X-Git-Url: https://ncurses.scripts.mit.edu/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=doc%2Fhtml%2Fman%2Ftabs.1.html;h=8771059b7f1e133c5279bbe20729840f67ef0fe0;hb=3ffedbf1016b2d7026e7543fe73e87b046fbd862;hp=4b6b878368251f7547cf9b87c53285dd5cc267d4;hpb=761e4f0825b330e970558e82a4bd638383914429;p=ncurses.git diff --git a/doc/html/man/tabs.1.html b/doc/html/man/tabs.1.html index 4b6b8783..94abb239 100644 --- a/doc/html/man/tabs.1.html +++ b/doc/html/man/tabs.1.html @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - - + + + tabs 1 - - + + -

tabs 1


tabs 1

-tabs(1)                                                         tabs(1)
+tabs(1)                     General Commands Manual                    tabs(1)




        tabs - set tabs on a terminal


-       tabs [-v[n]] [-ahuUV] file...


+       tabs [options]] [tabstop-list]


-       The  tabs  program clears and sets tab-stops on the termi-
-       nal.  This uses the terminfo  clear_all_tabs  and  set_tab
-       capabilities.   If  either  is  absent,  tabs is unable to
-       clear/set tab-stops.  The terminal should be configured to
-       use hard tabs, e.g.,


+       The  tabs program clears and sets tab-stops on the terminal.  This uses
+       the terminfo clear_all_tabs and set_tab  capabilities.   If  either  is
+       absent,  tabs is unable to clear/set tab-stops.  The terminal should be
+       configured to use hard tabs, e.g.,
-              stty tab0
+           stty tab0
+       Like clear(1), tabs writes to the standard output.   You  can  redirect
+       the  standard  output  to  a  file  (which  prevents tabs from actually
+       changing the tabstops), and later cat the file to the  screen,  setting
+       tabstops at that point.


-   General Options
+       These   are   hardware   tabs,  which  cannot  be  queried  rapidly  by
+       applications running in the terminal, if  at  all.   Curses  and  other
+       full-screen  applications  may  use  hardware  tabs in optimizing their
+       output to the terminal.  If  the  hardware  tabstops  differ  from  the
+       information  in  the  terminal  database,  the result is unpredictable.
+       Before running curses programs, you should either  reset  tab-stops  to
+       the standard interval
+           tabs -8
+       or  use the reset program, since the normal initialization sequences do
+       not ensure that tab-stops are reset.



General Options

-            Tell tabs which terminal type to use.  If this option
-            is not given, tabs will  use  the  $TERM  environment
-            variable.   If  that  is  not  set,  it  will use the
-            ansi+tabs entry.
-       -d   The debugging option shows a ruler line, followed  by
-            two  data  lines.   The  first  data  line  shows the
-            expected tab-stops marked with asterisks.  The second
-            data  line  shows  the  actual tab-stops, marked with
-            asterisks.
-       -n   This option tells tabs to check the options  and  run
-            any  debugging option, but not to modify the terminal
-            settings.
-       The tabs program processes a single  list  of  tab  stops.
-       The  last  option  to be processed which defines a list is
-       the one that determines the list to be processed.
-   Implicit Lists
-       Use a single number as an option, e.g., "-5" to  set  tabs
-       at  the  given  interval  (in  this case 1, 6, 11, 16, 21,
-       etc.).  Tabs are repeated up to the right  margin  of  the
-       screen.
+            Tell tabs which terminal type to  use.   If  this  option  is  not
+            given,  tabs  will use the $TERM environment variable.  If that is
+            not set, it will use the ansi+tabs entry.
+       -d   The debugging option shows a ruler  line,  followed  by  two  data
+            lines.   The  first  data line shows the expected tab-stops marked
+            with asterisks.  The second data line shows the actual  tab-stops,
+            marked with asterisks.
+       -n   This  option tells tabs to check the options and run any debugging
+            option, but not to modify the terminal settings.
+       -V   reports the version of ncurses which was used in this program, and
+            exits.
+       The tabs program processes a single list of tab stops.  The last option
+       to be processed which defines a list is the  one  that  determines  the
+       list to be processed.

Implicit Lists

+       Use  a  single number as an option, e.g., "-5" to set tabs at the given
+       interval (in this case 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, etc.).  Tabs are  repeated  up
+       to the right margin of the screen.
        Use "-0" to clear all tabs.
        Use "-8" to set tabs to the standard interval.
-   Explicit Lists
-       An  explicit  list  can be defined after the options (this
-       does not use a "-").  The values in the list  must  be  in
-       increasing numeric order, and greater than zero.  They are
-       separated by a comma or a blank, for example,
-              tabs 1,6,11,16,21
-              tabs 1 6 11 16 21
-       Use a '+' to treat a number as an  increment  relative  to
-       the previous value, e.g.,

Explicit Lists

+       An  explicit list can be defined after the options (this does not use a
+       "-").  The values in the list must be in increasing numeric order,  and
+       greater  than  zero.   They  are  separated  by a comma or a blank, for
+       example,
+           tabs 1,6,11,16,21
+           tabs 1 6 11 16 21
+       Use a "+" to treat a number as an increment relative  to  the  previous
+       value, e.g.,
+           tabs 1,+5,+5,+5,+5
-              tabs 1,+5,+5,+5,+5
        which is equivalent to the 1,6,11,16,21 example.
-   Predefined Tab-Stops
-       X/Open defines several predefined lists of tab stops.

