X-Git-Url: https://ncurses.scripts.mit.edu/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=doc%2Fhtml%2Fman%2Ftset.1.html;h=df370bcc4c005e0fd62fddb85c1a17194a1c0b63;hb=14d46fadc442db9df4567357cda396235418120e;hp=73192cd5efbf20576c1207bc622f6ecd12e05911;hpb=02f02dcd4464143580e783ae32c822d8eb8cdcbf;p=ncurses.git diff --git a/doc/html/man/tset.1.html b/doc/html/man/tset.1.html index 73192cd5..df370bcc 100644 --- a/doc/html/man/tset.1.html +++ b/doc/html/man/tset.1.html @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ - + tset 1 - +

tset 1

-tset(1)                                                         tset(1)
+tset(1)                     General Commands Manual                    tset(1)




        tset, reset - terminal initialization


-       tset  [-IQVcqrsw] [-] [-e ch] [-i ch] [-k ch] [-m mapping]
-       [terminal]
-       reset [-IQVcqrsw] [-] [-e ch] [-i ch] [-k ch] [-m mapping]
-       [terminal]


+       tset [-IQVcqrsw] [-] [-e ch] [-i ch] [-k ch] [-m mapping] [terminal]
+       reset [-IQVcqrsw] [-] [-e ch] [-i ch] [-k ch] [-m mapping] [terminal]


-       Tset  initializes  terminals.   Tset  first determines the
-       type of terminal that you are using.   This  determination
-       is done as follows, using the first terminal type found.



tset - initialization

+       This program initializes terminals.
+       First,  tset retrieves the current terminal mode settings for your ter-
+       minal.  It does this by successively testing
+       o   the standard error,
+       o   standard output,
+       o   standard input and
+       o   ultimately "/dev/tty"
+       to obtain terminal settings.  Having  retrieved  these  settings,  tset
+       remembers which file descriptor to use when updating settings.
+       Next,  tset  determines  the type of terminal that you are using.  This
+       determination is done as follows, using the first terminal type found.
        1. The terminal argument specified on the command line.
        2. The value of the TERM environmental variable.
-       3.  (BSD  systems only.) The terminal type associated with
-       the standard error output device in  the  /etc/ttys  file.
-       (On  System-V-like  UNIXes  and systems using that conven-
-       tion, getty does this job by setting TERM according to the
-       type passed to it by /etc/inittab.)
+       3. (BSD systems only.) The terminal type associated with  the  standard
+       error  output  device  in the /etc/ttys file.  (On System-V-like UNIXes
+       and systems using that convention, getty does this job by setting  TERM
+       according to the type passed to it by /etc/inittab.)
        4. The default terminal type, "unknown".
-       If  the  terminal  type  was not specified on the command-
-       line, the -m option mappings are  then  applied  (see  the
-       section  TERMINAL  TYPE  MAPPING  for  more  information).
-       Then, if the terminal type begins  with  a  question  mark
-       ("?"), the user is prompted for confirmation of the termi-
-       nal type.   An  empty  response  confirms  the  type,  or,
-       another  type  can be entered to specify a new type.  Once
-       the terminal type has been determined, the terminfo  entry
-       for  the  terminal  is retrieved.  If no terminfo entry is
-       found for the type, the user is prompted for another  ter-
-       minal type.
-       Once  the  terminfo  entry  is retrieved, the window size,
-       backspace, interrupt and line kill characters (among  many
-       other things) are set and the terminal and tab initializa-
-       tion strings  are  sent  to  the  standard  error  output.
-       Finally,  if the erase, interrupt and line kill characters
-       have changed, or are not  set  to  their  default  values,
-       their  values  are displayed to the standard error output.
-       Use the -c or -w option to select only the  window  sizing
-       versus  the  other  initialization.   If neither option is
-       given, both are assumed.
-       When invoked as reset, tset sets cooked  and  echo  modes,
-       turns  off cbreak and raw modes, turns on newline transla-
-       tion and resets any  unset  special  characters  to  their
-       default  values  before  doing the terminal initialization
-       described above.  This is  useful  after  a  program  dies
-       leaving  a  terminal  in an abnormal state.  Note, you may
-       have to type
-           <LF>reset<LF>
-       (the line-feed character is normally control-J) to get the
-       terminal to work, as carriage-return may no longer work in
-       the abnormal state.  Also, the  terminal  will  often  not
-       echo the command.
+       If  the  terminal  type  was  not specified on the command-line, the -m
+       option mappings are then applied (see the section TERMINAL TYPE MAPPING
+       for  more information).  Then, if the terminal type begins with a ques-
+       tion mark ("?"), the user is prompted for confirmation of the  terminal
+       type.   An  empty  response  confirms the type, or, another type can be
+       entered to specify a new type.  Once the terminal type has been  deter-
+       mined,  the  terminal description for the terminal is retrieved.  If no
+       terminal description is found for the type, the user  is  prompted  for
+       another terminal type.
+       Once the terminal description is retrieved,
+       o   if  the "-w" option is enabled, tset may update the terminal's win-
+           dow size.
+           If the window size cannot be obtained from  the  operating  system,
+           but  the terminal description (or environment, e.g., LINES and COL-
+           UMNS variables specify this), use this to set  the  operating  sys-
+           tem's notion of the window size.
+       o   if  the  "-c"  option is enabled, the backspace, interrupt and line
+           kill characters (among many other things) are set
+       o   unless the "-I" option is enabled, the terminal and tab initializa-
+           tion  strings are sent to the standard error output, and tset waits
+           one second (in case a hardware reset was issued).
+       o   Finally, if the erase, interrupt  and  line  kill  characters  have
+           changed,  or  are not set to their default values, their values are
+           displayed to the standard error output.

