------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -- -- GNAT ncurses Binding Samples -- -- -- -- ncurses -- -- -- -- B O D Y -- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Copyright (c) 2000,2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. -- -- -- -- Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a -- -- copy of this software and associated documentation files (the -- -- "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including -- -- without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, -- -- distribute, distribute with modifications, sublicense, and/or sell -- -- copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is -- -- furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: -- -- -- -- The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included -- -- in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. -- -- -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS -- -- OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF -- -- MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. -- -- IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, -- -- DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR -- -- OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR -- -- THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. -- -- -- -- Except as contained in this notice, the name(s) of the above copyright -- -- holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the -- -- sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written -- -- authorization. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Author: Eugene V. Melaragno 2000 -- Version Control -- $Revision: 1.4 $ -- $Date: 2004/08/21 21:37:00 $ -- Binding Version 01.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with ncurses2.util; use ncurses2.util; with Terminal_Interface.Curses; use Terminal_Interface.Curses; with Terminal_Interface.Curses.Forms; use Terminal_Interface.Curses.Forms; with Terminal_Interface.Curses.Forms.Field_User_Data; with Ada.Characters.Handling; with Ada.Strings; with Ada.Strings.Bounded; procedure ncurses2.demo_forms is package BS is new Ada.Strings.Bounded.Generic_Bounded_Length (80); type myptr is access Integer; -- The C version stores a pointer in the userptr and -- converts it into a long integer. -- The correct, but inconvenient way to do it is to use a -- pointer to long and keep the pointer constant. -- It just adds one memory piece to allocate and deallocate (not done here) package StringData is new Terminal_Interface.Curses.Forms.Field_User_Data (Integer, myptr); function edit_secure (me : Field; c_in : Key_Code) return Key_Code; function form_virtualize (f : Form; w : Window) return Key_Code; function my_form_driver (f : Form; c : Key_Code) return Boolean; function make_label (frow : Line_Position; fcol : Column_Position; label : String) return Field; function make_field (frow : Line_Position; fcol : Column_Position; rows : Line_Count; cols : Column_Count; secure : Boolean) return Field; procedure display_form (f : Form); procedure erase_form (f : Form); -- prints '*' instead of characters. -- Not that this keeps a bug from the C version: -- type in the psasword field then move off and back. -- the cursor is at position one, but -- this assumes it as at the end so text gets appended instead -- of overwtitting. function edit_secure (me : Field; c_in : Key_Code) return Key_Code is rows, frow : Line_Position; nrow : Natural; cols, fcol : Column_Position; nbuf : Buffer_Number; c : Key_Code := c_in; c2 : Character; use StringData; begin Info (me, rows, cols, frow, fcol, nrow, nbuf); -- TODO if result = Form_Ok and nbuf > 0 then -- C version checked the return value -- of Info, the Ada binding throws an exception I think. if nbuf > 0 then declare temp : BS.Bounded_String; temps : String (1 .. 