Predefined Tab-Stops

+       POSIX defines several predefined lists of tab stops.
        -a   Assembler, IBM S/370, first format
+            1,10,16,36,72
        -a2  Assembler, IBM S/370, second format
+            1,10,16,40,72
        -c   COBOL, normal format
+            1,8,12,16,20,55
        -c2  COBOL compact format
+            1,6,10,14,49
        -c3  COBOL compact format extended
+            1,6,10,14,18,22,26,30,34,38,42,46,50,54,58,62,67
        -f   FORTRAN
+            1,7,11,15,19,23
        -p   PL/I
+            1,5,9,13,17,21,25,29,33,37,41,45,49,53,57,61
        -s   SNOBOL
+            1,10,55
        -u   UNIVAC 1100 Assembler
+            1,12,20,44


-       X/Open  describes  a  +m option, to set a terminal's left-
-       margin.  Very few of the entries in the terminal  database
-       provide this capability.


+       A  few  terminals  provide the capability for changing their left/right
+       margins.  The tabs program has an option to use this feature:
-       The  -d  (debug) and -n (no-op) options are extensions not
-       provided by other implementations.
+       +m margin
+            The  effect  depends  on  whether  the  terminal  has  the  margin
+            capabilities:
-       Documentation for other implementations states that  there
-       is  a limit on the number of tab stops.  While some termi-
-       nals may not accept an arbitrary number of tab stops, this
-       implementation  will  attempt  to  set tab stops up to the
-       right margin of the screen, if the given list  happens  to
-       be that long.
+            o   If  the  terminal provides the capability for setting the left
+                margin, tabs uses this, and adjusts the  available  width  for
+                tab-stops.
+            o   If the terminal does not provide the margin capabilities, tabs
+                imitates the effect, putting the tab stops at the  appropriate
+                place  on  each  line.   The  terminal's  left-margin  is  not
+                modified.


-       tset(1), infocmp(1m), curses(3x), terminfo(5).
+            If the margin parameter is omitted, the default is 10.  Use +m0 to
+            reset  the  left  margin, i.e., to the left edge of the terminal's
+            display.  Before setting a left-margin, tabs resets the margin  to
+            reduce  problems which might arise on moving the cursor before the
+            current left-margin.
+       When setting or resetting the left-margin, tabs may  reset  the  right-
+       margin.


+       IEEE   Std   1003.1/The   Open   Group   Base  Specifications  Issue  7
+       (POSIX.1-2008) describes a tabs utility.  However
+       o   This standard describes a +m option,  to  set  a  terminal's  left-
+           margin.   Very  few of the entries in the terminal database provide
+           the  smgl   (set_left_margin)   or   smglp   (set_left_margin_parm)
+           capability needed to support the feature.
+       o   There  is no counterpart in X/Open Curses Issue 7 for this utility,
+           unlike tput(1).
+       The -d (debug) and -n (no-op) options are extensions  not  provided  by
+       other implementations.
+       A  tabs  utility  appeared in PWB/Unix 1.0 (1977).  There was a reduced
+       version of the tabs utility in Unix 7th edition  and  in  3BSD  (1979).
+       The  latter supported a single "-n" option (to cause the first tab stop
+       to be set on the left margin).  That option is not documented by POSIX.
+       The PWB/Unix tabs utility, which was included  in  System  III  (1980),
+       used  built-in  tables  rather than the terminal database, to support a
+       half-dozen hardcopy terminal (printer) types.   It  also  had  built-in
+       logic  to support the left-margin, as well as a feature for copying the
+       tab settings from a file.
+       Later versions of Unix, e.g., SVr4,  added  support  for  the  terminal
+       database,  but  kept the tables to support the printers.  In an earlier
+       development effort, the tab-stop initialization provided by tset (1982)
+       and incorporated into tput uses the terminal database,
+       The  +m  option  was  documented  in  the  Base  Specifications Issue 5
+       (Unix98,  1997),  and  omitted  in  Issue  6  (Unix03,  2004)   without
+       documenting   the   rationale,  though  an  introductory  comment  "and
+       optionally adjusts the margin" remains, overlooked in the removal.  The
+       documented  tabs  utility  in  Issues  6 and later has no mechanism for
+       setting margins.  The +m option in this implementation differs from the
+       feature  in  SVr4  by  using terminal capabilities rather than built-in
+       tables.
+       POSIX documents no limits on the number of  tab  stops.   Documentation
+       for other implementations states that there is a limit on the number of
+       tab stops (e.g., 20 in PWB/Unix's tabs utility).  While some  terminals
+       may  not  accept  an arbitrary number of tab stops, this implementation
+       will attempt to set tab stops up to the right margin of the screen,  if
+       the given list happens to be that long.
+       The  Rationale section of the POSIX documentation goes into some detail
+       about the ways the committee considered redesigning the tabs  and  tput
+       utilities, without proposing an improved solution.  It comments that
+            no  known  historical  version  of tabs supports the capability of
+            setting arbitrary tab stops.
+       However,  the  Explicit  Lists  described  in  this  manual  page  were
+       implemented  in  PWB/Unix.   Those  provide  the  capability of setting
+       abitrary tab stops.


+       infocmp(1m), tset(1), curses(3x), terminfo(5).
-       This describes ncurses version 5.9 (patch 20130518).
+       This describes ncurses version 6.3 (patch 20220917).
-                                                                tabs(1)
+                                                                       tabs(1)
-Man(1) output converted with -man2html -