wide char-
+       acters.  The input is either a key code (a request) or a wide character
+       returned  by  get_wch(3x).   The type must be passed as well, to enable
+       the library to determine whether the parameter is a wide character or a
+       request.
-       REQ_INS_CHAR
-            Insert a blank at the cursor.
-       REQ_INS_LINE
-            Insert a blank line at the cursor.
-       REQ_DEL_CHAR
-            Delete character at the cursor.
-       REQ_DEL_PREV
-            Delete character before the cursor.
-       REQ_DEL_LINE
-            Delete line at the cursor.
-       REQ_DEL_WORD
-            Delete blank-delimited word at the cursor.
-       REQ_CLR_EOL
-            Clear to end of line from cursor.
-       REQ_CLR_EOF
-            Clear to end of field from cursor.
-            Clear the entire field.
-       REQ_OVL_MODE
-            Enter overlay mode.
-       REQ_INS_MODE
-            Enter insert mode.
-            Scroll the field forward a line.
-            Scroll the field backward a line.
-            Scroll the field forward a page.
-            Scroll the field backward a page.
-            Scroll the field forward half a page.
-            Scroll the field backward half a page.
-            Scroll the field forward a character.
-            Scroll the field backward a character.
-            Horizontal scroll the field forward a line.
-            Horizontal scroll the field backward a line.
-            Horizontal scroll the field forward half a line.
-            Horizontal scroll the field backward half a line.
-            Validate field.
-            Display next field choice.
-            Display previous field choice.
-       If  the  second  argument  is  a  printable character, the
-       driver places it in the current position  in  the  current
-       field.   If  it is one of the forms requests listed above,
-       that request is executed.

Form-driver requests

+       The form driver requests are as follows:
-       If the second argument is the KEY_MOUSE special  key,  the
-       associated mouse event is translated into one of the above
-       pre-defined requests.  Currently only clicks in  the  user
-       window  (e.g., inside the form display area or the decora-
-       tion window) are handled.
+       Name               Description
+       -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+       REQ_BEG_FIELD      Move to the beginning of the field.
+       REQ_BEG_LINE       Move to the beginning of the line.
+       REQ_CLR_EOF        Clear to end of field from cursor.
+       REQ_CLR_EOL        Clear to end of line from cursor.
+       REQ_CLR_FIELD      Clear the entire field.
+       REQ_DEL_CHAR       Delete character at the cursor.
+       REQ_DEL_LINE       Delete line at the cursor.
+       REQ_DEL_PREV       Delete character before the cursor.
+       REQ_DEL_WORD       Delete blank-delimited word at the cursor.
+       REQ_DOWN_CHAR      Move down in the field.
+       REQ_DOWN_FIELD     Move down to a field.
+       REQ_END_FIELD      Move to the end of the field.
+       REQ_END_LINE       Move to the end of the line.
+       REQ_FIRST_FIELD    Move to the first field.
+       REQ_FIRST_PAGE     Move to the first page.
+       REQ_INS_CHAR       Insert a blank at the cursor.
+       REQ_INS_LINE       Insert a blank line at the cursor.
+       REQ_INS_MODE       Enter insert mode.
+       REQ_LAST_FIELD     Move to the last field.
+       REQ_LAST_PAGE      Move to the last field.
+       REQ_LEFT_CHAR      Move left in the field.
+       REQ_LEFT_FIELD     Move left to a field.
+       REQ_NEW_LINE       Insert or overlay a new line.
+       REQ_NEXT_CHAR      Move to the next char.
+       REQ_NEXT_CHOICE    Display next field choice.
+       REQ_NEXT_FIELD     Move to the next field.
+       REQ_NEXT_LINE      Move to the next line.
+       REQ_NEXT_PAGE      Move to the next page.
+       REQ_NEXT_PAGE      Move to the next page.
+       REQ_NEXT_WORD      Move to the next word.
+       REQ_OVL_MODE       Enter overlay mode.
+       REQ_PREV_CHAR      Move to the previous char.
+       REQ_PREV_CHOICE    Display previous field choice.
+       REQ_PREV_FIELD     Move to the previous field.
+       REQ_PREV_LINE      Move to the previous line.
+       REQ_PREV_PAGE      Move to the previous page.
+       REQ_PREV_WORD      Move to the previous word.
+       REQ_RIGHT_CHAR     Move right in the field.
+       REQ_RIGHT_FIELD    Move right to a field.
+       REQ_SCR_BCHAR      Scroll the field backward a character.
+       REQ_SCR_BHPAGE     Scroll the field backward half a page.
+       REQ_SCR_BLINE      Scroll the field backward a line.
+       REQ_SCR_BPAGE      Scroll the field backward a page.
+       REQ_SCR_FCHAR      Scroll the field forward a character.
+       REQ_SCR_FHPAGE     Scroll the field forward half a page.
+       REQ_SCR_FLINE      Scroll the field forward a line.
+       REQ_SCR_FPAGE      Scroll the field forward a page.
+       REQ_SCR_HBHALF     Horizontal scroll the field backward half a line.
+       REQ_SCR_HBLINE     Horizontal scroll the field backward a line.
+       REQ_SCR_HFHALF     Horizontal scroll the field forward half a line.
+       REQ_SCR_HFLINE     Horizontal scroll the field forward a line.
+       REQ_SFIRST_FIELD   Move to the sorted first field.
+       REQ_SLAST_FIELD    Move to the sorted last field.
+       REQ_SNEXT_FIELD    Move to the sorted next field.
+       REQ_SPREV_FIELD    Move to the sorted previous field.
+       REQ_UP_CHAR        Move up in the field.
+       REQ_UP_FIELD       Move up to a field.
+       REQ_VALIDATION     Validate field.
+       If  the  second argument is a printable character, the driver places it
+       in the current position in the current field.  If  it  is  one  of  the
+       forms requests listed above, that request is executed.