reset - reinitialization

+       When invoked as reset, tset sets the terminal modes to "sane" values:
+       o   sets cooked and echo modes,
+       o   turns off cbreak and raw modes,
+       o   turns on newline translation and
+       o   resets any unset special characters to their default values
+       before doing the terminal initialization described above.  Also, rather
+       than  using  the  terminal initialization strings, it uses the terminal
+       reset strings.
+       The reset command is useful after a program dies leaving a terminal  in
+       an abnormal state:
+       o   you may have to type
+               <LF>reset<LF>
+           (the line-feed character is normally control-J) to get the terminal
+           to work, as carriage-return may no  longer  work  in  the  abnormal
+           state.
+       o   Also, the terminal will often not echo the command.


        The options are as follows:
        -c   Set control characters and modes.
        -e   Set the erase character to ch.
-       -I   Do  not  send  the  terminal  or  tab  initialization
-            strings to the terminal.
+       -I   Do not send the terminal or tab initialization strings to the ter-
+            minal.
        -i   Set the interrupt character to ch.
        -k   Set the line kill character to ch.
-       -m   Specify a mapping from a port  type  to  a  terminal.
-            See the section TERMINAL TYPE MAPPING for more infor-
-            mation.
+       -m   Specify a mapping from a port type to a terminal.  See the section
+            TERMINAL TYPE MAPPING for more information.
-       -Q   Do not display any values for  the  erase,  interrupt
-            and line kill characters.  Normally tset displays the
-            values for control characters which differ  from  the
-            system's default values.
+       -Q   Do  not  display any values for the erase, interrupt and line kill
+            characters.  Normally tset displays the values for control charac-
+            ters which differ from the system's default values.
-       -q   The  terminal  type is displayed to the standard out-
-            put, and the terminal is not initialized in any  way.
-            The option `-' by itself is equivalent but archaic.
+       -q   The  terminal  type  is  displayed to the standard output, and the
+            terminal is not initialized in any way.  The option "-" by  itself
+            is equivalent but archaic.
        -r   Print the terminal type to the standard error output.
-       -s   Print  the  sequence  of shell commands to initialize
-            the environment variable TERM to the standard output.
-            See the section SETTING THE ENVIRONMENT for details.
-       -V   reports the version of ncurses which was used in this
-            program, and exits.
-       -w   Resize the window  to  match  the  size  deduced  via
-            setupterm.   Normally  this  has  no  effect,  unless
-            setupterm is not able to detect the window size.
-       The arguments for the -e, -i, and -k options may either be
-       entered  as  actual characters or by using the `hat' nota-
-       tion, i.e., control-h may be specified as "^H" or "^h".
+       -s   Print the sequence of shell commands to initialize the environment
+            variable TERM to the standard output.  See the section SETTING THE
+            ENVIRONMENT for details.


