// * This makes emacs happy -*-Mode: C++;-*- /**************************************************************************** * Copyright 2018-2021,2023 Thomas E. Dickey * * Copyright 1998-2012,2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * * distribute, distribute with modifications, sublicense, and/or sell * * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR * * THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * * * Except as contained in this notice, the name(s) of the above copyright * * holders shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the * * sale, use or other dealings in this Software without prior written * * authorization. * ****************************************************************************/ /* * Silly demo program for the NCursesPanel class. * * written by Anatoly Ivasyuk (anatoly@nick.csh.rit.edu) * * Demo code for NCursesMenu and NCursesForm written by * Juergen Pfeifer * * $Id: demo.cc,v 1.51 2023/07/08 12:46:45 tom Exp $ */ #include "internal.h" #include "cursesapp.h" #include "cursesm.h" #include "cursesf.h" #if (defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)) #undef KEY_EVENT #undef sleep #define sleep(n) Sleep(n) #else extern "C" unsigned int sleep(unsigned int); #endif #undef index // needed for NeXT // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class SillyDemo { public: void run(int sleeptime) { NCursesPanel *mystd = new NCursesPanel(); // Make a few small demo panels NCursesPanel *u = new NCursesPanel(8, 20, 12, 4); NCursesPanel *v = new NCursesPanel(8, 20, 10, 6); NCursesPanel *w = new NCursesPanel(8, 20, 8, 8); NCursesPanel *x = new NCursesPanel(8, 20, 6, 10); NCursesPanel *y = new NCursesPanel(8, 20, 4, 12); NCursesPanel *z = new NCursesPanel(8, 30, 2, 14); // Draw something on the main screen, so we can see what happens // when panels get moved or deleted. mystd->box(); mystd->move(mystd->height()/2, 1); mystd->hline(mystd->width()-2); mystd->move(1, mystd->width()/2); mystd->vline(mystd->height()-2); mystd->addch(0, mystd->width()/2, ACS_TTEE); mystd->addch(mystd->height()-1, mystd->width()/2, ACS_BTEE); mystd->addch(mystd->height()/2, 0, ACS_LTEE); mystd->addch(mystd->height()/2, mystd->width()-1, ACS_RTEE); mystd->addch(mystd->height()/2, mystd->width()/2, ACS_PLUS); // Draw frames with titles around panels so that we can see where // the panels are located. u->boldframe("Win U"); v->frame("Win V"); w->boldframe("Win W"); x->frame("Win X"); y->boldframe("Win Y"); z->frame("Win Z"); if (NCursesApplication::getApplication()->useColors()) { u->bkgd(' '|COLOR_PAIR(1)); w->bkgd(' '|COLOR_PAIR(1)); y->bkgd(' '|COLOR_PAIR(1)); v->bkgd(' '|COLOR_PAIR(2)); x->bkgd(' '|COLOR_PAIR(2)); z->bkgd(' '|COLOR_PAIR(2)); } // A refresh to any valid panel updates all panels and refreshes // the screen. Using mystd is just convenient - We know it is always // valid until the end of the program. mystd->refresh(); sleep(sleeptime); // Show what happens when panels are deleted and moved. sleep(sleeptime); delete u; mystd->refresh(); sleep(sleeptime); delete z; mystd->refresh(); sleep(sleeptime); delete v; mystd->refresh(); // show how it looks when a panel moves sleep(sleeptime); y->mvwin(5, 30); mystd->refresh(); sleep(sleeptime); delete y; mystd->refresh(); // show how it looks when you raise a panel sleep(sleeptime); w->top(); mystd->refresh(); sleep(sleeptime); delete w; mystd->refresh(); sleep(sleeptime); delete x; mystd->clear(); mystd->refresh(); // Don't forget to clean up the main screen. Since this is the // last thing using NCursesWindow, this has the effect of // shutting down ncurses and restoring the terminal state. sleep(sleeptime); delete mystd; } }; class UserData { private: int u; public: UserData(int x) : u(x) {} int sleeptime() const { return u; } }; // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // template class MyAction : public NCursesUserItem { public: MyAction (const char* p_name, const T* p_UserData) : NCursesUserItem(p_name, static_cast(0), p_UserData) {} virtual ~MyAction() THROWS(NCursesException) {} bool action() { SillyDemo a; a.run(NCursesUserItem::UserData()->sleeptime()); return FALSE; } }; template class MyAction; template class NCURSES_CXX_IMPEXP NCursesUserItem; class QuitItem : public NCursesMenuItem { public: QuitItem() : NCursesMenuItem("Quit") { } bool action() { return TRUE; } }; // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class Label : public NCursesFormField { public: Label(const char* title, int row, int col) : NCursesFormField(1, static_cast(::strlen(title)), row, col) { set_value(title); options_off(O_EDIT|O_ACTIVE); } }; // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class MyFieldType : public UserDefinedFieldType { private: int chk; protected: bool field_check(NCursesFormField& f) { (void) f; return TRUE; } bool char_check(int c) { return (c==chk?TRUE:FALSE); } public: MyFieldType(int x) : chk(x) { } }; // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class TestForm : public NCursesForm { private: NCursesFormField** F; MyFieldType* mft; Integer_Field *ift; Enumeration_Field *eft; static const char *weekdays[]; public: TestForm() : NCursesForm(13, 51, (lines() - 15)/2, (cols() - 53)/2), F(0), mft(0), ift(0), eft(0) { F = new NCursesFormField*[10]; mft = new MyFieldType('X'); ift = new Integer_Field(0, 1, 10); eft = new Enumeration_Field(weekdays); F[0] = new Label("Demo Entry Form", 0, 16); F[1] = new Label("Weekday Enum", 2, 1); F[2] = new Label("Number(1-10)", 2, 21); F[3] = new Label("Only 'X'", 2, 35); F[4] = new Label("Multiline Field (Dynamic and Scrollable)", 5, 1); F[5] = new NCursesFormField(1, 18, 3, 1); F[6] = new NCursesFormField(1, 12, 3, 21); F[7] = new NCursesFormField(1, 12, 3, 35); F[8] = new NCursesFormField(4, 46, 6, 1, 2); F[9] = new NCursesFormField(); InitForm(F, TRUE, TRUE); boldframe(); F[5]->set_fieldtype(*eft); F[6]->set_fieldtype(*ift); F[7]->set_fieldtype(*mft); F[7]->set_maximum_growth(20); // max. 20 characters F[7]->options_off(O_STATIC); // make field dynamic F[8]->set_maximum_growth(10); // max. 10 lines F[8]->options_off(O_STATIC); // make field dynamic } TestForm& operator=(const TestForm& rhs) { if (this != &rhs) { *this = rhs; } return *this; } TestForm(const TestForm& rhs) : NCursesForm(rhs), F(0), mft(0), ift(0), eft(0) { } ~TestForm() THROWS(NCursesException) { delete mft; delete ift; delete eft; } }; const char* TestForm::weekdays[] = { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", NULL }; // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class FormAction : public NCursesMenuItem { public: FormAction(const char *s) : NCursesMenuItem(s) { } bool action() { TestForm F; Soft_Label_Key_Set* S = new Soft_Label_Key_Set; for(int i=1; i <= S->labels(); i++) { char buf[8]; assert(i < 100); ::_nc_SPRINTF(buf, _nc_SLIMIT(sizeof(buf)) "Frm%02d", i % 100); (*S)[i] = buf; // Text (*S)[i] = Soft_Label_Key_Set::Soft_Label_Key::Left; // Justification } NCursesApplication::getApplication()->push(*S); F(); NCursesApplication::getApplication()->pop(); delete S; return FALSE; } }; // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class PadAction : public NCursesMenuItem { public: PadAction(const char* s) : NCursesMenuItem(s) { } bool action() { const int GRIDSIZE = 3; const int PADSIZE = 200; unsigned gridcount = 0; NCursesPanel mystd; NCursesPanel P(mystd.lines()-2, mystd.cols()-2, 1, 1); NCursesFramedPad FP(P, PADSIZE, PADSIZE); for (int i=0; i < PADSIZE; i++) { for (int j=0; j < PADSIZE; j++) { if (i % GRIDSIZE == 0 && j % GRIDSIZE == 0) { if (i==0 || j==0) FP.addch('+'); else FP.addch(static_cast('A' + (gridcount++ % 26))); } else if (i % GRIDSIZE == 0) FP.addch('-'); else if (j % GRIDSIZE == 0) FP.addch('|'); else FP.addch(' '); } } P.label("Pad Demo", NULL); FP(); P.clear(); return FALSE; } }; // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class PassiveItem : public NCursesMenuItem { public: PassiveItem(const char* text) : NCursesMenuItem(text) { options_off(O_SELECTABLE); } }; // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class ScanAction : public NCursesMenuItem { public: ScanAction(const char* s) : NCursesMenuItem(s) { } bool action() { NCursesPanel *mystd = new NCursesPanel(); NCursesPanel *w = new NCursesPanel(mystd->lines() - 2, mystd->cols() - 2, 1, 1); w->box(); w->refresh(); NCursesPanel *s = new NCursesPanel(w->lines() - 6, w->cols() - 6, 3, 3); s->scrollok(TRUE); ::echo(); s->printw("Enter decimal integers. The running total will be shown\n"); int nvalue = -1; int result = 0; while (nvalue != 0) { nvalue = 0; s->scanw("%d", &nvalue); if (nvalue != 0) { s->printw("%d: ", result += nvalue); } s->refresh(); } s->printw("\nPress any key to continue..."); s->getch(); delete s; delete w; delete mystd; ::noecho(); return FALSE; } }; // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class MyMenu : public NCursesMenu { private: NCursesPanel* P; NCursesMenuItem** I; UserData *u; #define n_items 7 public: MyMenu () : NCursesMenu (n_items+2, 8, (lines()-10)/2, (cols()-10)/2), P(0), I(0), u(0) { u = new UserData(1); I = new NCursesMenuItem*[1+n_items]; I[0] = new PassiveItem("One"); I[1] = new PassiveItem("Two"); I[2] = new MyAction ("Silly", u); I[3] = new FormAction("Form"); I[4] = new PadAction("Pad"); I[5] = new ScanAction("Scan"); I[6] = new QuitItem(); I[7] = new NCursesMenuItem(); // Terminating empty item InitMenu(I, TRUE, TRUE); P = new NCursesPanel(1, n_items, LINES-1, 1); boldframe("Demo", "Silly"); P->show(); } MyMenu& operator=(const MyMenu& rhs) { if (this != &rhs) { *this = rhs; } return *this; } MyMenu(const MyMenu& rhs) : NCursesMenu(rhs), P(0), I(0), u(0) { } ~MyMenu() THROWS(NCursesException) { P->hide(); delete P; delete u; } virtual void On_Menu_Init() { NCursesWindow W(::stdscr); P->move(0, 0); P->clrtoeol(); for(int i=1; i<=count(); i++) P->addch('0' + i); P->bkgd(W.getbkgd()); refresh(); } virtual void On_Menu_Termination() { P->move(0, 0); P->clrtoeol(); refresh(); } virtual void On_Item_Init(NCursesMenuItem& item) { P->move(0, item.index()); P->attron(A_REVERSE); P->printw("%1d", 1+item.index()); P->attroff(A_REVERSE); refresh(); } virtual void On_Item_Termination(NCursesMenuItem& item) { P->move(0, item.index()); P->attroff(A_REVERSE); P->printw("%1d", 1+item.index()); refresh(); } }; // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // class TestApplication : public NCursesApplication { protected: int titlesize() const { return 1; } void title(); Soft_Label_Key_Set::Label_Layout useSLKs() const { return Soft_Label_Key_Set::PC_Style_With_Index; } void init_labels(Soft_Label_Key_Set& S) const; public: TestApplication() : NCursesApplication(TRUE) { } int run(); }; void TestApplication::init_labels(Soft_Label_Key_Set& S) const { for(int i=1; i <= S.labels(); i++) { char buf[8]; assert(i < 100); ::_nc_SPRINTF(buf, _nc_SLIMIT(sizeof(buf)) "Key%02d", i % 100); S[i] = buf; // Text S[i] = Soft_Label_Key_Set::Soft_Label_Key::Left; // Justification } } void TestApplication::title() { const char * const titleText = "Simple C++ Binding Demo"; const int len = ::strlen(titleText); getTitleWindow()->bkgd(screen_titles()); getTitleWindow()->addstr(0, (getTitleWindow()->cols() - len)/2, titleText); getTitleWindow()->noutrefresh(); } int TestApplication::run() { MyMenu M; M(); return 0; } // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // static TestApplication *Demo = new TestApplication(); #if (defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)) // This is actually only needed when ncurses is a dll NCURSES_CXX_MAIN #endif