Field validation

+       The  form  library  makes  updates  to  the window associated with form
+       fields rather than directly to the field buffers.
+       The form driver provides low-level control over  updates  to  the  form
+       fields.   The  form driver also provides for validating modified fields
+       to ensure that the contents meet whatever  constraints  an  application
+       may attach using set_field_type.
+       You  can  validate  a  field  without  making  any  changes to it using
+       REQ_VALIDATION.  The form driver also validates a field in these cases:
+       o   a call to set_current_field attempts to move to a different field.
+       o   a call to set_current_page attempts to move to a different page  of
+           the form.
+       o   a request attempts to move to a different field.
+       o   a request attempts to move to a different page of the form.
+       In each case, the move fails if the field is invalid.
+       If  the  modified  field  is valid, the form driver copies the modified
+       data from the window associated with the field to the field buffer.

Mouse handling

+       If the second argument is the KEY_MOUSE  special  key,  the  associated
+       mouse  event  is translated into one of the above pre-defined requests.
+       Currently only clicks in the user window (e.g., inside the form display
+       area or the decoration window) are handled.
        If you click above the display region of the form:
@@ -281,48 +200,42 @@
           a REQ_LAST_FIELD is generated for a triple-click.
-       If you click at an field inside the display  area  of  the
-       form:
+       If you click at an field inside the display area of the form:
           o   the form cursor is positioned to that field.
-          o   If  you  double-click  a  field, the form cursor is
-              positioned to that field and  E_UNKNOWN_COMMAND  is
-              returned.  This return value makes sense, because a
-              double click usually means that  an  field-specific
-              action  should be returned.  It is exactly the pur-
-              pose of this return value to signal that an  appli-
-              cation specific command should be executed.
+          o   If  you  double-click  a field, the form cursor is positioned to
+              that field and E_UNKNOWN_COMMAND is returned.  This return value
+              makes sense, because a double click usually means that an field-
+              specific action should be returned.  It is exactly  the  purpose
+              of this return value to signal that an application specific com-
+              mand should be executed.
-          o   If   a   translation   into  a  request  was  done,
-              form_driver returns the result of this request.
+          o   If a translation into a request was  done,  form_driver  returns
+              the result of this request.
-       If you clicked outside the user window or the mouse  event
-       could   not   be   translated   into  a  form  request  an
-       E_REQUEST_DENIED is returned.
+       If  you clicked outside the user window or the mouse event could not be
+       translated into a form request an E_REQUEST_DENIED is returned.
-       If the second argument is neither printable nor one of the
-       above  pre-defined form requests, the driver assumes it is
-       an application-specific command and returns E_UNKNOWN_COM-
-       MAND.  Application-defined commands should be defined rel-
-       ative to MAX_COMMAND, the  maximum  value  of  these  pre-
-       defined requests.

Application-defined commands

+       If the second argument is neither printable nor one of the  above  pre-
+       defined form requests, the driver assumes it is an application-specific
+       command and returns  E_UNKNOWN_COMMAND.   Application-defined  commands
+       should  be  defined relative to MAX_COMMAND, the maximum value of these
+       pre-defined requests.




        form_driver returns one of the following error codes:
        E_OK The routine succeeded.
-            Routine  detected  an incorrect or out-of-range argu-
-            ment.
+            Routine detected an incorrect or out-of-range argument.
-            Routine was called from an initialization or termina-
-            tion function.
+            Routine was called from an initialization or termination function.
             The form has not been posted.
@@ -340,36 +253,49 @@
             The form driver code saw an unknown request code.


-       curses(3x), form(3x), form_variables(3x), getch(3x).


+       curses(3x), form(3x), form_field_buffer(3x), form_field_validation(3x),
+       form_fieldtype(3x), form_variables(3x), getch(3x).


-       The header file <form.h> automatically includes the header
-       files <curses.h>.


+       The  header  file  <form.h>  automatically  includes  the  header files
+       <curses.h>.


-       These routines emulate the System V forms  library.   They
-       were not supported on Version 7 or BSD versions.


+       These routines emulate the System V forms library.  They were not  sup-
+       ported on Version 7 or BSD versions.


-       Juergen  Pfeifer.   Manual  pages  and  adaptation for new
-       curses by Eric S. Raymond.


+       Juergen Pfeifer.  Manual pages and adaptation for new curses by Eric S.
+       Raymond.
-                                                        form_driver(3x)
+                                                               form_driver(3x)
-Man(1) output converted with -man2html -