-       It is often desirable  to  enter  the  terminal  type  and
-       information  about  the  terminal's  capabilities into the
-       shell's environment.  This is done using the -s option.
-       When the -s option is specified, the commands to enter the
-       information  into  the  shell's environment are written to
-       the standard output.  If the SHELL environmental  variable
-       ends  in  "csh", the commands are for csh, otherwise, they
-       are for sh.  Note, the csh  commands  set  and  unset  the
-       shell  variable  noglob,  leaving it unset.  The following
-       line in the .login or .profile files will  initialize  the
-       environment correctly:
+       -V   reports the version of ncurses which was used in this program, and
+            exits.
-           eval `tset -s options ... `
+       -w   Resize the window to match the  size  deduced  via  setupterm(3x).
+            Normally  this  has  no  effect,  unless  setupterm is not able to
+            detect the window size.
+       The arguments for the -e, -i, and -k options may either be  entered  as
+       actual  characters  or by using the "hat" notation, i.e., control-h may
+       be specified as "^H" or "^h".


-       When the terminal is not hardwired into the system (or the
-       current system information is incorrect) the terminal type
-       derived  from the /etc/ttys file or the TERM environmental
-       variable is often something generic like network,  dialup,
-       or  unknown.   When tset is used in a startup script it is
-       often desirable to provide information about the  type  of
-       terminal used on such ports.
-       The  purpose  of  the -m option is to map from some set of
-       conditions to a terminal type, that is, to tell  tset  "If
-       I'm  on this port at a particular speed, guess that I'm on
-       that kind of terminal".
-       The argument to the -m option consists of an optional port
-       type, an optional operator, an optional baud rate specifi-
-       cation, an optional colon (":") character and  a  terminal
-       type.   The port type is a string (delimited by either the
-       operator or the colon character).  The operator may be any
-       combination  of  ">", "<", "@", and "!"; ">" means greater
-       than, "<" means less than, "@"  means  equal  to  and  "!"
-       inverts the sense of the test.  The baud rate is specified
-       as a number and is compared with the speed of the standard
-       error  output (which should be the control terminal).  The
-       terminal type is a string.
-       If the terminal type is not specified on the command line,
-       the  -m mappings are applied to the terminal type.  If the
-       port type and baud rate match the  mapping,  the  terminal
-       type  specified  in the mapping replaces the current type.
-       If more than one mapping is specified, the first  applica-
-       ble mapping is used.
-       For    example,    consider    the    following   mapping:
-       dialup>9600:vt100.  The port type is dialup , the operator
-       is  >, the baud rate specification is 9600, and the termi-
-       nal type is vt100.  The result of this mapping is to spec-
-       ify that if the terminal type is dialup, and the baud rate
-       is greater than 9600 baud, a terminal type of  vt100  will
-       be used.
-       If no baud rate is specified, the terminal type will match
-       any baud rate.  If no port type is specified, the terminal
-       type   will   match   any  port  type.   For  example,  -m
-       dialup:vt100  -m  :?xterm  will  cause  any  dialup  port,
-       regardless of baud rate, to match the terminal type vt100,
-       and any non-dialup port type to match  the  terminal  type
-       ?xterm.   Note,  because of the leading question mark, the
-       user will be queried on a default port as to whether  they
-       are actually using an xterm terminal.
-       No  whitespace  characters  are permitted in the -m option
-       argument.  Also, to avoid problems  with  meta-characters,
-       it  is  suggested  that  the  entire -m option argument be
-       placed within single quote characters, and that csh  users
-       insert  a backslash character ("\") before any exclamation
-       marks ("!").
+       If neither -c or -w is given, both options are assumed.


