/* * $Id: inserts.c,v 1.13 2005/04/16 15:56:42 tom Exp $ * * Demonstrate the winsstr() and winsch functions. * Thomas Dickey - 2002/10/19 */ #include #define InsNStr insnstr #define InsStr insstr #define MvInsNStr mvinsnstr #define MvInsStr mvinsstr #define MvWInsNStr mvwinsnstr #define MvWInsStr mvwinsstr #define WInsNStr winsnstr #define WInsStr winsstr #define InsCh insch #define MvInsCh mvinsch #define MvWInsCh mvwinsch #define WInsCh winsch #define TABSIZE 8 typedef enum { oDefault = 0, oMove = 1, oWindow = 2, oMoveWindow = 3 } Options; static bool m_opt = FALSE; static bool w_opt = FALSE; static int n_opt = -1; static void legend(WINDOW *win, int level, Options state, char *buffer, int length) { NCURSES_CONST char *showstate; switch (state) { default: case oDefault: showstate = ""; break; case oMove: showstate = " (mvXXX)"; break; case oWindow: showstate = " (winXXX)"; break; case oMoveWindow: showstate = " (mvwinXXX)"; break; } wmove(win, 0, 0); wprintw(win, "The Strings/Chars displays should match. Enter any characters, except:\n"); wprintw(win, "down-arrow or ^N to repeat on next line, 'w' for inner window, 'q' to exit.\n"); wclrtoeol(win); wprintw(win, "Level %d,%s inserted %d characters <%s>", level, showstate, length, buffer); } static int ColOf(char *buffer, int length, int margin) { int n; int result; for (n = 0, result = margin + 1; n < length; ++n) { int ch = UChar(buffer[n]); switch (ch) { case '\n': /* actually newline should clear the remainder of the line * and move to the next line - but that seems a little awkward * in this example. */ case '\r': result = 0; break; case '\b': if (result > 0) --result; break; case '\t': result += (TABSIZE - (result % TABSIZE)); break; case '\177': result += 2; break; default: ++result; if (ch < 32) ++result; break; } } return result; } #define LEN(n) ((length - (n) > n_opt) ? n_opt : (length - (n))) static void test_inserts(int level) { static bool first = TRUE; int ch; int limit; int row = 1; int col; int row2, col2; int length; char buffer[BUFSIZ]; WINDOW *look = 0; WINDOW *work = 0; WINDOW *show = 0; int margin = (2 * TABSIZE) - 1; Options option = ((m_opt ? oMove : oDefault) | ((w_opt || (level > 0)) ? oWindow : oDefault)); if (first) { static char cmd[80]; setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); putenv(strcpy(cmd, "TABSIZE=8")); initscr(); (void) cbreak(); /* take input chars one at a time, no wait for \n */ (void) noecho(); /* don't echo input */ keypad(stdscr, TRUE); } limit = LINES - 5; if (level > 0) { look = newwin(limit, COLS - (2 * (level - 1)), 0, level - 1); work = newwin(limit - 2, COLS - (2 * level), 1, level); show = newwin(4, COLS, limit + 1, 0); box(look, 0, 0); wnoutrefresh(look); limit -= 2; } else { work = stdscr; show = derwin(stdscr, 4, COLS, limit + 1, 0); } keypad(work, TRUE); for (col = margin + 1; col < COLS; col += TABSIZE) mvwvline(work, row, col, '.', limit - 2); mvwvline(work, row, margin, ACS_VLINE, limit - 2); mvwvline(work, row, margin + 1, ACS_VLINE, limit - 2); limit /= 2; mvwaddstr(work, 1, 2, "String"); mvwaddstr(work, limit + 1, 2, "Chars"); wnoutrefresh(work); buffer[length = 0] = '\0'; legend(show, level, option, buffer, length); wnoutrefresh(show); doupdate(); /* * Show the characters inserted in color, to distinguish from those that * are shifted. */ if (has_colors()) { start_color(); init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLUE); wbkgdset(work, COLOR_PAIR(1) | ' '); } while ((ch = wgetch(work)) != 'q') { if (ch == ERR) { beep(); break; } wmove(work, row, margin + 1); switch (ch) { case 'w': test_inserts(level + 