10); -- TODO Get_Buffer povides no information on the field length? len : myptr; begin Get_Buffer (me, 1, Str => temps); -- strcpy(temp, field_buffer(me, 1)); Get_User_Data (me, len); temp := BS.To_Bounded_String (temps (1 .. len.all)); if c <= Key_Max then c2 := Code_To_Char (c); if Ada.Characters.Handling.Is_Graphic (c2) then BS.Append (temp, c2); len.all := len.all + 1; Set_Buffer (me, 1, BS.To_String (temp)); c := Character'Pos ('*'); else c := 0; end if; else case c is when REQ_BEG_FIELD | REQ_CLR_EOF | REQ_CLR_EOL | REQ_DEL_LINE | REQ_DEL_WORD | REQ_DOWN_CHAR | REQ_END_FIELD | REQ_INS_CHAR | REQ_INS_LINE | REQ_LEFT_CHAR | REQ_NEW_LINE | REQ_NEXT_WORD | REQ_PREV_WORD | REQ_RIGHT_CHAR | REQ_UP_CHAR => c := 0; -- we don't want to do inline editing when REQ_CLR_FIELD => if len.all /= 0 then temp := BS.To_Bounded_String (""); Set_Buffer (me, 1, BS.To_String (temp)); len.all := 0; end if; when REQ_DEL_CHAR | REQ_DEL_PREV => if len.all /= 0 then BS.Delete (temp, BS.Length (temp), BS.Length (temp)); Set_Buffer (me, 1, BS.To_String (temp)); len.all := len.all - 1; end if; when others => null; end case; end if; end; end if; return c; end edit_secure; mode : Key_Code := REQ_INS_MODE; function form_virtualize (f : Form; w : Window) return Key_Code is type lookup_t is record code : Key_Code; result : Key_Code; -- should be Form_Request_Code, but we need MAX_COMMAND + 1 end record; lookup : constant array (Positive range <>) of lookup_t := ( ( Character'Pos ('A') mod 16#20#, REQ_NEXT_CHOICE ), ( Character'Pos ('B') mod 16#20#, REQ_PREV_WORD ), ( Character'Pos ('C') mod 16#20#, REQ_CLR_EOL ), ( Character'Pos ('D') mod 16#20#, REQ_DOWN_FIELD ), ( Character'Pos ('E') mod 16#20#, REQ_END_FIELD ), ( Character'Pos ('F') mod 16#20#, REQ_NEXT_PAGE ), ( Character'Pos ('G') mod 16#20#, REQ_DEL_WORD ), ( Character'Pos ('H') mod 16#20#, REQ_DEL_PREV ), ( Character'Pos ('I') mod 16#20#, REQ_INS_CHAR ), ( Character'Pos ('K') mod 16#20#, REQ_CLR_EOF ), ( Character'Pos ('L') mod 16#20#, REQ_LEFT_FIELD ), ( Character'Pos ('M') mod 16#20#, REQ_NEW_LINE ), ( Character'Pos ('N') mod 16#20#, REQ_NEXT_FIELD ), ( Character'Pos ('O') mod 16#20#, REQ_INS_LINE ), ( Character'Pos ('P') mod 16#20#, REQ_PREV_FIELD ), ( Character'Pos ('R') mod 16#20#, REQ_RIGHT_FIELD ), ( Character'Pos ('S') mod 16#20#, REQ_BEG_FIELD ), ( Character'Pos ('U') mod 16#20#, REQ_UP_FIELD ), ( Character'Pos ('V') mod 16#20#, REQ_DEL_CHAR ), ( Character'Pos ('W') mod 16#20#, REQ_NEXT_WORD ), ( Character'Pos ('X') mod 16#20#, REQ_CLR_FIELD ), ( Character'Pos ('Y') mod 16#20#, REQ_DEL_LINE ), ( Character'Pos ('Z') mod 16#20#, REQ_PREV_CHOICE ), ( Character'Pos ('[') mod 16#20#, -- ESCAPE Form_Request_Code'Last + 1 ), ( Key_Backspace, REQ_DEL_PREV ), ( KEY_DOWN, REQ_DOWN_CHAR ), ( Key_End, REQ_LAST_FIELD ), ( Key_Home, REQ_FIRST_FIELD ), ( KEY_LEFT, REQ_LEFT_CHAR ), ( KEY_LL, REQ_LAST_FIELD ), ( Key_Next, REQ_NEXT_FIELD ), ( KEY_NPAGE, REQ_NEXT_PAGE ), ( KEY_PPAGE, REQ_PREV_PAGE ), ( Key_Previous, REQ_PREV_FIELD ), ( KEY_RIGHT, REQ_RIGHT_CHAR ), ( KEY_UP, REQ_UP_CHAR ), ( Character'Pos ('Q') mod 16#20#, -- QUIT Form_Request_Code'Last + 1 -- TODO MAX_FORM_COMMAND + 1 ) ); c : Key_Code := Getchar (w); me : constant Field := Current (f); begin if c = Character'Pos (']') mod 16#20# then if mode = REQ_INS_MODE then mode := REQ_OVL_MODE; else mode := REQ_INS_MODE; end if; c := mode; else for n in lookup'Range loop if lookup (n).code = c then c := lookup (n).result; exit; end if; end loop; end if; -- Force the field that the user is typing into to be in reverse video, -- while the other fields are shown underlined. if c <= Key_Max then c := edit_secure (me, c); Set_Background (me, (Reverse_Video => True, others => False)); elsif c <= Form_Request_Code'Last then c := edit_secure (me, c); Set_Background (me, (Under_Line => True, others => False)); end if; return c; end form_virtualize; function my_form_driver (f : Form; c : Key_Code) return Boolean is flag : constant Driver_Result := Driver (f, F_Validate_Field); begin if c = Form_Request_Code'Last + 1 and flag = Form_Ok then return True; else Beep; return False; end if; end my_form_driver; function make_label (frow : Line_Position; fcol : Column_Position; label : String) return Field is f : constant Field := Create (1, label'Length, frow, fcol, 0, 0); o : Field_Option_Set := Get_Options (f); begin if f /= Null_Field then Set_Buffer (f, 0, label); o.Active := False; Set_Options (f, o); end if; return f; end make_label; function make_field (frow : Line_Position; fcol : Column_Position; rows : Line_Count; cols : Column_Count; secure : Boolean) return Field is f : Field; use StringData; len : myptr; begin if secure then f := Create (rows, cols, frow, fcol, 0, 1); else f := Create (rows, cols, frow, fcol, 0, 0); end if; if f /= Null_Field then Set_Background (f, (Under_Line => True, others => False)); len := new Integer; len.all := 0; Set_User_Data (f, len); end if; return f; end make_field; procedure display_form (f : Form) is w : Window; rows : Line_Count; cols : Column_Count; begin Scale (f, rows, cols); w := New_Window (rows + 2, cols + 4, 0, 0); if w /= Null_Window then Set_Window (f, w); Set_Sub_Window (f, Derived_Window (w, rows, cols, 1, 2)); Box (w); -- 0,0 Set_KeyPad_Mode (w, True); end if; -- TODO if Post(f) /= Form_Ok then it's a procedure declare begin Post (f); exception when Eti_System_Error | Eti_Bad_Argument | Eti_Posted | Eti_Connected | Eti_Bad_State | Eti_No_Room | Eti_Not_Posted | Eti_Unknown_Command | Eti_No_Match | Eti_Not_Selectable | Eti_Not_Connected | Eti_Request_Denied | Eti_Invalid_Field | Eti_Current => Refresh (w); end; -- end if; end display_form; procedure erase_form (f : Form) is w : Window := Get_Window (f); s : Window := Get_Sub_Window (f); begin Post (f, False); Erase (w); Refresh (w); Delete (s); Delete (w); end erase_form; finished : Boolean := False; f : Field_Array_Access := new Field_Array (1 .. 12); secure : Field; myform : Form; w : Window; c : Key_Code; result : Driver_Result; begin Move_Cursor (Line => 18, Column => 0); Add (Str => "Defined form-traversal keys: ^Q/ESC- exit form"); Add (Ch => newl); Add (Str => "^N -- go to next field ^P -- go to previous field"); Add (Ch => newl); Add (Str => "Home -- go to first field End -- go to last field"); Add (Ch => newl); Add (Str => "^L -- go to field to left ^R -- go to field to right"); Add (Ch => newl); Add (Str => "^U -- move upward to field ^D -- move downward to field"); Add (Ch => newl); Add (Str => "^W -- go to next word ^B -- go to previous word"); Add (Ch => newl); Add (Str => "^S -- go to start of field ^E -- go to end of field"); Add (Ch => newl); Add (Str => "^H -- delete previous char ^Y -- delete line"); Add (Ch => newl); Add (Str => "^G -- delete current word ^C -- clear to end of line"); Add (Ch => newl); Add (Str => "^K -- clear to end of field ^X -- clear field"); Add (Ch => newl); Add (Str => "Arrow keys move within a field as you would expect."); Add (Line => 4, Column => 57, Str => "Forms Entry Test"); Refresh; -- describe the form f (1) := make_label (0, 15, "Sample Form"); f (2) := make_label (2, 0, "Last Name"); f (3) := make_field (3, 0, 1, 18, False); f (4) := make_label (2, 20, "First Name"); f (5) := make_field (3, 20, 1, 12, False); f (6) := make_label (2, 34, "Middle Name"); f (7) := make_field (3, 34, 1, 12, False); f (8) := make_label (5, 0, "Comments"); f (9) := make_field (6, 0, 4, 46, False); f (10) := make_label (5, 20, "Password:"); f (11) := make_field (5, 30, 1, 9, True); secure := f (11); f (12) := Null_Field; myform := New_Form (f); display_form (myform); w := Get_Window (myform); Set_Raw_Mode (SwitchOn => True); Set_NL_Mode (SwitchOn => True); -- lets us read ^M's while not finished loop c := form_virtualize (myform, w); result := Driver (myform, c); case result is when Form_Ok => Add (Line => 5, Column => 57, Str => Get_Buffer (secure, 1)); Clear_To_End_Of_Line; Refresh; when Unknown_Request => finished := my_form_driver (myform, c); when others => Beep; end case; end loop; erase_form (myform); -- TODO Free_Form(myform); -- for (c = 0; f[c] != 0; c++) free_field(f[c]); Set_Raw_Mode (SwitchOn => False); Set_NL_Mode (SwitchOn => True); end ncurses2.demo_forms;