-       The tset command appeared in BSD 3.0.  The ncurses  imple-
-       mentation  was lightly adapted from the 4.4BSD sources for
-       a terminfo environment by Eric S. Raymond <esr@snark.thyr-
-       sus.com>.


+       It is often desirable to enter the terminal type and information  about
+       the terminal's capabilities into the shell's environment.  This is done
+       using the -s option.
+       When the -s option is specified, the commands to enter the  information
+       into  the  shell's  environment are written to the standard output.  If
+       the SHELL environmental variable ends in "csh", the  commands  are  for
+       csh,  otherwise, they are for sh.  Note, the csh commands set and unset
+       the shell variable noglob, leaving it unset.  The following line in the
+       .login or .profile files will initialize the environment correctly:


-       The  tset  utility has been provided for backward-compati-
-       bility with BSD environments (under  most  modern  UNIXes,
-       /etc/inittab  and  getty(1) can set TERM appropriately for
-       each dial-up line; this  obviates  what  was  tset's  most
-       important  use).   This implementation behaves like 4.4BSD
-       tset, with a few exceptions specified here.
-       The -S option of BSD tset no longer works;  it  prints  an
-       error message to stderr and dies.  The -s option only sets
-       TERM, not TERMCAP.  Both of these changes are because  the
-       TERMCAP  variable  is  no longer supported under terminfo-
-       based ncurses, which makes tset -S useless (we made it die
-       noisily rather than silently induce lossage).
-       There  was  an  undocumented  4.4BSD feature that invoking
-       tset via a link named `TSET` (or via any other name begin-
-       ning  with  an  upper-case letter) set the terminal to use
-       upper-case only.  This feature has been omitted.
-       The -A, -E, -h, -u and -v options were  deleted  from  the
-       tset  utility  in 4.4BSD.  None of them were documented in
-       4.3BSD and all are of limited utility at  best.   The  -a,
-       -d, and -p options are similarly not documented or useful,
-       but were retained as they appear to be in widespread  use.
-       It  is  strongly recommended that any usage of these three
-       options be changed to use the -m option instead.   The  -n
-       option  remains, but has no effect.  The -adnp options are
-       therefore omitted from the usage summary above.
-       It is still permissible to specify  the  -e,  -i,  and  -k
-       options  without arguments, although it is strongly recom-
-       mended that such usage be fixed to explicitly specify  the
-       character.
-       As  of  4.4BSD,  executing tset as reset no longer implies
-       the -Q option.  Also, the interaction between the - option
-       and the terminal argument in some historic implementations
-       of tset has been removed.
+           eval `tset -s options ... `