1); touchwin(look); touchwin(work); touchwin(show); wnoutrefresh(look); wnoutrefresh(work); wnoutrefresh(show); doupdate(); break; case CTRL('N'): case KEY_DOWN: if (row < limit) { ++row; /* put the whole string in, all at once */ col2 = margin + 1; switch (option) { case oDefault: if (n_opt > 1) { for (col = 0; col < length; col += n_opt) { col2 = ColOf(buffer, col, margin); if (move(row, col2) != ERR) { InsNStr(buffer + col, LEN(col)); } } } else { if (move(row, col2) != ERR) { InsStr(buffer); } } break; case oMove: if (n_opt > 1) { for (col = 0; col < length; col += n_opt) { col2 = ColOf(buffer, col, margin); MvInsNStr(row, col2, buffer + col, LEN(col)); } } else { MvInsStr(row, col2, buffer); } break; case oWindow: if (n_opt > 1) { for (col = 0; col < length; col += n_opt) { col2 = ColOf(buffer, col, margin); if (wmove(work, row, col2) != ERR) { WInsNStr(work, buffer + col, LEN(col)); } } } else { if (wmove(work, row, col2) != ERR) { WInsStr(work, buffer); } } break; case oMoveWindow: if (n_opt > 1) { for (col = 0; col < length; col += n_opt) { col2 = ColOf(buffer, col, margin); MvWInsNStr(work, row, col2, buffer + col, LEN(col)); } } else { MvWInsStr(work, row, col2, buffer); } break; } /* do the corresponding single-character insertion */ row2 = limit + row; for (col = 0; col < length; ++col) { col2 = ColOf(buffer, col, margin); switch (option) { case oDefault: if (move(row2, col2) != ERR) { InsCh(UChar(buffer[col])); } break; case oMove: MvInsCh(row2, col2, UChar(buffer[col])); break; case oWindow: if (wmove(work, row2, col2) != ERR) { WInsCh(work, UChar(buffer[col])); } break; case oMoveWindow: MvWInsCh(work, row2, col2, UChar(buffer[col])); break; } } } else { beep(); } break; case KEY_BACKSPACE: ch = '\b'; /* FALLTHRU */ default: if (ch <= 0 || ch > 255) { beep(); break; } buffer[length++] = ch; buffer[length] = '\0'; /* put the string in, one character at a time */ col = ColOf(buffer, length - 1, margin); switch (option) { case oDefault: if (move(row, col) != ERR) { InsStr(buffer + length - 1); } break; case oMove: MvInsStr(row, col, buffer + length - 1); break; case oWindow: if (wmove(work, row, col) != ERR) { WInsStr(work, buffer + length - 1); } break; case oMoveWindow: MvWInsStr(work, row, col, buffer + length - 1); break; } /* do the corresponding single-character insertion */ switch (option) { case oDefault: if (move(limit + row, col) != ERR) { InsCh(UChar(ch)); } break; case oMove: MvInsCh(limit + row, col, UChar(ch)); break; case oWindow: if (wmove(work, limit + row, col) != ERR) { WInsCh(work, UChar(ch)); } break; case oMoveWindow: MvWInsCh(work, limit + row, col, UChar(ch)); break; } wnoutrefresh(work); legend(show, level, option, buffer, length); wnoutrefresh(show); doupdate(); break; } } if (level > 0) { delwin(show); delwin(work); delwin(look); } } static void usage(void) { static const char *tbl[] = { "Usage: inserts [options]" ,"" ,"Options:" ," -n NUM limit string-inserts to NUM bytes on ^N replay" ," -m perform wmove/move separately from insert-functions" ," -w use window-parameter even when stdscr would be implied" }; unsigned n; for (n = 0; n < SIZEOF(tbl); ++n) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", tbl[n]); ExitProgram(EXIT_FAILURE); } int main(int argc GCC_UNUSED, char *argv[]GCC_UNUSED) { int ch; setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "mn:w")) != EOF) { switch (ch) { case 'm': m_opt = TRUE; break; case 'n': n_opt = atoi(optarg); if (n_opt == 0) n_opt = -1; break; case 'w': w_opt = TRUE; break; default: usage(); break; } } if (optind < argc) usage(); test_inserts(0); endwin(); ExitProgram(EXIT_SUCCESS); }