+       When the terminal is not hardwired into the system (or the current sys-
+       tem information is  incorrect)  the  terminal  type  derived  from  the
+       /etc/ttys  file  or  the TERM environmental variable is often something
+       generic like network, dialup, or unknown.   When  tset  is  used  in  a
+       startup  script  it is often desirable to provide information about the
+       type of terminal used on such ports.
+       The -m options maps from some set of conditions  to  a  terminal  type,
+       that is, to tell tset "If I'm on this port at a particular speed, guess
+       that I'm on that kind of terminal".
+       The argument to the -m option consists of an  optional  port  type,  an
+       optional  operator,  an  optional  baud rate specification, an optional
+       colon (":") character and a terminal type.  The port type is  a  string
+       (delimited  by either the operator or the colon character).  The opera-
+       tor may be any combination of ">", "<", "@", and "!"; ">" means greater
+       than, "<" means less than, "@" means equal to and "!" inverts the sense
+       of the test.  The baud rate is specified as a number  and  is  compared
+       with  the  speed of the standard error output (which should be the con-
+       trol terminal).  The terminal type is a string.
+       If the terminal type is not specified on the command line, the -m  map-
+       pings are applied to the terminal type.  If the port type and baud rate
+       match the mapping, the terminal type specified in the mapping  replaces
+       the  current  type.   If  more than one mapping is specified, the first
+       applicable mapping is used.
+       For example, consider the following  mapping:  dialup>9600:vt100.   The
+       port type is dialup , the operator is >, the baud rate specification is
+       9600, and the terminal type is vt100.  The result of this mapping is to
+       specify  that  if  the  terminal  type  is dialup, and the baud rate is
+       greater than 9600 baud, a terminal type of vt100 will be used.
+       If no baud rate is specified, the terminal type  will  match  any  baud
+       rate.   If  no port type is specified, the terminal type will match any
+       port type.  For example, -m dialup:vt100  -m  :?xterm  will  cause  any
+       dialup port, regardless of baud rate, to match the terminal type vt100,
+       and any non-dialup port type to match the terminal type ?xterm.   Note,
+       because  of  the  leading  question mark, the user will be queried on a
+       default port as to whether they are actually using an xterm terminal.
+       No whitespace characters are  permitted  in  the  -m  option  argument.
+       Also,  to avoid problems with meta-characters, it is suggested that the
+       entire -m option argument be placed within single quote characters, and
+       that  csh  users insert a backslash character ("\") before any exclama-
+       tion marks ("!").


+       A reset command appeared in 2BSD (April 1979), written by Kurt  Shoens.
+       This  program set the erase and kill characters to ^H (backspace) and @
+       respectively.  Mark Horton improved that in 3BSD (October 1979), adding
+       intr,  quit, start/stop and eof characters as well as changing the pro-
+       gram to avoid modifying any user settings.
+       Later in 4.1BSD (December 1980), Mark Horton added a call to  the  tset
+       program  using  the  -I and -Q options, i.e., using that to improve the
+       terminal modes.  With those options, that version of reset did not  use
+       the termcap database.
+       A separate tset command was provided in 2BSD by Eric Allman.  While the
+       oldest published source (from 1979) provides both tset and reset,  All-
+       man's  comments  in the 2BSD source code indicate that he began work in
+       October 1977, continuing development over the next few years.
+       In September 1980, Eric Allman modified tset, adding the code from  the
+       existing  "reset"  feature when tset was invoked as reset.  Rather than
+       simply copying the existing program, in this merged version, tset  used
+       the  termcap database to do additional (re)initialization of the termi-
+       nal.  This version appeared in 4.1cBSD, late in 1982.
+       Other developers (e.g., Keith Bostic and Jim Bloom) continued to modify
+       tset until 4.4BSD was released in 1993.
+       The  ncurses implementation was lightly adapted from the 4.4BSD sources
+       for a terminfo environment by Eric S. Raymond <esr@snark.thyrsus.com>.


+       Neither IEEE Std 1003.1/The Open  Group  Base  Specifications  Issue  7
+       (POSIX.1-2008) nor X/Open Curses Issue 7 documents tset or reset.
+       The  AT&T  tput utility (AIX, HPUX, Solaris) incorporated the terminal-
+       mode manipulation as well as termcap-based features such  as  resetting
+       tabstops from tset in BSD (4.1c), presumably with the intention of mak-
+       ing tset obsolete.  However, each of those systems still provides tset.
+       In fact, the commonly-used reset utility is always an alias for tset.
+       The  tset utility provides for backward-compatibility with BSD environ-
+       ments (under most modern UNIXes, /etc/inittab and getty(1) can set TERM
+       appropriately for each dial-up line; this obviates what was tset's most
+       important use).  This implementation behaves like 4.4BSD tset,  with  a
+       few exceptions specified here.
+       A  few  options are different because the TERMCAP variable is no longer
+       supported under terminfo-based ncurses:
+       o   The -S option of BSD tset no longer works; it prints an error  mes-
+           sage to the standard error and dies.
+       o   The -s option only sets TERM, not TERMCAP.
+       There  was an undocumented 4.4BSD feature that invoking tset via a link
+       named "TSET" (or via any other name beginning with an  upper-case  let-
+       ter)  set  the  terminal to use upper-case only.  This feature has been
+       omitted.
+       The -A, -E, -h, -u and -v options were deleted from the tset utility in
+       4.4BSD.   None of them were documented in 4.3BSD and all are of limited
+       utility at best.  The -a, -d, and -p options are  similarly  not  docu-
+       mented  or useful, but were retained as they appear to be in widespread
+       use.  It is strongly recommended that any usage of these three  options
+       be  changed  to  use the -m option instead.  The -a, -d, and -p options
+       are therefore omitted from the usage summary above.
+       Very old systems, e.g., 3BSD, used a different  terminal  driver  which
+       was  replaced  in  4BSD in the early 1980s.  To accommodate these older
+       systems, the 4BSD tset provided a -n option to  specify  that  the  new
+       terminal  driver  should be used.  This implementation does not provide
+       that choice.
+       It is still permissible to specify the -e, -i, and -k  options  without
+       arguments, although it is strongly recommended that such usage be fixed
+       to explicitly specify the character.
+       As of 4.4BSD, executing tset as reset no longer implies the -Q  option.
+       Also, the interaction between the - option and the terminal argument in
+       some historic implementations of tset has been removed.
+       The -c and -w options are not found in earlier  implementations.   How-
+       ever, a different window size-change feature was provided in 4.4BSD.
+       o   In  4.4BSD,  tset uses the window size from the termcap description
+           to set the window size if tset is not able  to  obtain  the  window
+           size from the operating system.
+       o   In ncurses, tset obtains the window size using setupterm, which may
+           be from the operating system, the  LINES  and  COLUMNS  environment
+           variables or the terminal description.
+       Obtaining  the  window  size from the terminal description is common to
+       both implementations, but considered obsolescent.  Its  only  practical
+       use is for hardware terminals.  Generally speaking, a window size would
+       be unset only if there were some problem obtaining the value  from  the
+       operating  system  (and  setupterm would still fail).  For that reason,
+       the LINES and COLUMNS environment variables may be useful  for  working
+       around  window-size problems.  Those have the drawback that if the win-
+       dow is resized, those variables must be recomputed and reassigned.   To
+       do this more easily, use the resize(1) program.


        The tset command uses these environment variables:
-            tells tset whether to initialize TERM using sh or csh
-            syntax.
+            tells tset whether to initialize TERM using sh or csh syntax.
-       TERM Denotes  your  terminal  type.  Each terminal type is
-            distinct, though many are similar.
+       TERM Denotes  your  terminal  type.   Each  terminal  type is distinct,
+            though many are similar.
-            may denote the location of a termcap database.  If it
-            is not an absolute pathname, e.g., begins with a `/',
-            tset removes the variable from the environment before
-            looking for the terminal description.
+            may denote the location of a termcap database.  If it  is  not  an
+            absolute pathname, e.g., begins with a "/", tset removes the vari-
+            able from the environment before looking for the terminal descrip-
+            tion.




-            system  port  name  to terminal type mapping database
-            (BSD versions only).
+            system  port  name to terminal type mapping database (BSD versions
+            only).
             terminal capability database


-       csh(1),   sh(1),   stty(1),   curs_terminfo(3x),   tty(4),
-       terminfo(5), ttys(5), environ(7)


+       csh(1),  sh(1),  stty(1),   curs_terminfo(3x),   tty(4),   terminfo(5),
+       ttys(5), environ(7)
-       This describes ncurses version 6.0 (patch 20150808).
+       This describes ncurses version 6.2 (patch 20201107).
-                                                                tset(1)
+                                                                       tset(1)